i can not create a new angular project [closed] - javascript

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Closed yesterday.
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lors de la creation d'un nouveau projet angular j'obtiens l'erreur suivante:Error: This command is not available when running the Angular CLI inside a workspace.
en effet je pouvais le faire avant mais soudain je le peux pas.
enter image description here


How do you print the longer string in javascript and typed the long string in capital letters? [closed]

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Closed yesterday.
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I need to receive 2 strings and print the short string in capital letters

Existe una función burn para solucionar esto? [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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enter image description here
No se por que me pides burn
Si sabes que yo siempre tomo lomo

How to get the object returned from a request from the networks tab of google chrome using selenium javascript [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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I need to dismantle a website that each search page displays 10 cards with the search information
Page 1: 10 cards
Page 2: + 10 cards
This information is displayed in the request content in the networks tab and I wanted to get all the content in a scalable way by going through all the pages and getting the body of the request from all the pages
Estou utilizando Selenium Javascript e consigo percorrer cada uma das paginas, só não consigo pegar as informações da aba networks
this picture shows:
Two requests for having two pages traversed and the object with the content of the request that I need to get

Question regarding the UK Governments new Eat Out Help Out scheme website [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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This is my first Stack Overflow question so thanks for your patience. The UK Government launches the new 'Eat Out Help Out' scheme on Monday and I was looking at the website to find local participating restaurants:
When you input and search for a valid postcode it redirects to a URL with a parameter of 'results?postcode=RM7+0FT', for example. However, when I look in Chrome's Dev Tools under Network I can't see any API calls.
I'm fairly new to programming but not so new that I wish I could figure this out. I'd quite like to play around with this data if possible.
Many thanks all!
You can't see the API calls because the page is rendered server-side. You are redirected to a new page where all the data is fetched and populated on the server, so you only see the end result.

How to reference plugins and Js files [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I finished my website recently but I don't know how to reference the different JS plugins that I use, and bootstrap too.
Best regards
Boostrap is released under the MIT license. Here is their license.
...subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
I don't think you need to reference it visibly, but you can't strip the copyright information out of the code.
In general, check the websites of the software you are including, particularly their licensing information when you want to know what you can and can't do with it or how to cite them.
Usually the copyright and licensing info is included in the js files, as long as you don't delete this info there's no need to do anything else.

