Obtain form input fields using jQuery? - javascript

I have a form with many input fields.
When I catch the submit form event with jQuery, is it possible to get all the input fields of that form in an associative array?

$('#myForm').submit(function() {
// get all the inputs into an array.
var $inputs = $('#myForm :input');
// not sure if you wanted this, but I thought I'd add it.
// get an associative array of just the values.
var values = {};
$inputs.each(function() {
values[this.name] = $(this).val();
Thanks to the tip from Simon_Weaver, here is another way you could do it, using serializeArray:
var values = {};
$.each($('#myForm').serializeArray(), function(i, field) {
values[field.name] = field.value;
Note that this snippet will fail on <select multiple> elements.
It appears that the new HTML 5 form inputs don't work with serializeArray in jQuery version 1.3. This works in version 1.4+

Late to the party on this question, but this is even easier:
$('#myForm').submit(function() {
// Get all the forms elements and their values in one step
var values = $(this).serialize();

The jquery.form plugin may help with what others are looking for that end up on this question. I'm not sure if it directly does what you want or not.
There is also the serializeArray function.

Sometimes I find getting one at a time is more useful. For that, there's this:
var input_name = "firstname";
var input = $("#form_id :input[name='"+input_name+"']");

$('#myForm').bind('submit', function () {
var elements = this.elements;
The elements variable will contain all the inputs, selects, textareas and fieldsets within the form.

Here is another solution, this way you can fetch all data about the form and use it in a serverside call or something.
$('.form').on('submit', function( e )){
var form = $( this ), // this will resolve to the form submitted
action = form.attr( 'action' ),
type = form.attr( 'method' ),
data = {};
// Make sure you use the 'name' field on the inputs you want to grab.
form.find( '[name]' ).each( function( i , v ){
var input = $( this ), // resolves to current input element.
name = input.attr( 'name' ),
value = input.val();
data[name] = value;
// Code which makes use of 'data'.
You can then use this with ajax calls:
function sendRequest(action, type, data) {
url: action,
type: type,
data: data
.done(function( returnedHtml ) {
$( "#responseDiv" ).append( returnedHtml );
.fail(function() {
$( "#responseDiv" ).append( "This failed" );
Hope this is of any use for any of you :)

$('#form').on('submit', function() {
var data = $(this).serializeArray();
This can also be done without jQuery using the XMLHttpRequest Level 2 FormData object
var data = new FormData([form])

Had a similar issue with a slight twist and I thought I'd throw this out. I have a callback function that gets the form so I had a form object already and couldn't easy variants on $('form:input'). Instead I came up with:
var dataValues = {};
function(unusedIndex, child) {
dataValues[child.name] = child.value;
Its similar but not identical situation, but I found this thread very useful and thought I'd tuck this on the end and hope someone else found it useful.

This piece of code will work
instead of name, email enter your form fields name
var name = $("input[name='name']",this).val();
var email = $("input[name='email']",this).val();

Associative? Not without some work, but you can use generic selectors:
var items = new Array();
$('#form_id:input').each(function (el) {
items[el.name] = el;

jQuery's serializeArray does not include disabled fields, so if you need those too, try:
var data = {};
$('form.my-form').find('input, textarea, select').each(function(i, field) {
data[field.name] = field.value;

Don't forget the checkboxes and radio buttons -
var inputs = $("#myForm :input");
var obj = $.map(inputs, function(n, i) {
var o = {};
if (n.type == "radio" || n.type == "checkbox")
o[n.id] = $(n).attr("checked");
o[n.id] = $(n).val();
return o;
return obj

Seems strange that nobody has upvoted or proposed a concise solution to getting list data. Hardly any forms are going to be single-dimension objects.
The downside of this solution is, of course, that your singleton objects are going to have to be accessed at the [0] index. But IMO that's way better than using one of the dozen-line mapping solutions.
var formData = $('#formId').serializeArray().reduce(function (obj, item) {
if (obj[item.name] == null) {
obj[item.name] = [];
return obj;
}, {});

$("#form-id").submit(function (e) {
input_serialized = $(this).serializeArray();
input_serialized.forEach(field => {
inputs[field.name] = field.value;

I had the same problem and solved it in a different way.
var arr = new Array();
$(':input').each(function() {
It returns the value of all input fields. You could change the $(':input') to be more specific.

Same solution as given by nickf, but with array input names taken into account
<input type="text" name="array[]" />
values = {};
$("#something :input").each(function() {
if (this.name.search(/\[\]/) > 0) //search for [] in name
if (typeof values[this.name] != "undefined") {
values[this.name] = values[this.name].concat([$(this).val()])
} else {
values[this.name] = [$(this).val()];
} else {
values[this.name] = $(this).val();

I hope this is helpful, as well as easiest one.
$("#form").submit(function (e) {
input_values = $(this).serializeArray();

If you need to get multiple values from inputs and you're using []'s to define the inputs with multiple values, you can use the following:
$('#contentform').find('input, textarea, select').each(function(x, field) {
if (field.name) {
if (field.name.indexOf('[]')>0) {
if (!$.isArray(data[field.name])) {
data[field.name]=new Array();
} else {

Inspired by answers of Lance Rushing and Simon_Weaver, this is my favourite solution.
$('#myForm').submit( function( event ) {
var values = $(this).serializeArray();
// In my case, I need to fetch these data before custom actions
The output is an array of objects, e.g.
[{name: "start-time", value: "11:01"}, {name: "end-time", value: "11:11"}]
With the code below,
var inputs = {};
$.each(values, function(k, v){
inputs[v.name]= v.value;
its final output would be
{"start-time":"11:01", "end-time":"11:01"}

I am using this code without each loop:
var arr=$(this).serializeArray();
var values={};
for(i in arr){values[arr[i]['name']]=arr[i]['value']}
return false;

For multiple select elements (<select multiple="multiple">), I modified the solution from #Jason Norwood-Young to get it working.
The answer (as posted) only takes the value from the first element that was selected, not all of them. It also didn't initialize or return data, the former throwing a JavaScript error.
Here is the new version:
function _get_values(form) {
let data = {};
$(form).find('input, textarea, select').each(function(x, field) {
if (field.name) {
if (field.name.indexOf('[]') > 0) {
if (!$.isArray(data[field.name])) {
data[field.name] = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i < field.selectedOptions.length; i++) {
} else {
data[field.name] = field.value;
return data
Note: You just need to ensure that the name of your select has [] appended to the end of it, for example:
<select name="favorite_colors[]" multiple="multiple">
<option value="red">Red</option>
<option value="green">Green</option>
<option value="blue">Blue</option>

When I needed to do an ajax call with all the form fields, I had problems with the :input selector returning all checkboxes whether or not they were checked. I added a new selector to just get the submit-able form elements:
submitable: function(a){
return false;
else if($(a).is(':input'))
return true;
return false;
$('#form_id :submitable');
I've not tested it with multiple select boxes yet though but It works for getting all the form fields in the way a standard submit would.
I used this when customising the product options on an OpenCart site to include checkboxes and text fields as well as the standard select box type.

serialize() is the best method. # Christopher Parker say that Nickf's anwser accomplishes more, however it does not take into account that the form may contain textarea and select menus. It is far better to use serialize() and then manipulate that as you need to. Data from serialize() can be used in either an Ajax post or get, so there is no issue there.

Hope this helps somebody. :)
// This html:
// <form id="someCoolForm">
// <input type="text" class="form-control" name="username" value="...." />
// <input type="text" class="form-control" name="profile.first_name" value="...." />
// <input type="text" class="form-control" name="profile.last_name" value="...." />
// <input type="text" class="form-control" name="emails[]" value="..." />
// <input type="text" class="form-control" name="emails[]" value=".." />
// <input type="text" class="form-control" name="emails[]" value="." />
// </form>
// With this js:
// var form1 = parseForm($('#someCoolForm'));
// console.log(form1);
// Will output something like:
// {
// username: "test2"
// emails:
// 0: ".#....com"
// 1: "...#........com"
// profile: Object
// first_name: "..."
// last_name: "..."
// }
// So, function below:
var parseForm = function (form) {
var formdata = form.serializeArray();
var data = {};
_.each(formdata, function (element) {
var value = _.values(element);
// Parsing field arrays.
if (value[0].indexOf('[]') > 0) {
var key = value[0].replace('[]', '');
if (!data[key])
data[key] = [];
data[value[0].replace('[]', '')].push(value[1]);
} else
// Parsing nested objects.
if (value[0].indexOf('.') > 0) {
var parent = value[0].substring(0, value[0].indexOf("."));
var child = value[0].substring(value[0].lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
if (!data[parent])
data[parent] = {};
data[parent][child] = value[1];
} else {
data[value[0]] = value[1];
return data;

All answers are good, but if there's a field that you like to ignore in that function? Easy, give the field a property, for example ignore_this:
<input type="text" name="some_name" ignore_this>
And in your Serialize Function:
That's the way you ignore some fields.

Try the following code:
jQuery("#form").serializeArray().filter(obje =>


jQuery - Check if values of inputs, textareas and select not blank in same function

I have the following code which checks if the values of inputs, textareas and selects are blank, but rather than making functions for each I've tried to store them all into one variable using an array.
But, when the click handler is activated, something is causing the error message to appear even when all inputs on the page are filled in.
Anyone know what might be causing this?
$('#saveInvoice').click(function(e) {
var $fields = [ $('input'), $('textarea'), $('select') ];
var $emptyFields = $fields.filter(function() {
return $.trim(this.value) === "";
if (!$emptyFields.length) {
} else {
alert('Unable to save invoice. There are incomplete item fields.');
Replace this.value with this.val()
Try the following ...
$('#saveInvoice').click(function(e) {
var $fields = [ $('input'), $('textarea'), $('select') ];
var $emptyFields = $fields.filter(function(element) {
return $.trim(element.val()) === "";
if (!$emptyFields.length) {
} else {
alert('Unable to save invoice. There are incomplete item fields.');
you should be getting the value of array elements
You have two problems.
first : Jquery selectors. You've taken array of elements. $('input') gives you nodelist of all the inputs. you need to specify index of input you want to access value. for example $("input")[0] gives you first input found on your page.
second : You need to pass item to filter callback function. inside callback of filter this refer to window.
$('#saveInvoice').click(function(e) {
var $fields = [ $('input')[0], $('textarea')[0], $('select')[0] ];
var $emptyFields = $fields.filter(function(ele) {
return $.trim(ele.value) === "";
if (!$emptyFields.length) {
} else {
alert('Unable to save invoice. There are incomplete item fields.');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
Input : <input type=""><br>
TextArea: <textarea></textarea><br>
Select: <select><option value="1">A</option></select>
<button id="saveInvoice">Save</button>

jQuery Use Loop for Validation?

I have rather large form and along with PHP validation (ofc) I would like to use jQuery. I am a novice with jQuery, but after looking around I have some code working well. It is checking the length of a Text Box and will not allow submission if it is under a certain length. If the entry is lower the colour of the text box changes Red.
The problem I have is as the form is so large it is going to take a long time, and a lot of code to validate each and every box. I therefore wondered is there a way I can loop through all my variables rather than creating a function each time.
Here is what I have:
var form = $("#frmReferral");
var companyname = $("#frm_companyName");
var companynameInfo = $("#companyNameInfo");
var hrmanagername = $("#frm_hrManager");
var hrmanagernameInfo = $("#hrManagerInfo");
if(validateCompanyName() & validateHrmanagerName())
return true
return false;
Validation Functions
function validateCompanyName(){
// NOT valid
if(companyname.val().length < 4){
companynameInfo.text("Too Short. Please Enter Full Company Name.");
return false;
return true;
function validateHrmanagerName(){
// NOT Valid
if(hrmanagername.val().length < 4){
hrmanagernameInfo.text("Too Short. Please Enter Full Name.");
return false;
return true;
As you can see for 50+ input boxes this is going to be getting huge. I thought maybe a loop would work but not sure which way to go about it. Possibly Array containing all the variables? Any help would be great.
This is what I would do and is a simplified version of how jQuery validator plugins work.
Instead of selecting individual inputs via id, you append an attribute data-validation in this case to indicate which fields to validate.
<form id='frmReferral'>
<input type='text' name='company_name' data-validation='required' data-min-length='4'>
<input type='text' name='company_info' data-validation='required' data-min-length='4'>
<input type='text' name='hr_manager' data-validation='required' data-min-length='4'>
<input type='text' name='hr_manager_info' data-validation='required' data-min-length='4'>
<button type='submit'>Submit</button>
Then you write a little jQuery plugin to catch the submit event of the form, loop through all the elements selected by $form.find('[data-validation]') and execute a generic pass/fail validation function on them. Here's a quick version of what that plugin might look like:
$.fn.validate = function() {
function pass($input) {
$input.next('.error, .complete').remove();
$input.after($('<p>', {
class: 'complete',
text: 'Valid'
function fail($input) {
var formattedFieldName = $input.attr('name').split('_').join(' ');
$input.next('.error, .complete').remove();
$input.after($('<p>', {
class: 'error',
text: 'Too Short, Please Enter ' + formattedFieldName + '.'
function validateRequired($input) {
var minLength = $input.data('min-length') || 1;
return $input.val().length >= minLength;
return $(this).each(function(i, form) {
var $form = $(form);
var inputs = $form.find('[data-validation]');
$form.submit(function(e) {
inputs.each(function(i, input) {
var $input = $(input);
var validation = $input.data('validation');
if (validation == 'required') {
if (validateRequired($input)) {
else {
Then you call the plugin like:
$(function() {
You could give them all a class for jQuery use through a single selector. Then use your validation function to loop through and handle every case.
$(".validate").each(//do stuff);
if(validateCompanyName() && validateHrmanagerName()) // Its logical AND not bitwise
return true
return false;
You can do this.
var x = $("input[name^='test-form']").toArray();
for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i++){

Javascript/jQuery: Get specific elements from form

I have an extense form with around 25 inputs (text, radio and checkboxes). I want that when I click the button that opens the jQuery dialog, loads the form and set all fields except 5 of them disabled. Seems so easy, but I want that into a "generic" function. I mean, that I have this method:
function disableInputs(jQueryElement, exceptions, booleanClean) {
//Some stuff
I want to get all the inputs from the jQueryElement, but ignoring all the elements with the ids that have exceptions. Exceptions is an Object like this one:
var exceptions = {
0: 'clientId',
1: 'clientName',
2: 'clientFirstSurname',
3: 'clientSecondSurname',
4: 'clientAlias'
This is my full code and what I've tested, but this is the only way to make it work and, if I have recieved the third parameter (booleanClean), It will set value='' to all inputs, instead to the elements that weren't excluded from being disabled. That boolean works to check if you want to clean inputs when this function is called:
function disableInputs(jQueryElement, exceptions, booleanClean) {
var inputs = jQueryElement.find('input');
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
inputs[i].setAttribute('disabled', true);
for (var attr in exceptions) {
if (inputs[i].getAttribute('id') === exceptions[attr]) {
} else {
if (booleanClean === true) {
inputs[i].value = null;
I know why is not working the clean "option". What I want is where I have to put that to do it properly or if I can set a condition when I get the inputs to get only the inputs that are not excluded (preferible second option for optimization and not set an attribute to each input and remove them if are excluded. Seems much easier to work).
I'd suggest changing the exceptions object to be a conventional array:
var exceptions = ['clientId',
...because then you can simplify your function a lot:
function disableInputs(jQueryElement, exceptions, booleanClean) {
var inputs = jQueryElement.find('input');
if (exceptions.length > 0) {
exceptions = "#" + exceptions.join(",#");
inputs = inputs.not(exceptions);
if (booleanClean)
I'm a bit confused about whether you want to clean all inputs or just the ones not on the exceptions list. My code above just cleans those not on the list. To clean them all move that if(booleanClean) inputs.val(""); to before the other if statement.
function disableInputs(jQueryElement, exceptions, booleanClean) {
var not = jQuery.map(exceptions, function(item, index){
return '#' + item;
var inputs = jQueryElement.find(':input').not(not).prop('disabled', true);
Are you able to give a class name to the items that are exceptions? That's what I would do.
<input class="exception" />
$( "input:not(.exception)" ).prop("disabled", true);
Try this one:
<input type="text" name="input1" value="val1" />
<input type="text" name="input2" value="val2" />
<input type="text" name="input3" value="val3" />
function disableInputs(jQueryElement, exceptions, booleanClean) {
jQueryElement.find('input').not( exceptions.join(', ') ).each(function(){
if( booleanClean ){
$(this).prop('disabled', true);
var exceptions = ['input[name=input1]', 'input[name=input3]'];
disableInputs( $('form'), exceptions, true );
Here is working sample: http://jsfiddle.net/4Dwwk/

How to prevent submitting the HTML form's input field value if it empty

I have HTML form with input fields. Some of inputs can be empty, i.e. the value is "".
<input name="commentary" value="">
Just now, when commentary field is not set, it appears in submit url like: &commentary=
How I can remove empty inputs from the submit url, so when the commentary input is empty it would not be passed at all.
Thank you very much.
Thanks to minitech answer, I could resolve it. JavaScript code is below:
$('#my-form-id').submit(function() {
var commentary = $('#commentary').val();
if (commentary === undefined || commentary === "") {
$('#commentary').attr('name', 'empty_commentary');
} else {
$('#commentary').attr('name', 'commentary');
The only reason I have prefixed field name with "empty_" is that IE passes empty name in URL anyway.
This can only be done through JavaScript, as far as I know, so if you rely on this functionality you need to restructure. The idea, anyway, is to remove the name attribute from inputs you don’t want included:
$('#my-form-id').submit(function () {
.filter(function () {
return !this.value;
.prop('name', '');
No jQuery:
var myForm = document.getElementById('my-form-id');
myForm.addEventListener('submit', function () {
var allInputs = myForm.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i = 0; i < allInputs.length; i++) {
var input = allInputs[i];
if (input.name && !input.value) {
input.name = '';
You might also want to reset the form afterwards, if you use a listener and cancel.
I prefer not to alter the input elements (changing their names, or flagging them as disabled and so), because if you go back you could get a broken form.
Here is my solution instead, which relies on FormData:
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
let forms = document.getElementsByClassName('skipEmptyFields');
for (let form of forms) {
form.addEventListener('formdata', function(event) {
let formData = event.formData;
for (let [name, value] of Array.from(formData.entries())) {
if (value === '') formData.delete(name);
You probably don't want to match radio buttons. And if the form contains select's, you'll need to match them too.
With jQuery, you might use something like this:
$('#form-id').submit(function() {
$(this).find('input[type!="radio"][value=""],select:not(:has(option:selected[value!=""]))').attr('name', '');
Instead of using a submit-type input, use a button-type input for form submission. The JavaScript handler for the button-type input should call form's submit() method after checking that commentary is non-empty. You should also alert the user to their mistake (better with a red text on the page rather than the pop-up produced by alert()).
Remember that you should not rely solely on client-side input validation, though since it is always possible to send the form from a modified page or directly in HTTP.
Thankyou #Ryan
This is my full solution for this.
I use Jersey and #BeanParam and this fixes the problem of "" & null inputs
$('#submitForm').click(function() {
var url = "webapi/?";
var myForm = document.getElementById('myFormId');
var allInputs = myForm.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i = 0; i < allInputs.length; i++) {
var input = allInputs[i];
if (input.value != "" && input.name != "submitForm") {
url += input.name +'='+input.value+'&';
method : "GET",
url : url,
data : {
// data : "json",
// method: "GET"
success : function(data) {
console.log("Responce body from Server: \n" + JSON.stringify(data));
error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.log('Error: ' + errorThrown);

How to map an object to form fields?

I have an object like this:
var settings = {
Name: "Fairy Tail",
Translate: true,
Share: true
And a form
<input type="text" name="Name" />
<input type="checkbox" name="Feature.Translate" />
<input type="checkbox" name="Feature.Share" />
How can I make the object fill the form "automatically" (without setting the value of each field by hand)?
You can do it this way (jsfiddle for a more sophisticated example), assuming you have settings variable set first:
var assignValue = function(n, v){
var field = jQuery('form input[name="'+n+'"]');
if (field.attr('type')=='text'){
} else if (field.attr('type')=='checkbox') {
var assignSettings = function(list, prefix){
if (typeof prefix != 'undefined'){
prefix += '.';
prefix = '';
for (item in list){
if ((typeof list[item]=='string')||(typeof list[item]=='boolean')){
}else if(typeof list[item]=='object'){
var n1 = item;
And this solution is not as limited as other solutions in the versions I have seen so far - it supports the case you have given and can be easily expanded to support different types of fields and more levels.
var inputs = $('form input[type="checkbox"]');
$.each(settings.Feature, function(key, val) {
inputs.filter('[name="Feature.' + key + '"]')[0].checked = val;
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/9z928/
If you also wanted the text field filled in:
var inputs = $('form input');
inputs.first().val( settings.Name );
$.each(settings.Feature, function(key, val) {
inputs.filter('[name="Feature.' + key + '"]')[0].checked = val;
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/9z928/1/
Might be worth giving this a try: http://www.keyframesandcode.com/resources/javascript/jQuery/demos/populate-demo.html
You can use this JavaScript library for mapping Obeject to form fields name and vice versa.

