Implementing Tiny MCE As Local HTML Editor - javascript

UPDATE: There are stupid questions, and this is one of them. I didn't realize that serving JavaScript via Django was so large a question. When I've answered it, I'll post the most useful resources for those who want to RTFM, unless the mods close this first. Until then, sorry for wasting your time.
How do I install and configure Tiny MCE, Apache2 and Django so Tiny MCE is available as a local application only? I think what I want to do is setup Apache so it serves only the local computer, and does so with Django to provide a Tiny MCE editor. Apache2 and Django are already installed but I don't know how to integrate Tiny MCE to achieve this result.
I'm a newbie to web development and frameworks, so I might be missing an obvious solution to this problem.
(Why am I doing this?
I want a WYSIWYG HTML editor that will let me edit a document's formatting and see how that affects the HTML, and edit the HTML and see how it affects the formatting, while using a CSS stylesheet.
I will want to serve this functionality to the web over a SSL connection but don't yet want to set that up just yet.
The web application will go through Django, so I want to get things working through that framework.
I'd like to see a JavaScript application in action.)
Thanks for your patience.
UPDATE: Is this better phrased as:
How do I serve a javascript application through Django?
How do I make that service available only to the local computer?
Question #2 seems to have been answered.

Bind Apache to the interface only. The documentation can be found at
What you serve is irrelvent as far as this question is concerned, since you are just trying to control where you serve it too.

In response to q.1 - you don't, normally. Django does not serve static media like JS files, images, etc. Having said that, there is a tinymce app for django which eases the integration. works well for me.


Is there a way to host HTML website themes/templates (Themeforest, etc) on Node.js?

I was just wondering if there's a way to implement Node.JS and its main file as a sort of container for a fully implemented HTML template/theme like those on Themeforest.
I looked around and saw JSDOM but I don't think that will fit my needs.
In case it isn't clear, Themeforest hosts HTML5 themes that are fully functioning HTML/CSS/JS files that you can just upload to your host file server and it will serve up your front end. I'm just getting tired of making React-styled apps, and just want to try these nice looking themes for a change.
As you are looking to host static HTML/CSS/JS contents, you just have to run a basic server, as described by answers on this question. If you are looking for a production appropriate solution, you should also consider cloud storage/CDNs.

Oracle Weblogic - How to work on UI without building the entire solution?

I'm a UI developer with very less knowledge in server side. My current work included Oracle Weblogic server, with Java coding language.
The problem is, for each minor change that I make in UI file like js or html, I need to stop the server and rebuild the entire solution to see the change. This is taking a huge effort from a UI perspective.
Is there any way to work on UI files without building each time ?
Go to _WL_user directory (e.g. Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\<your _domain_name>\servers\<server_name>\tmp\_WL_user\<application_name>). In one of folders below (e.g. <...>\war\WEB-INF\jsp), you should find your UI files which you can modify. After reloading a page results should be visible in a browser.
Well, you could just connect a debugger to your server from your IDE so changes you make are pushed remotely, but it's not an elegant solution (and there are things it can't handle and you'll need to bounce the server anyway)
Use Split Development Environment in exploded folder. Then, all you need is to write one file .beabuild.txt and map virtual JS/CSS paths to your source folders.

HTML Templates in Apache Cordova?

I'm currently developing an app using Apache Cordova via Visual Studio, and a lot of my webpages are very similar - a while ago, I had used Django and found its templates ( very useful for these situations. Does Apache Cordova offer and functionality similar to this? I was looking into Handlebars.js, but it seems like I cannot easily call an entire HTML page template in the same regard as I could using Django templates.
Cordova isn't really prescriptive in this regard. I'm currently using Handlebars.js in my app (link), but I know that there are others -- mustache.js, jQuery template, angularJS. Handlebars just happened to be the one I came across first.

How do I package up Github's Atom editor for embedding on a webpage?

Github recently released their Atom editor open-source. Since it's all written in JavaScript, it should be relatively easy to embed. Unfortunately it doesn't look like it runs anywhere except in node and the custom version of Chromium they bundle with Atom releases.
Does anyone know how I would go about packaging Atom up for the browser? Has anyone already attempted this? is an editor that you download, and you can not embed it in a webpage. I think what you are looking for is something like You can sign in with Github and edit files in your repository. Unfortunately, Prose's interface is different than other editors. I am not sure how cleanly it will embed, but it looks like the best place to start. The project is open source, and it was designed to manage GitHub Pages (small static websites hosted on a GitHub repo). I am not sure how well it will integrate with what you are doing, but I hope that gives you a good starting point.
The problem with this is that the JavaScript environment in the browser and the one in nodejs differ. For example in a browser you can not access the local filesystem which it was nodejs can do and which makes use of. For embedding atom you'd mainly have to find all these differences and work around them (e.g. reading files from a socket).
See also:

Grails — CSS and JavaScript cache

When I make changes to CSS and JavaScript files, my users often have to reload a couple of times to get the changes (obviously to clear out the cache).
I was wondering if someone had a really good experience with a plugin to solve this issue.
I am currently using grails 1.3.7 and I use tomcat for my production environment.
Seems to me that this might be the best option for me.
As you say, the cached-resources plugin is a great option.
You need to install it alongside the resources plugin. Assuming the resources plugin is installed and configured correctly, you don't have to do anything with the cached-resources plugin in order to get it to work correctly. Hence the apparent lack of documentation for the cached-resources plugin. Everything you need to know is linked from the resources plugin.

