AJAX request in setInterval() stops working due to other AJAX request - javascript

I have two AJAX requests. One of the request ($.post(/updatechart, [...])) is triggered repeatedly using setInterval(). The second one ($.post(/updateperiod, [...])) is triggered when an item from a dropdown-menu is chosen. Because of the second request, the first one stops working after a while, if I trigger the second one a few times. Sometimes, they both stop working. Can someone tell me how I can fix this?
stops working = request is not sent to the server anymore
EDIT2: Thanks to IcePickle I fixed the issue. I was not sending a response to the second AJAX request.
var retrieved;
var period_types = {
week: "Expenses this week",
month: "Expenses this month",
year: "Expenses this year"
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
$(".dropdown-item").click(function() {
var new_period = $(this).attr('value');
$.post("/updateperiod", data = {period: new_period});
function updateGraph() {
$.post("/updatechart", function(response) {
retrieved = response;
function drawGraph(response) {
var x_axis = []
var y_axis = []
var data = [];
response.db.forEach(element => {
data = [
type: 'bar',
y: y_axis,
x: x_axis,
orientation: 'h',
marker: {
color: 'rgb(33, 40, 109)'
Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data);
document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML = period_types[response.period];

You can add settings parameter on the $.post(), that is equal to $.ajax() method, where you can set the option:
settings: {
"async": "false"
So you can make multiple ajax request on the page.


Select2 Trigger Additional Data

I'm trying to load additional data on my select (select2), but the Trigger Event is not loading the additional data. The code and results are shown below.
var data = {
id: 1,
text: 'text_default',
anothertext: 'text_2'
var newOption = new Option(data.text, data.id, true, true);
$('#section').append(newOption).trigger('change'); //until this point, everything works
type: 'select2:select',
params: {
data: data
console.log($('#section').select2('data')[0]['text']);// return text_default
console.log($('#section').select2('data')[0]['anothertext']);// return undefined
console.log($('#section').select2('data')['anothertext']);//only for test, return undefined
console.log($('#section').data('anothertext'));//only for test, return undefined
Is anything wrong with the code?

Filter duplicate values in select2 ajax call

I'm using select2 load remote data way to render results (50 at a time) from an api. The response of the api might have duplicate values in any page response.
I have tried formatting response but unfortunately the method is having access only to the current page data.
Below is my code,
minimumInputLength : 2,
placeholder : '-- Select Items --',
ajax : {
url : '/api/v1/items',
quietMillis : 200,
dataType : 'json',
data : function (term, page) {
return {
term : term,
page : page,
page_limit : 50
results : function(data, page) {
//Here I'm getting only current page data. How can i get previous page data to check for duplicate values.
So, how can I filter the response and eliminate duplicate values by checking against the data fetched so far.
Any help would be appreciated.
It would be better if you post an example of your code. Let's say you have some data with duplicated entries:
var rawData = [
id: 'AL',
name: 'Alaska'
id: 'GE',
name: 'Georgia'
id: 'WY',
name: 'Wyoming'
id: 'GE',
name: 'Georgia'
function clearDuplicates(data) {
var temp = {};
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
temp[data[i]['id']] = data[i];
return Object.values(temp);
var clearData = clearDuplicates(rawData);
See output: duplicated entry 'Georgia' is now in one record. There can be a lot of ways to eliminate duplicates. This is just one simple example.
If you use pagination (infinite scroll) in Select2, every page request is sent separately and you have to process result data and eliminate duplicates manually. it can be done by processResults parameter. (See example)
In that case, easiest way would be:
Handle every page request in processResults
Store all results in a global variable
Eliminate duplicates as described in the example above
Return desired result
return {
pagination: {
//paginatioin params

How to send data from jquery to javascript

stateCode : $(this).val(),
ajax : 'true'
function(data) {
alert("state data"+data);
I have the value in data and want to show in javascript given below.
The fields data is given want to push my state data there.
var salesChartData = {
datasets: [{
data: ["here i want my data"]
Both are written in diffrent script
datasets is an array with an object on index 0. So to define or redeclare the data property in there the syntax is
salesChartData.datasets[0].data = data;
Use it in your callback function:
function(data) {
salesChartData.datasets[0].data = data;
Not sure if I understand correctly, is this what you need?
var salesChartData = {
datasets: [
data : {}
stateCode : $(this).val(),
ajax : 'true'
function(data) {
salesChartData.datasets[0].data = data;
Just set the data after receiving it
if you need to show the ajax result in a variable salesChartData, you can try this
salesChartData.datasets[0].data[0] = "new data"
salesChartData is a JSON object with key datasets contains an array of JSON objects.
So if salesChartData is declared globally, then you can replace in the success of the ajax
Here below, it done using web storage. This is used to access from different file.
// File 1
var salesChartData = {
datasets: [{
data: ["here i want my data"]
localStorage.setItem("salesChart", JSON.stringify(salesChartData));
// File 2
var salesChartData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("salesChart"));
// ajax call
$.getJSON('chartState', {
stateCode: $(this).val(),
ajax: 'true'
function (data) {
alert("state data" + data);
salesChartData.datasets[0].data[0] = data // "new data"
Hope this will work.
Thank You
I have done with my self
stateCode : $(this).val(),
ajax : 'true'
function(data) {
var chr=data;
var a=chr[0];var b=chr[1];var c=chr[2];var d=chr[3];
var e=chr[4];var f=chr[5];var g=chr[6];
After that I have sended one by one data
var salesChartData = {
datasets: [
data : [g,f,e,d,c,b,a]
As you mention that both parts of the script are in different tags you can solve the problem with a global, this is not recommended. The better solution would be to refactor the structure and not have multiple script tags. But if you have no control over this then you should do something like this:
// No var used to make it global
chart_state_data = false;
stateCode : $(this).val(),
ajax : 'true'
function(data) {
// the data is set to this variable on callback
chart_state_data = data
// chart_state_data contains data retrieved from ajax call or false
var salesChartData = {
datasets: [{
data: chart_state_data

When is "is_initial" true in Dygraph's drawCallback?

I have a Dygraphs chart that works perfectly when I provide a file URL for a data source. When I embedded the data directly into the HTML wrapper, however, the functions in my drawCallback don't fire. Tracing with Firebug, I find that is_initial is True when I load the page with the URL reference, but False when I embed the data (and labels) in native format, even if I place onLoad="drawCallback(vGraph,True);" within the <body> tag. I've "solved" this by setting my own variable to test for first-time execution.
Here's the original, functional, code for an external data source:
var vGraph = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("dgraphChartContainer"),
{ //options
connectSeparatedPoints: true,
labelsDiv: "dygraphLabelsContainer",
highlightCallback: function(event, xdate, points_array, rowNumber, seriesName) {
unhighlightCallback: function(event) {
drawCallback: function(g, is_initial) {
if (!is_initial) return;
mySeriesColors = vGraph.getColors();
As I said, this works great, even with the blind g parameter in the drawCallback.
This is the work-around I developed for the scenario when I embed the data source.
var vFirstTime = true;
var vGraph = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("dgraphChartContainer"),
[ new Date("2011/10/15 00:04:55"),null,null,-9.2,null,null,null,null,null,null],
[ new Date("2011/10/24 10:39:32"),null,null,null,null,null,-9.2,null,null,null],
[ new Date("2011/10/25 21:02:30"),null,null,null,null,null,null,null,20.3,null],
[ new Date("2013/10/28 08:49:52"),null,null,-17.9,null,null,null,null,null,null]
{ //options
labels: ["Event_Date","code-32565","code-32566","code-32568","code-32569","code-32573","code-32574","code-32575","code-32577","code-32578"],
connectSeparatedPoints: true,
labelsDiv: "dygraphLabelsContainer",
highlightCallback: function(event, xdate, points_array, rowNumber, seriesName) {
unhighlightCallback: function(event) {
// drawCallback: function(g, is_initial) {
// if (!is_initial) return;
drawCallback: function() {
if (!vFirstTime) return;
mySeriesColors = vGraph.getColors();
Is there something I can do to use is_initial in my drawCallback call regardless of the data source?
Your first example will work if you move your callbacks into the constructor:
var vGraph = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("dgraphChartContainer"),
{ //options
connectSeparatedPoints: true,
labelsDiv: "dygraphLabelsContainer",
highlightCallback: function(event, xdate, points_array, rowNumber, seriesName) {
unhighlightCallback: function(event) {
drawCallback: function(g, is_initial) {
if (!is_initial) return;
mySeriesColors = vGraph.getColors();
So, what's going on here?
The drawCallback gets fired with is_initial = true when the chart draws for the first time. In your original code, this happens after the XMLHttpRequest for the data comes back.
The order of operations is:
When you inline your data, dygraphs doesn't need to wait for the XHR to come back. Now, the order of operations is:
The second drawCallback happens because you called updateOptions(). So drawCallback is getting fired with is_initial = true, it's just that you're not listening for it early enough.
dygraphs provides a .ready() method to let you avoid all this intricacy. You may be happier using it instead:
var vGraph = new Dygraph( ... );
vGraph.ready(function() {
mySeriesColors = vGraph.getColors();

Using cellUpdateEvent with YUI DataTable and JSON DataSource

I'm working with a UI that has a (YUI2) JSON DataSource that's being used to populate a DataTable. What I would like to do is, when a value in the table gets updated, perform a simple animation on the cell whose value changed.
Here are some relevant snippets of code:
var columns = [
{key: 'foo'},
{key: 'bar'},
{key: 'baz'}
var dataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource('/someUrl');
dataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON;
dataSource.connXhrMode = 'queueRequests';
dataSource.responseSchema = {
resultsList: 'results',
fields: [
{key: 'foo'},
{key: 'bar'},
{key: 'baz'}
var dataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable('container', columns, dataSource);
var callback = function() {
success: dataTable.onDataReturnReplaceRows,
failure: function() {
// error handling code
scope: dataTable
dataSource.setInterval(1000, null, callback);
And here's what I'd like to do with it:
dataTable.subscribe('cellUpdateEvent', function(record, column, oldData) {
var td = dataTable.getTdEl({record: record, column: column});
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(td, 'backgroundColor', '#ffff00');
var animation = new YAHOO.util.ColorAnim(td, {
backgroundColor: {
to: '#ffffff';
However, it doesn't seem like using cellUpdateEvent works. Does a cell that's updated as a result of the setInterval callback even fire a cellUpdateEvent?
It may be that I don't fully understand what's going on under the hood with DataTable. Perhaps the whole table is being redrawn every time the data is queried, so it doesn't know or care about changes to individual cells?. Is the solution to write my own specific function to replace onDataReturnReplaceRows? Could someone enlighten me on how I might go about accomplishing this?
After digging through datatable-debug.js, it looks like onDataReturnReplaceRows won't fire the cellUpdateEvent. It calls reset() on the RecordSet that's backing the DataTable, which deletes all of the rows; it then re-populates the table with fresh data. I tried changing it to use onDataReturnUpdateRows, but that doesn't seem to work either.
To achieve the control that I wanted, I ended up writing my own <ul>-based data list that made a bit more sense for the problem I was trying to solve. Jenny's answer below should help solve this for most others, so I've accepted it as the solution.
cellUpdateEvent only fires in response to a call to updateCell(). What you want is to subscribe to the cellFormatEvent. There were a couple other issues in your code, so this should work:
dataTable.subscribe('cellFormatEvent', function(o) {
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(o.el, 'backgroundColor', '#ffff00');
var animation = new YAHOO.util.ColorAnim(o.el, {
backgroundColor: {
to: '#ffffff'
var callback = {
success: dataTable.onDataReturnReplaceRows,
failure: function() {
// error handling code
scope: dataTable
dataSource.setInterval(1000, null, callback);
function(o) {
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(o.el, 'backgroundColor', '#ffff00');
var animation = new YAHOO.util.ColorAnim(o.el, {
backgroundColor: {
to: '#ffffff'
var callback = {
success: dataTable.onDataReturnReplaceRows,
failure: function() {
// error handling code
scope: dataTable
dataSource.setInterval(1000, null, callback);
This example will not work beceause you added an interval and this is not the right solution. Because the function will be called each time.

