Displaying spreadsheet data as plain text in HTML? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 4 days ago.
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I was asked to rework our canteen's website to be more user-friendly to operate for the chef and other staff, who are unfamiliar with coding and content management systems. More specifically, we have a menu page where the meals for the next 3 weeks are displayed, and I was asked to make it easier to update said page.
I figured that the simplest approach would be to create a spreadsheet in Google Sheets or Excel and to pull the data - so the names of meals and some dates - into the HTML page from there, so that whenever the staff needs to update the information, they can just edit the spreadsheet instead of bothering with the backend of the website.
My first approach was to try and connect the HTML to a Google Sheet using Google Apps Script, but this proved difficult since I don't actually know any JavaScript and expected the whole ordeal to be simpler.
I tried following some tutorials I found online, but they a) were mostly for extracting entire tables, not just singular pieces of data and b) they didn't work. I thought about using an actual database program in the hopes that would help, but I don't have access to Microsoft Access at the moment.


What is the best way to create an organisational chart from an xml with Java / JavaScript? [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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I need to generate an organisational chart for a non-profit organisation using open source / free libraries in Java (or even javascript with NodeJS).
I have an xml containing the data: unluckily I cannot find anywhere the original xsd, based on European Commission's Whoiswho.
The chart should be printed in multiple pdf pages and be able to automatically adapt to the size of A4 pages to be printed (without cutting shapes).
The data should not be shared or sent through the internet for privacy reasons.
I have starting to play in Java with JGraphX/JFreeChart/Java2D with iText for the pdf, but what do you think would be the best libraries to use? I am converned about the rendering in multi pages of the big chart I need to print in pdf.
Another idea is to find something already working and transform the input from my xml to the needed format, keeping in mind that it has to run in local and with no user interaction other than launching a procedure/software: any idea?
Thank you in advance.

How to dynamically update prices for menu website? [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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I would like to publish a website that hosts menus for different restaurant branches.
What would be good way to do publish this?
Bearing in mind occasional price changes - does this mean taking the website down and re-deploying or is there a way I can dynamically update item prices?
Hosting providers/CMS tools appreciated
I have written the website using basic html/css/js so far.. I have only used django to host a website on the local loopback address. I am determined to learn more.
The first question would be can you access the price data online? (Other websites?)
If you are able, to get the data online then you could create a database and small program which fetches the required data for the website. You can then give that a refreshing rate of 5 min or what ever you like.
Then give your website to access the database and load the prices/data from the database into your website.
If you do not have the data online you can still use a database for storing the prices and other data. If you store the data in database you can load it from the database into your website.
To update the data you can either insert the values directly into the database or you can write an webinterface. (Do not forget to restrict the access to the webinterface)
For the communication I would recommend to use CRUD methods ( Create Read Update Delete) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete

How to store data for website book gallery [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm trying to make a website where a user can look through an image gallery of books, each accompanied by the book's name and other properties, such as reading level, number of pages, etc.
I'd be using my own images of the books and entering the data for them myself, but I'm not sure how to store these book objects. I obviously don't want to manually make a <div> for each and enter all the data, but rather use JS to access the list of all the books and their data and output them.
I'm not sure what would be the appropriate method of storing these books. Would I make a SQL database, use localStorage, or something else entirely?
I am sure you do not want memory and performance to be a concern when you design something.
Refer this to know more about localstorage limitations.
I would suggest you go with a database and store it there, will be a scalable option as well. I am assuming you have a crud operation also involved in your website.

Crawling a website to extract data [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There is a website which contains information we have paid for access to, however the only way available to access the information is through the website and there are 1400 records. So, since there is so much of it, we want to have the information in an excel spreadsheet which is manageable. However, the organization in charge of the website isn't willing to help.
I can write a python script that can parse the html and extract the relevant data, however, the problem is that the site is not easily crawlable because it is an ASP site and many of the "links" are in fact triggers to javascript which loads the destination page. This means that a tool like HTTrack doesn't really work.
Are there any other tools or python modules which can help me do this (bearing in mind the "javascript" links)? I'm totally new to this kind of thing, so I just have no experience of what kinds of things are available to me.
Jython + HtmlUnit may be very usefull in your task.
You can use Scrapy, which is a framework for scraping websites.

Faceted search on client side [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can you suggest a basic faceted search library use at client (browser) side.
I quickly looked through exhibit3, but looks heavy for my usage. It mentioned somewhere that exhibit3 can be used on client side alone, but the setup mentioned a backstage project in java.
Above is an example usage I am looking for (only the category search, no time line view, etc). If it can group data and allow faceted search from json file (independent of backend), that will suit my purpose.
Found a good walk through of one of the exhibit example here.
It pulls lot of dependencies, and wish there a minified version (ready to use :-) ). Anyone uses this for client only solution for relatively medium size data.
facetedsearch.js looks like it would be appropriate. Find it here: http://eikes.github.com/facetedsearch/ or skip the fancy site and go straight to the code: https://github.com/eikes/facetedsearch/

