how can I check what site a javascript badge is embedded on? - javascript

I want to allow users to embed badges on their personal site or blogs with a snippet of javascript. The badge is customized on our site based on information in their profiles that at some point is "approved".
Is there a best practice to check what website the javascript is embedded on and if it does not match the website in their "approved" profile display nothing. If it matches inject the html etc.

Two methods come to mind immediately:
Configure your server to log the "Referer" header of all requests for the javascript
and even check it against a list of approved urls, and return an error code (403 Forbidden looks like a winner).
Have the Javascript "call home" - reporting where it is - like so:
var etCallHome = new Image();
etCallHome = ""+document.location.href;
You could also combine both approaches for luck. :-)

You could check the top url using:
var topUrl = top.location.href;


How can I let someone know that the click on the link comes from my site

Hello fellow programmers. My case is - I have many links on my website, each of them directs to a different website. How can I let that website which stored its link on my website know, that the user's click comes from my website?
I've read something about utm_source=MySite. Is it the thing I'm looking for?
And if so - where should I drop it? At the end of the link?
<a href={}>Link</a>?
Thank you for any kind of help.
utm_source is a URL query string parameter that was originally part of a referrer tracking strategy invented by a company called Urchin Traffic Monitor. They were since bought by Google and the technology sort of lives on now as part of Google Analytics.
This way of tracking is not part of any Web or other standard though, mind you.
There is some information available at Google's.
Since utm_source is a query string variable, if you wish to use this patent-pending (that's right) strategy, these go after the pathname in the URL in your links to third parties, like:
That's all there is to it, really. There are other variables like you yourself mentioned that go with the utm_source variable.
I think also you should research other alternative solutions that may suit you better.
As a bonus, there is no need to patch all your document links manually to include the query string variable(s), just run the following statement when your document is at least interactive (document.readyState is not "LOADING", so the links are actually loaded):
for(const link of document.links) link.href = (function(URL) { URL.searchParams.set("utm_source", ""); return URL; })(new URL(link.href));
You should probably check to not include links that have no hostname or use your own domain explicitly -- no need to include referrer then, is it.

How to modify the EE code for detailed control of weblog link conversion preferences?

Have a site running on ExpressionEngine 1.7 (yeah, it's old). The issue is that when weblog preferences are set to "auto convert links and emails to URLs" we get a message that ".(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)" when someone posts an email in the comment section (web urls convert fine). If we turn off the conversion in preferences, the email addresses show fine but we lose the autoconverted web links. Does anyone know where we would modify the EE code that controls the url conversion to keep the web urls link conversion but stop converting the email addresses?
You might have sorted this on your own by now but just in case...
Looks like you want the auto_linker function and the encode_email function. Both can be found in typography file:
Actually before you go hacking that, it looks like you might be able to just change a value in that same file. I'm seeing:
var $encode_email = TRUE;
Try setting to FALSE.
This line looks promising too:
var $encode_type = 'javascript'; // javascript or noscript

Google Apps script get Parent URL to iFrame in Javascript

I've searched many forums and am pretty confident this will be a no, but I thought I would open it up to the community just in case ;)
I've been tasked with creating a tool on our Google Sites pages that records the visit times of our employees after visiting a page. It helps with confirming compliance with document access as well as activity logs. If an iFrame is on the same domain as the page it is hosted on, it's fairly easy to query the URL of the parent page from within the frame, but security limitations restrict this across domains or sub-domains.
I'm hoping that the fact that I am embedding a Google apps script into a Google sites page will give me more options. So far, I have tried the commands document.referrer, parent.document.location, parent.window.document.location, parent.window.location, parent.document.location.href, and the same commands from window and document perspectives. They all respond the same:
When I want:
Do any Google veterans have additional tricks?
Edit: I've just tried to pass variables via an html link the Google image placeholder for Apps Scripts on Google Sites and got a tad bit farther. You see, I can run this url: and get the variables test1 and test2 if I run the url in a separate window. If I try to embed that URL into the HTML page on Google Sites, it throws this mixed-content error:
trog_edit__en.js:1544 Mixed Content: The page at
'' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
Has someone tried that approach, perhaps?
In short - I understand it's not possible to investigate a parent URL from an iFrame in Google Sites.
The content of iframes/embedded content is hosted all over the place, separate from the site itself. The Same-Origin rules prevent checking as you've found.
Your first URL "" is where the script itself is hosted. Any output from the script, like HTML, will appear to come from here.
You can embed HTML and javascript directly in Sites using the Embed function. If you investigate that, you'll find that it's hosted at something like ""
Calling parent will always give this *-atari-based URL, rather then the actual page it's hosted on.
A fairly lightweight solution is to use a combination of the two.
Use simple doGet pings and handle the work in your Apps Script.
On your Site, use Embed feature to insert:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body onbeforeunload="return depart()">
var page = "testpage"; // manually set a name for each page you paste this code in to
var script = " your script, ending with exec ...";
function depart(){
Then in your Apps Script:
function doGet(e){
var httpParams = e.parameter ? e.parameter : "";
// params is an object like {"page": "testpage1", "n": "1"}
var getPage = ? : "";
var getDirection = httpParams.direction ? httpParams.direction : "";
/* Handle it as you please, perhaps like: */
var user = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
/* maybe use a temporary active key if open to non-Google users */
/* first-time Google users will have to authenticate, so embed one frame somewhere full-size maybe, or just tell users to go to the script's link */
/* hand off to a helper script */
var time = new Date();
var timeUTC = time.toUTCString(); // I like UTC
doSomethingWithThis(user, direction, timeUTC);
/* etc... */
/* Return some blank HTML so it doesn't look too funny */
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("<html><body></body></html>");
Then publish as a web app. If you'll use temporary active keys instead of Google accounts, you'll have the script run as you and be available to anyone, even anonymous.
You've probably already solved this, but I hope it can be of use to someone else who stumbles across it!

Showing documents from Google Drive on webpage

Is it possible to show the documents from my drive on a webpage? I want the user to be able to click the document and download it, directly from my drive. How would I go about doing this? Thank you for your suggestions.
The fastest and easiest solution is to embed the folder using an iframe (no javascript needed). Obviously this is also the least flexible solution, although you can use CSS to change the layout of the iframe contents (see below).
Google Drive won't allow embedding of the url you would normally use. It has its X-Frame-Options header set to "SAMEORIGIN", preventing use in an iframe. So you have to use the following link, which will allow embedding:
DOCUMENT_ID is the id that is mentioned in the normal share link (which looks like, so you can just copy that from there.
VIEW_TYPE should be either 'grid' or 'list', depending on your preference.
And if you need to change the style of the iframe content, take a look at this solution.
For HTML/JavaScript solution, look at the following links:
Here's the simplest way using JavaScript, most of the complexity is in
your WebApp authorization. The example below reads files IDs, names and description in a folder you specify.
- go to:
and create a new project "xyz"
- Select "APIs & auth", disable the ones you don't need, enable "Drive API"
- Select "Credentials",
push "CREATE NEW CLIENT ID" button
x Web Application
Authorized Javascript origins: ""
Authorized redirect URI: ""
it will result in:
Client ID:
Email address:
Client secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Redirect URIs:
Javascript Origins:
- in the code below, replace
FOLDER_ID with the ID you see in the folder address line,
- run it, authorize
I don't know if you read JS, the code can be followed from bottom up, I made is as simple as possible.
<script src="//"></script>
var FOLDER_ID = '.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; // the folder files reside in
var CLIENT_ID = '';
var SCOPE = //'';
'', // for description,
function rsvpCB(resp) {
var picAlbumLst = '<ul>\n';
for (i=0; i<resp.items.length; i++)
picAlbumLst += (
' <li>'+resp.items[i].id+', '+resp.items[i].title+', '+resp.items[i].description+'</li>\n');
picAlbumLst += "</ul>\n";
function rqstCB() { //test #
var rv ={
'q': '"'+FOLDER_ID+'" in parents and trashed = false',
'fields' : 'items(id,title,description)' //'items(id,title,description,indexableText)'
// authorization server reply
function onAuthResult(authResult) {
var authButton = document.getElementById('authorizeButton'); = 'none';
if (authResult && !authResult.error) { // access token successfully retrieved
gapi.client.load('drive', 'v2', rqstCB);
} else { // no access token retrieved, force the authorization flow. = 'block';
authButton.onclick = function() {
// check if the current user has authorized the application.
function checkAuth(bNow) {
gapi.auth.authorize({'client_id':CLIENT_ID, 'scope':SCOPE, 'immediate':bNow}, onAuthResult);
// called when the client library is loaded, look below
function onLoadCB() {
<script src=""></script>
<body style="background-color: transparent;">
<input type="button" id="authorizeButton" style="display: none" value="Authorize" />
<div id="container">
This should be done with Google API. You can search google drive php api list files on google. And also I found this and this on SO.
Here are some main points:
Do you want anyone with the URL to be able to see your document? You can share a document as public to anyone on the internet. Plus you can set read access to specific folders. Just right click a Google Doc file, and choose 'Share' from the short cut menu.
I'm assuming you want people to download your docs, even when you are not signed in. This is called 'Offline Access', and is one of many terms you'll need to figure out in order to do all of this with a program.
If you only want to give read access to the user, using JavaScript, jQuery, etc on the front end is a viable option. You can also do this in PHP, it's just a matter of personal preference.
To do all of this in code, you need to grant authorization to read your files. The oAuth2 process has multiple steps, and it's good to understand the basic flow. Setting up the code and the webpages to initially grant authorization, then retrieve and store the tokens can get confusing.
Your Google Project has a setting for where the origin of the authorization request is coming from. That is your website. But if you want to develop and test locally, you can set the Javascript Origins to http://localhost
How much time do you have, and how much programming experience? Would it be easier to give the user a few lines of instruction to "Manually" download your file, rather than program the authorization check?
Putting the document into your webpage is the easy part.
In order to embed a Google doc in your website, go to your Google Drive, open a document and choose File then Publish to Web, and you will be given an HTML iFrame Tag that can be embedded into you web page. You can change the height and width of the iFrame to match the document size. iFrame Instructions W3Schools
Downloading your document can be done very easily from the online version of a shared document just by choosing FILE and then DOWNLOAD AS from the menu.
To get up and running fast, just give the user a couple lines of instructions on how to download "Manually", then see if you can program the code.
Provide a link to your shared document instead of programming the button, and then work on the code.
Search Git Hub for Google Drive, you might find something there.
Some of the official Google code examples are way more complicated than you need, and will take a long time to figure out. The code examples in the documentation pages are simpler, but are almost never complete functioning code examples. You'll need to put lots of pieces of the puzzle together to make it work.

Encryption of the link address <a href="> so it does not appear in source view on IE toolbar

This is probably a simple question but I can't seem to find what I am looking for on the web so here it goes. I have a link on my company INTRAnet site that senior management does not want the employees to see the actual web address (via the source option on the View tab of IE).
Please let me know how I can do this in HTML, or JS.
You can't. Tell senior management to quit being so secretive.
Not sure if this is what you want, but here is a similar Question:
php encrypt and decrypt
Does it help at all? There is another, but it is a php code:
Also, what language are you looking to implement the code?
Alernatively, you can use this site: and on the box you type your html e.g.
This is your post link
Then use the "Encrypt" button. It will return you the javascript you are looking for.
"<"Script Language='Javascript'>
No jsFiddle because that javascript isn't allowed.
First and foremost, it's impossible to hide the url from the browser. The browser has to request the webpage from the server, and even if the url was obscured somehow, it would have to be plaintext in the HTTP Request, which would open it up to a man-in-the-middle utility like Fiddler.
Second, this feels like security through obscurity. Resources that certain people shouldn't have access to should be locked down explicitly, not just hidden because the user doesn't know the url (yet).
However, purely as a thinking exercise... I suppose... you could write a handler that knows the real url, uses code to retrieve the content of the page, and then writes that to the response. So the users would see the handler url, but not where the handler is pulling it's data from. However, you'd then have to go to great lengths to find all links and resources on the page and convert those references to also go through your handler.
Of course, practically speaking, I think this concept is silly. There's some problem your senior management is trying to solve, and hiding the url from the user is not the answer.
If upper management is this secretive then it's a safe bet that you also already have IT people who have browsers locked down as well, meaning Internet Explorer. It's possible that your IT team might be able to force the address bar to hide for all browsers within your company. I don't think that this can be done on a per request basis. Meaning that the address bar would either be on or off all the time.
According to this post your IT team might be able to update the registry to hide the address bar like so:
Run following RegKey:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ToolBars]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ToolBars\Restrictions]
Here's a google search that might also offer additional information.
Well rather than making it disappear you can make it hard for others to see through and even impossible for those who have no knowledge of base-64. Here is a code :
var a = document.querySelectorAll("*"), b = 0;
for ( b = 0; b < a.length; b ++ ) {
if ( a[b].hasAttribute("data-href") ) {
a[b].href = atob( a[b].getAttribute("data-href") );
Now you can call something like this :
<a data-href="aHR0cDovL3d3dy5teWNvbXBhbnkuY29t">Go</a>
By using btoa() I converted "" to "aHR0cDovL3d3dy5teWNvbXBhbnkuY29t" in base-64 and designed "data-href" to understand the encoding. Behind all this it will look and act like :

