Dojo widget defaults - javascript

i'm currently writing a large scale application heavily based on the dojo toolkit. The whole app is working and standing, but one issue i can not find my way out with, is the creation of custom widgets. It would be useful because it would clean up my source code and also i can reuse this 'widgets' in later projects.
For example: i have a main toolbar, which i would like to call using
myapp.toolbar = new myapp.mainToolbar();
instead of using
myapp.toolbar = new new dijit.Toolbar({}, containerID);
var button1 = new dijit.form.Button({
label: 'Delete',
id: 'toolbarbutton1',
showLabel: true,
iconClass: "dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIcon Delete"
So in short: how do i set up the whole toolbar somewhere else and call it as a simple object? Trying to figure out dojo.declare('myapp.mainToolbar', dijit.Toolbar, {...}) but then i get a bunch of errors like 'startup function not existing' etc...
I'd like to do all this programmatically, so without the template html and css files in a custom widget.
A link to a good tutorial or howto would be nice, although google nor yahoo! will reveal any extra's on this matter for me... :)

There are multiple ways to do this.
It seems like your method of extending Toolbar should work (not sure why it didn't).
You can also declare a class that embeds Toolbar and the buttons, using widgetsInTemplate:
dojo.declare("MyToolbar", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], {
_widgetsInTemplate: true,
templateString: '<div> <div dojoType=dijit.Toolbar>' +
' <button dojoType=dijit.form.Button ...
Note that the top node in MyToolbar can't have a dojoType, so I put Toolbar one level down.
Alternately you can do the same thing by using dijit.Declaration, see

It works for me when I use declare with the superclass inside of an array:
dojo.declare('myapp.mainToolbar', [ dijit.Toolbar ],
var x = new myapp.mainToolbar({ ... });
Which kind of violates the docs. It should take one Function or an array of Functions.


Using methods for the menu item callbacks in Google Apps Script

So, I am doing a small project in Google Apps Script, to make adding/exporting leads from it...less painful.
How do I plan to do this?
I plan on doing this via adding some Actions menu, for the importing and exporting of leads. The imported sheet will, for now, be assumed to be of the same columns as the Google Sheet this script is bound to. (We can support some sheet column conversion features later, but it's probably a YAGNI for my use case.) The exported sheet will be converted from the columns of this sheet, to some simplified, ready-to-send-to-the-mailers columns.
How do I plan to code this (or how am I coding this)?
I am using MVVM design pattern, and have spent last night plugging away at writing MVVM wrappers for everything that I need to (keeping KISS in mind).
The MenuItemViewModels have some name,functionName that the Google Apps Script seem to be looking for. I note that there is some major pain-in-the-ass limitation, though: Google Apps Script wants function NAME and it cannot be method!
OK, show me some code or gtfo
I have some SpreadsheetPageViewModel that look like this:
class SpreadsheetPageViewModel extends BaseViewModel {
init() {
this.exportVM = new ExportSpreadsheetEditViewModel();
this.importVM = new ImportSpreadsheetEditViewModel();
this.menuVM = new MenuViewModel(new MenuModel(),
'exportLeads', // this is utility function. I want/need to use openExport method
'importLeads', // this is utility function. I want/need to use openImport method
this.childEditVM = null;
openExport() {
this.childEditVM = this.exportVM;
openImport() {
this.childEditVM = this.importVM;
The business logic for the modals that spawn on menu item click, will live in the child view models to this: the ExportSpreadsheetEditViewModel and ImportSpreadsheetEditViewModel.
I was trying to get around the limitation via this hack:
function onOpen(event) {
// show the menu here....
new SpreadsheetPageView().doShow();
to something like:
var mainView;
function onOpen(event) {
mainView = new SpreadsheetPageView();
// show the menu here....
and then, in the, crawling down that mainView like:
function exportLeads() {
function importLeads() {
What was the result of that hack?
It didn't work. Why? Because when Google Apps Script fired that exportLeads (or importLeads), mainView was no longer defined!!
Does this mean I have to give up my approach?
How can I use the main view/view model in the onClick of the menu items?
Failing all that, is there a way to create our menu, using this MVVM design pattern (and some HTML/React/....), and inject it in?
By using Google Apps Script it's not possible to modify the look and feel of a Google Workspace editor (Docs, Forms, Sheets, Slides) custom menu, in other words, it's not possible to use HTML/React for this but you might use them in dialogs/sidebars.
Regarding using a design pattern, you might use any design pattern that you want but you should have in mind that every time that a Google Apps Script is triggered by an event the whole project is loaded, so if you need that some objects persist between events then you should find a place to save those objects.
To store an object you might use the Google Apps Script Properties Service and/or the Cache Service, just bear in mind that you should convert it to JSON before saving it. Also you might use a Google spreadsheet but this has several limitations or you might use an external service, i.e. nosql database, by using Google Apps Script URL Fetch service.
using and modifying global variables within handler functions
Styling a custom spreadsheet menu item using Google Apps Script
How to define global variable in Google Apps Script
Google Apps Script (V8); why can't I use an object instance inside of onOpen?
With #Ruben's help, I was able to get this working!
What I did
I didn't give up on the MVVM/OOP design.
Instead, I created singleton static method on the drive class, like so:
static GetMainInstance() {
if (!this._mainInstance) {
this._mainInstance = new this();
return this._mainInstance;
and use it instead of directly creating the new drive object.
Also, it is view's responsibility to spawn stuff, so I did some refactoring:
In I added the following methods:
showExport() {
this.viewModel.showExport((childVM) => {
this.editView.viewModel = childVM;
showImport() {
this.viewModel.showImport((childVM) => {
this.editView.viewModel = childVM;
in the, I changed the methods to accept onDone callback:
showExport(onDone) {
this.childEditVM = this.exportVM;
showImport(onDone) {
this.childEditVM = this.importVM;
Simple fix, it works, while staying consistent with the principles!

One view for 2 or more pages (backbone.js)

I have two pages. One of them is dashboard with a lot of functionality. The second page is shared dashboard - the simple version of the first page.
The dashboard contains the view of the database (it can contain much other info, but the problem with this one). You can click on the filter button and modal window will be opened. So, simple version of the dashboard doesn't have this possibility. I'd like to add it, but I don't want to copy+past code from the full version of the dashboard because the code of this part is about two thousand lines. I'll add some primitive code example:
DashboardView = SomeAnotherView.extend({
initialize: function() {...},
events: {...} // huge objects of jQuery events,
render: function () {...},
... // 2k lines of functions for events
How can I use this View on another page? I tried to call a function from this view:
But in this case event.curentTarget is null (it is necessary for this function), I also tried to send "this" to get the context, but it was failed.
Is there a possibility in Backbone.js to use one View for 2+ pages without any huge copy/past code?
Ideally if you have a simple version and full version of a view, you should have a "base view" (simple one) and the full version should extend the base view.
It'll look something like:
var SimpleDashbard = Backbone.view.extend({});
var Dashboard = SimpleDashbard.extend({});
In this way Dashboard will have access to the methods from SimpleDashbard.
Your situation sounds like you need to use a method from extended view in base view. Which is not a good idea. Ideally if it's shared you should move it to the base view/extract it into a utility method or service, and of course this involve re-writing this method to be reusable
If you have views that share a large amount of functionality, you could consider using the same View type, but opening it up to some configuration when instancing. For example:
var DashboardView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(options) {
this.allowFunctionX = (options && options.allowFunctionX);
this.allowFunctionY = (options && options.allowFunctionY);
// etc
functionX: function() {
if (!this.allowFunctionX) { return; }
// do the function...
functionY: function() {
if (!this.allowFunctionY) { return; }
// do the function...
Then on one page:
var firstDashView = new DashboardView({allowFunctionX: true});
and on another page:
var secondDashView = new DashboardView({allowFunctionY: true});
This may become not worth it if the functionality diverges too much (and there are likely better ways to configure than passing in a long list of booleans!). If your requirements are significantly different on your two pages, I feel like duplicating the code they both need is not a major sin.

Best way to organize jQuery/JavaScript code (2013) [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
The Problem
This answer has been answered before but are old and not up to date. I have over 2000 lines of code in a single file, and as we all know this is bad practice, especially when i'm looking through code or adding new features. I want to better organize my code, for now and for the future.
I should mention that I'm building a tool (not a simple website) with lots of buttons, UI elements, drag, drops, action listeners/handlers and function in the global scope where several listeners may use the same function.
Example code
$('#button1').on('click', function(e){
// Determined action.
... // Around 75 more of this
function update_html(){ .... }
More example code
I really need to organize this code for best use and not to repeat myself and be able to add new features and update old ones. I will be working on this by myself. Some selectors can be 100 lines of code others are 1. I have looked a bit at require.js and found it kinda repetitive, and actually writing more code than needed . I'm open to any possible solution that fit this criteria and link to resource / examples are always a plus.
I'll go over some simple things that may, or may not, help you. Some might be obvious, some might be extremely arcane.
Step 1: Compartmentalize your code
Separating your code into multiple, modular units is a very good first step. Round up what works "together" and put them in their own little encased unit. don't worry about the format for now, keep it inline. The structure is a later point.
So, suppose you have a page like this:
It would make sense to compartmentalize so that all the header-related event handlers/binders are in there, for ease of maintenance (and not having to sift through 1000 lines).
You can then use a tool such as Grunt to re-build your JS back to a single unit.
Step 1a: Dependency management
Use a library such as RequireJS or CommonJS to implement something called AMD. Asynchronous Module Loading allows you to explicitely state what your code depends on, which then allows you to offload the library-calling to the code. You can just literally say "This needs jQuery" and the AMD will load it, and execute your code when jQuery is available.
This also has a hidden gem: the library loading will be done the second the DOM is ready, not before. This no longer halts load-up of your page!
Step 2: Modularize
See the wireframe? I have two ad units. They'll most likely have shared event listeners.
Your task in this step is to identify the points of repetition in your code and to try to synthesise all this into modules. Modules, right now, will encompass everything. We'll split stuff as we go along.
The whole idea of this step is to go from step 1 and delete all the copy-pastas, to replace them with units that are loosely coupled. So, instead of having:
$("#au1").click(function() { ... });
$("#au2").click(function() { ... });
I will have:
var AdUnit = function(elem) {
this.element = elem || new jQuery();
AdUnit.prototype.bindEvents = function() {
... Events go here
var AUs = new AdUnit($("#au1,#au2"));
Which allows you to compartmentalize between your events and your markup in addition to getting rid of repetition. This is a pretty decent step and we'll extend this further later on.
Step 3: Pick a framework!
If you'd like to modularize and reduce repetitions even further, there are a bunch of awesome frameworks around that implement MVC (Model - View - Controller) approaches. My favourite is Backbone/Spine, however, there's also Angular, Yii, ... The list goes on.
A Model represents your data.
A View represents your mark-up and all the events associated to it
A Controller represents your business logic - in other words, the controller tells the page what views to load and what models to use.
This will be a significant learning step, but the prize is worth it: it favours clean, modular code over spaghetti.
There are plenty of other things you can do, those are just guidelines and ideas.
Code-specific changes
Here are some specific improvements to your code:
dialog("Create new layer","Enter your layer name","_input", {
'OK' : function(){
var reply = $('.dialog_input').val();
if( reply != null && reply != "" ){
var name = "ln_"+reply.split(' ').join('_');
var parent = "";
if(selected_folder != "" ){
parent = selected_folder+" .content";
.appendTo("#layer_groups "+parent);
.addClass(name).appendTo('#canvas '+selected_folder);
This is better written as:
$("body").on("click",".new_layer", function() {
dialog("Create new layer", "Enter your layer name", "_input", {
OK: function() {
// There must be a way to get the input from here using this, if it is a standard library. If you wrote your own, make the value retrievable using something other than a class selector (horrible performance + scoping +multiple instance issues)
// This is where the view comes into play. Instead of cloning, bind the rendering into a JS prototype, and instantiate it. It means that you only have to modify stuff in one place, you don't risk cloning events with it, and you can test your Layer stand-alone
var newLayer = new Layer();
Earlier in your code:
window.Layer = function() {
this.instance = $("<div>");
// Markup generated here
window.Layer.prototype = {
setName: function(newName) {
bindToGroup: function(parentNode) {
Suddenly, you have a way to create a standard layer from anywhere in your code without copy pasting. You're doing this in five different places. I've just saved you five copy-pastes.
One more:
// Ruleset wrapper for actions
var PageElements = function(ruleSet) {
ruleSet = ruleSet || [];
this.rules = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ruleSet.length; i++) {
if (ruleSet[i].target && ruleSet[i].action) {
} = function(elem) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.rules.length; i++) {
var GlobalRules = new PageElements([
"target": ".draggable",
"action": function() { this.draggable({
cancel: "div#scrolling, .content",
containment: "document"
"target" :".resizable",
"action": function() {
handles: "all",
zIndex: 0,
containment: "document"
// If you need to add elements later on, you can just call;
This is a very potent way to register rules if you have events that are not standard, or creation events. This is also seriously kick-ass when combined with a pub/sub notification system and when bound to an event you fire whenever you create elements. Fire'n'forget modular event binding!
Here is a simple way to split your current codebase into multiple files, using require.js.
I will show you how to split your code into two files. Adding more files will be straightforward after that.
Step 1) At the top of your code, create an App object (or whatever name you prefer, like MyGame):
var App = {}
Step 2) Convert all of your top-level variables and functions to belong to the App object.
Instead of:
var selected_layer = "";
You want:
App.selected_layer = "";
Instead of:
function getModified(){
You want:
App.getModified = function() {
Note that at this point your code will not work until you finish the next step.
Step 3) Convert all global variable and function references to go through App.
Change stuff like:
selected_layer = "."+classes[1];
App.selected_layer = "."+classes[1];
Step 4) Test Your code at this stage -- it should all work. You will probably get a few errors at first because you missed something, so fix those before moving on.
Step 5) Set up requirejs. I assume you have a web page, served from a web server, whose code is in:
and jquery in
If these paths are not exactly like this the below will not work and you'll have to modify the paths.
Download requirejs and put require.js in your www/js directory.
in your page.html, delete all script tags and insert a script tag like:
<script data-main="js/main" src="js/require.js"></script>
create www/js/main.js with content:
"shim": {
'jquery': { exports: '$' }
require(['jquery', 'app']);
then put all the code you just fixed up in Steps 1-3 (whose only global variable should be App) in:
At the very top of that file, put:
require(['jquery'], function($) {
At the bottom put:
Then load page.html in your browser. Your app should work!
Step 6) Create another file
Here is where your work pays off, you can do this over and over.
Pull out some code from www/js/app.js that references $ and App.
$('a').click(function() { }
Put it in www/js/foo.js
At the very top of that file, put:
require(['jquery', 'app'], function($, App) {
At the bottom put:
Then change the last line of www/js/main.js to:
require(['jquery', 'app', 'foo']);
That's it! Do this every time you want to put code in its own file!
For your question and comments I'll assume you are not willing to port your code to a framework like Backbone, or use a loader library like Require. You just want a better way to orgainze the code that you already have, in the simplest way possible.
I understand it is annoying to scroll through 2000+ lines of code to find the section that you want to work on. The solution is to split your code in different files, one for each functionality. For example sidebar.js, canvas.js etc. Then you can join them together for production using Grunt, together with Usemin you can have something like this:
In your html:
<!-- build:js scripts/app.js -->
<script src="scripts/sidebar.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/canvas.js"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->
In your Gruntfile:
useminPrepare: {
html: 'app/index.html',
options: {
dest: 'dist'
usemin: {
html: ['dist/{,*/}*.html'],
css: ['dist/styles/{,*/}*.css'],
options: {
dirs: ['dist']
If you want to use Yeoman it will give you a boilerplate code for all this.
Then for each file itself, you need to make sure you follow best practices and that all the code and variables are all in that file, and don't depend on other files. This doesn't mean you can't call functions of one file from other, the point is to have variables and functions encapsulated. Something similar to namespacing. I'll assume you don't want to port all your code to be Object Oriented, but if you don't mind refactoring a bit, I'd recommend to add something equivalent with what is called a Module pattern. It looks something like this:
var Sidebar = (function(){
// functions and vars here are private
var init = function(){
$("#sidebar #sortable").sortable({
forceHelperSize: true,
forcePlaceholderSize: true,
revert: true,
revert: 150,
placeholder: "highlight panel",
axis: "y",
tolerance: "pointer",
cancel: ".content"
return {
// here your can put your "public" functions
init : init
Then you can load this bit of code like this:
This will allow you to have a much more maintainable code without having to rewrite your code too much.
Use javascript MVC Framework in order to organize the javascript code in a standard way.
Best JavaScript MVC frameworks available are:
Selecting a JavaScript MVC framework required so many factors to consider. Read the following comparison article that will help you to select best framework based on the factors important for your project:
You can also use RequireJS with the framework to support Asynchrounous js file & module loading.
Look the below to get started on JS Module loading:
Categorize your code. This method is helping me a lot and does work with any js framework:
(function(){//HEADER: menu
//your code for your header
(function(){//HEADER: location bar
//your code for your location
//your code for your footer
(function(){//PANEL: interactive links. e.g:
var crr = null;
$('::section.panel a').addEvent('click', function(E){
if ( crr) {
crr =;
In your preferred editor (the best is Komodo Edit) you may fold in by collapsing all entries and you will see only the titles:
(function(){//HEADER: menu_____________________________________
(function(){//HEADER: location bar_____________________________
(function(){//PANEL: interactive links. e.g:___________________
I would suggest:
publisher/subscriber pattern for event management.
object orientation
In your case Jessica, divide the interface into pages or screens. Pages or screens can be objects and extended from some parent classes. Manage the interactions among pages with a PageManager class.
I suggest that you use something like Backbone. Backbone is a RESTFUL supported javascript library. Ik makes your code cleaner and more readable and is powerful when used together with requirejs.
Backbone isn't a real library. It is meant to give structure to your javascript code. It is able to include other libraries like jquery, jquery-ui, google-maps etc. Backbone is in my opinion the closest javascript approach to Object Oriented and Model View Controller structures.
Also regarding your workflow.. If you build your applications in PHP use the Laravel library. It'll work flawlessly with Backbone when used with the RESTfull principle. Below the link to Laravel Framework and a tutorial about building RESTfull APIs:
Below is a tutorial from nettuts. Nettuts has a lot of High Quality tutorials:
Maybe its time for you start implementing a whole development workflow using such tools as yeoman This will help control all your dependencies, build process and if you wanted, automated testing. Its a lot of work to start with but once implemented will make future changes a lot easier.

Extjs 4.1 pagingtoolbar default page

I want to change default page of pagination toolbar to 1 of 1 instead 0 of 0 in case of no record.Plus I am not using store proxy to request any records, so is there any way to accomplish it without using store proxy. According to my requirement user can add rows manually to the grid with the pagination toolbar showing page 1 and when rows exceeds 10 it moves to 2nd page.
In Ext it is possible to overload a component like Ext.toolbar.Paging with your own custom version. Simply specify an alias in your definition and you can us it just like the "native control."
In order to be sure that the approach would work, I set up a test project with a simple datasource and implemented enough of a replacement definition that I could see the "Ext.toolbar.Paging".getPagingItems method being fired in my custom definition.
From that point you can replace the code inside the definition of the original method to allow for a custom minimum in addition to the opportunity to overload the "updateInfo" method to make sure that during data reloads you're not plowing through your customizations.
In addition to these two things, you should (with a relatively small amount of effort) be able to implement on top of the control to support dynamically changing it's values based on the contents of your grid.
If you look at the documentation for you should be able to suss out the differences in using a remotely supplied store from something that is served with data locally.
Hope this helps you.
Code Sample:
extend: "Ext.toolbar.Paging",
alias: "widget.tvpagebar",
title: "Bob",
strictInit: function () {
"use strict";
console.log("TvPageBar init");
getPagingItems: function () {
console.log("getPagingItems", this);
initComponent: function () {

jQuery UI Operator Overloading?

I'm attempting to figure out OOP Javascript, jQuery, and jQuery UI all at the same time. Basically, I want to create a custom "panel" component that I can reuse in various places throughout my web app. The panel consists of a title bar and then content below it.
So I'm using jQuery UI to accomplish this. I want to be able to make the component and then change its attributes (like the title bar text). Here's an example:
options: {
this.titleBar = $(createElement("div")).addClass("shinyPanelTitleBar").appendTo(this.element);
this.topShine = $(createElement("div")).addClass("shinyPanelTopShine").appendTo(this.element);
this.leftShine = $(createElement("div")).addClass("shinyPanelLeftShine").appendTo(this.element);
this.content = $(createElement("div")).addClass("shinyPanelContent").appendTo(this.element);
if (this.options.hasOwnProperty("title"))
// $("#divShotList").ShinyPanel({title:"Shot List"}); // this works
$("#divShotList").title = "Shot List"; // this doesn't work
<div id="divShotList" style="position:absolute; top:5px; bottom:10px; width:250px;"></div>
Is there a way for me to overload the = operator or something to make this work with this syntax? I know that I could probably create an extra function, like setProperty or something, but it would be really cool if I could just keep this syntax and get it to work. Any idea how I can modify the widget to make this happen?
The element or jQuery wrapped element is not your widget:
$("#divShotList").data('ShinyPanel')._setOption('title', 'something');
But it is store in the .data() of the element.
var shinyPanel = $("#divShotList").ShinyPanel().data('ShinyPanel');
shinyPanel.options.title = 'new title';
would also work.
Final Edit: To answer you question: No.

