Autocompletion results formatting with JQuery - javascript

I am currently using this autocomplete plugin. It's pretty straightforward. It accepts a URL, and then uses that data to perform an auto-complete.
This is my code to auto-complete it.
autocompleteurl = '/misc/autocomplete/?q='+$("#q").val()
$("#q").autocomplete(autocompleteurl, {multiple:true});
If someone types "apple", that autocompleteurl page will return this result:
apple store,applebees,,apple trailers,apple store locator,apple vacations,applebees menu,apple iphone,apple tablet,apple tv
However, for some reason, when I actually use this auto-complete, everything is junked together. The plugin treats the entire page as a one big string, instead of separating the commas and treating them as individual items.
Can someone tell me what options I need to put in order to treat them as individual items? I've tried many options but none work.

From the manual (
A value of "foo" would result in this
request url:
The result must return with one value
on each line. The result is presented
in the order the backend sends it.
From what you have posted it seems like you have it comma separated.

The plugin automatically adds the q to the querystring and uses the current value of the text box as the value.
This should be sufficient as long as you're returning the data in the correct format:
$("#q").autocomplete('/misc/autocomplete/', {multiple:true});

#alex I'm getting quirky behavior too - for 2/3/4 alphabets.
See .
If you set the minChars option to 2 or 3 it makes things more sane.
There's funny behavior when you have 5 results for "ab" and the same 5 results for "abc" - it does nothing, giving the impression that it is not working!
But it is working and I suspect it has to do with caching options.


Firestore says I have inequality filter on multiple properties, when I don't

I am trying to do a "small hack" to avoid reading the User document everytime the page loads. So I save it locally, everytime the page loads I get the local version, get the updated_at property and then do something like WHERE last_updated > {{updated_at}}. For that, I want to use this:
.where(firebase.firestore.FieldPath.documentId(), '==', firebase.auth().currentUser.uid)
.where('updated_at', '>', updated_at)
As you can see, I have one equality (==) and one inequality (>). Why do I get the following error on the console:
FirebaseError: Cannot have inequality filters on multiple properties: updated_at
at new t (
at t.fromRpcStatus (
at t.fromWatchChange (
at t.onMessage (
I am doing this to try to avoid reading from the database if the local version is the same as the one in the database. Maybe if you have a better way, please let me know.
firebaser here
The equality check you have on documentId() is internally converted into a range check by Firestore, because the keys are stored as the last items in existing indexes (if I understand correctly). And that means that server-side you're trying to perform two inequality/range checks, which isn't allowed.
So the behavior you are seeing is correct. But it's definitely not intuitive, and the error message is also not helpful. We'll look for a way to improve the error message by detecting this combination.
I had the same problem and I implemented the following hack: I added the id as part of the field name on which I made the check for the latest version. If your logic allows you to do that, for you this would mean:
.where(id + '_updated_at', '>', updated_at)
This allows to bundle in just one where statement both the check on the id and on the date (documents with different ids wont have the field id + '_updated_at' and wont therefore be selected).
Worked like a charm for me

ArrayCollection (Collection of forms) index collision in Symfony 2

I am using Symfony2 to build up my page.
When I try to update a collection of forms (like described in the cookbook entry "How to Embed a Collection of Forms"), i get a collision of the indexes of the frontend and the indexes of the ArrayCollection in the backend.
I've got the relation User <-> Address (OneToMany). A user wants to create/update/delete his addresses, therefore he can add / delete in the frontend with the help of the javascript part new address elements. He does the following:
(1) Adds new address (has index: 0)
(2) Adds new address (has index: 1) and instantly removes this address again
(3) Adds new address (has index: 2).
When he clicks on save button, the following code saves/updates the user (and its addresses):
New addresses for example are then correctly persisted to the database.
Now the user wants to update the address e.g. with index 0.
When he now clicks on the save button, it updates the adress with "index 0", but at the same time, it adds again the address with "index 2" to the database (object).
To better understand the problem, i've drawn a small illustration (handmade, sorry for my bad art skills):
Now , i've got two times the address with "index 1" within my object / database.
I know why this happens, it's because the first "index 1" address gets mapped to the ArrayCollection element "number 1", and the second gets mapped to "number 2 "(because of the frontend name "index 2").
You can say: "it just fills up the addresses, until it reaches the frontend index in the backend"..
But how can I fix this behaviour ?
Site note:
This behaviour occurs using ajax requests, because if you would reload the page after clicking "save button", it would reindex the addresses in the frontend correctly with the indexes in the backend.
My suggestion to handle that situation:
Reindexing the frontend indexes after clicking save with the server side
indexes. Is this a clear / the only solution for my problem?
Yes, this is problem of Symfony form collection and it has no easy solution imho. But I have to ask why don't you do exactly the same thing what page refresh does? You can refresh only html snippet with collection. HTML code for snippet can come from server-side. Back to your question - yes, reindexing is good solution until you do not want to try write custom collection type on your own.
There is similar problem with validating in collection - symfony/symfony/issues/7468.
Well I think default collection type and the tutorial in Symfony docs has the some drawbacks. Hope that's help.
I have come round this issue on the client side by modifying the Javascript/Jquery code given in the Symfony Documentation.
Instead of numbering the new elements by counting the sub-elements, I am looking at the last element's id and extracting its index with a regular expression.
When adding an element, I am incrementing the last index by 1. That way, I never use the same index.
Here is my code :
// Initializing default index at 0
var index = 0;
// Looking for collection fields in the form
var $findinput = $container.find(':input');
// If fields found then looking for last existing index
if ( $findinput.length > 0 ) {
// Reading id of last field
var myString = $findinput.last().attr('id')
// Setting regular expression to extract number from id containing letters, hyphens and underscores
var myRegex = /^[-_A-Za-z]+([0-9]+)[-_A-Za-z]*$/
// Executing regular expression on last collection field id
var test = myRegex.exec(myString);
// Extracting last index and incrementing by 1
if (test.length > 0) index = parseInt(test[1]) + 1;
I ran into this problem a couple of times during the past two years. Usually, following the Symfony tutorial How to Embed a Collection of Forms does the job just fine. You need to do a little bit javascript coding to add the "edit/update" functionality, but other than that - you should be just fine using this approach.
If, on the other hand, you have a really complex form which uses AJAX to validate/save/calculation/business logic/etc, I've found it's usually a better to store the final data into an array in the session. After submitting the form, inside the if($form->isValid()){...} block, you would have
$collection = new ArrayCollection($mySessionPlainArray);
I would like to warn you to be careful with the serialization of your data - you might get some awkward exceptions or misbehavior if you're using entities (see my question).
I'm sorry I can't provide more code, but the solution to this problem sometimes is quite complex.

List of autocomplete items in Dojo FilteringSelect

I have a typical FilteringSelect that works when I type in it and I can retrieve the value from the box, which is good. However, I'm trying to determine if I can access to that list of items that it returns.
For instance, if I have the following items in my store:
And I type in 'a' I want to get the an array that gets me 'apple' and 'axe'.
I'm assuming this will go somewhere in the onKeyPress: function , I'm just not familiar enough with the documentation. I've looked into dijit.byId('selectId') but from there I just don't know the API/documentation well enough
You should look at the API Documentation. There you can see a summary of all events possible. When you read it, you should come to the event called onSearch which returns 3 parameters:
the query
the results
some options
So what you want is the onSearch event and read the results parameter. I made a JSFiddle to show you an example.
Another possible solution is to query the store directly, which can be useful if you don't need the FilteringSelect, but if you just want to get a list of items based on a query. You can also see how that works in my JSFiddle.
EDIT: I Just noticed that you can't access the API documentation. You should really try another browser then, since the API documentation contains a lot of interesting things and is usually the reference for events/methods and properties.
I would have a look at the following properties from the Dojo API page: (click on dijit/form/FilteringSelect)
Defined by dijit/form/_SearchMixin
A query that can be passed to store to initially filter the items. ComboBox overwrites any reference to the searchAttr and sets it to the queryExpr with the user's input substituted.
Defined by dijit/form/_SearchMixin
This specifies what query is sent to the data store, based on what the user has typed. Changing this expression will modify whether the results are only exact matches, a "starting with" match, etc. query expression pattern. ${0} will be substituted for the user text. * is used for wildcards. ${0}* means "starts with", ${0} means "contains", ${0} means "is"
Defined by dijit/form/_SearchMixin
Search for items in the data store where this attribute (in the item) matches what the user typed
For example (Haven't tried this so not sure if it will work or not):
* Use attr to retrieve or set dojo properties.
var srchItems = dijit.byId('resistForm').attr("searchAttr","a");

Auto Complete does not filter results when I'm typing

I have very simple form that gets values in JSON format from searchAlbum.php. It works when I start typing something in, but it does not filter results, for example it shows 123 as available even though I typed ab.
This is what my saerchAlbum.php is returning
This is my Java Script code
source: 'searchAlbum.php'
You might say that it should not filter my resoulds and I need to pass my input as a paramater but why then this examle on jquery-ui page does that for me?
The documentation isn't clear about it, but the only time the autocompleter does the filtering for you is when your code isn't getting called at all (e.g., you've given it an array as source). When your code is getting called (either client-side code because you've given a function for source, or server-side code because you've given a URL), your code is expected to do the filtering.
You might say that it should not filter my resoulds and I need to pass my input as a paramater but why then this examle on jquery-ui page does that for me?
Because the search.php page that the example calls filters the results based on the term parameter the autocompleter passes it. Compare the results you get from these:
You can see that it's filtering server-side.
The js sends a query string parameter named "term", your php code needs to return data by filtering existing data that match the "term" parameter.
This isn't a Javascript or jQuery problem, but a PHP problem. As mentioned in the linked jQuery-UI page, the source script must process the "term" property via a GET request.

Related Parameters in HTML

I have a table of rows and columns on an HTML-based entry form that allows the user to edit multiple records. Each row corresponds to a database record and each column to a database field.
When the user submits the form, the server needs to figure out which request parameter belongs to which row. The method I've been using for years is to prefix or suffix each HTML input element's name to indicate the row it belongs to. For example, all input elements would have the suffix "row1" so that the server would know that request parameters whose names end with "row1" are field values for the first row.
While this works, one caveat of the suffix/prefix approach is that you're adding a constraint that you can't name any other elements with a particular suffix/prefix. So I wonder if there's a better, more elegant approach. I'm using JSP for the presentation layer, by the way.
I don't know JSP very well, but in PHP you would define your input fields' names with an array syntax.
<input name='person[]'>
<input name='person[]'>
<input name='person[]'>
When PHP receives a form like that, it gives you an array (within the standard $_POST array), thus:
Which makes it very easy to deal with having as many sets of fields as you want.
You can also explicitly name the array elements:
<input name='person[teamleader]'>
<input name='person[developer1]'>
would give you an array with those keys. If your current prefixes are meaningful beyond simply numbering the records, this would solve that problem.
I don't know whether the identical syntax would work for JSP, but I imagine it would allow something very similar.
Hope that helps.
Current user agents send back the values in the order of the fields as presented to the user.
This means that you could (theoretically) drop the prefix/suffix altogether and sort it out based on the ordering of the values. You'd get something like
I don't know how your framework returns that, but many return it as lists of each value
name = [Tom, Jane, Roger]
gender = [M, F, M]
If you pop an element off of each list, you should get a related set that you can work with.
The downside to this is that it relies on a standard behavior which is not actually required by the specification. Still... it's a convenient solution with a behavior that won't be problematic in practice.
When browsers POST that information back to the server, it is just a list of parameters:
So really, I think you can answer a simpler question: how do you relate keys in a key-value list?
Alternatively, you can go to a more structured delivery method (JSON or XML), which will automatically give you a structured data format. Of course, this means you'll need to build this value on the browser first, then send it via AJAX (or via the value of a hidden input field) and then unpack/deserialize it in the server code.
or JSON:
[{ "name":"Jeff", "browser":"Chrome"}, { "name":"Mark", "browser":"IE8" }]
There are many resources/tutorials on how to do this... Google it. Or go with the ostensible StackOverflow consensus and try jQuery.

