How to reference plugins and Js files [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I finished my website recently but I don't know how to reference the different JS plugins that I use, and bootstrap too.
Best regards

Boostrap is released under the MIT license. Here is their license.
...subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
I don't think you need to reference it visibly, but you can't strip the copyright information out of the code.
In general, check the websites of the software you are including, particularly their licensing information when you want to know what you can and can't do with it or how to cite them.

Usually the copyright and licensing info is included in the js files, as long as you don't delete this info there's no need to do anything else.


Improve translate better for website [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a my own website, and i use google translate on it, but the result is not good. I use the contribute and try to improve the translation content. But after that, there is no change. Could any body help me. Thank you very much
I do the same as this
But it do not know how to sign in.
Suggested improvements aren't automatically applied, and probably aren't even ever applied specifically to the website they were suggested for. They are used by Google's developers to improve the software in general.
Automated translation software simply isn't good. It never has been and it has a long way to go before it is.
If you want good quality translations of your website, then get it translated by someone who is fluent (and preferably a native speaker) of the target language.

Free Basics Platform( [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Free Basics has a policy that you need to disable Javascript code in your website now I have a desktop version website and I want to register it on Free Basics platform should I responsive the same website and disable or hide the Javascript using some Php scripts or css or I have to make a new responsive website with not even a single line of Javascript code?
help will be much appreciated thanks
I was intrigued and looked at their technical guidelines - did you read those?
You have to have a site that is specifically designed to work on a low-end devices which are not capable (among other things) to run javascript. While you may detect javascript capability, other requirements of this platform are not easily detected, such as the requirement for smaller image sizes etc. After all, the target users for this applications might be in the area where 20 y/o computer on 9kbps modem is considered to be a good machine.
So I'd say that to pass their technical evaluation you will have to create a separate site, that is targeting their needs.

What to consider when finding a good editor for Javascript [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Which features should I consider when finding a good editor for Javascript?
Are there any standard set of features the major development companies expect from an editor when fielded for programmers use?
Probably the first thing you need to consider is if the editor you are going to choose supports the plugins that bring the syntax highlighting, code navigation and code insight of your favorite Javascript framework.
It would be nice to have offered Javascript, CSS and HTML helpers by the editor.
Probably you should look for the ability of the editor to offer integrated Javascript debugging by hooking itself to your favorite browser's dev-tools.
Some editors offer plugins which can debug your server side code. This is a huge plus.
You should look for the editors which supports subversion in-house. This makes your life lot easier.
Finally, the editor should be light enough to perform fast with all these features.

Should CSS code go with the plugin or in a child theme? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am making an extension to an existing plugin (so in essence I guess I'm writing plugin code). I want to modify the layout/UI of the existing plugin. Should I do this by writing code in my plugin's CSS/JS? Or do I need to make a child theme?
The purpose of a plugin is that it is theme independent. You should enqueue boilerplate css and js from the plugin itself. Obviously this is tricky because you have to support multiple grid systems etc. You could always allow for theme overrides like WooCommerce allows. From experience, this is the most effective approach.

Choose license with extremely modified parts from another script [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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So I've got a JavaScript script that uses extremely modified pieces of another script. That script has an GNU General Public License. Do I need to use that license too or can I choose my own and just reference to that other script?
If you want to use your own licence, you have to rip out all the bits that actually came from the GPL'd script. This is because the GPL is a "strong copyleft" (or as some would call it, "viral") licence that requires anything that it's merged with to be licensed under GPL also.

