Calling a function by a string in JavaScript and staying in scope - javascript

I've been playing around and searching a bit, but I can't figure this out. I have a pseudo private function within a JavaScript object that needs to get called via eval (because the name of the function is built dynamically). However, the function is hidden from the global scope by a closure and I cannot figure out how to reference it using eval().
var myObject = function(){
var privateFunctionNeedsToBeCalled = function() {
alert('gets here');
return {
publicFunction: function(firstPart, SecondPart) {
var functionCallString = firstPart + secondPart + '()';
myObject.publicFunction('privateFunctionNeeds', 'ToBeCalled');
I know the example looks silly but I wanted to keep it simple. Any ideas?

The string passed to eval() is evaluated in that eval()'s scope, so you could do
return {
publicFunction: function(firstPart, SecondPart) {
var captured_privateFunctionNeedsToBeCalled = privateFunctionNeedsToBeCalled;
var functionCallString = 'captured_' + firstPart + secondPart + '()';
However, a better solution would be to avoid the use of eval() entirely:
var myObject = function(){
var functions = {};
functions['privateFunctionNeedsToBeCalled'] = function() {
alert('gets here');
return {
publicFunction: function(firstPart, secondPart) {
myObject.publicFunction('privateFunctionNeeds', 'ToBeCalled');


Overriding a javascript function definition

I am trying to monkeypatch a 3rd party javascript library but the original function definition I am overloading keeps getting called.
var ns = {};
ns.topFxn = function(){
var _me = "me";
function _toOverride(){
console.log("This is the original: " + _me);
function pubFxn(){
ns.pubFxn = pubFxn;
//attempt to monkey patch
var oldTopFxn = ns.topFxn;
ns.topFxn = function(){
function _toOverride(){
console.log("This is the overriden: " + _me);
scratch.js:15> Original
scratch.js:26> MonkeyPatch
scratch.js:10> This is the original: me
I think this is because this function is indirectly called by another function, and that function might hold a closure on the function it is pointing to - so maybe this isn't possible? Any suggestions on how to override?
You can't override a local function in another function, because of variable scope. The name _toOverride is local to each function, and assigning it in your function has no effect on the function with the same name in a different function.
You would have to override ns.pubFxn.
var oldTopFxn = ns.topFxn;
ns.topFxn = function(){
var oldPubFxn = ns.pubFxn;
function _toOverride(){
console.log("This is the overriden: " + _me);
ns.pubFxn = function() {

variable in my javascript class is undefined when using an instance of that class

I have declared this javascript class:
var TablixColumns = function(){
this.g = 'wtf';
this.tablixColumns = []; //[];
return {
addTablixColumn: function(tablixColumn){
my problem is that when I try this: alert(this.g) the alert comes out undefined
of course my initial function definition read: this.tablixColumns.push(tablixColumn.getTablixColumn());
but then I get the error that reads something like "No Method push of undefined"
what's weird is I have this class declaration:
var TablixColumn = function(){
columnWidth = '<Width>3.135cm</Width>'; //default width value
setColumnWidth: function(width){
this.columnWidth = '<Width>' + width + 'cm</Width>';
getTablixColumn: function(){
return '<TablixColumn>' + this.columnWidth + '</TablixColumn>';
and the TablixColumn class works fine,
and yes, I have declared this.g and this.tablixColumns without the 'this.' part, but it's just refusing to work!
I'm going to kill someone if this doesn't work tonight can someone help me please?
You need to set a reference to the current object (this) outside the nested function expression. Here's how your code should look:
var TablixColumns = function() {
var self = this;
return {
addTablixColumn: function(tablixColumn) {
You can even set a property to the returned object literal if you want:
// ...
return {
g: 'wtf',
addTablixColumn: function(tablixColumn) {
alert(this.g); // 'wtf'
// ...
Note that you shouldn't use TablixColumns as a constructor if you're returning from it like this. You're using two idioms here; prototypal inheritance and the module pattern. Are you going to instantiate the constructor with new? If so, then don't return the object literal. Rather, set the methods on the prototype of the function:
var TablixColumns = function() {
this.g = 'wtf';
this.tablixColumns = [];
TablixColumns.prototype.addTablixColumn = function addTablixColumn() { ... };
TablixColumns.prototype./* ... */
Otherwise, don't use this inside the constructor. Simply make the properties normal variables.
Okay guys so I figured out my problem:
all the references to variables of the current instance should not have been preceded by the this. keyword
so this is how my declaration looks now:
var TablixColumns = function(){
g = 'wtf';
tablixColumns = []; //[];
return {
addTablixColumn: function(tablixColumn){
Thanks #Bergi for pointing this out

What are some idiomatic ways to create custom Javascript objects

I am creating a custom object to be used in some internal applications where I work. I researched some ways to go about doing this - and this is what I came out with.
function ISGrader(text)
this.text = text;
this.printInfo = function(){
alert("Object working " + text);
this.putGrade = function(score)
I believe this shows constructor-type functionality, as well as some simple starter methods that I will build on.
Is the above good practice or is there another way that is more standard?
I prefer a pattern similar to the one below. You can think of it as a 4-step approach:
(function(parent) {
// 1. Declare private variables and functions that will be
// accessible by everybody within the scope of this
// function, but not outside of it.
var doSomethingAwesome = function() { .. }; // private function
var coolInteger = 42; // private variable
// 2. Create the constructor function
function ISGrader() {
// 3. Create shared public methods on the prototype object.
// These will be created only once, and shared between all objects
// which is more efficient that re-creating each method for each object.
ISGrader.prototype.printInfo = function() { .. };
ISGrader.prototype.putGrade = function(score) { .. };
// 4. Expose the constructor to the outside world.
parent.ISGrader = ISGrader;
The reason why everything is enclosed inside a self-executing anonymous function is to ensure the private variables we create inside don't leak outside to the enclosing scope, and to basically keep things clean.
Another benefit of declaring the constructor like this is that you can change the parent object easily from say window to a further namespaced object by changing a single word.
I prefer this pattern (IIFE), but it is purely opinion:
var ISGrader = (function (text) {
// anything declared here is "private"
var printInfo = function() {
alert("Object working " + text);
var putGrade = function (score) {
// put "publicly" accesible things in the returned object
return {
text: text,
printInfo: printInfo,
putGrade: putGrade
It is always recommended to do it using `prototype'. This way you can also inherit it's properties and create new one.
var ISGrader = function(text) {
this.text = text;
var _privateVar = text;
this.updatePrivateVar = function(newText) {
_privateVar = newText;
alert("private variable updated");
ISGrader.prototype.text = "";
ISGrader.prototype.printInfo = function() {
alert("Object working " + this.text);
ISGrader.prototype.putGrade = function(score) {
var isGrader = new ISGrader("hello");
// Inherit and create a new definition
var ISGrader2 = function() {}
ISGrader2.prototype = new ISGrader();
var isGrader2 = new ISGrader("hello2");
demo :
While not really an answer, I recommend Douglas Crockford's book JavaScript: The Good Parts as it does a good job of introducing you to the "good parts" of the language and discusses the pros and cons of the different ways to create objects in JavaScript.
You can also review this resource if you're just looking for an explanation of member visibility in JavaScript objects:
If you are planning on creating multiple ISGrader objects on a single page, it's more memory efficient to stick the functions in a prototype object assigned to ISGrader like this:
function ISGrader(text) {
this.text = text;
ISGrader.prototype = {
printInfo: function() {
alert("Object working " + this.text);
putGrade: function(score) {

Basic javascript code layout

I have what I think is a fairly simply question but it's one that I can not find the answer to. I have a objects literal that I have created that groups functions, I want to know how I can create a variable that is inside the objects literal and editable/accessable by all the functions within that objects literal. At the moment the only way I know how to do this is create a global variable but I want to stop populating the global in this way. To better describe what I'm looking fiddle
Thanks, for any help.
var clickCount = 0;
/* I would like to place clickCount inside hideShowFn Object but all function inside need access to it, so global within hideShowFn */
hideShowFn = {
$('<p>'+ clickCount + '</p>').appendTo('body');
Create a function which is invoked immediately and returns the object, with the private variable inside the function, like this:
var obj = (function () {
var privateStuff = 'private';
return {
func1: function () {
//do stuff with private variable
func2: function () {
//do stuff with private variable
This is the way to have private variables in Functional Programming.
Another option would be the pseudo-classical style:
function Constructor(){
var private = 'private';
this.public = 'public';
this.methods = {
//your methods here...
var obj = new Constructor();
Don't forget to use the 'new' keyword, or else you are going to be globally scoped.
Your code translated to this style would be:
function Test(){
var that = this,
clickCount = 0;
this.init = function(){
this.addToCount = function(){
$('<p>'+ clickCount + '</p>').appendTo('body');
var test = new Test();
You can make a closure as Cokegod says or you can simply add the variable to the object and access it using this
hideShowFn = {
clickCount: 0,
$('<p>'+ this.clickCount + '</p>').appendTo('body');
This dosn't work as Musa says the scope in addToCount will be the dom node clicked.
But see Cokegod's answer.

javascript is it possible to use a string to call a object function

I have a generic function which can speak to multiple other functions in appropriate objects is it possible to use a string to call the appropriate function.
var string = "save";
var generic = (new function (string) {
return this;
var save = (new function (string) {
this.alert = (function () {
alert("your document has been saved")
return this
return this
var notSaved = (new function (string) {
this.alert = (function () {
alert("your document has not been saved")
return this
return this
I am using it for a far more complex set up but here is an example. Is this possible?
Sure you can. Try something like this:
Looking at your code it's hard to tell what you're actually trying to achieve. Nonetheless, here are a few ideas that may be relevant.
First, let's make a couple of objects:
var rabbit = {
name: 'Peter',
hop: function () {
return + ' hopped!'
jump: function () {
return + ' jumped!'
var hairy_maclary = {
name: 'Hairy Maclary',
jump: function () {
return + ' jumped over the fence!'
Now, you could define a function which invokes the hop method on whichever object is passed to it:
function hop(object) {
return object.hop()
hop(rabbit) // 'Peter hopped!'
I'm not sure why you'd do this rather than invoking hop directly, but perhaps you want to do extra stuff before or afterwards.
If you wanted to you could create a completely generic function which would invoke a given method on a given object:
function invokeMethod(object, method) {
invokeMethod(hairy_maclary, 'jump') // 'Hairy Maclary jumped over the fence!'
This is a really strange thing to want to do, though. Perhaps you could provide more of an idea of what you're actually trying to do, since your example code is rather odd.
You can enclose your functions within some object so you can access by passing name of the property using some variable (in this case named string), eg. like that:
var string = 'notSaved';
var funcs = {}; = new function(){
this.alert = function(){
alert('called save.alert()');
return this;
funcs.notSaved = new function(){
this.alert = function(){
alert('called notSaved.alert()');
return this;
See working example on jsfiddle.
If your variables are global (they should not), they are also automatically enclosed within window object, so you can call them also like that: window[string].alert(). This will not work for non-global functions (in this case my solution seems to be the only one not using eval()).
You can call functions with eval. Even you can declare functions.
eval("function test(){ alert("test");}");

