Faceted search on client side [closed] - javascript

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can you suggest a basic faceted search library use at client (browser) side.
I quickly looked through exhibit3, but looks heavy for my usage. It mentioned somewhere that exhibit3 can be used on client side alone, but the setup mentioned a backstage project in java.
Above is an example usage I am looking for (only the category search, no time line view, etc). If it can group data and allow faceted search from json file (independent of backend), that will suit my purpose.
Found a good walk through of one of the exhibit example here.
It pulls lot of dependencies, and wish there a minified version (ready to use :-) ). Anyone uses this for client only solution for relatively medium size data.

facetedsearch.js looks like it would be appropriate. Find it here: http://eikes.github.com/facetedsearch/ or skip the fancy site and go straight to the code: https://github.com/eikes/facetedsearch/


OrientDB Javascript Server Side Functions [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to implement the whole server logic of the OrientDB with the server side Javascript functions but I can´t find a documentation of the server side JS implemantation. The best tutorial that I found is this one:
But thats not enough, for example I want to know, how I can traverse to the graph with JS or if I have a vertex saved in a JS variable how to see which edges are going out from this vertex?
Can someone give me few links with good tutorials or maybe a good documentation for Javascript server side functions?
This is the examples that I made in according with your request:
I have this schema:
JS function to traverse the graph:
and the output(just a piece):
JS function to see which edges are going out from a specific vertex:
and the output:
Hope it helps,

Which JS library is used in Jira Workflow Designer? Looking for library for drawing dependencies on schemas [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking for the JS library similar to the one used in Jira Workflow editor (example below).
I need to visualize dependencies between elements and probably(in the future) make it configurable by mouse (with drag'n'drop).
P.S. I've tried to detect name of this library within the Developer Console, but had no luck (probably it's Atlassian proprietary library).
If you have Jira you can explore it yourself: Project -> Administration -> Workflows
After looking at the JS source for the Workflow Designer in Atlassian JIRA in the console, it seems to be using a mixture of Atlassian developed code and a whole host of other libraries.
However, the drawing part at least seems to be extending functionality provided by Draw2D JS library. Another option for what you want to achieve could be Raphael JS which is also a JS drawing library.

Crawling a website to extract data [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There is a website which contains information we have paid for access to, however the only way available to access the information is through the website and there are 1400 records. So, since there is so much of it, we want to have the information in an excel spreadsheet which is manageable. However, the organization in charge of the website isn't willing to help.
I can write a python script that can parse the html and extract the relevant data, however, the problem is that the site is not easily crawlable because it is an ASP site and many of the "links" are in fact triggers to javascript which loads the destination page. This means that a tool like HTTrack doesn't really work.
Are there any other tools or python modules which can help me do this (bearing in mind the "javascript" links)? I'm totally new to this kind of thing, so I just have no experience of what kinds of things are available to me.
Jython + HtmlUnit may be very usefull in your task.
You can use Scrapy, which is a framework for scraping websites.

Looking for a killer javascript/website monitoring/debug tool [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a good way of monitoring and logging full exchange between website and the internet.
I know that this can be done with firebug. The main problem I have with it is, that it cannot persist log data over reloads.
Also, if would be very cool to have an ability to log javascript activity and filter the log by the action I'd like to debug (e.g. setting a cookie, change of attribute etc)
Does anyone know something that fits at least some of those requirements, and on the rest performs at least as well as firebug does?
You might want to check out one of the many JavaScript logging utilities, like log4js. You could use it and or something like PantomJS to build automated testing / monitoring of your web applications. The discussion around JavaScript logging on StackOverflow is pretty good too. Check out these questions:
A JavaScript frontend logging system that logs to our backend?
You could try fiddler: http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/

Looking for a web based, client side form editor [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a javascript library (could be based on jQuery) that will implement a client side Form Editor.
The perfect example is something like offered by http://wufoo.com/
You should play with their free version to get the feeling of what I'm trying to find.
Also see this example someone made with jQuery. it is very basic, but a step in the right direction.
Do you know of any jQuery plugin or library that will give me the full functionality of form editing?
I would recommend the awesome ExtJS framework to build such kind of application. Here's an example of what you can do.
Add a form panel, then drop a textbox and so on...dead simple. Ext JS 2.2 and 3.0 (not yet ready) are LGPL and GPL licensed, you have also commercial subscriptions available, I think it worth to have a look at it.
Try the jQuery Form Builder plug-in from Botsko
I had the same problem and wrote one. Github link: SpiffForm.

