How to stream DOM events to a file on arbitrary websites [closed] - javascript

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Closed 4 days ago.
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Not sure if my question is asked correctly, but here's what I basically am trying to accomplish:
Let's say im debugging a site, and I want to dump a log of events that I perform for eg: Clicked textfield Y, Hovered over box Z, Typed "X" into input A, etc. I need these events streamed, in-order to a text file.
Currently, I am injecting code into the console to log events, but this just logs events to the console. Furthermore, I can't pipe this output to a file since the browser obviously cannot recognized require
How would I get started doing something like this?


what is the fastest way to find what component is showing that particular div on the DOM? [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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Here is my current way of finding what component is showing that particular div:
I copy the class name (I use Tailwind, so I mostly get unique classes) or hardcoded text that is present and search for it in my project, then I figure out on which component that name or text is present.
but i was wondering if there is any faster way to find it?
Try using the Locatorjs chrome extension. Enable the extension and in localhost hover over the component in UI for which you want to see the code. In mac, OPTION + CLICK will take you to that particular code.Locatorjs

How can I change styling of portions of an input as the user types, using React? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Similar to many markdown editors, I would like to be able to modify portions of an input field as the user types. For example:
If the user types the above, immediately as the closing underscore is typed, the text should be styled as below.
And then if either (now faded and grey) underscore is removed, it reverts back to plain text and so on.
You can add styled-components to be able to change dynamically the style of the input. and add event linked to the typing like onKeypress
you can see more on the documentation

Rails rearrange links and change the resultant order in database [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have one task. My app will have links of different websites. Their order is defined in database. I want to rearrange then by drag and drop. The resultant order should be reflected in database. I am a rails newbie. Kindly tell me which gems and scripts and how I can use. Kindly give me code reference or example as well.
Use any GUI library for drag and drop. Assign a position to each element. Display by order on position. After drag-n-drop, call ajax to a method/function which will swap the positions in database.

How to handle mandatory fields in a web page/form (When we skip any mandatory field during form fillup.) [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How to handle following scenario in a generic way...I am looking to implement the following things for multiple web pages.(So, please help me out BY SUGGESTING ANY GENERIC way).
If a webpage/form has a 4 mandatory fields(text box).
If i select 2nd field by skipping the first one
Then, first mandatory field text box should be shown with red border.
When the focus event fires on any form control, loop over all the form controls (this.form.elements will give you an ordered collection) and run your validation routine on each in turn. Break out of the loop when you reach the currently focused element (i.e. when this.form.elements[i] === this).

How to make textarea with tagging feature like in Youtube [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to create a textarea that behaves like the tagging box in Youtube. Specifically:
Allow you to type whatever you want
When you press space it turns the word you just typed into a tag
You can remove tags with backspace or by clicking x on tags
Show suggestions as you type
You can add tags from outside the textarea as well
Also, what exactly is this method called?
I just used a javascript library 2 days ago that does excatly this. Check out the TextExtJs library

