What does this javascript do - javascript

window.$ = jQuery = $telerik.$;
To the best of my understanding, there is an Object called $telerik. It has a function $. The function is assigned to the identifiers jQuery and window.$, so we can just use $(args) in our javascripts. Is it correct?
It should mean that we can also use jQuery(args) to find an element.

The $telerik object is given by a set of commercial ASP .NET Web Controls called "RadControls for ASP .NET AJAX".
Recently they have included jQuery into the client-side API, and they decided to wrap the jQuery object inside $telerik for compatibility reasons.
The code you post is only declaring the $ and the jQuery objects globally, so you can reference to jQuery by it, and write code as you normally do.
For more info give a look to this post.

it just lets you use $telerik(''); as you would with $('') or jQuery(''); at least, so i believe


Possible to load jQuery only inside closure?

I don't think this can be done, though I know requirejs can do something similar, and I was wondering if this might be possible outside of require.
I'm writing a piece of SaaS JavaScript code that will most likely need jQuery to run cross browser. Some sites have it, some don't, but I don't want to stick jQuery on the window object if they aren't using it. Though I could individually create alternatives for everything I use jQuery for... I was wondering if there is a way I can load jQuery only for use inside my closure. Is this possible?
When you load the standard release of jQuery, by default jQuery assigns itself to the global names jQuery and $. If you load your version of jQuery before your closure file within the page, then within your closure do
var $ = jQuery.noConflict(true);
It will undo whatever modifications your version of jQuery did to the global object.
It is worth noting, however, that this produces a race condition. If any events or timeouts fire between the time that your jQuery file loads and your closure calls jQuery.noConflict(true) they will accidentally use the version of jQuery that you loaded.
An alternative is to edit the jQuery file that you are using to include a call to jQuery.noConflict(true) at the bottom of the jQuery file. You can assign the result to an arbitrary name that no one else would ever think to use, like "abcRandomNumberHere". Then you can retrieve your instance of jQuery from that global name within your closure assigning it to a local variable named jQuery and/or $ and delete the global reference at that time.
// Your jQuery file on your server
// ...
// End of file:
someRandomGlobalName = jQuery.noConflict(true);
// The file that contains your closure:
(function() {
var $, jQuery;
$ = jQuery = someRandomGlobalName;
delete window.someRandomGlobalName;
// Your code that uses jQuery here
} ());
This is a rough approximation of what RequireJS does to keep jQuery out of the global namespace. Recent versions of jQuery have built-in code that detects the existence of a script loader like RequireJS and rather than assigning to global names jQuery passes a reference to itself into RequireJS and leaves the global object untouched. That way RequireJS contains the reference to jQuery internally, but the global.requirejs variable is modified instead.
Creating your own non-conflicting global name for your jQuery version and your closure to "rendezvous" on is analogous to RequireJS' functionality. The name RequireJS uses is the "global name": requirejs.s.contexts._.jQuery (not exactly, but something like this).
Call jQuery.noConflict(true) and it will re-assign $ and jQuery to wherever it was.
Then, you can pass the reference returned by the above expression into your closure.
(function(jQuery) {
Yes, calling jQuery.noConflict(true) will completely remove anything that jquery added from the global namespace reverting it back to what it was previously allowing for conflicting libraries and/or multiple versions of jQuery.
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>

Mixing javascript and jquery within namespace

Was having trouble a few weeks ago getting jquery to run in firebug (esp on drupal sites). Apparently the issue was that Drupal was grabbing the $ variable, so I got a little namespace snippet (function($)...(Jquery)); that reclaimed the $. I have been using the namespace in firebug but geting inconsistent results, especially when mixing pure javascript and Jquery within the namespace. I understand that all Jquery is javascript and they work together, but looking at samples I see some weird variations in the way people deploy this namespace. As a general question but also specifically within Firebug context, is there any need to place javascript in any particular relation to namespaced Jquery (inside the namespace, function calls inside, function out, or any other convention)?
If you meant preventing the $ from being reclaimed, there is no convention but there is a way. other frameworks also use the $ name. anything declared later to use $ will take over $. however, you can prevent it or get around it.
jQuery offers a lot of ways to prevent it via its noConflict() method. but my preferred method is just wrap them in a function. jQuery also uses the jQuery namespace. $ is a shorthand alias, a very common one too. so functions like $.each() is also jQuery.each(). what crazy framework uses jQuery as its namespace anyway?
an example of wrapping in a function is like this:
//inside here, "$" is jQuery
}(jQuery)); //pass "jQuery"

Defining a scope for JQuery variables, different js - single page

I have 2 js on a single page. In one of the js I am doing var jQuery = $.noConflict(true); and after that using all the jQuery methods using jQuery object, like jQuery("#div").hide();
In another js, I am using the traditional $ variable & accessing the jQuery methods as $("#div").hide();
When on a page I use either of the 2 js', things work fine. However, when I include both, the $ in the second js seems to be overwritten by jQuery. for example, in js 2 I can no longer do $("#div").hide() but if I use jQuery instead of $, it works fine - jQuery("#div").hide();!
Why am I experimenting this is because the first div will be distributed to different websites as a plugin, and the second js could be the Jquery written by that website developer.
Please help me figure out where am I going wrong..
You're using noConflict, which releases jQuery's hold on $. Doesn't matter if it's in separate scripts, since it's the same global environment.
In the script where you want to use $, define that variable inside your .ready() handler.
jQuery(function($) {
The easiest way to solve this is to use a pattern that plugin authors employ.
(function($) {
// Use $ safely within the function
})(jQuery); // Passes in jQuery object
This is function is created and invoked immediately, and at the same time allows you to pass a variable into the scope of the function. Using this, you can carry on referring to $ in your code and not worry about overwriting it or conflicting.
The jQuery documentation advises this pattern
Files do not have scope, you dereferenced $ with noConflict for your entire page. Anything

JavaScript dependency injection via dynamic <script> tag

Using JSONP in vanilla JavaScript via creating a <script> tag with a src led me to consider using that same method for dependency injection in JavaScript plugins and other JavaScript components that utilize libraries but want to be as independent as possible.
Using jQuery as an example of a popular library that could potentially need to be injected...
// make sure we don't load it if already loaded.
if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
var dependency = document.createElement('script');
dependency.src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js";
window.onload = function() {
// jQuery is now available w/o the extra <script> tag added by the end user...
Really at this point it's mainly conceptual (but does work), but I'm wondering if this would be considered a acceptable solution for JavaScript dependency injection? Any thoughts on this?
Before implementing this trick, you should consider why it's needed. It's acceptable to use the method when your code is vital, and has to be used at unknown environments. When you're building a web-plugin, for external websites, try to force the developer to include the required libraries. It's more efficient, and also more reliable.
Regarding your example: put the code inside an (anonymous) function, to not fill the global scope with unnecessary variables.
Yes, I believe that is the concept behind google.load().

Reading a javascript script, why so many $ (dollar signs)?

I am trying to decipher a .js script and I am finding it filled with $ throughout? Is there any reason to use this? I'm pretty new to JavaScript.
I think you are reading a JavaScript library famously known as jQuery (or possibly another library). The $ is just a short form for a namespace or use as an identifier.
You can think of it like this jQuery('p') to select all the paragraphs on a page,
or for short form you can just write $('p').
Here is a link for jQuery tutorials/docs jQuery
Here is a list of standards section 7.6 describes it in detail ECMA Standard
A number of libraries have used $ as their primary symbol. It's nothing to do with JavaScript per se, but it's a short distinctive symbol and so libraries have tended to glom onto it. (You can start an identifier with $ in JavaScript, and identifiers can be one character long, so $ is a valid identifier, just like a or x.)
I know of at least three libraries that use $ for something:
jQuery - It's the all purpose function for jQuery, an alias of the jQuery function; more here.
Prototype - It's Prototype's replacement for document.getElementById, more here. Prototype also has $$, which is for looking things up via CSS selectors.
MooTools - Same use as Prototype (because MooTools is either "inspired by" or "forked from" Prototype, some years back, depending on who you ask), more here. And like Prototype, it has $$.
$ is a variable. A number of frameworks use it as a short hand for using it. Prototype and Jquery are the two big ones. This does not mean that the $ automatically is either one of those. It could be anything as anything in JavaScript can assign something to the $. This is something to be aware of, because when you start combining scripts from different sources, it's really easy for one to accidentally reassign a variable to something else.
Most likely it is a framework reference, but you'll have to read the code to be sure. At one point in time the $ was meant to be used to indicate that the code referenced by it was auto generated, but this is just a guideline.
if you're new to javascript, $() can look strange.
Try to think of it like
var $ = function(){
//do something
So the dollar sign is just the name of a variable like any other.
var myFunction = function(){
//do something
// this is exactly the same just a different name.
So the dollar sign has no special meaning in javascript.
Frameworks like to use it because you are using their functions so often, having to write e.g. jQuery() every time would be tedious. Having one character is nice and short.
I think they also have a preference for the $ symbol, purely because it is unusual so it is quickly distinguishable from other code.
A quick way to find out if it is jQuery is to do console.log(jQuery) if the console returns a string of code $() is jQuery. If you get undefined, it is something else.
Maybe you're reading jQuery code.
Because JavaScript lets you define variables which start with $ sign, or literally which are only $. For example, you can do:
var $ = "something";
jQuery is a library built on JavaScript (the most popular at the time) and it has a global object to keep everything encapsulated. You access that global object using $.
The script is probably using a third party library such as Prototypejs or jQuery or he defined his own function $() which explain why the dollar sign appears so often in that script.
It's a jQuery function. That's what it is most probably. Might also be the Prototype library, or just a function that does something that's needed many times in the code, like getElementById etc
Without seeing the code, it sounds like the script you are looking at makes use of jQuery, as the $ is the default jQuery object.
Typically the $ will represent jQuery or another specific library (Moo Tools, etc.) . $ is the shortened form of referencing the jQuery object (or whatever library it was assigned). It makes the code much more readable and easy to use.
If you are just learning javascript, you will soon become very familiar with jQuery. :)
Either its jQuery or an old PHP habit by some javascript programmer :)
$ is only a function. It means you work with some javascript superstructure (framework).

