Make DIV accept and handle drop via JavaScript possible? - javascript

I've been googling and trying this for a good while now, but comes nowhere. So here goes:
What I want to do is to drop text on a DIV tag and handle that with JavaScript. Something along these lines:
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleDrop(sender, args)
<div id="theDiv" ondrop="handleDrop()" />
This is some simple text. Draggable?
So, on this page I want to be able to drag contents from the paragraph for example to the div and it would handle the drop and change it's appearance accordingly (Or maybe just display that text, as long as it would handle it!). I've been trying with jQuery, but it seems to be a whole other model, and I can't set all my potential draggables as such because they should be able to come from everywhere. Is this even possible?
EDIT: Please correct me if I'm wrong, but these droppables all require a draggable to be dropped at it, right? What I would want is that you can drop text, pure text, from a page that you don't have any control of. This might sound weird, but it's for a firefox extension where you can drag content from a page to another page that resides in the side bar.

I would recommend using an established Javascript Library such as jQuery or YUI.

Have you considered creating a hidden textarea (ie with css style visibility:hidden) overlapping the div in question? Then check for drops with the onchange JavaScript event, or if that doesn't work, periodically the textarea's value for non-empty strings. I'm guessing your mileage will vary depending on the browser and operating system.

Or if you prefer Prototype like I do:
EDIT: Based on your revised question: No, there's no way to allow a user to drop text from one page to another page. Not unless you do decide to build a FireFox extension like you were saying. Even if you could find a way around the security issue where you cannot script a page that's not under the same domain, you can only drag and drop DOM elements within the window/iFrame they're in.

I have done this before and it CAN be done without any library with some effort.
I've built the following methods:
Method that tracks your mouse movements.
Method to read and pass the content when you drop.
Used onmousemove and onclick events for the drag and drop methods.
OnMouseOver for the div area where you'd like to drop the text - to detect whether the pointer is over the container (div) or not.
Finally after dropping the text I deleted the original content (if needed) using innerHTML so it looks like it has been moved.
You can pretty much achieve a Windows like drag and drop functionality with this. I used it for drag and drop images, icons, etc.
If you need help with the coding I can give you some guidance, but most of it you will find if you Google around a little, then all you need to do is make them work together.


How to implement Facebook's `Drag Links/Photos Here`?

I just noticed that if you drag anything on facebook, no matter it's a link, or image, or pure text, the update status part changes to a box saying Drag Links/Photos Here. I'm wondering how to implement this functionality? Or in other words, how to detect that the cursor is dragging and do any subsequent change of a particular element on the webpage?
Perhaps HTML5? The following links should help you understand how to implement drag and drop with html5. You might also want to check the second link which implements drag "anything".
what you could do is in the drag function that Mike linked just add JavaScript to change what you want. something here might help.

How can I disable the "Up" arrow via CSS

I'm not sure this is even possible. I have a UI built that uses javascript and css, the interface users use a keypress to navigate. Css for the layouts that change per client, like a "skin". Javascript controls the functions and monitors the users keypresses.
The setup has 2 menus, a lower one and upper one. When you load it the lower one is focussed and you can use left or right arrows to go between the menu items.
In normal circumstances you would press "up" to get an upper menu, however this one client does not want this menu at all.
The problem is that we cannot just simply edit the javascript to prevent it, since the same javascript is used for all the clients, only different css get loaded based on which client is selected.
So now I have the upper menu hidden, but the problem is that the javascript still allows you to press up, but now since the top menu is not there, you lose your focus, and nothing is highlighted. The end user doesn't know why or how they lost focus if they press up by accident. (since they know no different setup where the top menu is there, they don't realize that they should press down, they just know nothing seems to happen when they press left/right)
What I want to do, is somehow, in the css, prevent the users from pressing up. Since we can't just go change the javascript.
Is this possible? Or is my only solution to modify the javascript?
Thanks to all who offer advise, just to clarify, we will make a new release with a function to check if the client wants this other menu, and disable the up button if not, however that will require a new release of the software, and a full pass through QA. Just trying to quick hack this one client in the mean time.. :)
Our final solution would have a boolean field in the database, and if it's true, the javascript will have an ignore for the up key, if false, then act normally.
Change the code so it only acts on up-arrow key-presses if an element isn't present.
EG add a p with the class="noupkey" then stop the event from firing like :
if($('.nokeyup').length === 0) {
//Do normal behaviour
Unfortunately there is no correct way to disable components through css, for this type of functionality is meant for javascript.
The philosophy for most programmers that I have worked with is that you should allow the end user to decide if they want to use a new feature.
What I mean by this, is that you should leave an option in the app that lets the person disable the component themselves. This way you can have the same set of javascript for all users and still disable any component in the correct way. The real advantage to this is that you wont have to deal with this ticket ever again, the support staff could simply walk any client through the operation of recreating the requested feature.
Most of this solution might be unusable to you however. I understand it's not easy changing your workplace convention.
Here is something that might be a little more useful, How do I disable form fields using CSS? Some of the advise might be applicable to any component, including menus.
Actually it is very odd solution but it can be done with little tricky solution .
Make One transparent Div with more z-index , with Absolute Position at the body level over that Up Button , For rest of your applications apply Pointer Events Css property to none so your mouse events will be done on the Below Div .
Then for your Case in which you want to disable that control do not give Pointer Events to the foremost div it will be disabled for mouse events .
Note : There is some issue for Pointer events in IE.

Write a sortable list using jQuery (just basic functionality, jQueryUI is too heavy for me)

I want to write a sortable list using jQuery.
My thought is as follows: As the li element moves with mouse, a placeholder will be placed dymatically where the li element will be placed when mouseup event happens.
But I don't get one thing: How to make the other li elements move up and down appropriately as the placeholder moves. I don't think I should use CSS 'top' property to move these elements as this method actually doesn't change the index of each element in the list automatically. Could someone give me some idea on this? Thanks.
Actually jQuery UI allows you to choose which parts of it you want in your script. So you can choose only sortable (it will have three other dependencies, but nothing particulary large). Just go to jQuery UI homepage and click build custom download. You can get a very lightweight script this way (which you can further strip down if you choose readable code in your download).
It helps your code cross-browser compatibility and jQuery UI code is actually readable and easy to strip down of any unnecessary functionality (you can probably remove for example scrollSensitivity setter).

TinyMCE contained element?

I wrote a TinyMCE plugin for Wordpress that drops a prepared bit of HTML into the textarea when a button on the toolbar is clicked. This is to assist in formatting some relatively complicated elements.
I would like for this piece of HTML to be wrapped in some sort of container that TinyMCE recognizes and allows for easy selection or deletion if needed.
Currently, the only way to delete an individual element is by erasing all of the information each individual "sub element" contains. I can't seem to find any information in the API regarding manually assigning an element as a singular combined object. As far as behavior goes, think "resize frame" or something similar (only this won't need to have any resizing capabilities).
Any ideas?
If you want to wrap text/html inside an element of your choice (i used a span here) at the current cursor position of tinymce editor instance ed you can simply do
ed.execCommand('insertHTML', false, '<span class="custom_to_delete">My_Text</span>');

How to create a hovering pop up

I would like to have a link on my site that when you click it a site segment that hovers above the content appears and displays some information until it is closed in some way, and I would like to be able to insert anything I want to in there- text, images, CSS formatting, etc.
What language should I use for this? Do you know any sites that do this? Also a link to relevant libraries would be appreciated.
javascript is used for such client side tasks such as this. The library jquery will be imensensly helpful. Basically what happens is when you hover your mouse over an image (or whatever you like) a div gets its display property switched and is positioned at the appropriate coordinates. Since this is a div, you can insert into it anything you would have in a webpage, images, CSS, flash, or whatever you like.
If I understand well the requirements, you need to use JavaScript, <div>s and the CSS property "display".
Check out Prototype Window Xilinus. They have exactly you're looking for.

