Discord & Google Sheets webhook not working properly with formulas - javascript

I'm unable to use this javascript code to look for changes in certain coulms if the cell is updated by a formula. If it is manually updated, it works fine.
function onEdit(event) {
if (event && event.range) {
var sheetName = "Sheet2";
var columnsToWatch = [5, 6, 7];
var range = event.range;
var sheet = range.getSheet();
var row = range.getRow();
var column = range.getColumn();
if (sheet.getName() == sheetName && columnsToWatch.indexOf(column) !== -1) {
var value = range.getValue();
var timestamp = new Date();
var data = {
"content": "A change was made to " + sheetName + ", row " + row + ", column " + column + ":\n\n" +
"Value: " + value + "\n" +
"Timestamp: " + timestamp
var options = {
"method": "POST",
"contentType": "application/json",
"payload": JSON.stringify(data)
var url = "[Webhook]";
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
I've tried changing the function but I'm unable to find a function which would fit the script. pretty new at this stuff so im honestly just confused


Google Apps Script - Setting a row to complete only after it's been ran through the loop

I have Google Apps Script which inputs events into my google calendar from a spreadsheet. Anyone know how to have the script set a row's background color to green & last column value to "complete" only if it's been ran through the loop?
Currently I have it just setting the full range to these parameters, but would like to prevent certain rows from being included if the last column is equal to "Invalid".
function inputEvents() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var calendarId = spreadsheet.getRange("B1").getValue();
var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarId)
var lr = spreadsheet.getLastRow();
var count = spreadsheet.getRange("A3:AF"+lr+"").getValues();
for (x=0; x<count.length; x++) {
var events = count[x];
var name = events[2];
var phone = events[3];
var email = events[4];
var title = events[5];
var startTime = events[6];
var endTime = events[7];
var description = events[8];
var location = events[9];
var eventId = events[31];
var contactHeader = "CONTACT:";
var descriptionHeader = "DESCRIPTION:";
var complete = "Complete";
var invalid = "Invalid";
var info =
contactHeader.bold() + "\n"
+ name + "\n"
+ phone + "\n"
+ email + "\n"
+ "\n" + descriptionHeader.bold() + "\n"
+ description;
var options = {
'guests' : email,
'description': info,
'sendInvites': 'True',
'location': location,
if (eventId != complete && eventId != invalid){
calendar.createEvent(title, startTime, endTime, options);
You're using the setValue and setBackground methods to the entire range, you need to apply them only to the range you're interested in, try setting a currentRow variable and change the range you're getting inside your if statement, like this:
var currentRow = 3 + x;
if (eventId != complete && eventId != invalid){
calendar.createEvent(title, startTime, endTime, options);
spreadsheet.getRange("AF" + currentRow).setValue('Complete');
spreadsheet.getRange("A"+ currentRow + ":AF" + currentRow).setBackground('#d9ead3');

Sending message to Telegram from Google Sheet via Google Scripts

I'm trying to send a telegram message to myself, every morning, with a different quote that I have listed in a Google Sheet. I wrote some code that adds messages to the list, but I can't seem to generate a random row from the list to send daily.
var token = "TOKEN";
var telegramAPI = "https://api.telegram.org/bot" + token;
var webAppAPI = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/GOOGLE_WEB_APP_ADDRESS";
var ssId = "SPREADSHEET_ID";
function getMe() {
var url = telegramAPI + "/getMe";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
function setWebhook() {
var url = telegramAPI + "/setWebhook?url=" + webAppAPI;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
function sendText(id,text) {
var url = telegramAPI + "/sendMessage?chat_id=" + id + "&text=" + text;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
function doGet(e) {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("Test Data" + JSON.stringify(e,null,4));
function doPost(e) {
var data = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents);
var text = data.message.text;
var what = data.message.text.split("-")[0]
var who = data.message.text.split("-")[1]
var id = data.message.chat.id;
var name = data.message.chat.first_name;
var response = "Hi " + name + ", this quote has been added to your database: " + text;
SpreadsheetApp.openById(ssId).getSheets()[1].appendRow([new Date(),id,name,text,response,what,who]);
All of this works fine. I added a query that pulls them over to my Quote sheet from my Telegram Feed sheet, that I'll put here to help someone:
=IFERROR(QUERY('Telegram Feed'!$G$1:$G$98,"",-1),"Error")
Now that I'm pulling in quotes, I want to generate a random one from the list and schedule it to send to myself on a daily basis. I've included what I've tried below, but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
The randomizer is partially working, but seems to be grabbing all of the content, which I need to refactor to say something along the lines of:
message = f"{quote} + ' - ' + {author}"
function randomizer() {
var ssa = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ssId);
var ss = ssa.getSheetByName('Quotes');
var range = ss.getRange(1,1,ss.getLastRow(), 2);
var data = range.getValues();
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
var j = Math.floor(Math.random()*(data[i].length));
var element = data[i][j];
ss.getRange(i+1, 6).setValue(element);
Up until this point, it mostly works (even though I need to figure out how to fix the randomizer function as mentioned above. It's when I try to send a random message from the script to Telegram that I run into problems.
function sendQuote(what,who) {
var data = randomizer();
var dataJSON = JSON.parse(data.postData.contents);
var url = telegramAPI + "/sendMessage?chat_id=" + 'CHAT_ID_NUM' + "&text=" + what + " - " who;
I'm getting nothing back. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
I followed the suggestions from Дмитро-Булах & carlesgg97, and I refactored a bunch of my randomize code to give me a quote and author. For some reason, I'm now getting the error "TypeError: Cannot read property "postData" from undefined.: from the line that reads var dataJSON = JSON.parse(data.postData.contents);
Does anyone know why this is happening?
I'll close the issue within 24hrs regardless. Thanks for the help everybody!
function sendQuote(quote,author) {
var data = randomize();
var dataJSON = JSON.parse(data.postData.contents);
var encodedText = encodeURIComponent(quote + " - " + author);
var url = telegramAPI + "/sendMessage?chat_id=" + 'CHAT_ID' + "&text=" + encodedText;
function randomize() {
var sss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ssId);
var ss = sss.getSheetByName('Quotes');
var length = ss.getLastRow();
var overshoot = 97 //monitor for changes as list size increases
var true_length = length-overshoot;
var line = (Math.random() * ((true_length - 2) + 1)) + 2;
var quote_cell = ss.getRange(line,2);
var quote = quote_cell.getValue();
var author_cell = ss.getRange(line,1);
var author = author_cell.getValue();
Logger.log(quote + " - " + author);
Seems like you may be having two different problems:
You are not encoding the text as URL-safe. To safely append data (in this case the text URL Query string parameter) to your URL, you should use encodeURIComponent().
You don't seem to actually be sending the request. Did you miss the UrlFetchApp.fetch() call?
See below an example that fixes both issues:
function sendQuote(what,who) {
var data = randomizer();
var dataJSON = JSON.parse(data.postData.contents);
var encodedText = encodeURIComponent(what + " - " + who);
var url = telegramAPI + "/sendMessage?chat_id=" + 'CHAT_ID_NUM' + "&text=" + encodedText;

Correct script to send only the last row of data in Google Sheets

The script I have is sending out the information in the format I want. The problem I have is that it is sending out each row as an indiviual email instead of only sending out the latest data. I only want the last row of data to be sent out.
function CustomEmail() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
startrow= 2;
var range = sheet.getRange("A2:Z1000");
var UserData = range.getValues();
for (i in UserData) {
var row = UserData[i];
var name = row[2];//market
var senderEmail = ''
if (name === 'South')
{senderEmail = 'tom#no.com';}
else if (name === 'West')
{senderEmail = 'bob#bob.com';}
else if (name === 'East')
{senderEmail = 'non#no.com';}
var AgentOwner = row[18];//Agent Owner
var address = row[20];//Address
var City = row[21];//City
var State = row[22]//state
var Incident = row[17]//incident type
var Date = row[4]//date and time
emailBody = "New Security Incident Report from: " +AgentOwner+ "\nAddress: " +address+ "\nCity: " +City+ "\nState: " +State + "\nIncident: " +Incident + "\nDateTime:" +Date
MailApp.sendEmail(senderEmail,"Security Incident Report", emailBody);
Try this -
function CustomEmail() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var row = sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow(), 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn())[0];
var name = row[2]; //market
var senderEmail = '';
if (name === 'South') {
senderEmail = 'tom#no.com';
} else if (name === 'West') {
senderEmail = 'bob#bob.com';
} else if (name === 'East') {
senderEmail = 'non#no.com';
var AgentOwner = row[18]; //Agent Owner
var address = row[20]; //Address
var City = row[21]; //City
var State = row[22]; //state
var Incident = row[17]; //incident type
var Date = row[4]; //date and time
emailBody =
'New Security Incident Report from: ' +
AgentOwner +
'\nAddress: ' +
address +
'\nCity: ' +
City +
'\nState: ' +
State +
'\nIncident: ' +
Incident +
'\nDateTime:' +
MailApp.sendEmail(senderEmail, 'Security Incident Report', emailBody);
Go to script, paste new code, run the function, then in menu, View > Log and see if the row values are logged properly. If any issues with data indices, adjust them accordingly.

Need new eyes on this script getting a 417 error cod

I get this error in the Google Sheets application trying to text reminders every day I used this format 4175555555, (417) 5555555, and (417) 5555555 you are not sure what the problems are.
The error is:
Request failed for api.fluentcloud.com/v1/sms/send/GeneralRentalCenter returned code 417. Truncated server response: {"error":{"code":417,"message":"Expectation Failed: To number: is not formatted properly"}} (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response) (line 25, file "REMINDER")
//This sends out sms to phone number in row
function sendSms(to, name, time) {
var messages_url = 'https://api.fluentcloud.com/v1/sms/send/GeneralRentalCenter';
var body = {
'direction': '',
'to': to,
'from': '(417) 886-7368',
'timestamp': '',
'message': 'Hello' + ' ' + name + ', This is a reminder of your reservation at General Rental at ' + time + ' tomorrow. If you have any questions call 417-886-7368 ',
'messageId': '',
'particContactName': ''
var options = {
"method": "post",
"payload": body
options.headers = {
"Authorization": "4LsEvTFn-jD4i-XOmg-iGEXji7x2ZTb"
//sends out SMS to number for the row
UrlFetchApp.fetch(messages_url, options);
function sendAll() {
var date = new Date();
var today = ((date.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + date.getDate() + '/' + date.getFullYear());
var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
var activeSheet;
for (i in sheets) {
if ((((new Date(today)) - (new Date(sheets[i].getName()))) / 86400000) === -1) {
activeSheet = sheets[i].getName();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var startRow = 2;
var numRows = sheet.getLastRow() - 1;
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 8, numRows, 4);
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (i in data) {
var row = data[i];
if (!row[1]) {
var num = row[1].toString().split(".")[0];
if (row[3] === 'y') {
`enter code here`
try {
response_data = sendSms(num, row[0], row[2]);
} catch (err) {
function myFunction() {
When script works it should pull there name,number and items and send out a reminder to them

Resolve 'Parsing Error: Please check your selector. (line XX)' Javascript/AWQL

First off, let me say that I am not a developer, nor do I really code beyond basic HTML. So I appreciate your patience. :)
I'm working with a script that is for AdWords, but I believe it's more or less written in Javascript. (I've included the script below.)
Basically, I'm receiving the error message 'Parsing Error: Please check your selector. (line XX)' when I preview the script.
I've searched all around for hours and have yet to find a solution.
I think it may be that a query being returned contains either a single or double quote, and may be messing up the code? Though I can't actually prove that.
Also, yes, I was sure to update lines 17-21 with the correct details.
Any help would be much appreciated!
// AdWords Script: Put Data From AdWords Report In Google Sheets
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2017 Optmyzr Inc., All Rights Reserved
// This script takes a Google spreadsheet as input. Based on the column headers, data filters, and date range specified
// on this sheet, it will generate different reports.
// The goal is to let users create custom automatic reports with AdWords data that they can then include in an automated reporting
// tool like the one offered by Optmyzr.
// For more PPC management tools, visit www.optmyzr.com
var DEBUG = 0; // set to 1 to get more details about what the script does while it runs; default = 0
var REPORT_SHEET_NAME = "report"; // the name of the tab where the report data should go
var SETTINGS_SHEET_NAME = "settings"; // the name of the tab where the filters and date range are specified
var SPREADSHEET_URL = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dttJTb547L81XYKdTQ56LcfO9hHhbb9wm06ZY5mKhEo/edit#gid=0"; // The URL to the Google spreadsheet with your report template
var EMAIL_ADDRESSES = "example#example.com"; // Get notified by email at this address when a new report is ready
function main() {
var currentSetting = new Object();
currentSetting.ss = SPREADSHEET_URL;
// Read Settings Sheet
var settingsSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(currentSetting.ss).getSheetByName(SETTINGS_SHEET_NAME);
var rows = settingsSheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
var numCols = rows.getNumColumns();
var values = rows.getValues();
var numSettingsRows = numRows - 1;
var sortString = "";
var filters = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
var row = values[i];
var settingName = row[0];
var settingOperator = row[1];
var settingValue = row[2];
var dataType = row[3];
debug(settingName + " " + settingOperator + " " + settingValue);
if(settingName.toLowerCase().indexOf("report type") != -1) {
var reportType = settingValue;
} else if(settingName.toLowerCase().indexOf("date range") != -1) {
var dateRange = settingValue;
} else if(settingName.toLowerCase().indexOf("sort order") != -1) {
var sortDirection = dataType || "DESC";
if(settingValue) var sortString = "ORDER BY " + settingValue + " " + sortDirection;
var sortColumnIndex = 1;
}else {
if(settingOperator && settingValue) {
if(dataType.toLowerCase().indexOf("long") != -1 || dataType.toLowerCase().indexOf("double") != -1 || dataType.toLowerCase().indexOf("money") != -1 || dataType.toLowerCase().indexOf("integer") != -1) {
var filter = settingName + " " + settingOperator + " " + settingValue;
} else {
if(settingValue.indexOf("'") != -1) {
var filter = settingName + " " + settingOperator + ' "' + settingValue + '"';
} else if(settingValue.indexOf("'") != -1) {
var filter = settingName + " " + settingOperator + " '" + settingValue + "'";
} else {
var filter = settingName + " " + settingOperator + " '" + settingValue + "'";
debug("filter: " + filter)
// Process the report sheet and fill in the data
var reportSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(currentSetting.ss).getSheetByName(REPORT_SHEET_NAME);
var rows = reportSheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
var numCols = rows.getNumColumns();
var values = rows.getValues();
var numSettingsRows = numRows - 1;
// Read Header Row and match names to settings
var headerNames = new Array();
var row = values[0];
for(var i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
var value = row[i];
if(reportType.toLowerCase().indexOf("performance") != -1) {
var dateString = ' DURING ' + dateRange;
} else {
var dateString = "";
if(filters.length) {
var query = 'SELECT ' + headerNames.join(",") + ' FROM ' + reportType + ' WHERE ' + filters.join(" AND ") + dateString + " " + sortString;
} else {
var query = 'SELECT ' + headerNames.join(",") + ' FROM ' + reportType + dateString + " " + sortString;
var report = AdWordsApp.report(query); //THIS IS LINE 103 WITH THE ERROR
try {
var subject = "Your " + reportType + " for " + dateRange + " for " + AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName() + " is ready";
var body = "currentSetting.ss<br>You can now add this data to <a href='https://www.optmyzr.com'>Optmyzr</a> or another reporting system.";
MailApp.sendEmail(EMAIL_ADDRESSES, subject, body);
Logger.log("Your report is ready at " + currentSetting.ss);
Logger.log("You can include this in your scheduled Optmyzr reports or another reporting tool.");
} catch (e) {
debug("error: " + e);
function debug(text) {
if(DEBUG) Logger.log(text);
The area between SELECT and FROM is the selector. You're not selecting any fields with that query. That's happening because the headerNames array is empty. Verify the value of REPORT_SHEET_NAME

