Cross domain Ajax request from within js file - javascript

Here's the problem:
1.) We have page here...
2.) That page requests a js file like this...
<script type="text/javascript" src="" />
3.) "jsfile.js" uses Prototype to make an Ajax request back to
4.) The ajax request calls The callback function gets the html response and throws it into a div.
This doesn't seem to work though, I guess it is XSS. Is that correct?
If so, how can I solve this problem? Is there any other way to get my html from to on the client without using an iframe?

It is XSS and it is forbidden. You should really not do things that way.
If you really need to, make your AJAX code call the local code (PHP, ASP, whatever) on and make it behave like client and fetch whatever you need from and return that back to the client. If you use PHP, you can do this with fopen('', 'r') and then reading the contents as if it was a regular file.
Of course, allow_remote_url_fopen (or whatever it is called exactly) needs to be enabled in your php.ini.

There is a w3c proposal for allowing sites to specify other sites which are allowed to make cross site queries to them. (Wikipedia might want to allow all request for articles, say, but google mail wouldn't want to allow requests - since this might allow any website open when you are logged into google mail to read your mail).
This might be available at some point in the future.

As mentioned above JSONP is a way around this. However, the site that you are requesting the data from needs to support JSONP in order for you to use on the client. (JSONP essentially injects a script tag into the page, and provides a callback function that should be called with the results)
If the site you are making a request to does not support JSONP you will have to proxy the request on your server. As mentioned above you can do this on your own server or what I have done in the past is use a, which will proxy the request for you.

One option is to implement a proxy page which takes the needed url as a parameter. e.g.

JSONP was partially designed to get around the problem you are having
JQuery has it in their $.getJSON method

The method shown above could become a large security hole.
Suggest you verify the site name against a white list and build the actual URI being proxied on the server side.

For cross domain hits this is a good working example and now is considered as some what "standard"
there are other ways as well, for eg injecting iframes with document.domain altered
I still agre that the easy way is calling a proxy in same domain but then it's not truly client side WS call.


Requesting remote XML data with javascript

Ok here's my problem. I'm working on this little site called 10winstreak and I'm trying to detect if a stream is live or not with javascript because our server that we run the site off of cant handle processing every single request with PHP. The basis of detecting if a stream is live or not is you go to their XML file and in one of their tags (if it's live) it will say something along the lines of true and often time the XML file on their site will be empty if a particular stream isn't live. for example if you have a stream for gamespot you go to and if it's got stuff in it then it's live if not then it's not.
so basically my code looks like this:
function check (URL, term){
$.get(URL , function(data){
//data is whatever the server returns from the request, do whatever is needed with it to show who is live.
var number =;
if (number > -1)
and URL is a url that gets passed in and term is the term to search for in the xml file (usually "true" or "True"). but before anything happens I end up with "XMLHttpRequest cannot load Origin (my server's URL) is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin."
I've looked into it all over the net and i dont seem to be able to find anything that I can use. there's alot of theory stuff but not enough actual code and i dont understand the theory stuff to be able to start typing code out. from what i've seen you have 2 ways to go, use JSONP or add a line somewhere in your sever to allow for cross-domain accessing. neither of which i understand fully nor know how or what to do. It would be alot of help for someone to show me what needs to be done to get rid of this error. of course if you can explain it to a non-coder like me it would be even more awesome but at my current point, as long as the code works for all I care it might as well be magic lol.
You can solve it :)
Take a look at xReader
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
xReader("", function(data) {
I think you need cacheburst option. but you can be banned from YQL.
I think its because the path is not relative. You may be calling this from a different domain/sub-domain. You can potentially allow other origins to access, which may open up a security hole or you can create a proxy locally.
In PHP creating a proxy is easy:
Now, instead of directing your request straight to that URL send the request from jQuery to your own local url and have it access it on the server side.
Another option would be to use YQL: (I wrote an article about this a while ago)... In that way you can turn the response into JSON, which can be accessed cross-domain (as can javascript).
You could ask for the API responses to all be returned using a JSONP server and in JSON.
You aren't going to be able to do this via client-side javascript unless they've enabled some way to retrieve their data cross-domain (CORS, JSONP, some flash widgety thing getting read permissions from crossdomain.xml file(s) located on their server...)
Short answer: unless 10winstreak offers a JSONP service, you'll have to do things on the server-side.
Slightly longer answer:
For security reasons browsers won't let you make AJAX requests from to (or any other domain except There isn't much you can do about this except use JSONP (and you can only do that if the remote webservice offers it).
Therefore, what you end up needing to do is ask your server "hey what's on that other server?" and (since it's not limited the way a browser is) it can go get the XML from that other server. There are various ways of doing this, either with code or Apache config; not sure what's right for you, but hopefully now you understand the general principle.
P.S. See this question: Wouldn't have been simpler to just discard cookies for cross-domain XHR? if you are curious why browsers do this.
* EDIT *
I just checked out JustinTV's site, and it appears that they already have a PHP library for you to use:
This is very likely your best bet (if you want to keep using PHP that is; if not they have libraries for other languages:

how to use JavaScript to sniff url header

the url is input by end users as string on my page, so may point to any domains.
JavaScript in current page needs to sniff the url, verify whether it's still valid, and return the types as image, or video, or audio, even considering html5 video audio tag and existent flash embed. And No need to wait for the complete file transfer.
Can someone help, from concept? thanks very much.
i'm aware the cross domain problem on ajax. So no idea on basic how-to.
If what you're asking, is:
Given any URL -> lookup given URL using a javascript ajax request, and determine if it is a video/audio/image - then, once detected, use the URL accordingly, then you can do something like this:
jQuery and AJAX response header
However, you'll not be able to make a request using client-side JavaScript to another domain, as it will require a cross-domain request (where your alternatives are JsonP, or weird headers in the response).
You're better off passing the URL to your own server, and performing the logic there (Via some kind of server-side web request) and passing a payload back to the client, with the required information in JSON or something - e.g.
{payload: 'video'}
Old question, but I recently wrote a utility that might help you out. It's a CORS-enabled MIME-type checker. See the API doc at
Use it like so: example

How to do cross domain Ajax in this condition?

There is a page: (not real) that will return JSON style data like:
Now I'm at and I'd like to do a cross domain Ajax request.
Due to the page at have to be log-in ed to view, I can't use server proxy.
The returned JSON data doesn't have a function call or assignment, so I can't use JSONP.
I doesn't have the right to modify the page at What can I do in this condition?
The technique described by Brian Chess et. al. in the following paper might be of use in this case. In short you override the javascript setter that is used to process the incoming JSON.
When the JSON array arrives on the
client, it will be evaluated in the
context of the malicious page. In
order to witness the evaluation of the
JSON, the malicious page has redefined
the JavaScript function used to create
new objects. In this way, the
malicious code has inserted a hook
that allows it to get access to the
creation of each object and transmit
the object's contents back to the
malicious site.
I don't think you can do much without a proxy page or having control of how the data is returned.
You can use Apache's mod_proxy to perform this request under the guise of your domain. Configure a URL such as as a proxy for
When this is complete, you can send your AJAX requests to and avoid the cross-domain limitation.
If you're on cross-domains, you cannot rely on AJAX. You'd have to use a cURL type of a call through your own PHP/ASP scripts to call for data from another domain's files.

Connection AJAX, CouchDB and JavaScript

i've got a little problem with AJAX, CouchDB and JavaScript.
I can open the following URL from CouchDB in my browser:
new Ajax.Request('', {
method: 'POST',
onComplete: function(transport) {
I always get empty alert.
Can you help me?
The problem here is, that your browser doesn't allow you to make a query on an other web server than the one where you're script originates. (Google for: Same Origin Policy)
But there is a kind of a common technique which is a workaround for this use case. It's called JSONP. Since version 1.0 you have to activate this functionality first in CouchDB. In the section [httpd] of your CouchDB configuration file (.ini) you have to add an
allow_jsonp = true
After this is done you can produce JSONP queries on your CouchDB. Basically adding dynamically lines like this:
<script type="text/javascript"
But for details refer to the article linked above.
Anyway I propose on the JavaScript side of things to use a Framework as jQuery, DojoToolKit, ect. In jQuery e.g. it is enough to add "?callback=?" at the end of the URL.
AJAX doesn't support cross domain scripting. all calls need to be to a URL with the same domain as the one of the current document.
a good solution would be to build a proxy service on the server side, that will take the local
request, make an HTTP call to the couchDB server, and return it's response.

How to prevent direct access to my JSON service?

I have a JSON web service to return home markers to be displayed on my Google Map.
Essentially, calls the web service to find out the location of all map markers to display like so:
And it returns a JSON string such as:
{"address": "321 Main St, Mountain View, CA, USA", ...}
So on my index.html page, I take that JSON string and place the map markers.
However, what I don't want to have happen is people calling out to my JSON web service directly.
I only want to be able to call my web service ... and not some random dude calling the /json/ directly.
Quesiton: how do I prevent direct calling/access to my web service?
To give more clarity, call ... and the JSON service
- returns semi-sensitive data,
- returns a JSON array,
- responds to GET requests,
- the browser making the request has JavaScript enabled
Again, what I don't want to have happen is people simply look at my index.html source code and then call the JSON service directly.
There are a few good ways to authenticate clients.
By IP address. In Apache, use the Allow / Deny directives.
By HTTP auth: basic or digest. This is nice and standardized, and uses usernames/passwords to authenticate.
By cookie. You'll have to come up with the cookie.
By a custom HTTP header that you invent.
I didn't catch at first that your web service is being called by client-side code. It is literally NOT POSSIBLE to prevent people from calling your web service directly, if you let client-side Javascript do it. Someone could just read the source code.
Some more specific answers here, but I'd like to make the following general point:
Anything done over AJAX is being loaded by the user's browser. You could make a hacker's life hard if you wanted to, but, ultimately, there is no way of stopping me from getting data that you already freely make available to me. Any service that is publicly available is publicly available, plain and simple.
If you are using Apache you can set allow/deny on locations.
or here is a link to the apache docs on the Deny directive
EDITS (responding to the new info).
The Deny directive also works with environment variables. You can restrict access based on browser string (not really secure, but discourages casual browsing) which would still allow XHR calls.
I would suggest the best way to accomplish this is to have a token of some kind that validates the request is a 'good' request. You can do that with a cookie, a session store of some kind, or a parameter (or some combination).
What I would suggest for something like this is to generate a unique url for the service that expires after a short period of time. You could do something like this pretty easily with Memcache. This strategy could also be used to obfuscate the service url (which would not provide any actual security, but would raise the bar for someone wanting to make direct calls).
Lastly, you could also use public key crypto to do this, but that would be very heavy. You would need to generate a new pub/priv key pair for each request and return the pubkey to the js client (here is a link to an implementation in javascript)
You can add a random number as a flag to determine whether the request are coming from the page just sent:
1) When generates index.html, add a random number to the JSON request URL:
Add this number to the Session Context as well.
2) The client browser renders the index.html and request JSON data by the new URL.
3) Your server gets the json request and checks the flag number with Session Context. If matched, response data. Otherwise, return an error message.
4) Clear Session Context by the end of response, or timeout triggered.
Accept only POST requests to the JSON-yielding URL. That won't prevent determined people from getting to it, but it will prevent casual browsing.
I know this is old but for anyone getting here later this is the easiest way to do this. You need to protect the AJAX subpage with a password that you can set on the container page before calling the include.
The easiest way to do this is to require HTTPS on the AJAX call and pass a POST variable. HTTPS + POST ensures the password is always encrypted.
So on the AJAX/sub-page do something like
if ($_POST["access"] == "makeupapassword")
echo "You can't access this directly";
When you call the AJAX make sure to include the POST variable and password in your payload. Since it is in POST it will be encrypted, and since it is random (hopefully) nobody will be able to guess it.
If you want to include or require the PHP directly on another page, just set the POST variable to the password before including it.
$_POST["access"] = "makeupapassword";
This is a lot better than maintaining a global variable, session variable, or cookie because some of those are persistent across page loads so you have to make sure to reset the state after checking so users can't get accidental access.
Also I think it is better than page headers because it can't be sniffed since it is secured by HHTPS.
You'll probably have to have some kind of cookie-based authentication. In addition, Ignacio has a good point about using POST. This can help prevent JSON hijacking if you have untrusted scripts running on your domain. However, I don't think using POST is strictly necessary unless the outermost JSON type is an array. In your example it is an object.

