appendChild in IE6/IE7 does not work with existing elements - javascript

I have a div that needs to be moved from one place to another in the DOM. So at the moment I am doing it like so:
But, IE, being, well, IE, it doesn't work. It works all other browsers, just not in IE.
I need to do it this way as the element (div) 'oUpdater_About' needs to be reused as it is populated over and over.
So i just need to be able to move the div around the DOM, appendChild will let this happen in all browsers, but, IE.
Thanks in advance!

You have to remove the node first, before you can append it anywhere else.
One node cannot be at two places at the same time.
var node = flex.utils.get('oUpdater_About')

make sure to clone the oUpdater_About (with node.cloneNode(true))
this way you get a copy and can reuse the dom-snippet as often as you want (in any browser)

This post tends to suggest that there is indeed a problem with appendChild with respect to this:
Have you tried cloning it, removing it, then inserting the clone instead?


Is calling a bunch of HTML in a JS function bad practice?

Here's what I'm trying to do:
I am doing a few things to my text input via "oninput=myFunction()"
When I start typing I wanted to do a few things:
I have the function removing a few elements and adding a textNode already, however, I need it to add 35-40 lines of HTML as well.
Would this be bad to do?
I'm not exactly sure how I should set it up to call this HTML through the function yet.
What's the best/cleanest way to go about doing this?
Should I just keep the HTML wrapped with a hidden display:none class, and have the function add a visible class?
I feel like that wouldn't be the best method, so that's why I'm here asking!
Any advice is appreciated. I'm typing on my phone so sorry if I wasn't very clear.
The better way in my opinion is have a script that will add your event handler after the element is ready (after page load). This function should take care of creating and removing any element that are part of the script on the fly.
Doing this will make sure your HTML is clean and that the JavaScript will do what it is responsible for. There are good ways to create HTML with JavaScript by using methods such as document.createElement and document.createTextNode. When your elements are created, you can append them in the right positions.
To help get the best rendering on all browsers, it is usually a good practice to make your elements display: none before everything is ready to display.

Need some clarification about jQuery objects that don't reside in the DOM

I was trying to use browser console to do some HTML code manipulation. In console, I input
s = $('<div><span>ddd</span></div>');
Be noted the jQuery object s is not in the DOM, it only lives in the console. It turns out the span isn't removed from s. On the other hand, if <div><span>ddd</span></div> was in HTML, the span will surely be removed.
This brings up a question that has been confusing me for a long time. If I understand right, using $(), I can turn many things into jQuery objects, even if they are not actually in the DOM. But what is the difference between this kind of jQuery objects and the those jQuery objects that are linked to some DOM elements? And in the above code, in order to actually remove the span and get an output as <div></div>, do I have to write it into DOM?
It's because you are not using $.fn.remove properly. Correct way to remove child span is to find it first:
s = $('<div><span>ddd</span></div>');
When you provide a selector to remove, jQuery filters supplied collection by this selector. However, in your case there is nothing that can be filtered out, since clearly div is not span. So s.remove('span'); removes nothing.

Replace whole DOM in javascript

I need to implement undo-redo functionality in my project. But it is very complex and every change affects on many elements. I think saving and restoring whole page will be the best choice. But i have some problems with missing .data() params of DOM elements. I use next functions:
// save
var documentCopy = document.documentElement.cloneNode(true);
// restore
How I can save and restore whole DOM with saving of elements?
The trivial thing that I would try is using jQuery's clone instead. Be sure to use it with two true parameters, but be careful as this may be very very slow. Are you sure this is the only way to achieve what you want? Can't you replace a smaller portion of the document?
Note that this doesn't seem to work well with document.documentElement, and that using it with the document's body seems to lose the data on the original elements (say what?). Here's a small test.

fastest search on elements in html

i have a page with many divs on which i need to implement some JavaScript functions. Is there a way to tell the browser to sort all divs by for example id so that I can find quickly an element.I generally don't know how browsers handle searching of elements, is there some sorting or not on major browsers firefox, chrome, ie? How do elements get indexed?
Every browser already holds a such an index on id's and classes for use with, for example, css.
You shouldn't worry about indexing the DOM, it's been done and ready for use.
If you want to hang events on elements, just do so. Either by use of 'document.getElementById(id) or document.getElementsByClassName(class) (that last one might bump into IE-issues)
I think jquery will help you in that case...
or with simple javascript you can getElementById, or getElementsByTagName
the browsers creates a tree like structure named DOM (Document Object Model), with the root being the html tag for example, then it's children, their children's children, etc..
There are functions that let's you access the DOM and find the required elements. But this is done in the browser's inner implementation. You can not change how it handles the page elements, just use the browser's API to locate elements

Is using document.getElementsByTagName() a good idea or bad idea?

Ok so I am wondering which way is the preffered way to access a certain tag.
Is it better to use..
or this way..
// I use [0] because it is the first div in the body
My guess is that it doesn't matter at all which way i do it.
Absolutely the getElementById is better in that case. It's much faster.
Here is a test about JavaScript selector functions.
There are not many articles about performance of JavaScript selector functions. Instead there are many articles about jQuery selector performance like this or this. jQuery uses native JavaScript selector functions internally, so you can guess from these articles.
They do completely different things. If you want to get a particular element and you always need to get the same element, use an id. If you want to get a particular element based on what place it has in the DOM, then use the it's position in the getElementsByTagName NodeList.
If you want to get a particular element and you get it by index, then your script will be brittle - if you change your DOM structure later, you will need to change your code. If you want to get an element by it's position, then using an ID will require you to add redundant attributes to your markup.
Also, it is important to note that getElementById returns a DOM node, while getElementsByTagName returns a NodeList. To quote MDC on the properties of a NodeList:
NodeList is live, meaning that it updates itself automatically to stay in sync with the DOM tree without having to call document.getElementsByTagName again.
So if you need a particular element, getElementById will be significantly faster.
For readability purposes, it depends on what you're trying to do.
Is your intent to get the first div, which just happens to be named myDiv? if yes, then I think getElementsByTagName is better, as it would more express what you're trying to do.
Or is your intent to get myDiv, which just happens to be the first div? If that's the case, then use getElementById.
All other considerations aside, go with the one that expresses your intent.

