Handling combat effects in game development - javascript

I'm trying to nut out a highlevel tech spec for a game I'm tinkering with as a personal project. It's a turn based adventure game that's probably closest to Archon in terms of what I'm trying to do.
What I'm having trouble with is conceptualising the best way to develop a combat system that I can implement simply at first, but that will allow expansion and complexity to be added in the future.
Specifically I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to handle combat special effects, that is, bonuses or negatives that may be applied or removed by an actor, an item or an environment.
Do I have the actor handle all effects that are in play for/against them should the game itself check each weapon, armour, actor and location each time it tries to make a decisive roll.
Are effects handled in individual objects or is there an 'effect' object or a bit of both?
I may well have not explained myself at all well here, and I'm more than happy to try and expand the question if my request is simply too broad and airy. But my intial thinking is that smarter people than me have spent the time and effort in figuring things like this out and frankly I don't want to taint the conversation with the cul-de-sac of my own stupidity too early.
The language in question is javascript, although at this point I don't imagine it makes a great difference.

What you're calling 'special effects' used to be called 'modifiers' but nowadays go by the term popular in MMOs as 'buffs'. Handling these is as easy or as difficult as you want it to be, given that you get to choose how much versatility you want to be able to bestow at each stage.
Fundamentally though, each aspect of the system typically stores a list of the modifiers that apply to it, and you can query them on demand. Typically there are only a handful of modifiers that apply to any one player at any given time so it's not a problem - take the player's statistics and any modifiers imparted by skills/spells/whatever, add on any modifiers imparted by worn equipment, then add anything imparted by the weapon in question. If you come up with a standard interface here (eg. sumModifiersTo(attributeID)) that is used by actors, items, locations, etc., then implementing this can be quick and easy.
Typically the 'effect' objects would be contained within the entity they pertain to: actors have a list of effects, and the items they wear or use have their own list of effects. Where effects are explicitly activated and/or time-limited, it's up to you where you want to store them - eg. if you have magical potions or other consumables, their effects will need to be appended to the Actor rather than the (presumably destroyed) item.
Don't be tempted to try and have the effects modify actor attributes in-place, as you quickly find that it's easy for the attributes to 'drift' if you don't ensure all additions and removals are done following the correct protocol. It also makes it much harder to bypass certain modifiers later. eg. Imagine a magical shield that only protects against other magic - you can pass some sort of predicate to your modifier totalling function that disregards certain types of effect to do this.

Take a look at the book, Head First Design Patterns, by Elisabeth Freeman. Specifically, read up on the Decorator and Factory patterns and the method of programming to interfaces, not implementations. I found that book to be hugely effective in illustrating some of the complex concepts that may get you going on this.
Hope this helps to point you in the right direction.

At first blush I would say that the individual combatants (player and NPC) have a role in determining what their combat characteristics are (i.e. armor value, to-hit number, damage range, etc.) given all the modifiers that apply to that combatant. So then the combat system is not trying to figure out whether or not the character's class gives him/her an armor bonus, whether a magic weapon weighs in on the to hit, etc.
But I would expect the combat system itself to be outside of the individual combatants. That it would take information about an attacker and a desired type of attack and a target or set of targets and resolve that.
To me, that kind of model reflects how we actually ran combat in pencil and paper RPGs. The DM asked each player for the details of his or her character and then ran the combat using that information as the inputs. That it works in the real world suggests its a pretty flexible system.


How can you avoid false positives with music identifying algorithms?

I’m a music producer/composer who will be submitting works to new music libraries. In some cases, I’d like to use previous projects as a starting point. So while the result will be new, unique compositions, I want to avoid a scenario where an algorithm might mistake a new song (or song segment) for a previous work.
I’d like to develop some rules of thumb to keep in mind to ensure this doesn’t happen. Specifically, to understand more about how music identifying algorithms work and what combination of parameters need to be different - and to what degrees they need to be different - so as to avoid creating false positive identifications against my other works.
For example:
Imagine “song a” is part of “library a”. Then I create “song b” for “library b”. The arrangement is similar, same instruments are used, same tempo, same key, and mix is essentially the same. But the chord progression and melody are different, though a similar vibe. Could that trigger a false positive?
Or a scenario like above where maybe the instrumentation is similar, but also using some alternate voices (Like an alternate synth patch for the baseline, and similar but different percusssion samples). New key, and a speed increase of 5 bpm. Is that enough to differentiate?
Or imagine a scenario where the bulk of the track is significantly different for all parameters, including a new tempo and key, except there is a 20 second break in the middle that resembles a previous work: an ambient tonal bed with light percussion. The same tonal bed is used, but in the new key and tempo, and the percussion is close to the same. Then a user uses only those 20 seconds in a video. How different would those 20 seconds need to be from the original, and across what parameters, to avoid a false positive?
These examples are just thought experiments to try and understand how it all works. I imagine any new compositions I make should easily be adequately different from previous compositions, and the cumulative differences would easily extend beyond tenants listed in above scenarios.
But given the fact that there are some parameters that could be very similar…(even just from a mix perspective and instruments used), I would like to develop a deeper understanding of what gets analyzed. And consequently, what sort of differences I should ensure remain constant - because it seems to me even 20 seconds of enough similarity could trigger a potential issue.
Note I welcome any insight offered, and am certainly receptive to the answer being couched in coding language…this is stack exchange after all, and it could be pretty interesting. But at the end of the day, I’m not a coder (though i am coding curious), and need to translate any clarity offered into practical considerations that could be employed from a music production POV. Which is to say, if it’s easy enough to include some language/concepts with that in mind, I’d be very grateful. Parameters like: tempo, key, chord progressions, rhythm elements, frequency considerations, sounds used, overall mix, etc etc. Thanks again!
attempting to actually answer the question, despite the discussion in the comments, I happen to know of the existence of this video by computerphile. at least some of the music matching algorithms out in the wild must be based on that.
P.S. linked is How Shazam Works (Probably!) featuring David Domminney Fowler. I barely remember the details of the video, except its existence, which is why the answer is so bad. edits are welcome.

Random generation of complex entities with relations between properties

I want to build an app that generates creatures based on JSON like plan
A creature is a bunch of properties and values. User can pick some of values manually, others are generated
There are correlations between properties, that work both ways - if user sets creature mass to be very heavy then it's environment more likely would be aquatic or low gravity and vice versa - if it's aquatic, it'l have more chances to be heavy.
Plan should be separated from functionality that would use it. After functionality is done, plan could be replaced with something else like a city generator instead of a creature, or creature described by different properties.
Also it is a bit complex - there may be different types of parameters - numerical, pick from different sets of variants, multiple pick. As well as relations between them: *x +x alter set of variants etc
I could develop this all from scratch, but that would require some effort because currently I do not have a clear idea how to do that. So I wouldn't want to reinvent the wheel if there is one
So is there some js library for this?
Are there such libraries in other languages or perhaps entire languages better suited for problems such as this than js?
Like R? does it have some tools for that?
Also. If there is some information on this topic (books, articles, perhaps some math concepts, it also would be useful. Feel free to share anything, because I'm starting from a blank page
It's not about graphics or a way to displaying it.
The input is jsonlike structure with property names, possible values and relations + some user choices
The output is another jsonlike structure with properties and chosen values
properties might be something like
size:"30kg", trophicType:"carnivore", activity:{"day-night":nocturnal} etc

Compare sound between source and microphone in JavaScript

I'm working about audio but I'm a newbie in this area. I would like to matching sound from microphone to my source audio(just only 1 sound) like Coke Ads from Shazam. Example Video (0.45 minute) However, I want to make it on website by JavaScript. Thank you.
Building something similar to the backend of Shazam is not an easy task. We need to:
Acquire audio from the user's microphone (easy)
Compare it to the source and identify a match (hmm... how do... )
How can we perform each step?
Aquire Audio
This one is a definite no biggy. We can use the Web Audio API for this. You can google around for good tutorials on how to use it. This link provides some good fundametal knowledge that you may want to understand when using it.
Compare Samples to Audio Source File
Clearly this piece is going to be an algorithmic challenge in a project like this. There are probably various ways to approach this part, and not enough time to describe them all here, but one feasible technique (which happens to be what Shazam actually uses), and which is also described in greater detail here, is to create and compare against a sort of fingerprint for smaller pieces of your source material, which you can generate using FFT analysis.
This works as follows:
Look at small sections of a sample no more than a few seconds long (note that this is done using a sliding window, not discrete partitioning) at a time
Calculate the Fourier Transform of the audio selection. This decomposes our selection into many signals of different frequencies. We can analyze the frequency domain of our sample to draw useful conclusions about what we are hearing.
Create a fingerprint for the selection by identifying critical values in the FFT, such as peak frequencies or magnitudes
If you want to be able to match multiple samples like Shazam does, you should maintain a dictionary of fingerprints, but since you only need to match one source material, you can just maintain them in a list. Since your keys are going to be an array of numerical values, I propose that another possible data structure to quickly query your dataset would be a k-d tree. I don't think Shazam uses one, but the more I think about it, the closer their system seems to an n-dimensional nearest neighbor search, if you can keep the amount of critical points consistent. For now though, just keep it simple, use a list.
Now we have a database of fingerprints primed and ready for use. We need to compare them against our microphone input now.
Sample our microphone input in small segments with a sliding window, the same way we did our sources.
For each segment, calculate the fingerprint, and see if it matches close to any from storage. You can look for a partial match here and there are lots of tweaks and optimizations you could try.
This is going to be a noisy and inaccurate signal so don't expect every segment to get a match. If lots of them are getting a match (you will have to figure out what lots means experimentally), then assume you have one. If there are relatively few matches, then figure you don't.
This is not going to be an super easy project to do well. The amount of tuning and optimization required will prove to be a challenge. Some microphones are inaccurate, and most environments have other sounds, and all of that will mess with your results, but it's also probably not as bad as it sounds. I mean, this is a system that from the outside seems unapproachably complex, and we just broke it down into some relatively simple steps.
Also as a final note, you mention Javascript several times in your post, and you may notice that I mentioned it zero times up until now in my answer, and that's because language of implementation is not an important factor. This system is complex enough that the hardest pieces to the puzzle are going to be the ones you solve on paper, so you don't need to think in terms of "how can I do X in Y", just figure out an algorithm for X, and the Y should come naturally.

How to make a GOOD reporting Interface

I have a ton of associated data revolving around a school, students, teachers, classes, locations, etc etc
I am faced with a challenge put fourth by my client; they want to have reports on everything. This means they want the ability to cross reference data points every which way and i think i'm just short of writing a pretty query builder. :/
This stack question is aimed at soliciting opinions on how to structure a reporting interface beautifully.
Any suggestions, references, examples, jQ plugins etc would be amazing.
Thank you!
I find the Trac's query builder rather acceptable for what it is meant to do.
But most probably your clients don't want everything, they are just too lazy to think about what they want now. You could help them decide by analyzing the use cases together, and come up at least with a few kinds of queries with just a few parts customizable -- in the worst case -- or just a few canned queries they really need -- in the best.
You should probably schedule a meeting with your client to determine what they need to do. This does not mean having them speculate about how great it would be if your software could do everything, was ultra-flexible yet totally easy to use, etc... but sit down and find out what they are doing right now. I'm saying this because that "oh, I'd like to be able to cross-reference everything with everything else!" sounds a bit too familiar, and might end in an ugly case of inner-platform effect.
I've found that rapid paper prototyping with the client is a great way to explore possible ideas, as it shifts their attention away from "can you make this button yellow?" issues to The Big Picture, to let them make up their minds what they actually need. Plus, it's ridiculously inexpensive to do.
Apart from that, for inspiration, there are UI pattern languages that address handling potentially large amounts of interconnected data. What's great about these is that you will often be able to use these patterns to communicate ideas to your client, since a well-structured pattern language will guide a non-expert through domain-relevant design decisions in increasing detail.
First, I can only support the other voices: work out with the clients what they actually need. A good argument is "I can do, but it will cost you X thousand dollars, every user will need Y hours of training, and you'll need a $100.000K/year developer to maintain it."
(Unfortunately, most clients at that point prefer to pick the guy who says "yes, can do cheaper!")
Only second, and only if the client says "yes we do need everything":
What works well is a list/grid view progressive filtering. Instead of buildign the SQL query, then running it, let the user directly work with the results: e.g. right clicking a cell, and selecting "limit to this value" could add a WHERE colN = <constant> constraint.
You can generate suggestions for columns from SELECT DISTINCT calls - if it returns less than, say, 20 values, you can offer checkboxes for a OR combination of possible values.
It would be interesting to discuss en elegant UI for the sea of remaining problems: OR'ed conditions across multiple columns, ordering by more than one column, grouping, ...

What is the best way to filter spam with JavaScript?

I have recently been inspired to write spam filters in JavaScript, Greasemonkey-style, for several websites I use that are prone to spam (especially in comments). When considering my options about how to go about this, I realize I have several options, each with pros/cons. My goal for this question is to expand on this list I have created, and hopefully determine the best way of client-side spam filtering with JavaScript.
As for what makes a spam filter the "best", I would say these are the criteria:
Most accurate
Least vulnerable to attacks
Most transparent
Also, please note that I am trying to filter content that already exists on websites that aren't mine, using Greasemonkey Userscripts. In other words, I can't prevent spam; I can only filter it.
Here is my attempt, so far, to compile a list of the various methods along with their shortcomings and benefits:
Rule-based filters:
What it does: "Grades" a message by assigning a point value to different criteria (i.e. all uppercase, all non-alphanumeric, etc.) Depending on the score, the message is discarded or kept.
Easy to implement
Mostly transparent
Transparent- it's usually easy to reverse engineer the code to discover the rules, and thereby craft messages which won't be picked up
Hard to balance point values (false positives)
Can be slow; multiple rules have to be executed on each message, a lot of times using regular expressions
In a client-side environment, server interaction or user interaction is required to update the rules
Bayesian filtering:
What it does: Analyzes word frequency (or trigram frequency) and compares it against the data it has been trained with.
No need to craft rules
Fast (relatively)
Tougher to reverse engineer
Requires training to be effective
Trained data must still be accessible to JavaScript; usually in the form of human-readable JSON, XML, or flat file
Data set can get pretty large
Poorly designed filters are easy to confuse with a good helping of common words to lower the spamacity rating
Words that haven't been seen before can't be accurately classified; sometimes resulting in incorrect classification of entire message
In a client-side environment, server interaction or user interaction is required to update the rules
Bayesian filtering- server-side:
What it does: Applies Bayesian filtering server side by submitting each message to a remote server for analysis.
All the benefits of regular Bayesian filtering
Training data is not revealed to users/reverse engineers
Heavy traffic
Still vulnerable to uncommon words
Still vulnerable to adding common words to decrease spamacity
The service itself may be abused
To train the classifier, it may be desirable to allow users to submit spam samples for training. Attackers may abuse this service
What it does: Applies a set of criteria to a message or some attribute of it. If one or more (or a specific number of) criteria match, the message is rejected. A lot like rule-based filtering, so see its description for details.
CAPTCHAs, and the like:
Not feasible for this type of application. I am trying to apply these methods to sites that already exist. Greasemonkey will be used to do this; I can't start requiring CAPTCHAs in places that they weren't before someone installed my script.
Can anyone help me fill in the blanks? Thank you,
There is no "best" way, especially for all users or all situations.
Keep it simple:
Have the GM script initially hide all comments that contain links and maybe universally bad words (F*ck, Presbyterian, etc.). ;)
Then the script contacts your server and lets the server judge each comment by X criteria (more on that, below).
Show or hide comments based on the server response. In the event of a timeout, show or reveal based on a user preference setting ("What to do when the filter server is down? (show/hide comments with links) ).
That's it for the GM script; the rest is handled by the server.
As for the actual server/filtering criteria...
Most important is do not dare to assume that you can guess what a user will want filtered! This will vary wildly from person to person, or even mood to mood.
Setup the server to use a combination of bad words, bad link destinations (.ru and .cn domains, for example) and public spam-filtering services.
The most important thing is to offer users some way to choose and ideally adjust what is applied, for them.

