How to make cross-domain communication between JavaScript and Flash? - javascript

How do I open 'cross-domain security', so the JavaScript on the page can freely communicate with the SWF, even when this is hosted on another domain?
I know for certain that this function communication is blocked by default, but by playing around with a file called "crossdomain.xml" and the actionscript 3 function: system.Security.allowDomain("*"). I'm not having full success though, and I don't have the insight to know which one is opening up for what.
Is there other hidden security layers, that I need to think of in this scenario?
And am I opening up my code for potential hackers somehow by doing this setup?
(and in case you're wondering: Yes, I have to make this work in a scenario, where the html is hosted on one domain, the JavaScript is added externally from another domain and the SWF is embedded by the JavaScript from a third domain - don't ask why, it's too complicated to explain - I too wish I could just host the whole thing in one domain).

Using Security.allowDomain("") in the SWF will allow JS in a page from to call functions exposed in the SWF with ExternalInterface.addCallback(). The domain and subdomain must match exactly. Using "*" will allow any domain to communicate with the SWF, but if you have one specific domain, it's better to use that.
Setting allowScriptAccess to always in the HTML embed code will allow the SWF to to call JavaScript functions.
One thing that catches many developers is that JavaScript will not be able to call functions on the SWF until the SWF is done loading. Unfortunately, there is no JS-based event that tells you when the SWF is ready (at least that I've found). What I usually do to work around this problem is call a JS function from the SWF immediately when the SWF finishes loading to notify the page that the SWF is ready.
There's some abstraction here and there, but if you take a look at the source code for YUI Charts, you might be able to figure out how Yahoo! got crossdomain JS/SWF communication working.

One thing I'd add to the previous answer: If you try the above code and it doesn't work, check to see if your site's address includes the "www" or not. Mine did not and didn't work if I wrote it as
I needed to write it as:


Execute javascript code downloaded from a random website

I made a tool that grabs all html, css, javascript and images from other websites (any kind).
Then i execute this on my own domain name (after modification of links of course).
The javascript also executes, so the page render is identical as on the grabbed website. But all under my domain name.
Is there any method to secure this javascript execution (with uncontrolled code) so that the grabbed site will not be able to get cookies of the users of my website ? (or other potential security breach?)
thought you should never execute random js on your page.
still i think there is one way to do it though it requires huge amount of effort.
onces your pages gets loaded. override all the global variables of javascript that the browser injects to your own implementation and implement security checks in there. this way all the random js being executed in your page will access all the functionalities that way you want them to do
ex. override document.cookie to something else on pageload which then execludes that cookies of your domain.
change the protoype of xmlHttprequest so that ajax requests to your domain are blocked. etc etc
Running the random page on a separate origin (i.e. running it on a separate domain) will at least avoid data leaks (cookies, localStorage, etc) between the random page and your site. To avoid leaks from one random page to an other, maybe also run each random page on its own sub-domain.
I believe this is what google does for the cache; the pages are served from the domain:
There is no way to prevent data leaks without running the page on a separate domain.

Inject dynamic script in Firefox extension

I'm doing an extension now and i have one part of script which is static (will never change) and another part which is loaded from the website. And, i'm seeing 2 ways:
To load it with XMLHttpRequest and inject into web page
To put it as a <script src=""></script> and have it load it itself
But, the second way probably won't have access to my extension API (to functions defined in extension files, i.e. in chrome://myext/script.js)
And, the first way will probably be unsecure because i will have to eval the code in a gBrowser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject object which is a Window object for the loaded page
Any ideas?
Are you saying that you want the dynamic script to have chrome privileges? If so, why not load it using XMLHttpRequest, save it to disk and then import it as a JavaScript Module ( Obviously there are security considerations since you are giving a script from the web pretty much unlimited privileged, but if you control the script's source then you are presumably okay. If you are really worried you can use HTTPS to download the script, which will protect against someone intercepting the traffic.
If you want the code to run with content privileges but have access to functions in your chrome JavaScript, then maybe you want to expose the chrome functions to content as described in this article:

Java script in IFRAME security issues

On the website the typewriter is inside of an IFAME . Everything works correctly on all browsers when you go to the site directly but when viewing the version embeded in an IFRAME it does not work on IE and throws errors in Chrome.
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL Domains, protocols and ports must match.
This is the source code for the embedded IFRAME
I understand that this is a security problem but I don`t know how to fix it and can not find any material that would help me solve the issue.
The easiest method is to set a PHP (or any server language) proxy that just gets the content of the page from the other domain and outputs it. The only real drawback is that the cookies of the client for the remote domain aren't sent.
Take a look at This is a jquery plugin that sends message between the two frames. The two frames do not need to be on the same domain. But you do need to access both pages to be able modify them. I also wrote a post here that answers communication between iframes. How to capture clicks from iframe on another domain?
Your only chance is something like easyXDM. (or do it manually using the hash, but would prefer easyXDM)
See the SO answer: Cross-domain hash change communication
eg. if you wanna call a method:
If I try your demo in firefox I don't get the "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access" error at all. But in Chrome it's thrown many times.
You have so much other code in your example that I'm not even sure that your code causes the problem. You should do a very limited/basic test to see if your flash-communication works, without all those other javascripts.
I have had similar issues with this before. Basically if you have an iframe that contains a page from a domain that differs from the main page's domain, javascript will not be able to cross the boundaries between them. Javascript within the iframe will be able to talk within the iframe, javascript in the main page will be able to talk within the main page, but they will not be able to talk to each other.
This is a security issue that aims to stop cross-site scripting attacks. There are a number of hacks that you can put in place to get around this problem but they are all (or at least the ones I know of) rather hairy.
Here are some questions that you should answer before trying to go further:
1) What exactly are you trying to do between the pages using javascript?
2) Do you have access to the source of both pages?
It may be waaay simpler than the above answers. It looks like this function:
function playSound(){
Is written in the DOM timeline before swf is actually assigned to the swfObject in the function below it.
I would recommend moving that function down further and then retest.

Can I host a file or folder on another person's domain?

I don't think this is possible, but it never hurts to ask.
Is there any way for me to host a file (or folder) on someone else's domain (with their permission, of course)? For example, if their site is hosted at, I would like to host a file at, or a folder at, or the like. I just need to be able to make changes at will to a single file.
We can't use a redirect or anything like that - the purpose of this is to allow me to control a document loaded in an <iframe> on their site, and for the JavaScript in that <iframe> to have access (i.e., no security restrictions) to its parent page - which is only allowed if the domains match. Their site doesn't change the document.domain property to relax the security restrictions, nor can we ask them to start using that approach (it's an enormous site).
I also can't generate an <iframe> and create its document solely using JavaScript - we've done that in the past, and it gets around the security restrictions (the generated <iframe> is in the same domain as its parent page), but it causes other issues and difficulties that add up to a deal-breaker in this case.
Please let me know if you have any alternative suggestions, or if you need any more information about what exactly I'm trying to do.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I hope I'm understanding this correctly. Since you have their permission to host a file on their site, can you just use FTP? They can set you up to only be able to drop files in one directory on their site, and you can edit the file there.
Provide embed code to the other party to load remote javascript file to their page. You may then generate content or information gathering. As the javascript file is hosted on your side, it's under your control. A Visitor Counter is a similar case.
You could make a php script that loads it's data from your own site.
this should work actually:
<?php echo file_get_contents(""); ?>
Edit: You might be able to do the same with javascript, but i don't know the code for it... Sorry. :-/
Sounds like your friend can set up a reverse proxy rule on their web server for your file.

Is there any way to execute a js function from actionscript with local content?

I'm trying to execute a function like window.alert for example, from actionscript, when both the html file and the swf file are using the file: protocol.
Does anyone know of someway to do this?
without changing global flash security settings
It looks like it's not possible after reading Controlling access to scripts in a host web page.
For SWF files running locally, calls to these APIs are successful only if the SWF file and the containing web page (if there is one) are in the local-trusted security sandbox. Calls to these methods fail if the content is in the local-with-networking or local-with-filesystem sandbox.
Then this page on local sandboxes basically says that won't work unless the swf is in a "local-trusted sandbox" which a user or installer would need to put it in.
This blog post about the "local-with-filesystem sandbox" says:
First, I think the documentation here is a bit too generous. SWFs loaded from the local file system do face some restrictions. The most relevant restrictions are probably:
The SWF cannot make a call to JavaScript (or vbscript), either through URL or ExternalInterface
The SWF cannot call a HTTP or HTTPS request.
Querystring parameters (ex. Blah.php?querystring=qs-value) are stripped and will not be passed (even for requests to local files)
There is a document "Controlling access to scripts in a host web page" that describes the various ways and restrictions on allowing Flash content to interact with Javascript.
According to the doc, as long as your embed tag contains AllowScriptAccess set to "always" you should be fine regardless of where the page is loaded from.
You need to update the Flash Player settings so that your file path is listed as a "trusted location." You will then be able to use External Interface and other JS communication methods.
Also, you can't pass default JS functions from AS using External Interface (like alert). You need to write custom functions...
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;"alertFromFlash", 'hello');
function alertFromFlash(str) {
Alternatively, if you're distributing this to a customer. It can be difficult to explain how to change Flash Player settings, so you can instead run a server from a CD, which bypassing the need for security settings. I've had good luck with the Flying Ant server in the past.

