Jquery - tell when the hash changes? - javascript

I'm trying to make my site respond correctly to the back button. I've saved that hash of what I want it to do, but I don't know the hook for jQuery to be able to tell when the hash changes. It's not .ready(), because the page doesn't reload. What do I use?
Edit for a bit of clarity:
I'm using an iframe, so I can't tell when someone clicks a link. It's on the same subdomain, so i'm able to see it's filepath, and am saving it so you can bookmark. Unfortunately by saving it as a hash, my back button now fails to reload, which fails to reload the iframe, so my back button is essentially broken. If there was a way to tell when the URI changes, I could check it against the iframe address and change it if they don't match.
All I need is a way to check if the URI has changed. Is there a .change() for the URI? Something along those lines?

You can try History Event plugin.

After the document is ready, you examine the hash and alter the page appropriately.
I don't know the hook for jQuery to be able to tell when the hash changes
You can intercept your hash anchors' click events and respond appropriately as opposed to waiting for a "the hash has changed" event (which doesn't exist).
Some approaches create a "the hash has changed" event by inspecting window.location.hash on a timer.

Ben 'the cowboy' Alman wrote a cross platform plugin for hash changes
I dont know if your using it inside of the iframe or what, but if you were to use it outside the iframe it would be like
//Insert event to be triggered on has change.

You should have a look at the solution of Ben Nadel which is in binding events to non-DOM objects.

There is'nt a buitin way to watch for hash changes, in firefox you could use watch method, but as far as I know it isnt default, so you can hack it writing something like (see below)
function setWatchHashChanges(functionObject)
window.location.watch('hash', function(e){functionObject(e);return e;});
} else {
setWatchHasnChanges.hash = window.locaton.hash;
} else {
if(setWatchHasnChanges.hash!== window.locaton.hash)
setWatchHasnChanges.hash = window.locaton.hash;
}, 100);


How can I detect page navigation without reloading?

I have script, what work one time when window loaded, it work on this page, but site use some navigation links what not fully reload page (see this answer for example: Modify the URL without reloading the page). How can I detect that and run my script again?
I have one idea: storing URL (without anchor) in variable and check it periodically with current url, but I think this is bad solution. May be you know better one?
JavaScript or JQuery is possible to use.
Use window.onpopstate or window.onpushstate if u are using pushState or replaceState ( from ur given example).
To Navigate Without reload ( you already did this )
// Your code to fetch new URL body and title
// update the DOM then use following code to update URL also (don't use location.href, otherwise the page reloads)
// sorry u already know this because u provided the example ;)
let data = { title : "Current Title",
body : document.body.innerHTML" } // to store current page data
window.history.pushState(data, 0, "newURL");
To detect navigation ( i.e., you wanna do )
window.onpushstate: when above code runs for navigation to a new url and load new content without reload ...
window.onpushstate(function() {
// detects ur navigation
window.onpopstate: when you press back button
window.onpopstate(function (e) {
let { data } = e.state;
// data object that u gave in pushState method when u called ur last / latest pushState method...
// use this data to retrieve previous data content and title
let { title, body } = data;
document.title = title;
document.body.innerHTML = body
for more detail mdn docs
That's because the new pages are either
1 ) Already at the ready and simply being brought in-sight by jQuery
2 ) Ajax called in.
If you scout for your navigation (the links you click on to go to the other page), you should find click me or so.
If you look for wherever this is is bound (i.e.: $('#navigation a').on("click", function(){});, you can simply wrap your script within a function, and trigger this function together with loading the new page every time. (after it, obviously).
I wish I could be more clear, but you did not provide any code yourself, so I have absolutely no idea of what kind of example I should be giving here.
-- the point: Those page changes are triggered by something in your javascript. Find the trigger that makes the page-change happen, and simply insert myCustomFunction();.
If you want to make your bindings update with a new DOM, you could use this:
function setBindings(){
//removing the old bindings prevents the "click" from triggering twice.
$('a').on("click", function(){
//load page and such here
//Apply script you want to run here
setbindings(); //rerun the function to set the bindings.
I think you are looking for hashchanges you can listen to this event onhashchange
window.onhashchange = function(e) {
var sublink = window.location.hash.substring(1);
//do your thing here
You can also check what updated the url after the hashchange
var sublink = window.location.hash.substring(1);
I think the URL of script is cached,do you used Ajax get method?if it is,please
like this write url "wwww.baidu.com?"+Math.random();if not is ,in the firefox ,you can used pageshow event.

JS and JQuery: Get the new href only after changing it

I have a below anchor as below
<a onclick="return getFile('/log/sample.log');" href="/log/sample.log" target="_blank"> sample.log </a>
Because at my server, the log directory in href may be not correct. So the function "getFile" would change the href to the correct one after asking the server.
The first click always failed since the link was not correct, then after AJAX process in getFile was finished and the correct href was given, the clicks later on was ok.
The problem is how I forcefully let html wait ever at the first click until the href is changed, then do the query on the server.
Thanks in advance.
I guess my current way could be not in the correct direction by using "onclick" to implement the idea.
You want something like this
$(function() {
//assume you tagged all anchors you want to do this for with class=adjustlink
$('a.adjustlink').click(function(e) {
var thisAnchor = $(this); //save reference for later use
//this will either be true (see below) or undefined (falsy)
if(thisAnchor.data('myapp.linkHasBeenTested')) {
return; //continue on
// Stop the link from being navigated (the default for this event)
//I'm assuming this is fetched as text but could just as well be JSON or anything else
$.get('/LinkAdjustment/', thisAnchor.attr('href')).done(function(result) {
thisAnchor.attr('href', result); //set the href
thisAnchor.data('myapp.linkHasBeenTested', true);
As an interesting side-note. You might be attempting to do something similar to the way REST is intended to be done. You might consider, first fetching a resource that will tell you up-front what the correct links are.
I would recomend setting the href to # initially. And in your getFile, set the href to the correct value and then programatically click the 'a' on success of your ajax
You will need to find the element to do this. It can either be done by setting an id and then using document.getElementById(), or would be easier to do do this using Jquery selectors, and it even has a .click() you can call after.
If you want persist with this flow make your ajax call synchronous, it will forcibly wait.
But this flow is not suggested, I would have rather updated these hrefs on page load or would have set a default url to my server page, which would then redirect to right log file

Click count possible with javascript?

Let's say, in website, I want to display the notice message block whenever people click any of the link at my website more than x number of times. Is that possible to count with javascript and display the notice message block ? And can we count the refresh times also ? Or can it be only done with server side language like php ? Please kindly suggest. Thank you.
With Regards,
To do something when any link is clicked is best done with JQuery's live:
Description: Attach a handler to the
event for all elements which match the
current selector, now and in the
$('a').live('click', function() {
// Live handler called.
Even if you add more links in run time, this will take care of it.
For counting refreshes I would do it with ajax calls on window.load event, or if you want to use new tech - store it locally with Html5. :-)
You can do that on the client. However, this will be limited to the browser. The simplest will be to store this information in cookies on the client. For instance with jQuery you could simply intercept clicks like that:
$("a").click(function() {
var clickedUrl = $(this).attr('href');
// Here you update the cookie for the count of clicks for that A URL
I would either count page refreshes serverside or probably call an ajax function to update the count when the page loads.
If you want to count clicks you may need to bind an event to each link and then for each indivisual button store the number of clicks in global variables...
You could register each click event on the document by using:
// Check the number in the cookie and add another
// click to the cookie
Then you could use the jQuery cookie plugin to store that value and check it each time there is a click (in the function above).
here's the cookie plugin: https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie
I threw together a quick example. If you're not worried about doing this from page to page then you don't need cookies, just store it in a variable:

onHashChange running onLoad... awkward

So I'd like my page to load content if a window's hash has changed.
Using Mootools, this is pretty easy:
$extend(Element.NativeEvents, {
hashchange: 1
and then:
window.addEvent('hashchange', function() {});
However, the hashchange event is firing when the page is being loaded, even though the specification require it not to fire until the page load is complete!
Unless I am loading the page for the first time, with no hash, then all works as expected.
I think the problem here is the fact that the browser considers the page load "complete", and then runs the rest of the JavaScript, which includes hash detection to load the requisite page.
For example, if I typed in http://foo.bar/, all would work fine. However, http://foo.bar/#test would, ideally, load the initial page, detect the hash, and load the "test" content.
Unfortunately, the browser loads the initial page, considers it "domready", and THEN loads the "test" content, which would then fire onHashChange. Oops?
This causes an infinite loop, unless I specifically ask the browser NOT to update the hash if an onHashChange event is firing. That's easy:
var noHashChange;
noHashChange = true;
var hashes = window.location.hash.substr(1).split("/"); // Deciphers the hash, in this case, hashes[0] is "test"
selectContent(hashes[0]); // Here, selectContent would read noHashChange, and wouldn't update the hash
noHashChange = false;
So now, updating the hash AFTER the page has loaded will work properly. Except it still goes nuts on an initial page load and fetches the content about 3 or 4 times, because it keeps detecting the hash has changed. Messy.
I think it may have something to do with how I am setting the hash, but I can't think of a better way to do so except:
window.location.hash = foobar;
... inside of a function that is run whenever new content is selected.
Therein lies the problem, yes? The page is loaded, THEN the content is loaded (if there is content)...
I hope I've been coherent...
Perhaps you could check the hash first to eliminate the recursion:
if(window.location.hash != foobar){ window.location.hash = foobar;}
Why is the onHashChange handler changing the hash anyways? If there's some default that it's selecting first before loading the content, then perhaps that could go in a seperate function.
(I say this because it looks like you've some sort of directory structure-esque convention to your location.hash'es, perhaps you're selecting a specific leaf of a tree when the root is selected or something?)
you could implement an observer for the hash object that will trigger a function when the has object has changed.it does nothing to do with the actual loading of the page.
the best way to do this is via Object.prototype.watch
see other pages on same topic : On - window.location.hash - Change?
have a look at MooTools History it implements the onhashchange if the new html5 history api isn't available, no need to reinvent the wheel :)

Is there a way to catch the back button event in javascript?

Is there a way to respond to the back button being hit (or backspace being pressed) in javascript when only the location hash changes? That is to say when the browser is not communicating with the server or reloading the page.
Use the hashchange event:
window.addEventListener("hashchange", function(e) {
// ...
If you need to support older browsers, check out the hashChange Event section in Modernizr's HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills wiki page.
I did a fun hack to solve this issue to my satisfaction. I've got an AJAX site that loads content dynamically, then modifies the window.location.hash, and I had code to run upon $(document).ready() to parse the hash and load the appropriate section. The thing is that I was perfectly happy with my section loading code for navigation, but wanted to add a way to intercept the browser back and forward buttons, which change the window location, but not interfere with my current page loading routines where I manipulate the window.location, and polling the window.location at constant intervals was out of the question.
What I ended up doing was creating an object as such:
var pageload = {
ignorehashchange: false,
loadUrl: function(){
if (pageload.ignorehashchange == false){
//code to parse window.location.hash and load content
Then, I added a line to my site script to run the pageload.loadUrl function upon the hashchange event, as such:
window.addEventListener("hashchange", pageload.loadUrl, false);
Then, any time I want to modify the window.location.hash without triggering this page loading routine, I simply add the following line before each window.location.hash = line:
pageload.ignorehashchange = true;
and then the following line after each hash modification line:
setTimeout(function(){pageload.ignorehashchange = false;}, 100);
So now my section loading routines are usually running, but if the user hits the 'back' or 'forward' buttons, the new location is parsed and the appropriate section loaded.
Check out history.js. There is a html 5 statechange event and you can listen to it.
onLocationChange may also be useful. Not sure if this is a Mozilla-only thing though, appears that it might be.
Did you took a look at this? http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/history/

