Best way to safely read query string parameters? - javascript

We have a project that generates a code snippet that can be used on various other projects. The purpose of the code is to read two parameters from the query string and assign them to the "src" attribute of an iframe.
For example, the page at the URL http://oursite/Page.aspx?a=1&b=2 would have JavaScript in it to read the "a" and "b" parameters. The JavaScript would then set the "src" attribute of an iframe based on those parameters. For example, "<iframe src="http://someothersite/Page.aspx?a=1&b=2" />"
We're currently doing this with server-side code that uses Microsoft's Anti Cross-Scripting library to check the parameters. However, a new requirement has come stating that we need to use JavaScript, and that it can't use any third-party JavaScript tools (such as jQuery or Prototype).
One way I know of is to replace any instances of "<", single quote, and double quote from the parameters before using them, but that doesn't seem secure enough to me.
One of the parameters is always a "P" followed by 9 integers.
The other parameter is always 15 alpha-numeric characters.
(Thanks Liam for suggesting I make that clear).
Does anybody have any suggestions for us?
Thank you very much for your time.

Upadte Sep 2022: Most JS runtimes now have a URL type which exposes query parameters via the searchParams property.
You need to supply a base URL even if you just want to get URL parameters from a relative URL, but it's better than rolling your own.
let searchParams/*: URLSearchParams*/ = new URL(
// Supply a base URL whose scheme allows
// query parameters in case `myUrl` is scheme or
// path relative.
console.log(searchParams.get('paramName')); // One value
The difference between .get and .getAll is that the second returns an array which can be important if the same parameter name is mentioned multiple time as in /path?foo=bar&foo=baz.
Don't use escape and unescape, use decodeURIComponent.
function queryParameters(query) {
var keyValuePairs = query.split(/[&?]/g);
var params = {};
for (var i = 0, n = keyValuePairs.length; i < n; ++i) {
var m = keyValuePairs[i].match(/^([^=]+)(?:=([\s\S]*))?/);
if (m) {
var key = decodeURIComponent(m[1]);
(params[key] || (params[key] = [])).push(decodeURIComponent(m[2]));
return params;
and pass in
As far as turning < into <, that is not sufficient to make sure that the content can be safely injected into HTML without allowing script to run. Make sure you escape the following <, >, &, and ".
It will not guarantee that the parameters were not spoofed. If you need to verify that one of your servers generated the URL, do a search on URL signing.

Using a whitelist-approach would be better I guess.
Avoid only stripping out "bad" things. Strip out anything except for what you think is "safe".
Also I'd strongly encourage to do a HTMLEncode the Parameters. There should be plenty of Javascript functions that can this.

you can use javascript's escape() and unescape() functions.

Several things you should be doing:
Strictly whitelist your accepted values, according to type, format, range, etc
Explicitly blacklist certain characters (even though this is usually bypassable), IF your whitelist cannot be extremely tight.
Encode the values before output, if youre using Anti-XSS you already know that a simple HtmlEncode is not enough
Set the src property through the DOM - and not by generating HTML fragment
Use the dynamic value only as a querystring parameter, and not for arbitrary sites; i.e. hardcode the name of the server, target page, etc.
Is your site over SSL? If so, using a frame may cause inconsistencies with SSL UI...
Using named frames in general, can allow Frame Spoofing; if on a secure site, this may be a relevant attack vector (for use with phishing etc.)

You can use regular expressions to validate that you have a P followed by 9 integers and that you have 15 alphanumeric values. I think that book that I have at my desk of RegEx has some examples in JavaScript to help you.
Limiting the charset to only ASCII values will help, and follow all the advice above (whitelist, set src through DOM, etc.)


Remove last 3 letters of div (hidde also in browser page source)

this is my HTML
<div id="remove">Username</div>
and this is my JS code
function slice() {
var t = document.getElementById("remove");
t.textContent = t.textContent.slice(0, -3);
Username load from foreach
{foreach from=$last_user item=s}
This code working and remove 3 letter but when right click on browser and look at page sources i can see "Username" !
I need remove three letter because of privacy and security .
something like
*** name or usern ***
Thank for help me !
The only secure way to make sure the client can't see a particular piece of information is to never send it to the client in the first place. Otherwise, there will always be a way for the client to examine the raw payloads of the network requests and figure out the information they aren't supposed to know.
You'll need to fix this on your backend - either hard-code in
<div id="remove">Usern</div>
or, for a more dynamic approach, use a template engine (or whatever's generating the HTML) and look up how to change strings with it. For example, in EJS, if user is an object with a username property, you could do
<div id="remove"><%= user.username.slice(0, -3) %></div>
Changing the content only with client-side JavaScript will not be sufficient, if you wish to keep some things truly private.
With Smarty, you can define a modifier that takes a string and returns all but the last three characters of it.
function smarty_modifier_truncate_three($string)
return substr($string, 0, -3);
and then in your template, replace
If you want only the first three characters, it's easier because you can use the built-in truncate.
JS doesn't change the source, it can only change the DOM, so what you can do is to keep the element empty and add a value to it using js, but don't forget that js runs on the client's side so its better here to send the string from the server without the last 3 characters.

Open Oracle Apex URL with JavaScript when giving parameters

when i use javascript eval() to open apex url from js i have no problem when i use eval() like this
but when i wanna pass parameters with eval() like this
i get this error: SyntaxError: expected expression, got ':'
then these parameters automatically added after generating url
javascript:apex.navigation.dialog('f?p=101:7:28809985622510:::::\u0026p_dialog_cs=_7P7TVFV5LTQPjeyg-bGqSKpcYM',{title:'Workflow State',height:'auto',width:'720',maxWidth:'960',modal:true,dialog:null},'t-Dialog-page--standard '+'',this);:P7_ID:8461,P7_ALLOWCHANGE:1,P7_WFDEF_ID:69004.;
what should i do?
The best way would to be to use apex_page.get_url
It is so much simpler to use than apex_util.prepare_url
I don't know about your eval call, but this APEX URL syntax is wrong:
All the item names should be listed together, then all the values together - and after the correct number of colon separators:
I also removed the spurious back-tick character from before "SESSION".
Apart from what Tony Andrews covered, here are a few more issues with your URL:
1. it's APP_SESSION - not SESSION. Here's documentation on built in substitution strings.
2. Your items are not substituted properly. Read this documentation page more details on substitutions in APEX.
Here's documentation on understanding APEX URL syntax.
Secondly, here's what you would try. Create a hidden page item and use APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL function and generate valid url, assign to the item. And use that item as url in your javascript. I haven't tried this, but this would be a better approach, I think.
Also prepare url like this:
APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL('f?p=' || :APP_ID ||':7:' || :APP_SESSION || :::' ||:P7_ID: ',' || :P7_ALLOWCHANGE || ',' || :P7_WFDEF_ID || ':8461,1,69004')
Here's another great resource to understand apex url and how to pass variables:

Optimising regex for matching domain name in url

I have a regex that matches iframe urls, and captures various components. The regex is given below
To be clear my actual requirement is to transforms in a html string, such strings
<iframe src="" class="some-token:abc123">
<iframe src="" class="some-token:abc123">
The regex works as it is supposed to be, but for normal length html, it takes around 2 seconds to execute, which i think is very, high.
I would really appreciate if someone could point me how to optimise this regex, i am sure i am doing something terribly wrong, because before i used this regex
to completely replace the source url and just add the paramter, it was taking just 100 ms
You do not need to (and should not) parse the iframe element as a string; you just need to access its attributes, and retrieve information from them and rewrite them.
function fix_iframe_src(iframe) {
var src = iframe.getAttribute('src');
var klass = iframe.getAttribute('class');
var token = get_token(klass);
src = fix_src(src, token);
iframe.setAttribute('src', src);
Writing get_token and fix_src are left as an exercise.
If you want to find a bunch of iframes and fix them all up, then
var iframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe');
for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
By the way, the value of your class attribute seems to be broken. I doubt if it will match any CSS rules, if that's the intent. Are you using it for something other than to provide the token? In that case, you would be best off using a data attribute such as data-token.
Minor point about regexp flags: the g and m flags are going to do nothing for you. m is about matching anchors like ^ and $ to the beginning and end of lines within the source string, which is not an issue for you. g is about matching multiple times, which is also not an issue.
The reason your regexp is taking so long is most likely that you are throwing the entire DOM at it. Hard to tell unless you show us the code from which you are calling it.

Can I get robust XSS protection in CF11 that I can apply to an entire site without touching every query or input?

So I'm currently using CF11 and CFWheels 1.1, the "Global Script Protection"(GSP) server feature does an awful job of covering the XSS bases. I would like to extend it to block any and all tags/vectors for JS from being inserted into the database.
CF11 offers antiSamy protection via the getSafeHTML() function which applies a xml policy file specified in application.cfc but I would still need to modify every single varchar cfqueryparam in the application to use it right?
Is there a way to get CF11 to enable the antisamy features server or application wide in a similar way that the GSP feature works? What I mean by this is GSP automatically strips tags out of input submitted to the app without having to modify all the queries/form actions. I'd like a way to apply the antisamy policy file or getSafeHTML() in the same way.
Why would you have to apply it to every one? You would only need to do it for string (varchar) inputs and only when inserting. And even then, you wouldn't use it everywhere. For example, if you ask for my name and bio, there is no reason why you would want html, even "good" html, in my name. So I'm sure you already use something there to escape all html or simply remove it all. Only for a field like bio would you use getSafeHTML.
Validation is work. You (typically) don't want a "all at once" solution imo. Just bite the bullet and do it.
If you did want to do it, you can use onRequestStart to automatically process all keys in the form and url scope. This is written by memory so it may have typos, but here is an example:
function onRequestStart(string req) {
for(var key in form) { form[key] = getSafeHTML(form[key]); }
for(var key in url) { url[key] = getSafeHTML(url[key]); }
I agree with Ray, validation is work, and it is very important work. If you could have a server wide setting it would be way to generalized to fit all situations. When you do your own validation for specific fields you can really narrow down the attack surface. For example, assume you have a form with three fields; name, credit card number, social security number. With one server wide setting it would need to be general enough to allow all three types of input. With your own validation you can be very specific for each field and only allow a certain set of characters; name - only allows alpha characters and space, credit card number - only allows digits, space, dash and must conform to the mod rule, social security number - only allows digits and dash in 3-2-4 format. Nothing else is allowed.
That being said, I just wanted to point out that the "Global Script Protection" rules can be customized. That setting works by applying a regular expression that is defined in the cf_root/lib/neo-security.xml file in the server configuration, or the cf_root/WEB-INF/cfusion/lib/neo-security.xml file in the JEE configuration to the variable value. You can customize the patterns that ColdFusion replaces by modifying the regular expression in the CrossSiteScriptPatterns variable.
The default regular expression is defined as:
<var name='CrossSiteScriptPatterns'>
<struct type='coldfusion.server.ConfigMap'>
<var name='<\s*(object|embed|script|applet|meta)'>
Which means, by default, the Global Script Protection mechanism is only looking for strings containing <object or <embed or <script or <applet or <meta and replacing them with <InvalidTag. You can enhance that regular expression to look for more cases if you want.
See Protecting variables from cross-site scripting attacks section on this page
The solution as implemented for a cfwheels 1.1 app:
I used the slashdot file from
This goes in application.cfc:
<cfcomponent output="false">
<cfinclude template="wheels/functions.cfm">
This goes in the /ProjectRoot/events/onrequeststart.cfm file
function xssProtection(){
var CFversion = ListToArray(SERVER.ColdFusion.productversion);
if(CFversion[1]GTE 11){
for(var key in form) {
if(not IsJSON(form[key])){
form[key] = getSafeHTML(form[key]);
for(var key in url) {
if(not IsJSON(url[key])){
url[key] = getSafeHTML(url[key]);

How to get anything following the domain in a url, using Javascript

What is the best way to get the "anything" part after the domain part, using Javascript:
For I would have to use window.location.hash. But for I would have to use window.location.pathname.
I'm using:
window.location.href.replace(window.location.origin, "").slice(1)
Are there any caveats with this solution? Is there a better way?
location.origin is not supported by IE.
Other improvements: .slice is actually calling Array.prototype.slice. A method call that requires a prototype lookup is bound to be slower than accessing the element you need directly, escpeciallly in your case, where the slice method is returning an array with just 1 element anyway. So:
You could use location.pathname, but be weary: the standard reads:
This attribute represents the path component of the Location's URI which consists of everything after the host and port up to and excluding the first question mark (?) or hash mark (#).
but I think the easiest, most X-browser way of getting what you want is actually simply doing this:
var queryString = location.href.split([1];
//optionally removing the leading `/`
var queryString = location.href.split([1].replace(/^\//,'');
It's very similar to what you have now, except for the fact that I'm not using location.origin, which, as shown on MDN is not supported by MS's IE...
Another benefit is that I'm not calling Array.prototype.slice, which returns an array, and requires a prototype-lookup, which is marginally slower, too...
window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash
I think this one is a little bit better. You dont have to use any functions here...

