Cannot click on SWF when small size in Mac OSX - javascript

I have this website here
If I use PC, I can drag and change volume on top left just fine. But if I use Mac OSX, either Safari or Firefox, I cannot drag the volume in the Flash, although I can see the mouse turn into pointer. Can someone help on why?
Where is the SWF: h**p://

Not sure how to help -- it works for me on Safari 4, Flash version 10,0,22,87.
What happens when you try to drag? Just no effect? What browser and flash version?


kineticJS sprite animation malfunction in iPad and android browser

I’m having a problem with the use of sprite sheets in mobile browsers (ipad/android), a strange behavior occurs, the stage is multiplied and scaled down multiple times when i click on a sprite animation, everything works fine until the click occurs.
Any hint?
The only browser that it doesn’t occurs is the safari from the ios 6 beta in ipad 2. In the native android browser the error happens but in android chrome everything works fine.
In desktop browsers everything works fine.
UPDATE: the problem is the afterFrame, the error is that the index is not valid. I don't understand... what does the afterFrame? i have 7 frames and it gives error if the after frame is superior to 2...
What version are you using? This sounds like a bug that has been fixed in v4.0.1.

Jquery-HTML5 drawing canvas on windows touch screen?

I am creating an application that allows users to draw on the screen using the HTML5 Canvas tag.
This works great when using a mouse, and I even got it working on android using jquery touch.
The problem comes when using a windows 7 or 8 tablet. The reason for why it wont work is simple, the browser tries to scroll instead of mousedown and drag.
The reason why it works on android and not windows is due to the fact that android supports ontouchstart and ontouchend while I can't get it to work on windows tablets.
So, is there any way to get the browser to stop trying to scroll and draw on the screen?

How to test pinch events on a web page on a Macbook

I am working on a website which has an canvas on it. I have an image in the canvas, and what I want to do is pinch to zoom the image (the web page will eventually be on a touch screen). I am using jGestures for detecting pinch event. However, I wonder if there is a way to test on a Mac computer, because when I do pinch on mac trackpad, it zooms the webpage, not the canvas, which means that the pinch on trackpad does not apply to my canvas tag, it zooms my webpage (the font, the width, the height). I also wonder if magic trackpad or magic mouse can do it. Could anyone help?
If you have Xcode you could run the iOS simulator. The simulator would allow you to pinch. Hold down Option key and you should be able to mouse click to zoom in and out.
I got multitouch working on my MacBook's trackpad with npTUIOClient (see article) with an old version of Chrome. Think it was v.10 or so.

Pixastic doesn't work properly in Safari

I'm using the Pixastic javascript library to make several images on a webpage grayscale. It works in Chrome and Firefox, but not in Safari. Sometimes it makes a few random images grayscale, and sometimes it doesn't do anything at all.
Here's a test page to demonstrate the problem:
I'm using Safari 5.1.1 on Mac OSX Lion.
Does anyone know what the problem is? I couldn't find a solution anywhere yet.
Edit: It appears that the canvas elements are created, but the grayscaling part doesn't work.

iPad canvas very bad to zero performance

The javascript library I have created just translates a single picture and zooms it. Touch events and mouse events are used depending on what device.
I ran this javascript code on Firefox (7.0.1), iPhone 3GS (iOS 5.0) and iPhone 4 (iOS 5.0) all with smooth performance, no problem at all.
Then I ran it on iPad 1 (iOS 5.0) with slow performance though zooming and translating the picture works.
Last test was on iPad 2 (iOS 4.3.3) and here I experienced the same slow performance while zooming as iPad 1 but the translating didnt work at all.
I have no clue what this is about, since iPhone is supposed to be alot weaker than an iPad. I would appreciate any help or comments to get me on the right track.
I just ran it on an iPad 2 (iOS 5.0) and it works flawlessly. I also tried iPhone 3GS (iOS 4.2.1) and it didnt work, same as iOS 4.3.3. This means that my application needs iOS 5.0 to run... is it really true you couldnt translate objects before iOS 5.0?
I just ran it on three different iPad 1s (iOS 5.0) and it doesnt work very good. What is the big difference in between an iPhone 4 and an iPad 1? Specs are almost identical. Also the translate didnt work because the function event.pageY/X doesnt work prior to iOS 5. This was fixed by using event.touches.pageX/Y instead.
Well I was developing a small game for testing canvas performance without any special game framework so I kept it simple because I was writing it by myself. The program did nothing special, just moving a sprite around the screen with different joystick types, such as keyboard and mouse for desktop click, and touch events for iOS. I discovered the following:
Using taps direct on the canvas results in poor performance compared to touch events.
Touch events worked well with different canvas sizes up to 1024x768.
I didn't try picture zooming, but that should have be fine as well.
event.pageX, event.pageY worked without problems on iPad (iOS5).
I hope that helps.
Seems like perhaps iOS CANVAS support was the issue. iOS5 has full GPU hardware-accelerated CANVAS support, while previous versions supported CANVAS albeit very poorly.
Surprised that it does not work well on iPad 1 even with iOS 5, though. Can you try closing all currently-running apps, close all other browser tabs, and run the test again?

