How to Silverlight Invoke Javascript function in a namespace? - javascript

I'm having a problem since I wrapped my javascript functions inside of a namespace.
Version 1 of my code worked fine. Originally, to call the javascript from inside Silverlight I used to use this code:
My javascript looked like this:
function hideMyDiv() {
Now, I've refactored my javascript to be contained in a namespace. So it now looks like this:
var activity = {
message: null,
hideMyDiv: function() {
} };
I can call this refactored function in javascript, it works like before:
$("document").ready(function() {
activity.hideMyDiv(); });
But when I try to use it from Silverlight, I get this error: Failed to Invoke: activity.updateInfo. This is my current Silverlight code:
What am I doing wrong? (and thanks!)

This is the correct way..
ScriptObject so = HtmlPage.Window.Eval("activity") as ScriptObject;


Vaadin 14 Springboot javascript does not work

I'm trying to develop my first Vaadin 14 application, I'm also using Spring boot framework for it.
I've created a javascript file, I put it into the folder frontend/src with the name of teams.js and I'm trying to import it with #JsModule("src/teams.js"). My root view class looks like this:
#PageTitle("Teams organization store init")
public class TeamsEntryView extends VerticalLayout implements BeforeEnterObserver {
public TeamsEntryView() {
private void initTeams() {
var ui = UI.getCurrent();
var page = ui.getPage();"Teams initialization...");
page.executeJs(getTeamsConfig()).toCompletableFuture().whenComplete(((jsonValue, throwable) ->"Teams initialization completed: {} with throwable {}", jsonValue.toJson(), throwable.getMessage())
private String getTeamsConfig() {
return """
return true;
My js file looks like this:
window = {
initTeams: function () {
In this case, I see "ss" in the browser's console, but nothing more.
If I remove the window.initTeams(); line I get "ss" and "xx" as well.
If I declare a simple function in the js file and call it without the "window" class I get similar results.
If I use #Javascript or page.addJavascript("src/teams.js") I get this error when the page loads: "> unexpected character"
If I try to call join() or get() on the completable future the browser freeze.
If I use #Javascript("frontend://src/teams.js") I get some CORS error like if it is trying to download something from the "frontend" host.
I've tried to put the #JsModule on a component instead of my view.. it does not work.
I've tried to put my js file to the root, and to the resources folder.
I could not find any other solution to import and use my js file into vaadin14 with spring boot.
Also, I'm not sure why the browser freeze if I call "join()" on completable future, and also the on the result of it sentToBrowser returns false even if I see the console logs in the browsers log...
Can somebody explain to me how should I do the javascript import, why my current code does not work, and why the "join()" freezes the browser, please?
Thank you in advance!
I have also tried with this annotation #JavaScript("./src/teams.js") and a js like this:
function initTeams () {
console.log("Teams initialized!")
Okay so finally I got it working.
The js file has to be under root/src/main/webapp/src folder.
Nor #JavaScript and nor the #JsModule worked for me, so I had to import my js file as:
var ui = UI.getCurrent();
var page = ui.getPage();
Then I can call it like window.initTeams() or like initTeams() and both works fine. Altough the completable future below still never executes, and isSentToBrowser() always returns false.
page.executeJs(getTeamsConfig()).toCompletableFuture().whenComplete(((jsonValue, throwable) ->"Teams initialization completed: {} with throwable {}", jsonValue.toJson(), throwable.getMessage())
I must mention if I start the path with '.' like page.addJavaScript(".src/teams.js"); then it does not find the file.
Does anybody have an answer, why the completable future never executes?
The problem is that the following code redefines the window object:
window = {
initTeams: function () {
Did you meant to add a function to the window object? Like so:
window.initTeams = function () {
If you want to keep code visually similar to yours:
window = {
initTeams: function() {
Other options:
window['initTeams'] = function() {...}
Object.assign(window, {initTeams: function() {...}})
Object.defineProperty(window, 'initTeams', {value: function() {console.log('foo')}});
Gotta love JavaScript...
Also, for more knowledge, the code mentioned in your #Edit section could not be called. Calling initTeams() is equivalent to window.initTeams(). The function must exist in the window object. This is why, for example, you see some custom elements defined like customElements.define(...) and window.customElements.define(...).

Javascript require returns empty object

I am trying to use a library found on the web, called himalaya, which is an html parser.
I followed their guide on importing the library, so I do
var himalaya = require('himalaya');
However when I call one of its member functions, I get an error
TypeError: himalaya.parse is not a function
I tried executing himalaya.parse() on the web browser console directly, it works. I tried commenting out the require statement in the js file, the function no longer works on web browser.
I guess this implies the require statement works? But for some reasons I cannot use it in my javascript file, only on the browser console.
Perhaps something with file scopes? Here is part of my code.
var himalaya = require('himalaya');
Template.main.onCreated(function () {
var http = new HttpGet("", "/somedirectories/", function (response) {
I am certain that response.content does contain a valid html string.
When you call the himalaya.parse inside the main.onCreated function it seems like the library is not completed loaded at that time. That's why it only runs in your browser console. Check if the himalaya library has a onReady function to let you know exactly when you can use it. If not, you can:
a) Call the parse function inside the main.onRendered or
b) Keep the parse call inside the main.onCreated and set a timeOut to call it after a half second like this:
var himalaya = require('himalaya');
Template.main.onCreated(function () {
var http = new HttpGet("", "/somedirectories/", function (response) {
If you have an issue with the setTimeout check this answer:
Meteor.setTimeout function doesn't work

JavaScript: Calling a function inside an object literal doesn't work in IE8

I have this object literal in my app which looks something like this:
var user = {
func1: function() {
// do some stuff
func2: function() {
// do some stuff
and whenever I try to do this:
it fails in Internet Explorer 8 with the following error:
Object doesn't support this method or property
I've tried doing this:
and I get the same error
EDIT: I've tried replacing all calls to object literals with just normal or anonymous functions and that seems to work fine. However, I still want make this work as I don't want to rewrite all my code:
EDIT: Here are the relevant javascript files:

Unclear javascript/jquery programming pattern

I am working on a web project where in the UI jsp pages. All the jquery/javascript methods are called via this pattern
There are many .js files imported in the jsp page. So I have to search in Eclipse IDE
to track the method js file.
In the js file which has an entirely different name not "A.b.c.d", the method is declared as
methodName: function()
{ // logic }
Can anyone tell me what is this style/pattern of using jquery.
JavaScript never looks for file names, the "namespacing" you see there is achieved by objects nested in each other as properties.
For example if you create an object like:
var A = {
b: {
c: {
d: {
methodName: function () {
console.log('What a nice method!');
You can call it like this:
Or you can add methods later in your code:
var irrelevantName = function () {
console.log('This method is even nicer');
A.b.c.method2 = irrelevantName;
And call it by:
There is a much used extend method which has surfaced in lot of JavaScript frameworks, like jQuery or MooTools. This provides a way for safely extending an object while preserving original values if present.
You can use the jQuery one like:
$.extend(A.b.c.d, {
method3: function () {
console.log('An other nice method');
And as you expect, it can be called as:
JavaScript libraries usually use namespacing: they create some kind of an object and populate it with all their methods. This way they don't pollute the global namespace with their methods.
There are a lot of ways to add new properties to an object in JS, so it is not always obvious how a method is added to an object, but it is safe to say that file names have nothing to do with it.
For further reading on the subject, I would recommend this google search. Basically any of the top 20 results should explain how namespaces are created and used in JavaScript.
On a footnote: I'm not sure how does the Eclipse tooling support JS, but as it is not a trivial problem (object structure can be modified on the fly) I would not be surprised if Eclipse had no understanding of JavaScript namespacing.
Looks like it has some sort of namespacing. The code could be using could be the AMD pattern? But again, if it's JSP it might be old....

How to set variables on the fly from the console?

I would like to set variables on the fly using the console.
My code is wrapped like this:
( function () {
var debug = true;
// code here
} () )
I want to change debug on the fly using the console.
Should I move debug out of the self executing wrapper and pass it in using the global import?
Should I give the anonymous function a name, and set it using the "name spaced" name?
I have not used the console too much, but I assume it is made for things like this.
How is this usually done? What is best practice?
You could use a namespace with minimal effort as follows:
(function (foo) {
foo.debug = true;
}(FOO = FOO || {}));
FOO.debug = false;
I would go with this type of solution over using an explicit global because it isn't really more cumbersome and with variable names like debug there's a chance you might have a conflict.. even if you're working with code that is 100% yours.

