Weird Event Listening in ActionScript3 - javascript

I have a weird quirk in ActionScript. I need to pass the index to a callback function.
Here is my code
for (var i:Number = 0; ((i < arrayQueue.length) && uploading); i++)
var lid:ListItemData=ListItemData(arrayQueue[i]);
var localI:Number= new Number(i); // to copy?
var errorCallback:Function = function():void { OnUploadError(localI); };
var progressCallback:Function = function(e:ProgressEvent):void { lid.progress = e; OnUploadProgress(localI); };
var completeCallback:Function = function():void {'callback'+localI.toString()); OnUploadComplete(localI); }; // localI == arrayQueue.length - 1 (when called); // shows current i as expected
lid.fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeCallback);
lid.fileRef.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressCallback);
lid.fileRef.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, errorCallback);
lid.fileRef.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorCallback);
lid.fileRef.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, errorCallback);
lid.fileRef.upload(url, 'File');
Any idea on how to pass in the index to my callbacks? .upload does not block.

Passing additional parameters for your callbacks is possible via some kind of delegate function or closure. However it is often considered a bad practice. You may use event target property instead to determine your index based on FileReference.
Edit: here is a sample of using closures:
function getTimerClosure(ind : int) : Function {
return function(event : TimerEvent) {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var tm : Timer = new Timer(100*i+1, 1);
tm.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, getTimerClosure(i));
This will continuously trace numbers from 0 to 9.
Edit2: here is a sample of creating a delegate based on a function closure:
function timerHandler(event : Event, : void {
trace(event, rest);
function Delegate(scope : Object, func : Function, : Function {
return function(...args) : void {
func.apply(scope, args.concat(rest));
var tm : Timer = new Timer(1000, 1);
tm.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, Delegate(this, this.timerHandler, 1, 2, 3));
However this is a bad approach since unsubscribing for such a listener is a hell pain. This in turn will probably cause some memory leakages, which will decrease overall performance of your application. So, use with caution!
Bottom line: if you know how to work with closures, use them - it is a wonderful thing! If you don't care about your application performance in a long perspective, use closures - it's simple!
But if you are unsure about closures, use a more conventional approach. E.g. in your case you could create a Dictionary that matches your FileReference objects to appropriate indices. Something like that:
var frToInd : Dictionary = new Dictionary(false);
// false here wouldn't prevent garbage collection of FileReference objects
for (var i : int = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// blah-blah stuff with `lib` objects
frToInd[lib.fileRef] = i;
// another weird stuff and subscription
function eventListener(event : Event) : void {
// in the event listener just look up target in the dictionary
if (frToInd[]) {
var ind : int = frToInd[];
} else {
// Shouldn't happen since all FileReferences should be in
// the Dictionary. But if this happens - it's an error.
-- Happy coding!

I have a weird quirk in ActionScript
It's not a quirk, it's variable scope. You should read this article:
And you really shouldn't use anonymous, it just makes everything more confusing. You're actually making multiple copies of the same object.
If the arrayQueue is in scope, you can use this code to get the index:
function GetArrayIndex(object:Object):Number
for(var i:Number = 0; 0 < arrayQueue.length; i++)
if(object === arrayQueue[i])
return i;
You should consider using an uint for the index.


How can I change the type of a Javascript object?

I am building a webpage-based text adventure game, like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or the Zork series. I save objects in this game, like locations or player data, in localStorage, so that the player can continue their progress.
I am using CircularJSON to stringify my circular references within these objects in order to save them.
However, when these objects are parsed, they are of the default Object type.
This is a problem because the functions in types like Area:
var Area = function (tempdescription, tempinitialDesc, tempobjArr) {
this.isExplored = false;
this.description = tempdescription;
this.objArr = tempobjArr;
this.paths = [];
this.initialDesc = tempinitialDesc;
Area.prototype.getIndex = function (tempstr) {
if(thePlayer.playerLocation.objArr.length > 0) {
for(var i = 0; i < thePlayer.playerLocation.objArr.length; i++) {
if(thePlayer.playerLocation.objArr[i].name.indexOf(tempstr) != -1) {
return i;
return -1;
or Player:
var Player = function (defaultLocation) {
this.inv = []; // an array of game objects
this.playerLocation = defaultLocation; // the player's current location
this.moveCount = 0;
this.score = 0;
Player.prototype.getIndex = function (tempstr) {
if(thePlayer.inv.length > 0) {
for(var i = 0; i < thePlayer.inv.length; i++) {
if(thePlayer.inv[i].name.indexOf(tempstr) != -1) {
return i;
return -1;
which were created by me, need to be present in each object order for my other code to work.
I need to change the type of several objects in a simple way, if it exists, because when I save these objects there will probably be several dozen of them by the time the game is done.
Is there any way to change the type of a Javascript object?
Option #1 (using ES2015): const newObject = Object.setPrototypeOf(oldObject, Player.prototype)
This is pretty slow though, check the documentation:
Warning: Changing the [[Prototype]] of an object is, by the nature of how modern JavaScript engines optimize property accesses, a very slow operation, in every browser and JavaScript engine.
That's an alternative to...
Option #2 (deprecated): oldObject.__proto__ = Player.prototype
Option #3: const newObject = new Person(/* Use the properties of oldObject */)

Get object out of observable array

Why is m "undefined" in this code:
currentViewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(viewModel);
currentViewModel.getReport = function(reportId) {
for(var i=0;i<currentViewModel.availableReports().length;i++) {
if(currentViewModel.availableReports()[i].id == reportId) {
var m = currentViewModel.availableReports()[i];
return currentViewModel.availableReports()[i];
I call getReport() as an onclick event and I want to send the report object to a view (modal) I can do a foreach on the availableReports and it's all there. When I run through the debugger, it loops through the array and finds the right one. But why can't I pull it out of the array? "m" remains undefined the the function returns undefined.
What am I missing here?
EDIT: there is a follow up question here:
Can knockout.js wait to bind until an onClick?
You just need to change if(currentViewModel.availableReports()[i].id ... to if(currentViewModel.availableReports()[i].id() ... because after mapping id will become an observable, i.e. function.
Updated code:
currentViewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(viewModel);
currentViewModel.getReport = function(reportId) {
for (var i = 0; i < currentViewModel.availableReports().length; i++) {
if (currentViewModel.availableReports()[i].id() == reportId) {
var m = currentViewModel.availableReports()[i];
return currentViewModel.availableReports()[i];
Demo - Fiddle.
I'll repeat the solution from #NikolayErmakov's answer here, but want to add two things to get a more complete answer. You end with:
...m remains undefined and the function returns undefined.
What am I missing here?
You're missing two things:
The var m bit of the first statement inside the if is hoisted to the top of the current scope (the top of the function). This is why the debugger can tell you what m is, even if you never reach the line of code it's on.
If a function invocation reaches the end of a function (as is the case for you, since you never go inside the if) without seeing an explicit return statement, it will return undefined.
To better understand this, you should interpret your function like this:
currentViewModel.getReport = function(reportId) {
var m;
for (var i = 0; i < currentViewModel.availableReports().length; i++) {
if (currentViewModel.availableReports()[i].id == reportId) {
m = currentViewModel.availableReports()[i];
return currentViewModel.availableReports()[i];
return undefined;
Some people (e.g. Douglas Crockford) do recommend placing var statements at the top of a function, though it's a matter of style to some degree. I don't think many people explicitly return undefined at the end of a function, though in your case I might be explicit about that scenario and return null (or throw an Error even).
As promised, I'll repeat the actual solution, as I concur with the other answer:
you need to invoke id as a function to get its value (because the mapping plugin will map to observable()s.
In addition:
I'd retrieve the array only once
I'd suggest using === instead of ==
Here's my v0.5 version:
currentViewModel.getReport = function(reportId) {
var m = null, reports = currentViewModel.availableReports();
for (var i = 0; i < reports.length; i++) {
if (reports[i].id() === reportId) {
m = reports[i];
return m;
return m;
But I'd optimize it to this v1.0:
currentViewModel.getReport = function(reportId) {
var reports = currentViewModel.availableReports();
for (var i = 0; i < reports.length; i++) {
if (reports[i].id() === reportId) {
return reports[i];
return null;
For completeness, here's another version that utilizes filter on arrays:
currentViewModel.getReport = function(reportId) {
var reports = currentViewModel.availableReports().filter(function(r) { return === reportId; });
return reports.length >= 1 ? reports[0] : null;

Pointers and array class in javascript [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Double-Queue Code needs to be reduced
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
Is there any way for me to shorten this code by using pointers?
I need to make a class that has mostly the same function as a given array class unshift,shift,push and pop but with different names.
var makeDeque = function()
var a= [], r=new Array(a);
length = r.length=0;
return r.shift();
return r.pop();
return r.length===0;
return this;
(function() {
var dq = makeDeque();
print("length " + dq.length + "last item: " + dq.popTail());
while (!dq.isEmpty())
Output should be
length 5last item: five
Maybe I'm oversimplifying, but why not just add the extra methods you need to the Array prototype and call it directly?
I need to make a class that has mostly the same function as a given array class unshift,shift,push and pop but with different names.
I suppose you could add these "new" methods to Array.prototype.
Like this perhaps?
var makeDeque = (function (ap) {
var Deque = {
length: 0,
pushHead: ap.unshift,
popHead: ap.shift,
pushTail: ap.push,
popTail: ap.pop,
isEmpty: function () {
return !this.length;
return function () {
return Object.create(Deque);
If it's still too long, you can always directly augment Array.prototype like others already mentionned. We agree that it's all experimental here and the only goal is to save characters.
!function (ap) {
ap.pushHead = ap.unshift;
ap.popHead = ap.shift;
ap.pushTail = ap.push;
ap.popTail = ap.pop;
ap.isEmpty = function () {
return !this.length;
function makeDeque() {
return [];
This can be compressed to 174 chars:
function makeDeque(){return[]}!function(e){e.pushHead=e.unshift;e.popHead=e.shift;e.pushTail=e.push;e.popTail=e.pop;e.isEmpty=function(){return!this.length}}(Array.prototype)
Not sure why you need this, but my suggestions per best practice are:
Don't override the Array.prototype. The reason for this is because other libraries might try to do the same, and if you include these libraries into yours, there will be conflicts.
This code is not needed. var a= [], r=new Array(a);. You only need ...a = [];.
Ensure you are creating a real class. In your code, makeDeque is not doing what you want. It is returning this which when a function is not called with the new keyword will be the same as the window object (or undefined if you are using what is called as "strict mode"). In other words, you have made a lot of globals (which are usually a no-no, as they can conflict with other code too).
When you build a class, it is good to add to the prototype of your custom class. This is because the methods will only be built into memory one time and will be shared by all such objects.
So I would first refactor into something like this:
var makeDeque = (function() { // We don't need this wrapper in this case, as we don't have static properties, but I've kept it here since we do want to encapsulate variables in my example below this one (and sometimes you do need static properties).
function makeDeque () {
if (!(this instanceof makeDeque)) { // This block allows you to call makeDeque without using the "new" keyword (we will do it for the person using makeDeque)
return new makeDeque();
this.r = [];
this.length = 0;
makeDeque.prototype.setLength = function () {
return this.length = this.r.length;
makeDeque.prototype.pushHead=function(v) {
makeDeque.prototype.popHead=function() {
return this.r.shift();
makeDeque.prototype.popTail=function() {
return this.r.pop();
makeDeque.prototype.isEmpty=function() {
return this.r.length === 0;
return makeDeque;
Now you could shorten this as follows, but I wouldn't recommend doing this, since, as it was well said by Donald Knuth, "premature optimization is the root of all evil". If you try to shorten your code, it may make it inflexible.
var makeDeque = (function() {
function makeDeque () {
if (!(this instanceof makeDeque)) {
return new makeDeque();
this.r = [];
this.length = 0;
makeDeque.prototype.setLength = function () {
return this.length = this.r.length;
for (var i=0, methodArray = [
['pushHead', 'unshift'], ['popHead', 'shift'], ['pushTail', 'push'], ['popTail', 'pop']
]; i < methodArray.length; i++) {
makeDeque.prototype[methodArray[i][0]] = (function (i) { // We need to make a function and immediately pass in 'i' here because otherwise, the 'i' inside this function will end up being set to the value of 'i' after it ends this loop as opposed to the 'i' which varies with each loop. This is a common "gotcha" of JavaScript
return function () {
var ret = this.r[methodArray[i][1]].apply(this.r, arguments);
return ret;
makeDeque.prototype.isEmpty=function() {
return this.r.length === 0;
return makeDeque;
If you need to get the length by a length property, as opposed to a method like setLength() which sets it manually after each update, either of the above code samples could be shortened by avoiding the setLength() method, but you'd need to use the Object.defineProperty which does not work (or does not work fully) in older browsers like IE < 9.

Cannot access array elements properly within setTimeout

Here what I'm trying to do.
I'm having an array like the following
var my_array = ['1', '2', '3' ... ,'1000000000000000'];
What I want to do is create a bunch of HTML elements for every element of that array, and since the array can contain a huge number of elements I attempted to do the following so the browser won't freeze.
for(var i in my_array)
What happens though is that the my_array[i] within the setTimeout doesn't have the value it should.
To be more accurate, when I try to console.log(my_array[i]) what I get is something like this:
"getUnique" function (){
var u = {}, a = [];
for(var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; ++i){
if(u.hasOwnProperty(this[i])) {
u[this[i]] = 1;
return a;
getUnique is a function I've added to the Array prototype just like this:
Array.prototype.getUnique = function(){
var u = {}, a = [];
for(var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; ++i){
if(u.hasOwnProperty(this[i])) {
u[this[i]] = 1;
return a;
Can please somebody help me with this issue?
the setTimeout is executed after the loop is done, and i is the last key or some garbage value at that point. You can capture the i like so:
for (var i in my_array) {
if (my_array.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
(function(capturedI) {
setTimeout(function() {
You should also not use loops for arrays because it's an order of magnitude slower (especially so with the .hasOwnProperty check) than a for loop and the iteration order is not defined
If you have jQuery or willing to add some extra code for older browsers, you can do:
my_array.forEach( function( item ) {
setTimeout( function() {
do_something_with_data( item );
}, 1000);
With jQuery:
$.each( my_array, function( index, item ) {
setTimeout( function() {
do_something_with_data( item );
}, 1000);
See docs for [].forEach
The problem is that the functions you're creating have a reference to the i variable, not a copy of its value, and so when they run they see i as it is at that point in time (past the end of the array, presumably). (More: Closures are not complicated)
I'd recommend a completely different approach (below), but first, let's look at how to make your existing approach work.
To do what you were trying to do, with the for loop, you have to have the functions close over something that won't change. The usual way to do that is to use a factory function that creates the timeout functions such that they close over the argument to the factory. Or actually, you can pass in the array element's value rather than the index variable.
for(var i in my_array)
function makeFunction(entry) {
return function(){
But, I would probably restructure the code so you're not creating masses and masses of function objects unnecessarily. Instead, use one function, and have it close over an index that it increments:
// Assumes `my_array` exists at this point, and that it
// has at least one entry
var i = 0;
setTimeout(tick, 0);
function tick() {
// Process this entry
if (my_array.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
// Move to next
// If there are any left, schedule the next tick
if (i < my_array.length) {
setTimeout(tick, 0);
Its just a guess. Try it like:
for(var i in my_array)
setTimeout("do_something_with_data('"+my_array[i]+"')", 500);

Javascript chaining and variable substitute

I am trying to get javascript chaining to work using variable substitution. Not able to get it work. Help appreciated.
var Class = function() { = function() {
return this;
this.two = function() {
return this;
if (this instanceof Class) {
return this.Class;
} else {
return new Class();
var test = new Class();
// this works;
var func = '.one().two()';
// want to make this work
there is no function with the name '.one().two()'
Try this,
I believe you are using this for learning purpose only and not on production site.
Highly not recommended. You might want to try an array instead:
var funcs = ['one','two'];
for(var i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) {
you can then wrap this into a little function:
function callChain(obj, funcs)
for(var i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) {
return obj;
Edit: If your chain is stored as a string: .one().two(), you can use the split & string functions to generate the array dynamically.
Well, what you are asking for is far from best practice - so I will give you an unpopular answer - use eval.
If your input is general code as string, you don't really have any other option (specifically when your functions have parameters - .one(1 + 0.5).two(new Date())).
For example, to your Class, add:
this.excecute = function(commands){
eval('this' + commands);
And then:
test.excecute('.one().two(4 * 5)');
Working example:
This emits the warning "eval is evil" (jslint, I think) - but I do not believe functions can be evil.
Even worse, what if you had the string 'one(); two(4 * 5);'?
You can make that work as well, using with:
this.excecute = function(commands){
This has an extra warning: "Don't use 'with'" - They really have something against us today, don't they?
Working example:
Thank you all for prompt help. I ended up settling upon Ben Rowe suggestion.
var funcs = ['one','two'];
for(var i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) {
It fitted my requirement nicely. Appreciate all for the help. You all are wonderful.
You could add a method to the constructor:
this.chain = function chain(){
if (arguments.length && /\./.test(arguments[0])) {
return chain.apply(this,arguments[0].split('.'));
var methods = [],
method = methods.shift();
if(this[method] instanceof Function){
if (methods.length){
return this;
// now you could do something like:
Or extend Object.prototype
Object.prototype.chain = function chain(){
if (arguments.length && /\./.test(arguments[0])) {
return chain.apply(this,arguments[0].split('.'));
var methods = [],
method = methods.shift();
if(this[method] && this[method] instanceof Function){
if (methods.length){
return this;
// usage
({one:function(){console.log('I am one');},
two:function(){console.log('I am two');}})
I think a simpler approach is to use javascript's array reduce function.
I needed this for some dynamic jquery stuff I was writing. Once you have your array of chain-able methods you could easily do the following.
var methods = ['next', 'child', 'parent'];
var element = methods.reduce(function(method){
return $(selector)[method]();
console.log(element) //works! as all method names in methods array are applied and returned each iteration.
For my case the accepted answer did not work for me it seems to only return the passed obj and not the obj plus it's chained methods.

