Using &letter; notation in JavaScript doesn't write greek letters - javascript

When I set an input box value with the "value" attribute in HTML to a greek letter, it shows the greek letter correctly. But when I change the "value" attribute with JavaScript, it uses the "&letter;" format. What can I do so that JavaScript behaves just as HTML?
HTML: <input type="text" id="input" value = "ε"> works fine.
JavaScript: document.getElementById("input").value = "ε"; shows ε but not the greek letter

The problem you're facing occurs because of the way you're setting the input. Javascript is (correctly) treating your ε as an ordinary string, because you haven't told it that it's anything else.
If this were an element like p, or span or any other contextual text element, you could simply do
myElem.innerHTML = "ε";
However, since you want to set this to be the input's value, you can't use innerHTML, because it wouldn't make any sense. What you need to do is something like this.
function htmlDecode(input) {
var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(input, "text/html");
return doc.documentElement.textContent;
document.getElementById("myInput").value = htmlDecode("ε");
<input type="text" id="myInput" name="myInput" value="">
The function I used was originally posted in this SO answer. Be sure to read the rest of it, to see the other uses.


set text of input value with javascript

I know this is probably a piece of cake for all, but im really not any good with javascript.
I would like to set the value of html input with javascript.
I have an input like this:
<input id="input-data" value=""/>
I would like to set the text of the value with javascript, meaning that if id pass value like "CocaCola" to input, it should display "CocaCola" in input
This is how i try
document.getElementById("input-data").value = "CocaCola";
But no data gets displayed in input. When i run debugger and put value as my watch, the "CocaCola" is stored in value.
What on earth am i missing?
Make sure your code is under HTML tag, like this:
<input id="input-data" value=""/>
document.getElementById("input-data").value = "CocaCola";
Or you can use:
window.onload = function(){
document.getElementById("input-data").value = "CocaCola";
It works any time and anywhere.
Your JavaScript code to set value is right.
You can also try jQuery to set value like this,
$('#input-data').value = 'CocaCola';

How to get value of another input field using javascript

How to find the value of text field using onblur() in next input field.
I tried:
function get_value() {
var inv_nrs;
inv_nrs = document.getElementsByTagName('text1').value;
text1 is name of input which I am trying to get value.
text2 is name of input where onblur() is triggered.
Two problems:
To get elements by their name attribute, use document.getElementsByName(), not document.getElementsByTagName.
Since these functions return a collection, not a single element, you have to index them to get a specific element.
So the function should be:
function get_value() {
var inv_nrs;
inv_nrs = document.getElementsByName('text1')[0].value;
Here's a simple snippet which illustrates a way to do this.
(You may wish to use alert in place of console.log)
document.getElementById("text2").onblur = function() {
<input type="text" id="text1" value="123" />
<input type="text" id="text2" />
Are you looking for an element with id = "text1" or real name = "text1"?
At least if it's their id try getElementById("text1"), that returns one single element. If you talking about the name-attribute, take getElementByName("text1"), this may return more than one element (if there are more then one with the same name).
i think you want this???
function get_value()
var inv_nrs;
inv_nrs = document.getElementById('txt1').value;
<input type="text" id="txt1" >
<input type="text" id="txt2" onblur="get_value()">
If you search with tagname then you need to insert a tagname:
document.getElementsByTagName('input')[whole_number].value which also
returns a live HTMLCollection
Eg. document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value; ,if this is the first textbox in your page.
You can get the value of an html element also on different ways:
document.getElementsByName('text1')[whole_number].value which also
returns a live NodeList
Eg. document.getElementsByName("searchTsxt")[0].value; if this is the
first textbox with name 'searchtext' in your page.
You can also get element by Id:
document.getElementById('IDHere').value to get the value of desired
You can also get it by way of Classname:
Use document.getElementsByClassName('class_name')[whole_number].value
which returns a Live HTMLCollection
Good luck

Styling input field of dynamic ID using getElementById

I have some input fields that has its id's number changes dynamically.
For example, the below code shows an input field that has "id="field14". The word (field) in the id does not change, but the (number) is changing dynamically. So it may be field14, field13, or field20, etc, and there is no limit for numbers.
<input type="text" name="field[14]" id="field14" value="" size="30" style="height: 24px;">
I'm using the following code to style the input field:
document.getElementById("field14").style.height = "24px";
Note, the application's PHP code is encoded & I'm editing in smarty template.
The input code in the template is like this: {$field.input} So when I inspect element on the live page it shows the above code of the input with the dynamic number of the id.
I want a way that allow me to style any input field of the page that starts with the word (field) and ends with a dynamic (number). Any suggestions please?
For a pure CSS approach, I would check the name instead, so you should only look for input elements whose attribute starts with field[ and ends with a closing bracket ].
input[name^="field["][name$="]"] {
From the code you posted you can reasonably suppose that the name of all the elements containing a numeric index inside brackets [] are also the same elements with that dynamic index as a part of your id.
otherwise you may write a more complex set of selectors looking for an id starting with field and ending with a digit [0..9]
input[id^="field"][id$="9"] {
or even combine both the methods
input[name^="field["][name$="]"][id$="9"] {
You can use an attribute selector:
input[id^=field] {
/* Styles */
It will match all input elements whose id attribute begins with "field". Using some separator between "field" and the number may be better to prevent matching things like "fieldone".
input[id^=field] {
background: red;
<input id="field1" />
<input id="field2" />
<input id="field3" />
<input id="field15" />
<input id="field99" />
i strongly recommand using a class attribute:
<input type="text" class="fields" name="field[14]" id="field14" value="" size="30" style="height: 24px;">
.fields {
I want a way that allow me to style any input field of the page that
starts with the word (field) and ends with a dynamic (number). Any
suggestions please?
This is a very specific question that wants us to key on the fact that the id starts with "field" and ends in a dynamic number. IMHO this solution answers your question exactly as asked using only CSS, plus it doesn't require you to change your HTML or add a class attribute (although this would be much better).
This CSS code will find any <input> tag that has an id starting with "field" and ending in a number. It will also exclude those that start with "field" but do not end in a number.
// styling code
Demo code:
If you need JS approach:
var num = 2;
document.getElementById("input" + num).style.backgroundColor = "blue";
If I get you right, you need all your new input look somewhat unique or something.
You can think of getting a number of the currently presenting inputs, then get the last of them, then attach your style based on what you want it to look like.
Using jquery:
var inputs = [];
function getFields(){
$('input').each(function() {
you can modify each input inside the "each" loop, or you can use the "inputs" variable.
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
var ID = 'field';
var i;
for(i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var input = inputs[i];
var regex = new RegExp("^" + ID);
if(regex.test( { = '1px solid #c00';

JavaScript is taking only the first word in a sentence

am stuck over a small issue here.
I want to set the value of a input using JavaScript but jQuery is not displaying the full sentence.
var name = "Richard Keep";
But when I use try to do this
to this input
<input type="text" id="nameid">
the value is set to Richard alone instead of Richard Keep.
How do I make the jQuery echo the entire string and not just the first word in a string? Thanks
<td id="To_be_collected_port" onclick="requestPopup()" class="tr-selected">
<div class="pop-td To_be_collected_port">
this is the content am fetching
This will display this only.
var str = $('#To_be_collected_port').text();
$('.xyz').html("<input type=\"text\" name=\"text\" id=\"selected-service-text\" value="+str+">");
You're missing escaped double quotes around the value attribute:
should be:
Fiddle - works now
Explanation of why it was displaying "this"
This means your input tag is effectively composing to this:
<input type="text" ... value=this is the content am fetching>
value = "this"
is, the, content, am, fetching = attributes without any value
That is odd behaviour. Here are a few things you can try
1) add a console log just before putting the value in the field. if it does not properly show the entire name then you probably have some code manipulating the variable.
2) stupid suggestion but is your input field visually not to small? Maybe it added the entire name but you just don't see it.
3) use an onchange event on the field to check if something was changed after you updated the input field.

Make a DIV act as an INPUT field

I am currently using a bunch of input textfields and I want to change it to a DIV, but most of my JS functions use document.getElementById("inputField1").value whenever the value of the input field is set like this:
<input contenteditable="false" id="inputField1" type="text" size="12" style="background:#09F;color:#FFF;text-align:center" value="Hello World!"/>
That would return just Hello World! if I were to display the value in an alert
How would I get the value of the text in between if I were to use DIVs?
For example <div id="inField001">Hello World</div>
In that case you can use:
Also (if you want to use jQuery):
You would just do
var value = document.getElementById('inField001').innerHTML);
But if your DIV has some html this will grab that too.
You can also use document.getElementById('inField001').textContent) to grab just the text nodes from the element ignoring any element wrappers.
But support for textContent is not as good as innerHTML.
See doc for info and support.
Another way is using innerText. alert(document.getElementById('inField001').innerText); but not supported in FF.
See Doc for support.
Use the innerHTML property.
BTW this kind of thing is way better to do with jQuery.
For just text content:
var value = document.getElementById('inputField1').textContent;
For the more verbose version, see here.
or just do
x = document.getElementById("inField001");

