From parent window i am opening one pop up window. After success of pop up screen control should go to parent window but when i am trying the code below, parent window is coming first and child window is coming behind that screen.
function A(requestId)
{ //strong text
B();//it will open child window
c(); //after this i am trying to open parent window by calling this method here.
function B() {
var childWindowId = "v";
var flowExecutionUrl = '#{flowExecutionUrl}';
var contentUrl = something;
var parentCallbackFunction = null;
var destroyOnClose = true;
cwmManager.create(childWindowId, draggable, title, helpMenu, width, height, windowContentClass, windowTitleClass, windowTitleImageClass,
closeIcon, windowBorder, suppressScrolling, modal, callbackFunction, contentId, contentUrl,
parentCallbackFunction, destroyOnClose);;
return true;
please help me through this.
open the new window using width & height using following code from parent window :-
function myFunction() {var myWindow ="", "", "width=200,height=100");
after success the pass the data to parent window
My problem is:
When I use:"","_self");
Firefox removes all menus, buttons, window's window minimization buttons, everything. Also context menu stop working, but site opens fine except this chaos, which ruins everything.
So how to fix this?
I'm using FF22, fresh install.
Looks like its not a simple case so I drop here entire code, it's slightly edited addon for creating new tabs from context menu:
let _ = require("l10n").get;
let winUtils = require("window-utils");
let { isBrowser } = require("api-utils/window/utils");
var delegate = {
onTrack: function (window) {
if (isBrowser(window) ){
let menu = window.document.getElementById("tabContextMenu");
let newtab = window.document.createElementNS("","menuitem");
newtab.setAttribute("id", "contexttab-newtab");
newtab.setAttribute("label", _("newtab_string"));
newtab.setAttribute("accesskey", _("newtabaccesskey_string"));
newtab.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.location.href=''");
menu.insertBefore(newtab, menu.firstChild);
} // End isBrowser
} // End ontrack
} // End delegate function
let tracker = new winUtils.WindowTracker(delegate);
// code to remove the menuitem when extension is disabled for satisfy requirement on AMO for pass a full review
// On uninstall the menuitem is not removed, see:
exports.onUnload = function(reason) {
var unloader = {
onTrack: function (window) {
if (isBrowser(window) ){
let menu = window.document.getElementById("tabContextMenu");
let newtab = window.document.getElementById("contexttab-newtab");
}; // End unloader function
let remover = new winUtils.WindowTracker(unloader);
This is the only line I edited:
newtab.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.location.href=''");
works properly.
gBrowser.loadURI loads a page into the selected tab I think.
If you want to open a new window you have to do it like this:
var url = Cc[';1'].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); = '';
Services.ww.openWindow(null, 'chrome://browser/content/browser.xul', '_blank', 'chrome,all', url);
This is a JavaScript question.
I need to create a button which, when clicked once, will open up 5 sub-windows (popup boxes).
One box will be in the top left corner of the screen, one in the top right corner, one in the lower left corner, one in the lower right corner, and one in the center. Each box will have a different URL.
When the main window is closed, all of the sub-windows should also close.
I have only been able to do the code that opens one popup - cannot figure out how to code all 5 to open at once with one button click and then close them all when the parent window closes.
Here is what I have so far:
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function myPopup(URL) {
popupWindow =,'popUpWindow','height=500,width=500,left=100,top=100,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no, status=yes');
Open Pop-Up
Many thanks to anyone who can help me out.
Thanks to everyone who is helping me. By utilizing the feedback here, I have worked on this project all day and have come up with some code that works. I was not sure how to assign urls for each popup to the array - but at least they work.
However, I can not get all the popups to close when the parent window closes. Hope you can help. Here is the new code:
<script type="text/javascript">
/*Use Array - Open 5 new popup windows using onclick*/
function newWindow() {
var winPop = new Array();
winPop[winPop.length] ='top_right.html','window1','scrollbars=no,width=235,height=155,left=1000,top=200,screenX=1000,screenY=200');'top_left.html','window2','scrollbars=no,width=235,height=155,left=325,top=200,screenX=325,screenY=200');'bottom_left.html','window3','scrollbars=no,width=235,height=155,left=325,top=600,screenX=325,screenY=600');'bottom_right.html','window4','scrollbars=no,width=235,height=155,left=1000,top=600,screenX=1000,screenY=600');'center_page.html','window5','scrollbars=no,width=235,height=155,left=660,top=450,screenX=660,screenY=450');
/*NOT WORKING FOR ME --Close all popups when parent window is closed*/
onbeforeunload = function() {
for (var index = 0; index < winPop.length; ++index)
<div id="wrap"> <a href='' onclick='newWindow()'><img src='images/group_clicker.gif' border='0'></a> </div>
Save all opened windows to an array.
Register for the beforeUnload event, and when it fires, loop through the popups close()'ing them.
NB: I think it's jsFiddle or Chrome, but it won't open more than 1 popup per click.
And due to restrictions placed on popup opening you cannot reliably control the position of opened popups. It may be useful for you to open in-window popups like YUI's panel or jQuery(UI)'s dialogue
function openPopup(howMany) {
var popups = [];
var temp;
for (var index = 0; index < howMany; ++index) {
popups.push(open('', '', 'height=500,width=500'));
popups[index].document.write('popup ' + (index + 1) + ' of ' + howMany + '<br/>this will close on parent window close');
closeFunc = function() {
for (var index = 0; index < popups.length; ++index)
if (addEventListener)
addEventListener('beforeunload', closeFunc, false);
attachEvent('onbeforeunload', closeFunc);
You could use a for loop to open multiple windows. Be sure to give a unique name to popup window
function myPopup(URL) {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var popupWindow =, i, 'height=500,width=500,left=100,top=100,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no, status=yes');
An answer to your edit:
You wrote
function newWindow() {
var winPop = new Array();
winPop[winPop.length] ='top_right.html','window1','scrollbars=no,width=235,height=155,left=1000,top=200,screenX=1000,screenY=200');'top_left.html','window2','scrollbars=no,width=235,height=155,left=325,top=200,screenX=325,screenY=200');'bottom_left.html','window3','scrollbars=no,width=235,height=155,left=325,top=600,screenX=325,screenY=600');'bottom_right.html','window4','scrollbars=no,width=235,height=155,left=1000,top=600,screenX=1000,screenY=600');'center_page.html','window5','scrollbars=no,width=235,height=155,left=660,top=450,screenX=660,screenY=450');
What you need is
var winPop;
function newWindow() {
winPop = [
This is a scoping issue (as well as you not actually adding the windows to the array :|), winPop needs to be global, I.e. vard outside of the function.
When someone requests a chat, an entry is made in the database. I have an hidden iframe on our dashboard that checks the database every 20 seconds to see if there is a chat and if there is it launches a popup window. Even if the popup is open the iframe still refreshes the popup every 20 seconds. Want I am trying to achieve is a javascript to check the status of the popup. If it is closed I want it to reopen it... if it is open then it bring it into focus... but I dont want the popup to refresh.. as I have an ajax script doing this..
Here is my code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function myOpenWindow(winURL, winName, winFeatures, winObj)
var theWin;
if (winObj != null)
if (!winObj.closed)
return winObj;
theWin =, winName, winFeatures);
return theWin;
<% IF ChatSessionID <> "" THEN %>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var gmyWin = null;
window.onload = function()
var w = 900;
var h = 500;
var l = (screen.width-w)/2;
var t = (screen.height-h)/2;
var params = 'status=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,width=' + w + ',height=' + h + ',left=' + l + ',top=' + t;
gmyWin = myOpenWindow("/chat/chat_window.asp?ChatSession=<%=ChatSessionID%>&id=3", "myWin", params, gmyWin)
<% END IF %>
Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated..
Best Regards,
I am not sure, but I believe if you name the window (e.g. myWin) when you call, then later call again using the same name, it will return the existing window if its already open or open/re-open the window and return a handle to that.
Ah, there you go -- from
If a window with the name
strWindowName already exists, then,
instead of opening a new window,
strUrl is loaded into the existing
window. In this case the return value
of the method is the existing window
and strWindowFeatures is ignored.
Providing an empty string for strUrl
is a way to get a reference to an open
window by its name without changing
the window's location. If you want to
open a new window on every call of, you should use the
special value _blank for
I believe according to the above mentioned specs, this might work:
var hChatWindow ="", "ChatWindow", "whatever features"); // url intentionally left blank
// hChatWindow now contains a reference to new, existing or re-opened window
if (hChatWindow.location=="about:blank") { // not sure; you need to experiment here
hChatWindow.location = "/chat/chat_window.asp?whatever";
Demo here, source here.
Register a callback on gmyWin.onunload.
You will find it tricky to subvert "block pop-up windows" in most browsers. However, if it is disabled, the following will work.
Main window:
var status = false;
function winOpen(){"child.html");
function winStatus(){
Pop-up window:
window.opener.status = true;
window.onblur = window.focus;
window.onunload = function(){
window.opener.status = false;