Tracking user actions - analytics for applications [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm closing in on finishing a Windows Desktop Gadget that downloads plugins from my web server. I'm wondering how I can track the use of these plugins for reporting purposes like seeing which plugins are popular in which countries, how many times a plugin is used per day/month/week and other stuff like that.
Logging this on every user action could cause my server problems as there'd be constant requests. Is it best to keep a local log and upload it to the server on a regular basis or is it possible to use something like Google Analytics or another provider for this sort of thing?

If you are using javascript to create your gadget, it should be possible to include the Google Analytics scripts. You can then call the function _trackPageview whenever your user does something you want to track.
It is also possible to use Google's analytics without javascript.
The trick is that Google's scripts normally put the image into your web pages. Parameters can be passed to the image via the query string. You can find a list of the parameters you can pass to the query string here. What you'd have to do is figure out what the query string should be and have your client make the request to google's image every time the user does something (after setting up your google analytics account, of course).

I would suggest you to use Deskmetrics a desktop analytics app, very similar to GA. It's awesome.

Checkout Trackerbird Desktop Software Analytics which works on Windows/Mac apps.
Disclaimer: I am affiliated with company.


WordPress for java developer, is this possible? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am a Java developer and I know Rest APIs. But what if I want to make great webpages using website building tools like WordPress and then with Rest API I can connect with my backend server.
Will that be a viable solution or I should look for something else?
On a very basic research I got to know that wordpress runs on PHP, but I am not looking to learn PHP at this point of time.
I am looking for the below things :
1 - Some tool which helps in building rich HTML page, that has drag
and drop options.
2 - I am thinking to use Spring boot for
configuring Rest API.
Basically I am looking for some suggestions in building good websites having knowledge of Java. (And yes I still need to learn Ajax and Javascript.)
I might be absolutely wrong on what I am looking, but any suggestion will be of great help.
A REST client (in your case a website) doesn't care what programming languages/technologies were used to create the server. You can have a server hosting a WordPress website (PHP) and have another server for your REST API created in Java or whatever other language you might want to use. If you want to make REST calls from your WordPress server (e.g. for server-side rendering), you'll need to use PHP. The more likely scenario is that the website makes REST requests from the browser, in which case you'll need to use JavaScript.

display preview of webpage [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Tried searching for this and couldn't find much. Is there a package jQuery or otherwise that can present a small preview of a linked website.
I'd like to be able to more or less display a small feed of linked content for each sub niche on a social platform I'm creating. As an example let's say I wanted to link to a news website and display a live feed of updates in a niche of say tech updates for example almost akin to a live twitter feed plugin.
This would probably kill performance. Nonetheless, thought it was a cool idea and wondering if there's anything packages out there I can try this out with.
Well, if that news website provides an API to fetch news, you can keep making AJAX requests to their API URLs at regular intervals to retrieve latest news.
But if that website doesn't provide any API, make AJAX requests to your server, then at your server do some web-scraping and return the news to the AJAX request.
A solution is using HTML iFrame.
I would not recommend it though - loading your website would take a long time (because X iFrames needs to load as well).

Javascript library for Analytics [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for a JavaScript library that does user hit/interface analytics just like Google analytics.
Im looking for a library that can track or analyse my user hits or interface on my web application and send the report to my function or api then I can choose to store the data in my database or server or anywhere else or it could also be chosen to store offline, instead of a third party server for analysis. Basically I should not be sending that data on to a third party server.
I might as well want the function or api to update the UI based on the users most used interaction immediately or upon arriving at the same page the next time.
So AFAIK, Google analytics does not do this, hence that's out of the list.
Is there any such JavaScript library that does this?
I put my comment in answer.
You can try this analytics to do this. => Piwik

How can I check how many visitors are visiting my website? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've a software developer having done most of my work in older technology stacks, and recently mobile iOS development. However I really know nothing about web other than a bit of HTML and interacting with web API's.
I recently purchased an out of the box template website to serve as a launching page for an application of mine. I would like to find out how many people are visiting my landing page. What's the best way to do this? Just go out and find some javascript applet that will do this for me? Where is the data/running-count stored? Or should my hosting provider (namecheap) provide this information to me automatically?
Install some sort of analytics script. A good one is Google analytics.
Its common for webhosting providers to have some sort of analytics engine running like awstats or webanalyzer.
Also you could create a free account in Google Analytics and follow the instruction to add a snippet of code to your page to count your visits.
Now if you also want to show a visit counter, the best alternative is to make it with some server side code and a database (or a file). It is relatively easy and if you post your server infrastructure (php, asp, mysql,postgres, etc) i could expand this answer with more help.

Is it possible to interact with Gmail using AJAX (Javascript)? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I would like to build my own interface for gmail, by programatically interacting with the actual Gmail service and pipe all requests on my service to gmail itself.
The user would have to login to his or her gmail account, after which my app needs to be able to interact with the gmail service.
Is there an API available for Javascript that would allow me to do this?
Any other related feedback is appreciated as well. Thanks.
Update: one site that might have done what I am trying to do would be, unless they proxy all e-mail through their own servers (this is something I do not wish to do, as I want people to interact with gmail directly through a Javascript API).
If you can do everything you want as a browser plugin on top of Gmail, by monitoring and observing what goes on, you might want to take a look at this. It won't quite do what you're asking for, but it gets you somewhere along the path.
Unfortunately, you're probably going to need a server. Even if you could work around the cross-domain issues, Gmail's interface is basically built dynamically with JavaScript when the page loads. So the JavaScript function names will be changing on you literally all the time.
Just about everybody doing anything like what you're describing (we provide an alternative interface to Gmail as well at emailga) has gone this route. I know the OtherInbox guys as well, and they have a server component that uses the IMAP interface to do most of their magic.
i think you need to create a custom mail server which can connect to gmail via pop3 or imap or smtp.
on the other hand i am sure that ajax requests cannot be cross domain requests, but the php can do this. so you must need a php file wich access to the gmail through pop3|imap|smtp or ajax. but only javascript cant do that.
Please look at Gmail API.
I think you can work with it, although, I haven't investigated it in depth.
hope it helps.

