What causes this code not to work? - javascript

I'm trying to understand why this does not work. (Basic example with no validation yet)
When I test it, firebug states Product.addPage is not found.
var Product = function ()
var Page = function ()
var IMAGE = '';
return {
image : function ()
return IMAGE;
setImage : function (imageSrc_)
IMAGE = '<img id="image" src="' + imageSrc_ + '" height="100%" width="100%">';
var PAGES = [];
return {
addPage : function ()
var len = PAGES.length + 1;
PAGES[len] = new Page();
return PAGES[len];
page : function (pageNumber_)
var result = PAGES[pageNumber_];
return result;
// Begin executing
$(document).ready(function ()

You're trying to reference the addPage property of the Product function (which in this case is a constructor), rather than on the returned object.
You probably want something like:
// Begin executing
$(document).ready(function ()
var product = new Product();
which also adds the brackets to the addPage call (though this is not the problem that FireBug will have been complaining about as it will not be able to find that method anyway).

How about Product.addPage().setImage('http://site/images/small_logo.png');?
Edit: Turns out I only caught half the problem. Look at dtsazza's answer for the whole thing.

This would work too:

How about:
var Product = {
Page : function() {
return {
_image : '',
Image : function() {
return this._image;
setImage : function(imageSrc_) {
this._image = '<img id="image" src="' + imageSrc_ + '" height="100%" width="100%">';
Pages : [],
addPage : function() {
var Page = new Product.Page();
return Page;
GetPage : function(pageNumber_) {
return this.Pages[pageNumber_];
// Begin executing
$(document).ready(function ()


.click() Javascript function not working

I have been programming a website recently. However, when I add this function:
var getInput = function() {
$('#inputSubmit').click(function() {
return $('input[name=input1]').val();
My text code breaks. Does anyone know what is wrong?
try this:
var getInput = function() {
$('#inputSubmit').click(function() {
return $('input[name="input1"]').val(); // added " "
}); // )} --> })

Why are my onclick methods returning Slider not defined?

I've got a fairly simple javascript creating a slider, but the onclick function is returning an error, and I can't figure out why.
var Slider = {
content: ["text", "img"],
current: 0,
render: function(){
view.innerHTML = this.content[this.current];
changeSlide: function(dir){
if(dir) {
} else {
and in HTML I've got
<a onclick="Slider.changeSlide('back')"><</a> <a onclick="Slider.changeSlide()">></a>
but clicking the link I get a Slider is undefined error.
You need to set the JavaScript load parameter to 'No wrap - in ' so it's available:
That raises other errors, unfortunately.
A quick fix is to declare Slider outside window.onload and assign it in window.onload:
var Slider = {};
window.onload = function() {
Slider = {
changeSlide: ...
A better solution is to define Slider outside window.onload as Isherwood proposed. Then you have to put the stand-alone Slider.render() inside window.onload.
var Slider = {
changeSlide: function(dir) {
if (dir) {
this.current = 0;
} else {
this.current = 1;
window.onload = function() {
Note that document.getElementById('slide') will only yield the correct div after the HTML has been rendered, so you should make the view variable part of the render function:
var Slider = {
content: ["text", "img"],
current: 0,
render: function() {
var view = document.getElementById('slide');
view.innerHTML = this.content[this.current];
}, ...
or assign a value to view in window.onload.

window.document in IE

I have this js to show a popup:
popup.show = function(options) {
this.destination_ = options.destination;
this.windowOptions_ = options.windowOptions;
this.closeCallback_ = options.closeCallback;
this.win_ = null;
this.win_ = window.open(this.destination_, "_blank", this.windowOptions_);
if (this.win_) {
// Poll every 100ms to check if the window has been closed
var self = this;
var closure = function() {
this.timer_ = window.setInterval(closure, 100);
return false;
popup.checkClosed_ = function() {
if ((!this.win_) || this.win_.closed) {
popup.handleApproval_ = function() {
if (this.timer_) {
this.timer_ = null;
if (this.win_) {
//this.win_ = null;
try {
if (this.win_.document.scripts[0].innerHTML === 'window.close();') {
} catch (ex) { }
this.win_ = null;
return false;
page script
popup.show({destination: '/auth/' + channel, windowOptions: 'location=0,status=0',
closeCallback:function() {
function switchView(divtoShow) {
$("#" + divtoShow).addClass("hidden");
$("#" + divtoShow).removeClass("hidden");
It works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE this line: this.win_.document.scripts[0].innerHTML doesn't works, I put this in a alert() but nothing happens.
The script tag 'window.close();' is rendered from rails controller in a html page.
The html page close the popup when is rendered, the popup is for twitter and google authentication.
How I can execute the callback after the page is rendered and it is closed?

empty() then run the rest of the function

I have some json that's loaded into li.ui-state-default pending user entry.
The user can then enter a new entry. I want it to empty li.ui-state-default every time a new entry is loaded but it seems to just stay empty.
//data for DOM
var timeout = '';
$('.call-json').keyup(function () {
var val = this.value;
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
$.getJSON('json/' + val + '.json', function (data) {
// load data
var items = [];
for (key in data[0].attributes) {
if (key.match('.stat.prop.type')) {
displaySortLabel(items, "type-details");
function displaySortLabel(items, parentClass) {
$('<span/>', {
'class': 'el-data',
html: items.join('')
}).hide().fadeIn().appendTo('.' + parentClass + ' .sort-label');
Appending to li.ui-state-default by using .appendTo('.' + parentClass + ' .sort-label') will not work as it searches for a .sort-label to be present inside that parentClass variable.
Make sure you have the correct selector while trying to append.
Furthermore, you don't need to hide() and fadeIn():
$('<span/>', {
'class': 'el-data',
html: items.join(''),
'css': {
'display': none
}).fadeIn().appendTo('.' + parentClass + ' .sort-label');

Ajax.Request doesn't work in IE

I using prototype javascript
I am using ajax function which works perfectly in FF but not in IE
var MOList_VenuePostBox;
function getPreSearch(tid,tname){
include_js("http://" + getHostPath() + "/_scripts/lib/z_autocomplete_messagecenter.js",
function() {
MOList_VenuePostBox = new MOList('txtTagTheItem_VenueProfile', 'molist-auto1');
var counter = 0;
// fetch and feed
new Ajax.Request('/_service/getTagwordsByName.ashx', {
onSuccess: function(transport) {
Thanks in advance
I just passed method as get
it solved my problem
include_js("http://" + getHostPath() + "/_scripts/lib/z_autocomplete_messagecenter.js",
function() {
MOList_VenuePostBox = new MOList('txtTagTheItem_VenueProfile', 'molist-auto1');
var counter = 0;
// fetch and feed
new Ajax.Request('/_service/getTagwordsByName.ashx', {
onSuccess: function(transport) {

