Paging Through Records Using jQuery - javascript

I have a JSON result that contains numerous records. I'd like to show the first one, but have a next button to view the second, and so on. I don't want the page to refresh which is why I'm hoping a combination of JavaScript, jQuery, and even a third party AJAX library can help.
Any suggestions?

Hope this helps:
var noName = {
data: null
,currentIndex : 0
,init: function(data) { = data; - 1); // show last
,show: function(index) {
var jsonObj =[index];
if(!jsonObj) {
alert("No more data");
this.currentIndex = index;
var title = jsonObj.title;
var text = jsonObj.text;
var next = $("<a>").attr("href","#").click(this.nextHandler).text("next");
var previous = $("<a>").attr("href","#").click(this.previousHandler).text("previous");
$("body").append(document.createTextNode(" "));
,nextHandler: function() { + 1);
,previousHandler: function() { - 1);
window.onload = function() {
var data = [
{"title": "Hello there", "text": "Some text"},
{"title": "Another title", "text": "Other"}

I use jqgrid for just this purpose. Works like a charm.

I would personally load the json data into a global variable and page it that way. Hope you don't mind my assumptions on the context of survey data I think I remember you from yesterday.
var surveyData = "[{prop1: 'value', prop2:'value'},{prop1: 'value', prop2:'value'}]"
$.curPage = 0;
$.fn.loadQuestion = function(question) {
return this.each(function() {
// other appends for other question elements
$(document).ready(function() {
$.questions = JSON.parse(surveyData); // from the json2 library
$('.nextButton').click(funciton(e) {
if ($.questions.length >= $.curPage+1)
~ UnTested
I'll have to admit that #sktrdie approach of creating a whole plugin for handling the survey would be nice. IMO this method is really a path of least resistance solution.


JSON Property undefined in JavaScript with p5.js

I'm just beginning learning to code and this is my first post here so please forgive me if I violate any rules here....
So here is my question, it seems quite simple but I can just not figure out what is the problem. I have a JSON file like this:
and in my .js file, I'm trying to get data of img from the JSON file, but always failed.
var url ='imglist.json';
imglist = p.loadJSON(url);
for(var i=0; i<4; i++) {
imgurl = imglist.imgj[i].imageurl;
The result of the console is shown as below:
console.log(typeof imglist == 'object'); //return true
console.log(imglist); //return {} imgj:(4)[{...},{...},{...},{...}]
console.log(imglist.imgj[1]); //return undefined
it seems that my JSON file is successfully read as an object, but the property of it cannot be read. It's really weird.
This should work however it's only fetch workaround. I don't know how to access this not own property made by loadJSON.
p.preload= function(){
var url ='imglist.json';
//imglist = p.loadJSON(url);
console.log(imglist.imgj[0]); // Object { id: "1", user_id: "1", tag: "siteplan", imageurl: "images/cb.jpg" }
for(let i = 0;i< imglist.imgj.length;i++) {
imgurl = imglist.imgj[i].imageurl;
After a bunch of fiddling I believe loadJSON is actually asynchronous behind the scenes, so your for-loop continues to execute before the file is done loading.
You could store the imglist in a global/classwide variable and do the for-loop inside the setup or draw function instead.
var imglist;
var imgs;
p.preload = function() {
var url = 'imglist';
imglist = loadJSON(url);
p.setup = function() {
imgs = {
return loadImage(imglistitem.imageurl);
I am not quite sure how p5.js is wired behind the scenes, but the example from the reference uses the draw() function to pick apart the json:

jquery to json problems

I would really appreciate any help on this problem that I have spent many hours trying to solve. I have a jquery object that I created from elements on a web page:
var get_article = $('title, p, img');
When I console.log this, I get a nice, clean list of the elements and their index values. What I would like to do is add each element to a json object along with their index value and contents. I have tried this:
article = new Array();
$.each(get_article, function(){
$('title').each(function() {
var title_items = {
node: $(this).index(''),
html_element: "title",
content: $(this).text()
$('p').each(function() {
var p_items = {
node: $(this).index(''),
html_element: "p",
content: $(this).text()
$('img').each(function() {
var img_items = {
node: $(this).index(''),
html_element: "img",
content: $(this).attr("src")
When I console.log the json object (article), all of the data is correct except the node values in the json object (article) are all over the place and they don't show the same as the index value in the original jquery object (get_article). Also, the data begins to repeat itself, so I have more nodes than was in the original jquery object (get_article). Please help!
Thanks all for your help. I was able to solve the problem using this code. Looking at your responses made me see that I needed to try another way. This is what worked for me:
for (i = 0; i < get_article.length; i++) {
if ($(get_article[i]).is('title')) {
var title_items = {
node: i,
html_element: "title",
content: $(get_article[i]).text()
if ($(get_article[i]).is('p')) {
var p_items = {
node: i,
html_element: "p",
content: $(get_article[i]).text()
if ($(get_article[i]).is('img')) {
var img_items = {
node: i,
html_element: "img",
content: $(get_article[i]).attr("src")
You're not actually using get_article anywhere in your code.
$.each(get_article, function(){
$('title').each(function() {
var title_items = {
// ...
// ....
is exactly the same as
$('title').each(function() {
var title_items = {
// ...
It's hard to say for sure since you haven't provided enough details, but perhaps what you want is something like:
$.each(get_article, function(){
$(this).find('title').each(function() {
var title_items = {
// ...
// ....
That's still not going to have the exact same effect as simply logging to the console, though. The order of the elements will be different because in the code you're first getting all the titles, then all the paragraphs, and then all the images. When you console.log the jQuery output, it's not segregating the elements by their type but simply showing them in their DOM order.
For example, if the DOM has
title 1
paragraph 1
title 2
the console.log will show
title 1
paragraph 1
title 2
while the (fixed) code will show
title 1
title 2
paragraph 1

Knockout Check If Existing in observableArray before Push

I am new to Knockout and I have a little problem stopping me from completing my simple project.I have an observableArray called loanDeductions that I display in a table with foreach binding. I have another observableArray called loanDeductionsList which is also from the json data of my first observableArray, I used it in my drop down list which when a value is selected, it will push the selected data to my table. If it didn't make sense as I cannot really explain it clearly, this is my javascript file:
var deductionLine = function (deductionID, deductionName, amount) {
self = this;
self.deductionID = ko.observable(deductionID);
self.deductionName = ko.observable(deductionName);
self.amount = ko.observable(formatCurrency(amount));
function LoanDeductions(deductions) {
var self = this;
self.loanDeductions = ko.observableArray(ko.utils.arrayMap(deductions, function (deduction) {
return new deductionLine(deduction.deductionID, deduction.deductionName, deduction.amount)
self.loanDeductionsList = ko.observableArray(ko.utils.arrayMap(deductions, function (deduction) {
return new deductionLine(deduction.deductionID, deduction.deductionName, deduction.amount)
self.selectedDeduction = ko.observable();
self.selectedDeduction.subscribe(function (data) {
deductionID: data.deductionID,
deductionName: data.deductionName,
amount: data.amount,
Can you help me find a way to make my function selectedDeduction.subscribe() push the data ONLY when the item to be pushed is not existing in my loanDeductions observableArray.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I am somewhat aware that the way I populate my dropdown list may o may not be the best way to do it, I am open to suggestion of a better way and rewrite my program.
just to share what I did I added this line in my selectedDeduction.subscribe():
self.selectedDeduction.subscribe(function (data) {
var match = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.loanDeductions(), function(deduction) {
return deduction.deductionID() === data.deductionID();
if (match) {
alert(data.deductionName() + ' already exists!');
} else {
deductionID: data.deductionID,
deductionName: data.deductionName,
amount: data.amount,

Persist cookie form values across multiple pages

The setting: I have a form that captures$thisSearch.val(), saves it as a cookie, and pushes to an array. The form is an overlay triggered from a menu item in the header so this can appear on any page in the site.
The issue is that it only seems to save/persist the input values on/from that page it was entered on. I'm trying to collect all these values into one list.items() array that can be entered anywhere in the site.
I've tried pushing the string to the array myself instead of the add function and moved the dom around for the search form.
I can update question when I know what to specifically ask. Any pointers / concepts I should be aware of for this would be great.
var cookieList = function(cookieName) {
var cookie = $.cookie(cookieName);
var items = cookie ? cookie.split(/,/) : new Array();
return {
"add": function(val) {
$.cookie(cookieName, items.join(','));
"items": function() {
return items;
var list = new cookieList("PreviousSearches");
$searchSubmit.on('click', function() {
var $thisSearch = $(this).prev().find($searchInput);
if( $thisSearch.val() == '' ) {
alert('Please enter a search term');
console.log( list );
return false;
} else {
searchTerm = $thisSearch.val()
list.add( searchTerm );
var searchTerms = list.items();
var total = searchTermsFiltered;
var searchTermsFiltered = searchTerms.filter(Boolean).slice( - 5 ).reverse();
var searchtermClean = searchTermsFiltered.join();
$.each($(searchTermsFiltered), function(i,v){
if (!window.location.origin)
window.location.origin = window.location.protocol+"//";
var lastURLRaw = window.location.origin+'/bch/?s='+v;
var lastURL = lastURLRaw.replace(/ /g, '+');
listItem = '<li>'+v+'</li>';
$('.tags, .search-tags').append(listItem );
I found the path specifier from jquerys $.cookie in this top answer below.
$.cookie(cookieName, items.join(',') , { path: '/' }); from my code.
why are my jquery cookies not available across multiple pages?

How to define "interface" in js

Good day.
My question is quite dumb, I guess, but I'm not familiar enough with the termins, to ask it properly (and to get an answer from Google).
So - please help...
Shortly - I'm trying to create some major class, which will be insanitated by instances, which will describe some methods, and some fields.
Major logick will be implemented in parent class.
So, lets say I have a parent
function CRUD_Grid_model(){
//Settings part
this.GridElement = "" ;
this.editModeFlagElement = "" ;
this.newRowElement = "";
//Save logicks all lies here.
this.commit = function (){
//Settings part
//Some more code.
And a way I'll use it
//Das modell
var JobberCRUD = new CRUD_Grid_model();
JobberCRUD.GridElement = $('#jobbers_dg');
JobberCRUD.editModeFlagElement = $('#jobbers_tb_edit');
JobberCRUD.newRowElement = {jobb_name:'Enter new unique name',jobb_status:'Y'};
JobberCRUD.commit = function (){
if (this.endEditing()){
var addrows = this.GridElement.datagrid('getChanges','inserted');
var remrows = this.GridElement.datagrid('getChanges','deleted');
var updrows = this.GridElement.datagrid('getChanges','updated');
//Send changes?
alert("Got total of " +addrows.length + remrows.length + updrows.length + " rows changed.");
//Commit changes at local level
And, what I'd like to do, is smoething like this
I want a parent.commit function to allow me to do this in child
JobberCRUD.commit = function (apdrows,updrows,remrows){
//Send changes?
alert("Got total of " +addrows.length + remrows.length + updrows.length + " rows changed.");
So, I have no ideas what shoudl I do to achieve that. Please advice me with some tags, what it is at least :)
Thanks in advance.
There is not exactly what you need in JavaScript, but I would tend to use this pattern :
function CRUD_Grid_model() {
this.onCommit = null;
this.commit = function (){
if (this.endEditing()){
var addrows = this.GridElement.datagrid('getChanges','inserted');
var remrows = this.GridElement.datagrid('getChanges','deleted');
var updrows = this.GridElement.datagrid('getChanges','updated');
if(this.onCommit != null) this.onCommit(addrows,updrows,remrows);
var JobberCRUD = new CRUD_Grid_model();
JobberCRUD.onCommit = function(apdrows,updrows,remrows) {
alert("Got total of " +addrows.length + remrows.length + updrows.length + " rows changed.");
JobberCRUD.GridElement = ...
Javascript doesn't have a built in notion of interfaces. A javascript object effectively "implements an interface" by having all the needed methods defined, but there's no language "interface" construct
You could use "extends" like so:
Object.prototype.extends = function(clazz) {
var o = new clazz();
for (var f in o) {
if(f === "extends") {
this[f] = o[f];
this.super = o;
Now could type something like this:
var JobberCRUD = function() {
var privateFunction = function() {
// You probably don't want to do that,
// but you could override
this.commit = function() {
// ...
Hope, that helps.
Edit: forgot, that you may call super.commit() then.
You can not have something similar like C# or Java interface or even class with Javascript.
Javascript is just a dynamic scripting language.

