Thoughts on making a webapp fullscreen in a pop-up - javascript

At my company most inventory tracking is done via an ASP.NET web application. The application is poorly conceived, poorly designed, poorly implemented, and somewhat of a hassle for a user to work with. These are things that are my opinion though and management has its own thoughts on the matter.
Such luxuries as the browser's back button and bookmarking pages are already not an option because of heaps and heaps of ancient Ajax code and now one of my bosses has the idea that he would prefer for the URL bar and browser buttons not to appear at all.
At first I told him that it was impossible but after thinking about it I suppose it could work if you used Javascript to create a fullscreen pop-up and run the application in that.
I personally am against this idea though since I'm the one who would do the work my own subconscious motivations are suspect so I'd like to gather some opinions on running an application in such a manner.
In addition, has anyone had any experience with transferring a regular webapp to such a setup? I'd like to know how much work could be in store for me.

Next time, for the good of the world, keep these kinds of ideas to yourself. It sounds like your boss is not qualified to make such a call, so make the call for him.
If your boss believes the url bar and browser buttons are not suppose to be there, then convert it to a stand alone app. Don't try to cram it into a web platform if its not suppose to be one.
You know the issues, so fight for what you think is right. Don't implement anything you are not going to be proud of.

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Full Screen, no bars, just WebApp

I'd be tempted to simply add a button that allows you to pop out the app, without removing the normal mode.
If necessary, sell it with some waffle about users getting confused or not being able to reopen it or something. Or even pretend its not possible to do it without it.
That goes some way towards user friendliness. Salve your conscience anyway


Remove specific pages from browser history and back button with javascript?

I have a sensitive website about domestic violence with an EXIT button that directly links to Google. So that anyone visiting that website can quickly jump to Google if the visitor feels unsafe or uncomfortable.
I would love to be able to clear any references to this website from bot the history list and the back button functionality. Basically, remove any proof of visiting that website. Keep in mind that not all people know how to browse anonymous and some people just cannot even get out of the house to browse the internet. Yes, this scenario is for seriously bad situations.
I've tried using location.replace instead of regular links to keep them from being saved into the history, but they just keep being saved in the history.
I've also tried to use browser.history.deleteUrl({url:"https://thewebsite"}), but this gives error on browser being undefined.
Is this even possible from a website? Or are there other options?
Thanks for thinking with me!
As you state in the question, you can use window.location.replace() to prevent your site from appearing in the window’s history (back button). Of course, this only works if your site had only one entry in the window’s history to begin with.
As you also state, there is a bigger problem: this does not prevent the site from appearing in the browser’s history. I believe you cannot solve this problem with scripts on your website: you need some external solution, like a browser extension.
(This does not really answer your question, but you could try using URLs and titles that disguise the nature of your site. I have heard of that being done with this sort of resource.)
In response to my idea of disguises, someone asked for examples and asked about discoverability. I was referring to the Aspire News App, featured on Dr Phil’s TV show. On that show, they made a big deal out of not showing what the app looked like, to avoid tipping off abusers. They also said the app is disguised as an ordinary app.
When I was researching this answer, I learned that disguises are indeed a terrible idea. I had no trouble finding information about the app online, and one review said the app is “pointless” because “with all of the media cpverage this app has gotten sbusers know exactly what it is and what to look for”.
I also learned that the app still had a fundamental security flaw 7 years after it was released. This shows that even supposedly reputable apps, dealing with sensitive matters, cannot be trusted. And perhaps it means that supposedly reputable websites looking to hide themselves from the browser’s history cannot be trusted either.

Where can I get advice on how to build completely ajax web apps?

I am building a completely ajax web app (this is the first web app I have ever created). I am not exactly sure if I am going about it the right way. Any suggestions or places where I can go to find suggestions?
I currently am using jQuery. I am working on fully learning that. I have designed a UI almost completely. I am struggling in some parts trying to balance a good UX, good design and fitting all the options I want to fit in it.
I have started with the design. I am currently struggling with whether to use absolute positioning or not and if not how do I use float etc. to do the same type of thing. I am trying to make it have a liquid layout (I hate fixed-layout pages) and am trying to figure out what I should use to make it look the same in most screen sizes.
Understand JavaScript. Know what a closure is, how JavaScript's event handling works, how JavaScript interacts with the DOM (beyond simply using jQuery), prototypal inheritance, and other things. It will help you when your code doesn't work and you need to fix it.
Maintain usability. All the AJAX magic you add is useless if users cannot figure out how to use it. Keep things simple, don't overload the user by giving him information he doesn't need to know (hide less important information, allowing the user to click a link to show it), and if possible, test your app with actual users to make sure that the interface is intuitive to them.
Code securely. Do not allow your server to get hacked. There are many different types of security flaws in web apps, including cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and SQL injection. You need to be well aware of these and other pitfalls and how to avoid them.
One starting point is to look at the Javascript Libraries and decide which one to use:
You probably don't want to do raw Javascript code without any library. Once you decide on a library to use, then you can look at its documentations online or the books about using them. jQuery does have pretty good documentation.
Define "right way."
There are many "right ways" to code an app.
Things to keep in mind are trying to design a nice interface. The interface can make or break an application and studies show that it can even make it seem faster if you do it right. jQuery is good for this.
Another thing to consider going in is what browsers do you want to support? Firefox is really doing well and Google Chrome's market share is growing so you will want so support those for sure. IE is a tough one as it doesn't have the best support for standards, but if you are selling a product you will really want this.
One of the best articles that I've ever come across about the structure of an ajax web application is this one. A little outdated because it refers to XML as the primary data-interchange format, now JSON. jQuery, a javascript framework, contains excellent functionality for both DOM manipulation and AJAX calls. Both are a must in any AJAX-driven web app.

Is there any way to prevent people from making my web game available offline?

It's not the type of game that really need a server to operate. I'm using javascript and html5 right now, and I cant think of a way to prevent the game from being rip off.
Using obsfucator is useless, the game would still work offline.
Implementing a validation scheme is not invincible either. Someone smart can just crack the script and remove the validation part.
Make it attractive for users to play on your site.
For example:
Provide online Highscores.
Introduce a multiplayer option
Create friends list
Provide a server based achievement system
Develop other games and provide them on the same page so users want to come back
Create "level packs" and similar add on content and release them on your page
Overall, there are other possibilities to get users to play on your site besides technical restrictions, which - as you already found out - are difficult to deploy in an open source, browser driven environment. But, on the web, this has always been a feature, not a bug.
You're right in that a clientside-only can't be prevented from running offline. How about moving part of the game logic to the server?
You could continue to use html5 and javascript, but move your javascript to the server side using node.js For example
If you combine obfuscation and validation, you'll go a long way. Can someone crack and use it offline? Possibly. Is it really going to be worth the effort? I mean, even an installed game can be cracked. This is especially true if you make the validation extra obfuscated by hand by spreading it out over several methods.
I would avoid moving more logic to the server than you have to, because it would obviously slow the app way down, but you might be able to get away with moving tiny crucial pieces that only happen rarely like between levels (chapters?).

Importance of graceful degradation to non-javascript ui

How important is it to gracefully degrade or inversely Progressively Enhance the UI experiance? I mean am I going to lose a LOT of business if I don't? Do you practice this concept? Are there any web 1.0 users still left out there?
Please could you also include if you practice this personally and how much time you've spent relative to the entire project. I realize every project is different, I want to get a sense of how much time as a general rule I should be allocating toward this goal.
Firstly, i'm looking for guidance around how much time I should be devoting to making my applications run without javascript.
Secondly, the BS term "web 1.0" ( I don't really like it either) works because we all understand that as the iteration before ajax and all its goodness.
Thirdly, the kind of applications I'm describing are the ones we are all building, not Facebook, not Twitter (unless you're from Facebook or Twitter) but service or utitlity programs like a web calendar, or an online todo list or [INSERT YOUR APP HERE].
Progressive enhancement is more a mindset than a particular task that you need to allocate time to. If you're doing it right (and if it's important to you), you should be enhancing the user experience with JavaScript, but not relying on it.
For example, a link will point to a new page, but with JavaScript you'll disable the link and load new content into the current page with Ajax. Start off without JavaScript and progressive enhancement will follow naturally.
Progressive enhancement is not only smart but it is faster and easier to develop.
And at each stage, you almost always have a working fall-back.
Here's what it looks like in a nutshell:
Boss/client approves mock ups.
We code to valid HTML output. At this point, the boss/client can start using the site. Baring any boss/client changes, the HTML is mostly done. The site is usable at this point.
We start tweaking the CSS to make it match the boss/client's graphic expectations. Changes to the HTML are minor, if any.
In parallel, JavaScript is added to do non-critical, but nice, things. (Sort tables, Fancy CSS helping, replace some links with AJAX calls, warn the user -- client-side -- of input problems.)
If any one of these things breaks, the site still works.
Also, little, or usually no, html changes are needed.
First of all, lets not start using bullshit terms like "web 1.0" and "web 2.0" etc, the fact is the web is forever progressing and new websites are starting to use JavaScript to enhance the user experience.
I don't know anyone that doesn't allow their site to gracefully degrade when JavaScript isn't available, this is for the same reason we use semantic markup so screen readers can correctly interpret our websites for users with visual impairment, and whilst the vast majority of your visitors / users won't fall into these categories it's still important to think about the minority.
Will you lose a LOT of business, well that depends on how successful you are now and how badly your site degrades, chances are you probably won't lose any business... but that should not be the measure yo use to decide whether to gracefully degrade a website.
So unless you can come up with a pretty good reason, you should probably use JavaScript for the purposes of progressive enhancement, don't depend too much on it.
This greatly depends on the nature of your aplication and its data. If it's something that you know will be mostly used via computers, than degrading to non-script version UI wouldn't make any obvious benefit (even loss of money because it will take considerable time to develop). You can always tell people to enable javascript in their browsers (similar to what's done here on Stackoverflow - try disabling script and reload the page). Your app/site should display at least something when there's no Javascript posibility.
But if your application has simple data to display and users should access it frequently wherever they are, than degrading to lesser browsers (without script engines like Opera Mini) is a must. Creating a separate UI will less functionality, but keeping everything in that users need to access is probably your best option. UIs like separate iPhone applications for example...
JavaScript is disabled by a small proportion of web users, but when you start to talk big volumes this can make a difference. For example for 1 million visitors, you can expect more than 10,000 not to be able to user your site.
You should decide how much lost business is worth the additional cost of having a non-JavaScript version of your site.
You can have an approach where the entire site may not work without JavaScript but that some of the core features are there.

What's the best way of stopping users from copying and pasting text from a web app?

The site I'm working on displays some proprietary 3rd party data that's quite valuable. As such they want to stop people copying and pasting their information. They understand that, of course, there's nothing we can do to stop users just writing down info or printing it off, but they want to make it as difficult as possible for their data to be taken. The other big concern is performance. The site sees a healthy amount of activity, so keeping it snappy is a big deal.
I was hoping to get a bit of feedback from you guys on the best way of accomplishing this
Some potential solutions that have been suggested:
Use a bit of javascript to stop users hitting ctrl / right clicking (irritating and won't stop more advanced users)
Use flex (very slow, but very safe since the data is binary)
Create or find some funky html to image converter and display the data as images
Your thoughts and opinions are very welcome.
Thanks in advance!
Charge the users for access to the information.
You can try all sorts of code workarounds, but you really aren't going to stop anyone who is determined. By charging, you limit access to people who really need the information and if they copy it, then at least you've been reimbursed. It also filters out a lot of the people who would use it maliciously. Also, put a legal notice on the information detailing how it can be used so that you can follow up copiers with legal action if necessary.
This really sounds like a serious problem with the origins of the question. If this is something that shouldn't be easy to copy, why is it visible at all?
If its really proprietary, why is it a good idea to post it on the web?
Seems that an internal webpage would be more appropriate.
It is a tricky situation, since this is the web...
You could use a very small bit of flash to display the sensitive data, which you'd have complete control over, and if it's small, shouldn't hurt your download times. This would probably be my preferred method.
Option #3 would stop people from copying and pasting, but it wouldn't stop them from downloading the image. I'm not sure if that matters to you.
Do you need to serve audiences that have javascript turned off? If not, you could use AJAX to pull the sensitive information in the first place, then use a script to stop them from copying that div or whatever.
You might want to check out Tynt Tracer. It doesn't prevent copying, but at least allows you to track where it's part anyway.
You might look at the option 1, as a "bare minimum" way of doing it, but admittedly it isn't a great option, as simply disabling JS gets around it.
Your third idea would also work, but you can actually make it easier to save by going to the image and the way they are stored in temporary internet files.
Also, as a side note, to prevent printing you might want to specify a print only CSS that hides all content.
body {display:none;}
It isn't perfect, but again stops the casual user from printing.
Charging money for the content is a good answer, but I'm guessing you're already charging for the content.
#2 is clearly the most secure option, and the most flexible, allowing you to really punish yourself as much as possible as well (do things like implement over the wire encryption etc...) So it should come as no surprise it is also the most expensive to implement.
Given, someone can just decompile your code and inspect memory, but at that point, it is doubtful you are going to stop anyone.
Offer the information for download in password protected pdf, where the only thing that they can do is to view it, no printing, copy paste, etc. Although you can't stop a print screen. Primo PDF can do that for you and is free.
They key here is the that effort it takes to bypass any solution you choose, is greater than the value of the information you are trying to protect from being copied.

