How to use jQuery in Firefox plugins? - javascript

I'm trying to create a Firefox plugin and I would like to use some jQuery functions. How to include needed jQuery libraries? Some way to include the libraries to the plugin itself?
I need to show a jQuery Dialog type window on various web sites when user clicks a link injected to the page.
Thank you for your answers!

In your overlay.xul file, just include it as if you were including any other Javascript file:
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://my-firefox-extension/content/path/to/jquery.js" />

I suggest using chrome dialogs instead of jQuery. I've written a similar extension, though I didn't use a jQuery, but dialog code written by myself. The problem is that when you inject your html dialog inside some random page, in many cases it will come distorted because of unpredictable clashes with the loaded site CSS. Even when using inline styles and all other tricks.
In the end, I've looked how Google notebook extension is implemented and used the same idea. It worked great.


jQuery Multipage/One-page system

I'd like to know how can I create a system using HTML, CSS and jQuery that simulates a multipage website using a single HTML page. One example of this feature is used in this website.
Is there a plugin to create this effect and transition?
the website link you have given here is actually a single page. There are many plugins to achieve what is happening there. one of them is
reveal.js it also has an online presentation creator present here
other one is impress.js but IE isnt supported

Combining Multiple jQuery Scripts

I'm trying to create a simple portfolio site for a friend of mine based around his drawings and paintings. The layout is relatively simple but is proving to be very difficult to implement. I have three jquery scripts on the page that each perform a specific function.
1) bgStretcher - Stretches a series of background images to fill a user's window.
2) collapse - Simple collapsable menu system
3) galleryview - Basic no frills slideshow gallery
Currently, bgstretcher and collapse are on one page called nav.shtml ( and the gallery on gallery.shtml( Seperatley they work fine, but when I call the nav page via SSI (test.shtml), The code seems to run into problems and becomes disabled.
The solutions I've found all lead to utilizing the noConflict function in jquery (, (, but everytime I've tried inserting it and changing my code, everything gets messed up again. I've also organized each script's files into separate folders and directories but that hasn't helped either.
My experience is in graphic and web design, so my coding skills are not the greatest. I do know the basics, but rewriting jquery code was not something I ever learned so I might not be understanding how to correctly fix this problem. If someone could clearly and easily explain what I would need to do to make these all work together, I'd appreciate it greatly.
You still have multiple versions of jQuery being loaded in your page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="support/bgstrecher/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="support/collapse/jquery-1.2.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
you should also remove:
<script type="text/javascript">
// Code that uses other library's $ can follow here.
& - (because you only need either the packed or unpacked version, not both)
<script type="text/javascript" src="galleryview/jquery.galleryview-2.1.1.js"></script>
See if that helps.
You only need noConflict if you're going to also use other libraries that are similar to jQuery like MooTools, Dojo or Prototype. It's unlikely you will need to & if you do, you will need to recode to use the jQuery function instead of the $.
The issue it appears you're having is that all these jQuery includes are overwriting the previous version of jQuery which the plugin attached to and thus the function no longer exists when you call it.
Why are you loading Jquery twice ?
First the 1.4.2 min file and then the full blown straight after ?
You still have multiple calls to jQuery (even if files are not in same directories).
In the same way, you call "galleryview/jquery.galleryview-2.1.1.js" twice (the second file is just packed).
By the way, my error console tell me that:
"Error: jQuery.timer is undefined
Source File:
Line: 135"
Are you sure you need this timer plugin? For now, it seems you have too many script included. Try to remove all unneeded files (you should keep only one version of jquery. But if some plugins you used is not compatible with, you'll have more and more compatibility problems).

Javascript lightbox component that works with arbitrary HTML

Is there a Javascript component that allows me to simply pass it a string made up of arbitrary HTML (any HTML I wish to use) and will show that HTML in a lightbox?
I've been scouring the internet, searching for examples, but it seems like there simply isn't any component capable of doing this.
Even LightWindow, which claims to be all-purpose, still requires me to attach it to an tag with the href set to an element ID.
This isn't what I want. I want to be able to call a function and pass in the HTML myself.
(Another issue with LightWindow is that it requires scriptaculous as a dependency. The project already uses jQuery, and I'd rather not include two frameworks at once.)
Any ideas?
colorbox is great. It relies on JQuery.
To use it with an html string, you would call it like this:
You can use jqModal or jQuery UI dialog.
SLaks is correct. You should definitly use JQuery UI dialog. Here is an example of using the JQuery dialog as a modal, very similar to using lightbox.
$("#dialog-message").dialog({modal: true});

Fancybox is not a function

Hello I am using the jQuery plugin fancybox to display bing maps when somebody enters an address into a textbox and hits the submit button beside it. And a fancybox is loaded and a map for that address is displayed. This is working well with my application, but the problem is, it is only working well on one page and on the other one, when I load it, it is giving me an error saying fancybox is not a function. I get to see this error in the error console and in the firebug console. I am not sure what could the problem. The same code works in another page, but it doesn't on this one?
$("Map").fancybox is not a function
I am pretty sure it is not re-usability issue. But when I test to see if fancybox's original files have been loaded, they are loaded with the dom, so it might not be actual problem. But I am unable to understand what else could the problem be.
This is my code
abbr: is just a text bit. I have different divs based on what the user selects. And each div would have its own controls, which would start with that text and are appended with their own definitions such as mapresults, decValLat, decValLon etc.
ex: abbr>>east
and then the ids would be eastmapresults, eastdecValLat, eastdecValLon etc.
function showMapFancybox(abbr){
var abbr;
overlayShow: true,
onClosed: function() {
map_latdec = $('#decValLat').attr('value');
map_longdec = $('#decValLon').attr('value');
map_latdeg = $('#degValLat').attr('value');
map_longdeg = $('#degValLon').attr('value');
I already had this type of errors because i was reloading jQuery after the plugin import, check you don't reimport jquery by mistake (sometimes included in a package like jQuery tools).
I just had this issue, it seem some versions of jQuery are not compatible with versions of FancyBox, for example Fancybox 1.3.4 is buggy with jQuery versions below 1.7 and doesn't work on version higher than 1.8.
Possible Solutions:
1) have you already loaded jQuery? If not, then load it before any $ commands start.
2) Check, probably you are loading jquery library (.js) several times during the page. Try to load only one.
3) In the end of file, you can execute this javascript command: $ = jQuery.noConflict(); and it might solve. If not, then anywhere use the word jQuery instead of $, and it will work too.
You need to load the extensions like easing.js and mousewheel.js BEFORE the main fancybox plugin. That solves the problem.
If "fancybox" as a function does not exist, it is likely that either the jQuery source or the plugin source are failing to load into your page. Make sure that the pathing, file names, and extension are all correct.
EDIT: Make sure that you link to jQuery Source before you link to any plugins. If a plugin is loaded into your HTML before jQuery is, the plugin fails.
In my case it was jQuery.noConflict(); row in another jQuery plugin ... when I removed everything started to work.
If you are using a plugin which includes JQuery into your header tag, this trouble can arise.
I recently added 'TheThe Slider' to my blog, all my FancyBoxes stopped working. There are easy fixes for this situation though. basically, go to the plugin directory, search for the call to jquery and make it's usage conditional. If you would like to see my implementation of this I did blog about it with screen-capture.
I got this issue in my WordPress web site and I found the issue was happening due to fancybox.js presenting twice in the code from two plugins which I installed. So check your code and make sure to load from one source.

Best approach for including bits of Javascript on individual pages in Sitefinity

Frequently, I just want to drop a bit of jQuery on an individual page. Given my early understanding of Sitefinity, I think...
I can't easily put JS in the <head>.
I could put JS in a Generic Content control, but then my JS is sitting inline in the <body>. Maybe I need to relax, but I don't usually like to put much JS in the <body>.
It feels like this kind of scenario is an afterthought. Is JS a 2nd-class citizen in Sitefinity?
JavaScript does not live in the head. Yahoo even says it is better for performance
I agree with epascarello you really shouldn't be putting your javascript in the head anyway.
And just in case you didn't know about this the jQuery framework is part of Sitefinity. The article also shows you how you can include external libraries in sitefinity from anywhere withing your project whether it be master page or user control.
Why not have the jQuery code in a separate .js file and use unobtrusive JavaScript? With jQuery you can separate behavior and markup so nicely that you should never have to include JavaScript in your head or body ever again.
Just use the standard onLoad function in jQuery and put all of your initialization code in there.
Try it, I think that you will like it! If you like using CSS for separation of presentation and markup, then jQuery can do the same thing with behavior and markup.
This is an old question, but one way you can do it now is:
Add a Javascript block (under Scripts & Styles), and then paste the URL to the jquery code:
Then add another Javascript block with your jquery, like:
$(document).ready(function() {
Or you can also paste the URL to your js file.

