Check if string contains only digits - javascript

I want to check if a string contains only digits. I used this:
var isANumber = isNaN(theValue) === false;
if (isANumber){
But realized that it also allows + and -. Basically, I want to make sure an input contains ONLY digits and no other characters. Since +100 and -5 are both numbers, isNaN() is not the right way to go.
Perhaps a regexp is what I need? Any tips?

how about
let isnum = /^\d+$/.test(val);

string.match(/^[0-9]+$/) != null;

String.prototype.isNumber = function(){return /^\d+$/.test(this);}
console.log("123123".isNumber()); // outputs true
console.log("+12".isNumber()); // outputs false

If you want to even support for float values (Dot separated values) then you can use this expression :
var isNumber = /^\d+\.\d+$/.test(value);

Here's another interesting, readable way to check if a string contains only digits.
This method works by splitting the string into an array using the spread operator, and then uses the every() method to test whether all elements (characters) in the array are included in the string of digits '0123456789':
const digits_only = string => [...string].every(c => '0123456789'.includes(c));
console.log(digits_only('123')); // true
console.log(digits_only('+123')); // false
console.log(digits_only('-123')); // false
console.log(digits_only('123.')); // false
console.log(digits_only('.123')); // false
console.log(digits_only('123.0')); // false
console.log(digits_only('0.123')); // false
console.log(digits_only('Hello, world!')); // false

Here is a solution without using regular expressions:
function onlyDigits(s) {
for (let i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const d = s.charCodeAt(i);
if (d < 48 || d > 57) return false
return true
where 48 and 57 are the char codes for "0" and "9", respectively.

This is what you want
function isANumber(str){
return !/\D/.test(str);

in case you need integer and float at same validation

function isNumeric(x) {
return parseFloat(x).toString() === x.toString();
Though this will return false on strings with leading or trailing zeroes.

Well, you can use the following regex:

if you want to include float values also you can use the following code
var isnum1 = /^\d*\.?\d+$/.test(theValue);
var isnum2 = /^\d*\.?\d+$/.test(theValue.split("").reverse().join(""));
alert(isnum1+' '+isnum2);
this will test for only digits and digits separated with '.' the first test will cover values such as 0.1 and 0 but also .1 ,
it will not allow 0. so the solution that I propose is to reverse theValue so .1 will be 1. then the same regular expression will not allow it .
example :
theValue=3.4; //isnum1=true , isnum2=true
theValue=.4; //isnum1=true , isnum2=false
theValue=3.; //isnum1=flase , isnum2=true

Here's a Solution without using regex
const isdigit=(value)=>{
const val=Number(value)?true:false
return val
isdigit("any String")//false

If you use jQuery:
$.isNumeric('1234'); // true
$.isNumeric('1ab4'); // false

If you want to leave room for . you can try the below regex.

c="123".match(/\D/) == null #true
c="a12".match(/\D/) == null #false
If a string contains only digits it will return null


indexOf is not working in JavaScript

I am checking an index Of string in JAVASCRIPT. and this is coming as false. where as the value does belong to it as below :
if(idOfControl.indexOf(idOfButton)) == is giving false for the below values.
idOfControl = "dlInventory_btnEditComment_0"
idOfButton = "dlInventory_btnEditComment"
But if I run idOfControl.replace(idOfButton, ""); It is working and replacing the text.
Any reason for this?
indexOf can also return 0, in the event of your string being found at the position 0. 0 evaluates to false. Try:
if(idOfControl.indexOf(idOfButton) > -1)
More info:
There are these three big options:
indexOf > -1
The result of indexOf can be 0 meaning that the string was found at the beginning of the string. When string is not found, the return value is -1, therefore:
if (idOfControl.indexOf(idOfButton) > -1) {
// Do something
Which can be nicer written as #paxdiablo commented:
if (idOfControl.indexOf(idOfButton) >= 0) {
// Do something
via regex
You can use a very simple regular expression to test your match.
var idOfControl = "dlInventory_btnEditComment_0"
var control = /dlInventory_btnEditComment/;
if (idOfControl.test(control)) {
// do something
This approach can be enhanced to capture the last number of your string (if you need it)
var idOfControl = "dlInventory_btnEditComment_0"
var control = /dlInventory_btnEditComment_(\d+)/;
var match = control.exec(idOfControl);
if (match) {
alert('the number found is: ' + match[1]);
You can try it out here:
via indexOf in a hacky way
This uses a bitwise operator to return a truthy value when the position is !=-1 (In two's complement notation, -1 is internally represented as 111...111, and its inversion is 000...000 which is 0, i.e. a falsy value). It is in fact more efficient than the >-1 option, but it is harder to read and to understand. (EDIT: this became so popular that you can say it is a standard)
if (~idOfControl.indexOf(idOfButton)) {
// do something

check if number string contains decimal?

After doing a sqrt()
How can I be check to see if the result contains only whole numbers or not?
I was thinking Regex to check for a decimal - if it contains a decimal, that means it didn't root evenly into whole numbers. Which would be enough info for me.
but this code isnt working...
result = sqrt(stringContainingANumber);
decimal = new RegExp(".");
I bet there's other ways to accomplish the same thing though.
. means any char.
You have to quote the dot. "\."
Or you could test
if (result > Math.floor(result)) {
// not an decimal
You can use the % operator:
result % 1 === 0; // rest after dividing by 1 should be 0 for whole numbers
Use indexOf():
​var myStr = "1.0";
myStr.indexOf("."); // Returns 1
// Other examples
myStr.indexOf("1"); // Returns 0 (meaning that "1" may be found at index 0)
myStr.indexOf("2"); // Returns -1 (meaning can't be found)
"." has meaning in the regex syntax which is "anything" you need to escape it using "\."
If its a string we can just use split function and then check the length of the array returned. If its more than 1 it has decimal point else not :). This doesn't work for numbers though :(. Please see the last edit. It works for string as well now :)
function checkDecimal() {
var str = "202.0";
var res = str.split(".");
alert(res.length >1);
var str1 = "20";
Hope it helps someone.
Happy Learning :)
Are you looking for checking string containing decimal digits ,
you can try like this
var num = "123.677";
if (!isNaN(Number(num)) {
alert("decimal no");
else {
alert("Not a decimal number");
I am sorry. This answer is too late. but I hope this will help.
function isThisDecimal(val){
if (!(val.indexOf(".") == -1)){
return true; // decimal
return false; // number
console.log(isThisDecimal("12.00")); //true
console.log(isThisDecimal("12.12")); //true
console.log(isThisDecimal("12"));// false

Convert String with Dot or Comma as decimal separator to number in JavaScript

An input element contains numbers a where comma or dot is used as decimal separator and space may be used to group thousands like this:
'110 000,23'
'100 1.23'
How would one convert them to a float number in the browser using JavaScript?
jQuery and jQuery UI are used. Number(string) returns NaN and parseFloat() stops on first space or comma.
Do a replace first:
parseFloat(str.replace(',','.').replace(' ',''))
I realise I'm late to the party, but I wanted a solution for this that properly handled digit grouping as well as different decimal separators for currencies. As none of these fully covered my use case I wrote my own solution which may be useful to others:
function parsePotentiallyGroupedFloat(stringValue) {
stringValue = stringValue.trim();
var result = stringValue.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
if (/[,\.]\d{2}$/.test(stringValue)) {
result = result.replace(/(\d{2})$/, '.$1');
return parseFloat(result);
This should strip out any non-digits and then check whether there was a decimal point (or comma) followed by two digits and insert the decimal point if needed.
It's worth noting that I aimed this specifically for currency and as such it assumes either no decimal places or exactly two. It's pretty hard to be sure about whether the first potential decimal point encountered is a decimal point or a digit grouping character (e.g., 1.542 could be 1542) unless you know the specifics of the current locale, but it should be easy enough to tailor this to your specific use case by changing \d{2}$ to something that will appropriately match what you expect to be after the decimal point.
The perfect solution
accounting.js is a tiny JavaScript library for number, money and currency formatting.
Check this for ref
You could replace all spaces by an empty string, all comas by dots and then parse it.
var str = "110 000,23";
var num = parseFloat(str.replace(/\s/g, "").replace(",", "."));
I used a regex in the first one to be able to match all spaces, not just the first one.
This is the best solution
numeral().unformat('0.02'); = 0.02
What about:
parseFloat(str.replace(' ', '').replace('.', '').replace(',', '.'));
All the other solutions require you to know the format in advance. I needed to detect(!) the format in every case and this is what I end up with.
function detectFloat(source) {
let float = accounting.unformat(source);
let posComma = source.indexOf(',');
if (posComma > -1) {
let posDot = source.indexOf('.');
if (posDot > -1 && posComma > posDot) {
let germanFloat = accounting.unformat(source, ',');
if (Math.abs(germanFloat) > Math.abs(float)) {
float = germanFloat;
} else {
// source = source.replace(/,/g, '.');
float = accounting.unformat(source, ',');
return float;
This was tested with the following cases:
const cases = {
"0": 0,
"10.12": 10.12,
"222.20": 222.20,
"-222.20": -222.20,
"+222,20": 222.20,
"-222,20": -222.20,
"-2.222,20": -2222.20,
"-11.111,20": -11111.20,
Suggestions welcome.
Here's a self-sufficient JS function that solves this (and other) problems for most European/US locales (primarily between US/German/Swedish number chunking and formatting ... as in the OP). I think it's an improvement on (and inspired by) Slawa's solution, and has no dependencies.
function realParseFloat(s)
s = s.replace(/[^\d,.-]/g, ''); // strip everything except numbers, dots, commas and negative sign
if (navigator.language.substring(0, 2) !== "de" && /^-?(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+)(?:\.\d+)?$/.test(s)) // if not in German locale and matches #,###.######
s = s.replace(/,/g, ''); // strip out commas
return parseFloat(s); // convert to number
else if (/^-?(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{3})+)(?:,\d+)?$/.test(s)) // either in German locale or not match #,###.###### and now matches #.###,########
s = s.replace(/\./g, ''); // strip out dots
s = s.replace(/,/g, '.'); // replace comma with dot
return parseFloat(s);
else // try #,###.###### anyway
s = s.replace(/,/g, ''); // strip out commas
return parseFloat(s); // convert to number
Here is my solution that doesn't have any dependencies:
return value
.replace(/[^\d\-.,]/g, "") // Basic sanitization. Allows '-' for negative numbers
.replace(/,/g, ".") // Change all commas to periods
.replace(/\.(?=.*\.)/g, ""); // Remove all periods except the last one
(I left out the conversion to a number - that's probably just a parseFloat call if you don't care about JavaScript's precision problems with floats.)
The code assumes that:
Only commas and periods are used as decimal separators. (I'm not sure if locales exist that use other ones.)
The decimal part of the string does not use any separators.
try this...
var withComma = "23,3";
var withFloat = "23.3";
var compareValue = function(str){
var fixed = parseFloat(str.replace(',','.'))
if(fixed > 0){
This answer accepts some edge cases that others don't:
Only thousand separator: 1.000.000 => 1000000
Exponentials: 1.000e3 => 1000e3 (1 million)
Run the code snippet to see all the test suite.
const REGEX_UNWANTED_CHARACTERS = /[^\d\-.,]/g
const REGEX_PERIODS_EXEPT_LAST = /\.(?=.*\.)/g
export function formatNumber(number) {
// Handle exponentials
if ((number.match(/e/g) ?? []).length === 1) {
const numberParts = number.split('e')
return `${formatNumber(numberParts[0])}e${formatNumber(numberParts[1])}`
const sanitizedNumber = number
// Handle only thousands separator
if (
((sanitizedNumber.match(/,/g) ?? []).length >= 2 && !sanitizedNumber.includes('.')) ||
((sanitizedNumber.match(/\./g) ?? []).length >= 2 && !sanitizedNumber.includes(','))
) {
return sanitizedNumber.replace(/[.,]/g, '')
return sanitizedNumber.replace(/,/g, '.').replace(REGEX_PERIODS_EXEPT_LAST, '')
function formatNumberToNumber(number) {
return Number(formatNumber(number))
const REGEX_UNWANTED_CHARACTERS = /[^\d\-.,]/g
const REGEX_PERIODS_EXEPT_LAST = /\.(?=.*\.)/g
function formatNumber(number) {
if ((number.match(/e/g) ?? []).length === 1) {
const numberParts = number.split('e')
return `${formatNumber(numberParts[0])}e${formatNumber(numberParts[1])}`
const sanitizedNumber = number
if (
((sanitizedNumber.match(/,/g) ?? []).length >= 2 && !sanitizedNumber.includes('.')) ||
((sanitizedNumber.match(/\./g) ?? []).length >= 2 && !sanitizedNumber.includes(','))
) {
return sanitizedNumber.replace(/[.,]/g, '')
return sanitizedNumber.replace(/,/g, '.').replace(REGEX_PERIODS_EXEPT_LAST, '')
const testCases = [
document.getElementById('tbody').innerHTML = testCases.reduce((total, input) => {
return `${total}<tr><td>${input}</td><td>${formatNumber(input)}</td></tr>`
}, '')
<tbody id="tbody"></tbody>
From number to currency string is easy through Number.prototype.toLocaleString. However the reverse seems to be a common problem. The thousands separator and decimal point may not be obtained in the JS standard.
In this particular question the thousands separator is a white space " " but in many cases it can be a period "." and decimal point can be a comma ",". Such as in 1 000 000,00 or 1.000.000,00. Then this is how i convert it into a proper floating point number.
var price = "1 000.000,99",
value = +price.replace(/(\.|\s)|(\,)/g,(m,p1,p2) => p1 ? "" : ".");
So the replacer callback takes "1.000.000,00" and converts it into "1000000.00". After that + in the front of the resulting string coerces it into a number.
This function is actually quite handy. For instance if you replace the p1 = "" part with p1 = "," in the callback function, an input of 1.000.000,00 would result 1,000,000.00

Javascript check for spaces

I have this function but I want to check for spaces only in the front and back, not in the middle before i sent back what can i do with it...
function validateNumeric() {
var val = document.getElementById("tbNumber").value;
var validChars = '0123456789.';
for(var i = 0; i < val.length; i++){
if(validChars.indexOf(val.charAt(i)) == -1){
alert('Please enter valid number');
return false;
return true;
Time for regular expressions.
function startsOrEndsWithWhitespace(str)
return /^\s|\s$/.test(str);
> /^\s|\s$/.test('123454')
> /^\s|\s$/.test('123 454')
> /^\s|\s$/.test(' 123454')
> /^\s|\s$/.test(' 123454 ')
> /^\s|\s$/.test('123454 ')
if i dont wanna accept 1 1 what do i have to change
function containsWhitespace(str)
return /\s/.test(str);
> /\s/.test('123454')
> /\s/.test('123 454')
> /\s/.test(' 123454')
> /\s/.test('123454 ')
> /\s/.test(' 123454 ')
> /\s/.test(' 123 454 ')
For a really simple solution, if you can use jQuery, use jQuery.trim() and compare the trimmed string with the original. If not equal, then there were spaces so the number is invalid.
function trim (myString)
return myString.replace(/^\s+/g,'').replace(/\s+$/g,'')
To trim your string you can write something like this, as it's been said before:
function trim(str){
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g), '');
But why bother?
Want you really want is:
function validateNumeric(str) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(str));
Note your original code accepts something like "..." or "7.8..9" as being numeric, which is wrong.
Update: kennebec has called my attention to the fact that parseFloat() will ignore trailing garbage at the end of string. So I call your attention to this alternative given in an answer to question "Validate numbers in JavaScript - IsNumeric()":
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
(Original credit goes to CMS).
function validateNumeric() {
var val = document.getElementById("tbNumber").value;
if (!/^\s*(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)\s*$/.test(val)) {
alert('Please enter a valid number');
return false;
return true;
(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)|\.\d+) breaks down as follows:
\d+ is any number of digits, e.g. 123
(\.\d*)? optionally matches a fraction, e.g. .25 and . or blank but not .1.2
\.\d+ matches a fraction without an integer part as in .5 but not 1.5.
(?:abc|def) groups things together and matches either abc or def
/^\s*(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)|\.\d+)\s*$/ means any number of spaces followed by one or more decimal digits followed by any number of spaces. So it does what your validChars loop did plus allows spaces at the start and end.

Javascript string/integer comparisons

I store some parameters client-side in HTML and then need to compare them as integers. Unfortunately I have come across a serious bug that I cannot explain. The bug seems to be that my JS reads parameters as strings rather than integers, causing my integer comparisons to fail.
I have generated a small example of the error, which I also can't explain. The following returns 'true' when run:
console.log("2" > "10")
Parse the string into an integer using parseInt:
javascript:alert(parseInt("2", 10)>parseInt("10", 10))
Checking that strings are integers is separate to comparing if one is greater or lesser than another. You should always compare number with number and string with string as the algorithm for dealing with mixed types not easy to remember.
'00100' < '1' // true
as they are both strings so only the first zero of '00100' is compared to '1' and because it's charCode is lower, it evaluates as lower.
'00100' < 1 // false
as the RHS is a number, the LHS is converted to number before the comparision.
A simple integer check is:
function isInt(n) {
return /^[+-]?\d+$/.test(n);
It doesn't matter if n is a number or integer, it will be converted to a string before the test.
If you really care about performance, then:
var isInt = (function() {
var re = /^[+-]?\d+$/;
return function(n) {
return re.test(n);
Noting that numbers like 1.0 will return false. If you want to count such numbers as integers too, then:
var isInt = (function() {
var re = /^[+-]?\d+$/;
var re2 = /\.0+$/;
return function(n) {
return re.test((''+ n).replace(re2,''));
Once that test is passed, converting to number for comparison can use a number of methods. I don't like parseInt() because it will truncate floats to make them look like ints, so all the following will be "equal":
parseInt(2.9) == parseInt('002',10) == parseInt('2wewe')
and so on.
Once numbers are tested as integers, you can use the unary + operator to convert them to numbers in the comparision:
if (isInt(a) && isInt(b)) {
if (+a < +b) {
// a and b are integers and a is less than b
Other methods are:
Number(a); // liked by some because it's clear what is happening
a * 1 // Not really obvious but it works, I don't like it
Comparing Numbers to String Equivalents Without Using parseInt
console.log(Number('2') > Number('10'));
console.log( ('2'/1) > ('10'/1) );
var item = { id: 998 }, id = '998';
var isEqual = ( === id.toString());
use parseInt and compare like below:
Always remember when we compare two strings.
the comparison happens on chacracter basis.
so '2' > '12' is true because the comparison will happen as
'2' > '1' and in alphabetical way '2' is always greater than '1' as unicode.
SO it will comeout true.
I hope this helps.
You can use Number() function also since it converts the object argument to a number that represents the object's value.
Eg: javascript:alert( Number("2") > Number("10"))
+ operator will coerce the string to a number.
console.log( +"2" > +"10" )
The answer is simple. Just divide string by 1.
"2" > "10" - true
"2"/1 > "10"/1 - false
Also you can check if string value really is number:
!isNaN("1"/1) - true (number)
!isNaN("1a"/1) - false (string)
!isNaN("01"/1) - true (number)
!isNaN(" 1"/1) - true (number)
!isNaN(" 1abc"/1) - false (string)
!isNaN(""/1) - true (but string)
number !== "" && !isNaN(number/1)
The alert() wants to display a string, so it will interpret "2">"10" as a string.
Use the following:
var greater = parseInt("2") > parseInt("10");
alert("Is greater than? " + greater);
var less = parseInt("2") < parseInt("10");
alert("Is less than? " + less);

