How to 'minify' Javascript code - javascript

JQuery has two versions for download, one is Production (19KB, Minified and Gzipped), and the other is Development (120KB, Uncompressed Code).
Now the compact 19kb version, if you download it, you will see is still a javascript executable code. How did they compactify it? And how can I 'minify' my code like that too?

DIY Minification
No minifier can compress properly a bad code.
In this example i just wanna show how much a minifier does.
What you should do before you minify
And regarding jQuery... i don't use jQuery.jQuery is for old browsers,it was made for compatibility reasons .. check, almost everything works on every browser (also ie10 is standardized now) , i think now it's just here to slow down your web application...if you like the $() you should create your own simple function.And why bother to compress your code if your clients need to download the 100kb jquery script everythime?how big is your uncompressed code? 5-6kb..? Not to talk about the tons of plugins you add to to make it easier.
Original Code
When you write a function you have an idea, start to write stuff and sometimes you end up with something like the following code.The code works.Now most people stop thinking and add this to a minifier and publish it.
function myFunction(myNumber){
var myArray = new Array(myNumber);
var myObject = new Object();
var myArray2 = new Array();
for(var myCounter = 0 ; myCounter < myArray.length ; myCounter++){
var myString = myCounter.toString()
myObject[ myString ] = ( myCounter + 1 ).toString();
var myContainer = new Array();
myContainer[0] = myArray2;
myContainer[1] = myObject;
return myContainer;
Here iss the minified code (i added the new lines)
Minified using (
function myFunction(r){
for(var n=new Array(r),t=new Object,e=new Array,a=0;a<n.length;a++){
var o=a.toString();
var i=new Array;
return i[0]=e,i[1]=t,i
But are all those vars , ifs, loops & definitions necessary?
Most of the time NO !
Remove unnecessary if,loop,var
Keep a copy of your original code
Use the minifier
OPTIONAL (increases the performance & shorter code)
use shorthand operators
use bitwise operators (don't use Math)
use a,b,c... for your temp vars
use the old syntax (while,for... not forEach)
use the function arguments as placeholder (in some cases)
remove unneccessary "{}","()",";",spaces,newlines
Use the minifier
Now if a minifier can compress the code your doing it wrong.
No minifier can compress properly a bad code.
function myFunction(a,b,c){
It does exactly the same thing as the codes above.
You always need to think what you need:
Before you say "Noone would write code like the one below" go and check the first 10 questions in here ...
Here are some common examples i see every ten minutes.
Want a reusable condition
var isTrue=true;
var isTrue=false;
//same as
var isTrue=!!condition
Alert yes only if it exists
var isTrue=true;
var isTrue=false;
//same as
//if the condition is not true alert yes
Alert yes or no
var isTrue=true;
var isTrue=false;
//same as
//if the condition is true alert yes else no
Convert a number to a string or viceversa
var a=10;
var b=a.toString();
var c=parseFloat(b)
//same as
var a=10,b,c;
var a=10;
Round a number
var a=10.3899845
var b=Math.round(a);
//same as
var b=(a+.5)|0;//numbers up to 10 decimal digits (32bit)
Floor a number
var a=10.3899845
var b=Math.floor(a);
//same as
var b=a|0;//numbers up to 10 decimal digits (32bit)
switch case
case 1:
case 2:
//same as
var a=[1,2];
//same as
var a={'1':1,'2':2};
try catch
//this is probably the onle time you should use try catch
var x;
more if
but indexOf is slow read this
//same as
var oneDayInMS=1000*60*60*24;
//same as
var oneDayInMS=864e5;
var a=10;
//same as
Some nice articles/sites i found about bitwise/shorthand:
There are also many jsperf sites showing the performance of shorthand & bitwsie if you search with your favorite searchengine.
I could go one for hours.. but i think it's enough for now.
if you have some questions just ask.
And remember
No minifier can compress properly a bad code.

You could use one of the many available javascript minifiers.
YUI Compressor
Google closure compiler
Dean Edwards packer

Google just made available a javascript compiler that can minify your code, elimiated dead code branches and more optimizations.
google javascript compiler

If you are using the VSCode editor, there are lots of plugins/extensions available.
The MinifyAll for instance is a very good one - compatible with many extension.
Install it and reload VSCode. Then click on your file, open command palette (Ctrl+Shift+p), ant type minify this document (Ctrl+alt+m) other available options there also like preserve original document and so on! Easy!

I recently needed to perform the same task. While the compressors listed at The JavaScript CompressorRater do a great job and the tool is very useful, the compressors were not playing nice with some jQuery code I am using ($.getScript and jQuery.fn checks). Even the Google Closure Compressor choked on the same lines. While I could have eventually ironed out the kinks it was far to much squinting to do constantly.
The one that finally worked without issue was UglifyJS (thanks #Aries51), and the compression was only slightly less than all the others. And similar to Google it has a HTTP API. Packer is also nice and has language implementation in Perl, PHP, and .NET.

Along with minifying you can base64 encode it too. It makes your file much more compressed. I'm sure you have seen js files that are wrapped inside an eval() function with parameters (p,a,c,k,e,r) passed. I read it in this article How to Minify a Javascript File?

I have written a tiny script which calls a API to get your script minified, check it out:
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use Fcntl;
my %api = ( css => '', js => '' );
my $DEBUG = 0;
my #files = #ARGV;
unless ( scalar(#files) ) {
die("Filename(s) not specified");
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
foreach my $file (#files) {
unless ( -f $file ) {
warn "Ooops!! $file not found...skipping";
my ($extn) = $file =~ /\.([a-z]+)/;
unless ( defined($extn) && exists( $api{$extn} ) ) {
warn "type not supported...$file...skipping...";
warn "Extn: $extn, API: " . $api{$extn};
my $data;
sysopen( my $fh, $file, O_RDONLY );
sysread( $fh, $data, -s $file );
my $output_filename;
if ( $file =~ /^([^\/]+)\.([a-z]+)$/ ) {
$output_filename = "$1.min.$2";
my $resp = $ua->post( $api{$extn}, { input => $data } );
if ( $resp->is_success ) {
my $resp_data = $resp->content;
print $resp_data if ($DEBUG);
print "\nOutput: $output_filename";
sysopen( my $fh, $output_filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC );
if ( my $sz_wr = syswrite( $fh, $resp_data ) ) {
print "\nOuput written $sz_wr bytes\n";
my $sz_org = -s $file;
printf( "Size reduction %.02f%%\n\n", ( ( $sz_org - $sz_wr ) / $sz_org ) * 100 );
else {
warn: "Error: $file : " . $resp->status_line;
./ a.js c.css b.js cc.css t.js j.js [..]

There are currently 2 ways of minifying your code:
you apply minifiers at the backend side of your application - here the advantage is that you can apply versioning and are more in control of your code - you can practically fully automate the process of minification and best practice would be to apply it before your code is uploaded to the server - this is best used when you have a lot of frontend (to be minified) Javascript and CSS code:
Many such tools are available for Node and npm as well - it's good practice to automate the mnification of Javascript with Grunt.
you can use some of the existing free tools for minification that are running online - these practically allow you to do the same, but manually. I would advice you to use them when the amount of your javascript / css code is smaller - not many files

You can use javascript minifier of to minify your code, It will minify your javascript code upto 75% of their original version.

Try out this JavaScript minifier from
It's a very effective tool to minify JavaScript
Import code via URL
import from file
copy/download output


An object disappears after packing a JavaScript library

I have created a JavaScript library and packed it with these options selected : Shrink Variables and Base62 Encoded at this url: In this library I have declared an object ax, but when I use the packed version in my web page I get an error saying Uncaught ReferenceError: ax is not defined.
The original code of this library looks like below.
var ax = {
scaleUp:function(win) {
//code omitted
downGrade:function(win) {
//code omitted
In my web page in which I am using this library, I have code like below. This code works, if instead of packing, I minify it using Microsoft's Minifier or just use the original JavaScript library without minification or packing.
var result = ax.downGrade(w);
Question :
Why is the variable ax not accessible with packed version? Do I need to add something else when using the packed version?
I could not get the packed file to work but packing my code through another compression utility at following url worked in my case: It provided an equally good compression.
I am still not sure why the utility at original url failed to produce a working version of my library, even though my original code works without any errors on any web page.
Check your console for errors before trying to call ax. Explicitly place semi-colons where they belong.Example at the end of the definition for ax you should put a semi-colon, even though in standard code it's good as is. Remove the explicit var declarations. When I did these things:
ax = {
scaleUp:function(win) {
downGrade:function(win) {
result = ax.downGrade();
Ran without issue in jsFiddle and console: I suspect it has to do with how the algorithm "shrinks" the variables. The resulting pack was:
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=String;if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[c]=k[c]||c;k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('0={5:1(2){3("6")},4:1(2){3("7")}};8=0.4();',9,9,'ax|function|a|alert|downGrade|scaleUp|up|down|result'.split('|'),0,{}))

how to have part of some JS code NOT being minified by minifiers

There are many tools out there to "compress" more or less javascript files by mangling variable names, removing comments, etc...
But how to "tell" them to NOT process a part of a file, from this file. I need to "tell" them somehow, by even rewriting that part another way, or putting some tags in comments, ... to NOT process some parts of my files.
The easiest but very ugly solution I found was to put my code in a string and eval it. But if there is any other solution I'd love to know it because eval is UGLY!
please due to my requirements, those are not possible answers:
the file HAVE to be minified
it needs to be done FROM WITHIN the source code
if you are using gulp, there is a module called gulp-tap that you can use to grab the file, split it between some type of identifier, minify the parts you want, and then concatenate it back together. I'm sure that grunt or other task runners have similar capabilities
Edit, Updated
Tried utilizing comments at yuicompressor ?
/*! function someFunction(i) {i = "abc"; return i} */
// minified stuff
See Comment Starting with /*!, gist , Online JavaScript/CSS Compressor
/*! (function someFunction(i) {document.write(i); return i}(123)) */
// minified stuff
var scripts = document.scripts
, script = scripts[scripts.length - 1].innerText
.match(/\/\*!+.*\*\//g)[0].replace(/\/\*!|\*\//g, "").trim();
/*! (function someFunction(i) {document.write(i); return i}(123)) */
// minified stuff
var scripts = document.scripts
, script = scripts[scripts.length - 1].innerText
.match(/\/\*!+.*\*\//g)[0].replace(/\/\*!|\*\//g, "").trim();
See Degrading Script Tags

Proper way for debug symbols in javascript

When i write javascript code , i usually insert a debug symbols to help me out .
Let me illustrate what i mean by example :
var debug = true;
/* Some event handler */
onValueChange = function(e, ui){
var new_value = dom.volume.slider("value");
conf.value = new_value;
if (debug) {
console.log("Value changed to : " + new_value);
when i finish, i don't want all this debug related code to be part of my release/minified codebase .
what is the convention for this sort of thing ? are there any (non IDE based) tools available ?
I am looking for solutions working with exiting codebase and for starting a new project in the future .
Or what other debugging strategies exist in javascript world ?
To get rid of this logging code you will need to write a parser! I suggest that you go with a different debugging strategy. console.log is no doubt useful but a full fledged debugger like: the one provided by Chrome DevTools, is strongly advised.
You can inject break points at any position in your code with debugger;. Going with a real debugger will make your life as a developer much more easier.
Use FireBug in Fire Fox . it will help you a lot to debug java script code.

Namespacing Hierarchy, Minify and Cross-Browser Compatibility

I've been using the following model for Namespacing my newest Scripts. So far, it has some distinct advantages that, while I'm sure could be replicated in other ways, really help to in my coding process. Unfortunately, I've come across a significant disadvantage... When using some JS compression utilities, they mangle the code badly enough that I must avoid many advantageous options. Luckily, the code I save with this model helps mitigate the "damages".
I'm still curious to know if there is a more viable solution as the min.js only fail consistently in Chrome/IE. I know the below is a little too abstract for some. Are there any experts that might point me in the right direction. I've used YUI, Packer and JSMin. JSMin works reliably, but is not nearly as efficient...
/* Global Namspace */
(function (T) {"use strict";
/* Top.Sub1 */
(function(S1) {
// ... Some methods (public/private)
/* Top.Sub1.Mini */
(function(M) {
// ... Some methods (public/private)
}(S1.Mini = S1.Mini || function(o){}));
(T.Sub1 = T.Sub1 || function(o){}));
/* Top.Sub2 */
(function(S2) {
// ... Some methods (public/private)
/* Top.Sub2.Mini1 */
(function(M1) {
// ... Some methods (public/private)
}(S2.Mini1 = S2.Mini1 || function(o) {}));
/* Top.Sub2.Mini2 */
(function(M2) {
// ... Some methods (public/private)
}(S2.Mini2 = S2.Mini2 || function(o) {}));
} (T.Sub2 = T.Sub2 || function(o) {}));
} (window.Namespace = window.Namespace || function(o){}));
UPDATE: The most common error I am faced with is "unexpected token" of various sorts.. sometimes a ')' and sometimes a '}'. Every once in a while, it is a '('. I haven't yet addressed gzip as I want this out of the way.
UPDATE 2: Have checked/removed ns with a Tidied-jsHint passing file and still does not minify correctly. It definitely has to do with this model... Does anyone have a clear answer as to why? If not, further recommendations are welcome. P.S. the Github has been updated with Tidied-jsHint passing code.
I'd say read this article about what needs to be done and what needs to be avoided for good minification –
And then choose a proper modules framework like AMD or commonjs.
UPD. My main advice will be to use a linter on your code like and adhere to a coding style like It mostly comes with explanations of why something will break in certain sitautions. It's also going to make your code more approachable for open source contributors.
After testing nearly every option on every minifier I could get my hands on, the code minifies quite fine. (With and without the tidy, etc...) The issue comes when any of the minifiers try to replace or obfuscate symbols. In particular, it does not handle this for loop well:
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
_.points[i] = new S.Point(_, pts[i]);
Removal of the loop allows for the optimization to occur correctly.

javascript packer versus minifier

I was wondering what the differences/benefits of the packer vs the minifier were, i.e. Should you deploy a packed or minified version in your web app?
Example code:
var layout = {
Init : function()
Dimensions : function()
var d = document, s = self, w, h;
if (s.innerHeight)
{ w = s.innerWidth; h = s.innerHeight; }
else if (d.documentElement && d.documentElement.clientHeight)
{ w = d.documentElement.clientWidth; h = d.documentElement.clientHeight; }
else if (d.body)
{ w = d.body.clientWidth; h = d.body.clientHeight; }
return new Array(parseInt(w), parseInt(h));
Resize : function()
var dim = this.Dimensions();
$('tbl_container').width = px(dim[0] - 25);
$('row_container').height = px(dim[1] - 100);
$('dat_container').width = px(dim[0] - (this.NAVVISIBLE ? 275 : 25));
$('dat_container').height = px(dim[1] - 100);
catch(e) {}
GoSideways : function()
var nc = $('nav_container');
var dc = $('dat_container'); = this.NAVVISIBLE ? 'none' : '';
dc.width = px(parseInt(dc.width) + (this.NAVVISIBLE ? 250 : -250));
this.NAVVISIBLE ^= 1;
FrameLoad : function(url)
if (url)
content_frame.document.location = url;
var layout={NAVVISIBLE:1,Init:function()
{var d=document,s=self,w,h;if(s.innerHeight)
else if(d.documentElement&&d.documentElement.clientHeight)
else if(d.body)
return new Array(parseInt(w),parseInt(h));},Resize:function()
{var dim=this.Dimensions();try
{var nc=$('nav_container');var dc=$('dat_container');'none':'';dc.width=px(parseInt(dc.width)+(this.NAVVISIBLE?250:-250));this.NAVVISIBLE^=1;},FrameLoad:function(url)
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('5 B={3:1,C:6(){2.n()},v:6(){5 d=k,s=y,w,h;9(s.u){w=s.A;h=s.u}r 9(d.a&&d.a.c){w=d.a.p;h=d.a.c}r 9(d.b){w=d.b.p;h=d.b.c}D z x(g(w),g(h))},n:6(){5 7=2.v();F{$(\'N\').8=4(7[0]-o);$(\'P\').m=4(7[1]-l);$(\'i\').8=4(7[0]-(2.3?E:o));$(\'i\').m=4(7[1]-l)}L(e){}},H:6(){5 t=$(\'I\');5 j=$(\'i\');t.J.G=2.3?\'Q\':\'\';j.8=4(g(j.8)+(2.3?q:-q));2.3^=1},M:6(f){9(f)O.k.K=f}};',53,53,'||this|NAVVISIBLE|px|var|function|dim|width|if|documentElement|body|clientHeight|||url|parseInt||dat_container|dc|document|100|height|Resize|25|clientWidth|250|else||nc|innerHeight|Dimensions||Array|self|new|innerWidth|layout|Init|return|275|try|display|GoSideways|nav_container|style|location|catch|FrameLoad|tbl_container|content_frame|row_container|none'.split('|'),0,{}))
Packed is smaller but is slower.
And even harder to debug.
Most of the well known frameworks and plugins are only minified.
Take a look at the google minifier:
They offer a firebug plugin for debugging minified code.
Packer does more then just rename vars and arguments, it actually maps the source code using Base62 which then must be rebuilt on the client side via eval() in order to be usable.
Side stepping the eval() is evil issues here, this can also create a large amount of overhead on the client during page load when you start packing larger JS libraries, like jQuery. This why only doing minify on your production JS is recommend, since if you have enough code to need to do packing or minify, you have enough code to make eval() choke the client during page load.
For a good minifier, I would look to using Google's Closure Compiler
The SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS mode is what I would recommend using, as it cleans whitespace/comments and munges(reduces) variables. It also does some simple code changes that basically amount to code clean up and micro optimizations. You can see more about this on the Getting Started with the Closure Compiler Application
or the checking out the packaged README.
YUI Compressor is another option(from Yahoo) but it doesn't reduce the file size as much as CC does.
There is also a tool from Microsoft, the name escapes me at the moment but that apparently delivers similar results to CC. That one could be a better or worse option, depending on your environment. I've only read about it in passing, so further investigation would be required.
If your server gzips files before sending them to the browser (which is very often the case) then packer is not the way to go. I've tested a number of files, and even though packer makes smaller files than minification, it makes larger zipped files. While I'm not an expert, I think the reason is fairly straight-forward.
A big part of zipping is to find repeated character sequences and replace them with a shorter place holder to be unpacked later. This is the same thing packer does, except zip algorithms are much more efficient. So when you pack a file you are in a way pre-zipping it, but with an algorithm that is less efficient than an actual zip file. This leaves less work for the zip algorithm to do, with a subsequent decrease in zipping efficiency.
So if you are zipping the files, then packer will actually produce larger downloads. Add to this the additional downsides of packer mentioned in the above answers, and there is really no good reason to use packer.
Both aims at lowering the size of JavaScript to enable fast download on the client browser.
Minifier only removes unnecessary things like white space characters and renaming variable to smaller names wherever possible. But a Packer goes one step further and does whatever it can do to minimize the size of JavaScript. For e.g. it converts source code to Base62 while preserving it's mappings to be evaluated by client.
Depending on the code packed, the packed solution ca lead to script-errors, while the minified will work.
So test with different browsers, after packing your code. If it doesn't work anymore, try the minified version, which always should work.
A "packer" is the same as a "minifier". The most common tool that calls itself a "packer" is which gives the option (turned off by default) to base62 encode. Base62 encoding is probably a bad idea:

