Websocket connection - no valid credentials - javascript

I'm trying to create a simple nodejs application that connects to the pathofexile.com/trade api.
The problem with this API is that is that you cannot use it unless you're logged in on the main website (my code works in the browser, but I'm trying to make it into a desktop application). There are several other applications that solves this issue by creating a session ID cookie with a users session ID (ID that you can get by logging in to the website). Unfortunately the documentation of the API is very limited and I havn't been able to find any information on how I can create/use the cookie as needed.
If I try to connect to the websocket, without being logged in to the main pathofexile website, I get the following error:
VM58:1 WebSocket connection to 'wss://www.pathofexile.com/api/trade/live/Metamorph/e602K4cL' failed: HTTP Authentication failed; no valid credentials available
I've tried using my sessionID to create a cookie like this by using the built in features in node:
const cookie = { name: 'POESESSID', value: '3acbf42fb842aasdqwe1a0c355f',domain:
'.pathofexile.com' }
.then(() => {
// success
console.log("Cookie set (?)")
}, (error) => {
Unfortunately, this does not work. I'm very unfamiliar with websockets (only started playing around with any of this a few days ago by accident), and I'm even less familiar with how websockets access and get data from cookies.
I've tried other modules like npm cookie-parser, npm request and npm needle to no avail.
The closest I've gotten to an answer is from a one year old reddit post where the user used C# to get this to work.
This is the code used in that example:
// Setup HTTP connection
HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler();
CookieContainer cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
cookieContainer.Add(composeUrl, new Cookie("POESESSID", sessionId));
handler.CookieContainer = cookieContainer;
HttpClient client = new HttpClient(handler);
If someone could help shine some light on this I'd be very appreciative. I understand that this question is incredibly niche and perhaps I'm asking it in the wrong forum, but I really don't know where to turn.
Appreciate any help!


WSS from JavaScript to plain Java

I am trying to create a websocket connection from JavaScript code to a Java server. I have managed to do this with a unsecure ws connection, but because the website that I want to use this code on is a secure https side, I have to use a secure websocket.
I have spend quite some time on research trying to get this to work, however I can't figure out how to get them connected. I have absolutely no experience with stuff like keystores or ciphers, but I don't need that security, I don't want to send any sensitive data.
Anyways, here is what I've tried:
SLLServerSocket server = (SSLServerSocket) SSLServerSocketFactory
SSLSocket client = (SSLSocket) server.accept();
with corresponding JavaScript code:
var socket = new WebSocket("wss://localhost:1234")
socket.onopen = () => console.log("Connected");
socket.onmessage = m => console.log("Message received:", m);
Running this resulted in a Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: No available authentication scheme which I managed to fix by adding
System.setProperty("jdk.tls.server.protocols", "TLSv1.2");
Now I am getting the exception javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: no cipher suites in common. I've done some research on that as well but whatever I find seems assume that a keystore or something is already there, which it is not for me. In fact I don't really know what encryption it should use, I did not find anything about that
To be fair, part of the problem may very well be that I don't know what to actually search for, but that is why I am asking. There are already articles about these exceptions I am showing, I know them, and they didn't help.

RabbitMQ: Handshake Terminated by server (ACCESS-REFUSED)

I'm trying to send RabbitMQ messages from my host machine to a Minikube instance with a RabbitMQ cluster deployed.
When running my send script, I get hit with this error:
Handshake terminated by server: 403 (ACCESS-REFUSED) with message "ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused
using authentication mechanism PLAIN. For details see the broker logfile.
In the broker logfiles I can see this line:
Error on AMQP connection <0.13226.0> ( ->, state: starting):
PLAIN login refused: user 'rabbitmq-cluster-default-user' - invalid credentials
I'm sure I have the correct credentials since I got them directly from the RabbitMQ pod, following the official documentation (link).
My send script is below:
const amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api');
const cluster = "amqp://rabbitmq-cluster-default-user:dJhLl2aVF78Gn07g2yGoRuwjXSc6tT11#";
amqp.connect(cluster, function(error0, connection)
if (error0)
throw error0;
connection.createChannel(function(error1, channel)
if (error1)
throw error1;
const queue = "files";
var msg = {
name: "Hello World"
var msgJson = JSON.stringify(msg);
channel.assertQueue(queue, {
durable: false
channel.sendToQueue(queue, Buffer.from(msgJson));
I know the code works as I ran the exact same script for my localhost setup and it worked. The only thing I've changed is the URL (for the Minikube RabbitMQ service).
I've seen a few other posts that contain a similar issue but most solutions are about including the correct credentials in the URI, which I have done.
Any other ideas?
You can use port forwarding the rabbitMQ service to your local machine and use UI login and check the password with the UI given by the RabbitMQ itself.
kubectl port-forward svc/rabbitmq UI-PORT:UI-PORT (must be 15672)
then from a browser
must be enough
For clearance you can check if you can login from the container itself. If the login from the container fails you can also check the yaml file or the helm chart you are using for login methods and credentials. Plain login may be disabled.
Another situation may be with the distrubution. When deploying RabbitMQ I try to use bitnami charts. I can suggest them.
If all these fails there is another way you can use. You can try to create another user with admin privileges to connect to RabbitMQ and then keep using it.
For more information, you can post container/pod logs for us to see.
Good day.

How to use a same DB with 2 different React applications

I have to make an offline application that sync with another online app when it can.
I developed the offline app using PouchDB. I create this app thanks to the github repo create-react-app. This app is running at localhost:3000. In this app, I create and manage a little DB named "patientDB".
I manage the db with the classical put method like we can see in the documentation:
var db = new PouchDB('patientDB')
_id: 'dave#gmail.com',
name: 'David',
age: 69
With the development tool for chrome given by PouchDB, I can see that the DB is working like I want (the documents are created):
The other application is another React application with a node server. During the development, this app is running at localhost:8080.
In this app I try to fetch all the docs contained in the "patientDB" with the following code:
const db = new PouchDB('patientDB', { skip_setup: true });
.then(() => {
db.allDocs({include_docs: true})
.then(function (result) {
console.log("RESULT" , result)
}).catch(function (err) {
My problem is that I can't get the "patientDB" created with the offline app in the online app. When I do a var db = new PouchDB ('patientDB') it create a new and empty db because it can't find a db which is already present.
I use google chrome to run all my application so I thought that the dbs could be shared.
However I did little and very simple tests with two html files:
First.html which initialize a new db with a doc
Second.html which read the db create in First.html
In this case, I can fetch the doc created with First.html in Second.hmtl even if the are two separated "website".
I think that the application which run at a localhost are like isolated of the rest of the application even if, like I said before, I use the same browser for all my applications...
I don't know what to do or I don't know if it's even possible to do what I want to do. If someone has an idea for me, I would be pleased.
I can see why my DBs are not shared:
When I look at all my local DBs after running an html file I can see the following thing :
As we can see, the DBs come from the files _pouch_DB_NAME - file://
When I check my DB from the application running localy (localhost), I can see this :
The DB don't come from file but from localhost:8080
If you know how I can fetch doc from a local db in an app running in a server, it could be really helpful for me!
PouchDB is using IndexedDB in the browser, which adheres to a same-origin policy. MDN says this:
IndexedDB adheres to a same-origin policy. An origin is the domain, application layer protocol, and port of a URL of the document where the script is being executed. Each origin has its own associated set of databases. Every database has a name that identifies it within an origin.
So you have to replicate your local database to a central server in order to share the data. This could be a PouchDB Server together with your node app. You can also access PouchDB Server directly from the browser:
var db = new PouchDB('http://localhost:5984/patientDB')
As an alternative, you can use CouchDB or IBM Cloudant (which is basically hosted CouchDB).

Unable to proceed with Twilio Programmable Video Javascript

I am new to Twilio and facing few problems. I have downloaded twilio programmable video SDK Javascript version for my web app and it works pretty fine however I am unable to figure out how I can enable different users to create conversations and invite people. I want Many to Many relationship and don't know if twilio video supports it or not. Any help would be highly appreciated. Please share any tutorial as well.
Here is the code which i Got from Twilio website for JS/C#
public string generate_token()
string AccountSid = "SID";
string ApiKeySid = "APIKEY";
string ApiKeySecret = "APISECRET";
const string ConfigurationProfileSid = "klinik";
// Create an Access Token
var token = new AccessToken(AccountSid, ApiKeySid, ApiKeySecret);
// Set the Identity of this token
token.Identity = "example-user";
// Grant access to Conversations
var grant = new ConversationsGrant();
grant.ConfigurationProfileSid = ConfigurationProfileSid;
return token.ToJWT().ToString();
// Serialize the token as a JWT
// Console.WriteLine(token.ToJWT());
I am getting the following error on .ToJWT function in visual studio:
Error CS0012 The type 'JwtHashAlgorithm' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'JWT, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
It's difficult to help you any further as you haven't shared any code or anything you've tried.
The JavaScript quickstart is the best example of how to get started with the Video SDK. I recommend taking a look through the code to see how it is built.
To make many to many conversations, you just need to invite another user to an existing conversation or invite many users at one time. Make sure you invite them from all the existing participants as this is a peer to peer connection, so every user needs to create a connection with every other user. For that reason, it's not recommended to make many to many conversations of more than 4 people total (though you should test to see what kind of results you get).
Let me know if that helps at all.

Always using the same OAUTH code with Dropbox-js

I'm using the official Dropbox JS library in a Node.js server. It only ever needs to authenticate as a single user, and it can't go through the whole OAUTH browser setup every time the server starts. I am attempting to write an auth driver that pretends to be like the NodeServer driver, but runs the callback straight away with a code that always stays the same.
Here's what I've got (it's coffeescript, but you get the idea):
myAuthDriver = {
authType: -> return "code"
url: -> return "http://localhost:8912/oauth_callback" # What the url would be if I were using NodeServer
doAuthorize: (authUrl_s, stateParam, client, callback) ->
authUrl = url.parse(authUrl_s, true)
code: "[a code I just got using the NodeServer driver]"
state: authUrl.query.state
Running authenticate with this driver set causes this error:
Dropbox OAuth error invalid_grant :: given "code" is not valid
The docs say that this should only occur with a broken auth driver (but it doesn't give any ideas for fixing it).
Does anyone with more knowledge of OAUTH or Dropbox know what's wrong here?
Note: I've found in several places online that Dropbox OAUTH codes never expire
Once you have an OAuth 2 access token, you can just do var client = new Dropbox.Client({token: '<your token>'});. No need for an auth driver at all.
(If you want an easy way to get an access token, consider using https://dbxoauth2.site44.com.)

