Rails rearrange links and change the resultant order in database [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have one task. My app will have links of different websites. Their order is defined in database. I want to rearrange then by drag and drop. The resultant order should be reflected in database. I am a rails newbie. Kindly tell me which gems and scripts and how I can use. Kindly give me code reference or example as well.

Use any GUI library for drag and drop. Assign a position to each element. Display by order on position. After drag-n-drop, call ajax to a method/function which will swap the positions in database.


what is the fastest way to find what component is showing that particular div on the DOM? [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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Here is my current way of finding what component is showing that particular div:
I copy the class name (I use Tailwind, so I mostly get unique classes) or hardcoded text that is present and search for it in my project, then I figure out on which component that name or text is present.
but i was wondering if there is any faster way to find it?
Try using the Locatorjs chrome extension. Enable the extension and in localhost hover over the component in UI for which you want to see the code. In mac, OPTION + CLICK will take you to that particular code.Locatorjs

Ext.Container Display Card of Employee Birthday [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to do the following example Employee Birthday locate on this url : http://examples.sencha.com/coworkee/#home , but I do not know to much ext js and their methods or events can someone can help me please.
Here's the: FIDDLE
Theme on the site(you gave as an example) is Triton and it loads fonts itself.
I used Ext.view.View. You must pass Ext.XTemplate and store with data. So you can populate cards.
For styles open index.html.
Background color of the iframe(there where view is shown), when you switch to Triton, changes to the same color as it was given in your example(#f5f5f5) and because of this there difference may can't be seen, so here's the preview:
I made another fiddle where you can populate cards, added some XTemplate functions to differ colors and text according to event type:

how can I fetch a website and overwrite some ot its html and css [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to create a website, which would fetch someone's website and display it with my CSS. It would also delete few html tags, how can I do this?? Any tips, what to search internet for??
I would go about it using <iframes>. They let you do a lot in terms of changing existing things on websites.
You would use something like this:
<iframe src="http://www.stackoverflow.com" width="200" height="200"></iframe>
to display the site, then you can inspect element to get their .class and .id names to change out colors with normal CSS
Some websites use protection so they cannot be viewed in an iframe, Google is one of them, for future reference, if you run into this issue, this explains why.

How do I create clickable areas on an image within a webpage with javascript? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create a webpage displaying an image that has areas on it that can be clicked to do various things like playing sound, displaying text, linking to other pages. The only problem is I have no idea what I need to use within javascript to do so. The area need not be complicated, just a simple geometric shape.
What sort of tools should I be looking at in Javascript to do achieve this?
Thanks in advance
You might want to take a look at <map></map> tag in HTML: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_map.asp
It should accomplish what you want to do.

JavaScript custom prompt boxes without using jQuery [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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First poster here, but I wanted to know if there was anyway that it was possible to customize the JavaScript prompt boxes without using jQuery? I'm wanting to keep my site vanilla as possible. Thanks.
You can create your own modal dialog boxes. However you cannot customize how, for example, window.alert("Hello!") would look. That is completely up to the browser manufacturer.
create a 'div' and show that using an event.

