Can you use Silverlight with AJAX without any UI element? - javascript

I know you can just use CSS to hide the DIV or Silverlight Plugin, but is there a way to instantiate a Silverlight Component/App using JavaScript that doesn't show any UI element at all?
There is alot of great functionality in Silverlight, like MultiThreading and compiled code, that could be utilized by traditional Ajax apps without using the XAML/UI layer of Silverlight at all.
I would like to just use the standard HTML/CSS for my UI layer only, and use some compiled .NET/Silverlight code in the background.

Yes you can, and some of the reasons you make makes perfect sense. I did a talk on the HTML bridge at CodeCampNZ some weeks back, and have a good collection of resources up on my blog.
I also recommend checking out Wilco Bauwers blog for lots of detail on the HTML bridge.
Some other scenarios for non visual Silverlight:
Writing new code in a managed language (C#, Ruby, JScript.NET, whatever) instead of native (interpreted) JavaScript.
Using OpenFileDialog to read files on the client, without round-tripping to the server.
Storing transient data securely on the client in isolated storage.
Improving responsiveness and performance by executing work in the background through a BackgroundWorker or by using ordinary threads.
Accessing cross-domain data via the networking APIs.
Retrieving real-time data from the server via sockets.
Binding data by re-using WPF's data-binding engine.

Yes. I think this is particularly intriguing when mixed with other dynamic languages -- but then, I'm probably biased. :)
Edit: But you'd need to use the managed Javascript that's part of the Silverlight Dynamic Languages SDK and not the normal Javascript that's part of the browser.

Curt, using Managed JavaScript would still require you to have some Silverlight/XAML display layer being visible on the page, correct? Is there a way to entirely get rid of any Silverlight/UI element from being displayed?


AJAX on Android Webview: Should I use JSON or HTML?

I am building a feed like application with infinite scroll inside my native Android application using webview. I first tried Ionic framework but really disappointed with performance.
I am now thinking of developing it in pure JQuery and responsive HTML/CSS to achieve superior performance. One thing I am considering is weather to emit HTML or JSON from the server side APIs.
Emitting JSON means client side DOM manipulation which can again hurt performance. I am looking for maximum performance.
Whereas, I am not very sure emitting HTML is a very good idea for better maintainability of this application.
What do you guys recommend?
Injecting JSON should be a better solution.
In case some manipulation or operation on data is required in a
later phase of development.
Possible security issue.You are mixing control(tags) and data. By preventing inline script execution you can protect against attacks to the most extend.
This said if properly implemented and for the right reasons HTML might not be a total bad choice. But, the performance over-head might not be the right reason. But then again I haven't tested to confirm this.
You can also have a look at this SO question.

How to create Re-Usable web control library

Question background:
Hello everyone, I have been developing windows form application for my employer for about 3 years. Though most of my works are amateurish. I've been using visual studio, c#, enjoying creating re-usable windows form controls by sub-classing and other techniques. Now my boss want me to make website for this company, the first thinking in my mind is to create re-usable WEB controls just like windors form application.
The methods I have tried
Web User Control, At very first, I found visual studio support developer to create Web User Control, with file extension as *.ascx. I was very exciting to find this because I thought I can create Web controls just like I did in windows form application development. BUT, it's a very big "BUT", I then found that it cannot be embed to assembly file (DLL), and either can it be displayed in ToolBox to support drag and drop in web page design time. AFAIK from msdn, the Web User Control is not intended to be re-used across projects. So I give up this method.
Server Control, then I found there is Custom Server Control can be created to support assembly embed and ToolBox. It's a *.cs file that written with a class which sub-classing from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl or System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompositeControl. Good point is that this is exactly what I want: re-usability and design-time support. HOWEVER, the huge disadvantage is that it doesn't support drag-drop when creating the web control itself. The control can only be rendered by html written in c# or be created by code. And I have to embed css/javascript to the control if I want to create more beautiful, complicated or efficient control. Anyway, from MSDN, Server Control is what I need.
Pure HTML, Javascript (jQuery), CSS, actually I've beening working with Server Control method for a while, just in order to make my boss happy. But I still cannot stop thinking about other better solutions. From my understanding, web page is not that complicated, it's simply constructed (please correct me if I'm wrong) by HTML tag, javascript (or other scripting language), CSS to manipulate UI. So I believe if I create web control by pure Html, Javascript and CSS, it will be of course more complicated but more compatible. Because Server Control solution requires the web server support .Net Framework, which is not free and limited to Microsoft scope. If I have a way to get rid of .Net, why NOT? I'm willing to spend double-time to create Re-Usable control if it's worthy to do. For example, if I want to turn to PHP to create web page, I might have to acquire the technique to create my web control simply by HTML, Javascript and CSS.
My question
Speaking all of the above, is it even possible to create my web control library only based on Html, Javascript and CSS?
If so, is there any tutorial about this method?
I really would like to know that how does commercial/professional company create web page.
Thank you everyone, any advice will be very much appreciated!
Speaking all of the above, is it even possible to create my web control library only based on Html, Javascript and CSS?
In strict speak, the controls you have become accustomed to support the aforementioned. This will continue work in future projects created in WebForms.
However, if you foray into MVC then there is a striking difference. Most of the controls that handle input are client side (which can be wrapped in js wigets and user validation classes). On the other hand there is very little server controls, however there are _MasterLayouts and Views that can make use of PartialViews a PartialView is similar to a Web User Control. In your Controller you can return EditTemplates and other types that would be similar to Server Controls
After digging for a few days, I almost give up creating my own javascript library not just only for web widget(UI), neither I would like to use third-part js frameworks because:
Cost too much time: as it says: 'do not reinvent the wheel', well, I accept/disagree with this point half by half. But now, I simply do not have too much time on it. It really really cost time, can hardly complish by an individual person.
A lot javascript frameworks are so great, like dojo, yui, jqui, as #dandavis commented, BUT, the usage of some is difficult, at least for me (as a js beginner), especially dojo. Dojo is very powerful, AFAIK, but it's hard to implement and use. I followed official tutorial to create my own web widget, spend a hour and not get it done. I might give up too fast?
I still want to dig with ajax, it is much powerful. And can easily manipulate on server side.
Well, I don't know if it's an answer but this is my personal end of my question. Thanks a lot guys.

How do I use JQuery on a View

At work I have been thrown in the deep end. A customer required some functionality on the web and one of our devs knocked together an ASP.Net webforms project.
When I started, because of constraints I got handed this project. I am not a web dev (I've dabbled) but because of the work I have put into the project, the customer is now looking for more functionality to be built into the web solution.
I would like to take a look at MVC (on my own time). With a view of converting the project to it. I come from a Xaml background so MVx jives with me.
I seem to have most of the basic theory nailed down except for one thing. What is the best way to use JQuery on the view?
Should the controller just pass back semantic data and the view (via JQuery) makes it pretty / unstatic (with help from JQuery UI).
I am confused but from what I can gather is it correct to assume JQuery (in terms of MVC) is like a client side View engine that would handle things like theming, hiding controls, simple validation, popups, etc?
jQuery (and JavaScript in general) can be used to enhance the behaviour of a page. I say enhance, because it should basically work without JavaScript. About 2% of users do not have JavaScript enabled.
CSS should be used to enhance the presentation (or styling) of a page.
The HTML itself is effectively a vector for your raw data which also provides a semantic context. For example, data in a p tag means that that data is a paragraph. Browsers have CSS defined for HTML elements so that by default, the raw data with a semantic context will look vaguely sensible.
So, with regards to "is it correct to assume JQuery (in terms of MVC) is like a client side View engine that would handle things like theming, hiding controls, simple validation, popups, etc?":
Theming should be done using CSS, as it is presentation. The theming you get from the jQuery UI library just gives you some CSS, which is fine.
Hiding / showing content based on events, popups and validation should be done server-side, but JavaScript can be used as well to enhance the behavioural experience.
Pretty much exactly as you said, the controller should pass data to the view which should be rendered using HTML and structured using CSS.
You can then use jQuery to add validation/dynamic effects/ajax etc.
I think you should see Javascript more like an addon to mock things up. For example:
You've got a serverside validation, but you don't want to reload the whole page all the time, then the javascript is good, but it's an addon, because when you don't have a serverside security, someone who hasn't got javascript turned on, or simply doesn't have it, is going to bypass your security easily.
Jquery in this case, is to make those tasks easier to implement.
I know in the hiding of controls and the form submits are standard javascript. But it isn't good practice to do this.
Implementing it in MVC is easy as you just need to put it in the scripts map and then load it with a method in your cshtml page.
For more information about how to build your webpage for alot of browsers, i would recommend you searching after progressive enhancement.

What does a client side javascript templating framework offer?

What is the use of frameworks like PURE or jQote etc. I can do dynamic things in plain javascript or JQuery using AJAX calls or an advanced library like DWR.
What new stuff do these templating frameworks bring to the table? I need to know since I have been asked to use a browser side templating framework without being explained why :(
I guess it depends on what you're using as your server code; it could be that the recommendation came from someone who hasn't heard about N/Velocity for example.
I think the main reason for client templating is that it removes the weight of transformation from the web-server.
It might also allow you to send your JSON from a dedicated box, and serve the template and client code from a different box.
To my mind, both of these 'bonuses' override the fact, that you're putting Data into the DOM that shouldn't be there. Firstly you'll have the JSON that is parsed by the template generator and then you'll have the HTML that is created.
Sure, viewing page source will look neat, but in terms of memory consumption for the browser it's bad, especially if you're in the UK and have Government contracts who mandate IE6 support.

Which Java Web Framework allows Cross-Domain Javascripting (http proxy)?

So just a quick intro, I am starting to explore Vaadin, and it's absolutely perfect. Previously, I was juggling PHP, Perl, Ruby, and Jquery for designing rich client web application. It didn't work out too well, as I've burnt out from trying to fix cross browser issues (aka get-it-to-work-on-IE-damn-it), handling server-side, client-side, and building a robust communication between the two tier had lot of code not related to application the time I was burnt out, only tiny bit of application logic was implemented.
Vaadin seems like the answer to my problem as it only requires Java and built on top of GWT.
However, I am curious how I can incorporate Cross-Domain Javascripting ? Back in LAMP environment, I had a CGI proxy script that loaded external URL, and injected JS into the proxy-loaded page. I used the CGI proxy script, as it rendered Javascript of the external URL well. Is there a class or package for Java or a specific Java web framework similiar to Vaadin that makes this possible ?
Thank you.
If you want to avoid any kind of proxies, and thereby keep a full context on each 'side', then you should choose easyXDM. To see it in action try
This fully supports all browsers, and has a neat RPC interface that lets you call methods and pass data between the domains.
If you plan to support IE6/7 then you should also try the upcoming version.
Even though the current version is fast (when used with a dependency), this one is even faster - actually nearly as fast as postMessage in never browsers!
You can easily implement the functionality yourself.
a proxy for cross domain javascript is really straightfoward.
It's just creating a request equivalent to the ajax request you want and direct it to the other domain.
ExtJS has what they call a "ScriptTagProxy" which may or may not be of use to you...
Here's a few more links about this:

