JavaScript & JSP - javascript

Firstly, I have done my research and already know that JavaScript = client JSPs = server side. I don't want to waste your time.
My situation is that I want to execute JSP code from an event (not from a HTML form).
I have a HTML link (XXX), which is NOT within <form> tags; it just an ordinary HTML link. Through Javascript, I will be able to get the href value and store it in a hidden input field. Instantly after this, I want to execute request.getAttribute("...") and pass the parameter between JSP pages.
I do now know how to do the latter part (i.e. getting the request.getAttribute code to instantly proceed after the Javascript code has executed.
Can anyone advise?

You can't run JSP code like this.
JSP code, as you said is run on the server side, so you can't really trigger it from the web browser.
If you are just trying to pass a parameter between JSP pages, you can add the parameter to the queryString of the URL when you call the second JSP, and within it use request.getAttribute().
Remember, JSP code is executed before the page is sent to the browser.
I hope this helps.


what is the difference with "test" javascript variable and "#test" variable can i convert var javascript to "#test"

I've seen a servlet between the JSP and the database that is implemented similar this page. the important part for me is this:
param p1fd = new param();
where the parameter in jsp code is referenced as "#formDDL"
the problem is that I have formDDL as a javascript variable as such:
var formDDL;
How can I convert the javascript variable to #formDDL?
Is there any other way to I pass this variable to Expression Language written for inserting in mySQL code?
The scriptlet part of the JSP is executed on the server side prior to it being returned to the client. Therefore you can't change its value after the page is sent to the client. You would have to have a preliminary page that sets the value of formDDL in javascript and then call into the server to request the page with the formDDL included as a request parameter or POST data. Basically the same approach that was done in the page you linked.
If you didn't want to have to fully reload the page to change the value of formDDL then you would have to take a completely different approach and look into using Ajax.
Also be mindful of SQL injection attacks when following a similar approach to the one you linked to.

Is it possible to use a javascript variable inside of a javascript variable that contains php?

I'm trying to use a JS variable inside of php code that executes a function. Based on the selected radio button, Javascript gets a string of code from a data attribute of the radio button (trimcode) and I need to set this as the key in my PHP function where one of the variables requires an array key.
The result will be, whenever a radio button is selected, the PHP function inside this function will execute using the 'code' variable and thus return it's return value as the inside content of the "byo" class div via javascript innerhtml. However, I can't figure out how to use a javascript variable inside of PHP code that is inside another javascript variable. Can someone point me in the right direction?
<script type='text/javascript'>
var code;
var colorsavailable;
$("input:radio[name=trimlevel]").click(function() {
code = $(this).data("trimcode");
colorsavailable = ("<?=byoTrimImageColors($modelMap["+code+"],$hexcolors)?>");
I think you're confusing the notions of server-side code and client-side code.
The PHP code runs once, in its entirety, when the page is requested. Then, after it's executed, the resulting page is sent to the browser where the JavaScript code runs. And that line of PHP code isn't going to execute for each click event. It's going to execute once, and only once, and emit only one result to the page.
Given what it looks like you're trying to do, you probably have two options:
Include the functionality you're invoking in JavaScript code and just invoke it there instead of in PHP code. Whatever that array is, whatever that function is, implement those in JavaScript. Then there's no need to involve PHP at all.
If the functionality needs to be in server-side code, then you're going to need to use AJAX to invoke it. Essentially you'd create a separate PHP "page" (which emits JSON data, not an actual page) to accept the value, invoke the functionality, and emit the result. The JavaScript code would make an AJAX request to that resource and use the result.
Client-side, that AJAX call might look something like this:
code = $(this).data("trimcode");
$.post('someNewPage.php', { code : code }, function (result) {
Server-side (and I'm mostly guessing here), someNewPage.php might have something like:
$code = $_POST['code'];
// you'll want to sanitize the $code value here, since it's user input
$result = byoTrimImageColors($modelMap[$code],$hexcolors);
echo json_encode($result);
Your idea is not possible since for PHP code to execute it requires a page refresh. The best solution would be using Ajax to send the data to PHP asynchronously and changing your HTML, using JS, with the data that comes back from PHP.
To learn how Ajax/PHP works visit this site:
It is not possible to call a PHP function from Javascript. PHP is a pre-processor and ALL PHP code will finish executing before the page loads. Once the page loads, the browser will load your Javascript files and JS will take it from there.
In order to "call a PHP function" again after the page has loaded, you will need to make a new request to the page. This is typically handled in Javascript via AJAX. Using ajax, Javascript can send a new request to the server, PHP will read it and send a response back to Javascript.
If you really need that PHP function to execute on the Javascript level synchronously, then consider porting that function to Javascript.
Right now what you are doing is constructing a string that resembles some PHP code. It looks like you are doing that part just fine.
However, you cannot execute PHP code on the client side. There is no interpreter available on the client (the browser) that knows what to do with your PHP code.
What I would recommend doing is if you need to run some PHP code, create a controller method or some script that you can execute on the server, make an AJAX request to that (passing the JS code variable), have the PHP method return the value of your byoTrimImageColors method, and then handle that data however you please.

How do I get url that is hidden by javascript on external website?

How do I get url that is hidden by javascript on external website?
This url is constant through navigation of pages, so page content is loaded by javascript.
link location of a page:
Is there a way to analyze (manually or by PHP script) the function __doPostBack to find out about the urls?
Thx in advance
Those values are not hidden, the __doPostBack method posts back to itself. Those values passed to doPostBack represent the html ID's of the control doing the postback.
The page your looking at is written in ASP.NET also, not PHP.
You can use your browsers debug tools to see what data is being passed back to the server via javascript.
The __doPostBack javascript function is used to submit data to an page.
The first parameter to the function is the event target. This is the ClientID of the control that is being clicked. uses this value to raise a Click event on the server when the page gets submitted.
You can call this __doPostBack function via javascript yourself to get the same behavior as a user clicking it.
I gave some tips on "scraping" pages on this other question: curl script just filling up the form not submitting it
The basics of simulating a POST request using CURL are discussed here: PHP + curl, HTTP POST sample code?
I would also add that if the site you are "scraping" from is owned by someone you are on friendly terms with (and not e.g. a competitor!) you may be able to save a lot of time by asking nicely for the content, or a static URL that gives you the content.

Flow of Jsp -> Javascript webpage (Ajax?)

I am making a website but I get a bit lost programming dynamic sites.
The user needs to enter x (inside a textbox), click submit, process in java (serverside) and present outcome as a report to the user (using javascript).
I'm at the moment using JSP to process the users input but now I need to pass the JSON code into the javascript. The javascript requires JSON data.
At the moment I have JSP which returns the necessary JSON code and the Javascript which works with hardcoded JSON code. I need to somehow store the returned JSON (from the JSP) in a variable and pass it to the Javascript. I have a vague understanding of AJAX - i'm just unsure if this is possible and how to link it all together.
Thank you.
Your JSP "page" can simply generate JSON directly. There's no reason the output from JSP has to be HTML. From the client, therefore, you POST to the server, the JSP runs, and the result (pure JSON from your JSP) is sent back to the client as the ajax response.
Sounds like the perfect place for AJAX - you can submit the request with javascript, and when it comes back process it further with javascript. Unless you want the page to refresh.
If you are using jQuery, you can look here to see how to implement it, should be relatively painless:

Javascript function execution on link click?

I have a link, that when a user clicks on it, it loads a different page as normal but also executes a JS function that autofills a specific text-box on that different page. Is it better practice to use Jquery or Javascript to do this? How can I do this using either one of them?
You can't do this from the source page.
It's a security feature. Imagine if you wrote a JS function that went to an online banking page and auto-filled a bank transfer using the user's current cookie. That's why you can't.
If you control the other page then the sequence you can use is:
Save data to the server;
Go to the new page with a JS redirect;
The new page is loaded from the server;
While loading th epage the data that was saved from the server is retrieved and used to populate the text box.
So it can be done from the server but only if you save it there. The only way of doing that is using Ajax.
An alternative approach is:
Instead of a JS redirect, submit the page back to the server;
The server saves whatever data it needs to;
The server sends back an HTTP redirect to the new page;
The new page uses the saved data to construct the new page with the populated text box.
At the end of the script add return false;. This will make the page run the script without redirecting the page.
Edit: (after saw your edition).
Is it better practice to use Jquery or Javascript to do this? How can I do this using either one of them?
jQuery is a javascript library, this it doesn't matter if you use plain javascript or use jquery as long as you happy with the result.
And about what you say that you successfully manipulated a page fro the redirecter page... I don't see how it possible.

