Input is below:
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" width="800pt" height="600pt" viewBox="0 0 800 600">
<g enable-background="new">
<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.074;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(50.19989%,50.19989%,50.19989%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 110.949219 265.421875 L 109.730469 265.691406 L 108.699219 266.410156 L 108.011719 267.460938 L 107.78125 268.679688 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,600)"/>
<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.074;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(50.19989%,50.19989%,50.19989%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 111.050781 268.679688 L 111.050781 265.421875 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,600)"/>
<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.074;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(50.19989%,50.19989%,50.19989%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 110.949219 268.679688 L 110.949219 265.421875 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,600)"/>
Expected Output is below:
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" width="800pt" height="600pt" viewBox="0 0 800 600">
<g enable-background="new">
<path transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,600)" stroke-width="0.074" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="none" stroke="#929292" d="M 110.95 265.42 L 109.73 265.69 L 108.7 266.41 L 108.01 267.46 L 107.78 268.68 "/>
<path transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,600)" stroke-width="0.074" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="none" stroke="#929292" d="M 111.05 268.68 L 111.05 265.42 "/>
<path transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,600)" stroke-width="0.074" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="none" stroke="#929292" d="M 110.95 268.68 L 110.95 265.42 "/>
This is about simplifying and beautifying SVG path. I would like the expected output to have the elements of path transform, stroke-width, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, fill stroke and d (rounded to 2 decimals for simplicity).
I have tried let svg_object_alt=document.querySelector('svg').outerHTML;, to convert svg as a string to be read and I am not sure how to extract all the information from it, to be formatted to the expected output? I would really appreciate any help I can obtain :)
I think that the stroke-colour can just hardcode the code number (#929292) into it instead of using the rgb colour :)
you can use that...
const mySvg_Paths = document.querySelectorAll('#my-svg > g > path');
for ( let attr of mySvg_Paths[2].attributes )
console.log(,'-->\n', attr.value);
// or
// console.log( 'outerHTML -->\n', mySvg_Paths[2].outerHTML );
// console.log( 'path.d -->\n', mySvg_Paths[2].getAttribute('d'));
#my-svg {
width : 800pt;
height : 600pt;
background : lightgreen;
#my-svg path {
fill : none;
stroke-width : 0.074;
stroke-linecap : round;
stroke-linejoin : round;
stroke : rgb(50.19989%, 50.19989%, 50.19989%);
stroke-opacity : 1;
stroke-miterlimit : 10;
<svg id="my-svg" viewBox="0 0 800 600">
<g enable-background="new">
d="M 110.949219 265.421875 L 109.730469 265.691406 L 108.699219 266.410156 L 108.011719 267.460938 L 107.78125 268.679688 "
d="M 111.050781 268.679688 L 111.050781 265.421875 "
transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,600)" />
d="M 110.949219 268.679688 L 110.949219 265.421875 "
then, you can have a look to -> Use RegEx to parse a string with complicated delimiting
specialy this function:
function parseData(pathData)
var pieces = pathData.match(/([a-z]+[-.,\d ]*)/gi), i;
/* now parse each piece into its own array */
for (i=0; i<pieces.length; i++)
pieces[i] = pieces[i].match(/([a-z]+|-?[.\d]*\d)/gi);
return pieces;
I am working with svg animation right now. I want to setup morph animation on this svg. For example the vibe icon will be morph with Wibe on hover of the image. I try few examples from the stackoverflow. But that is not working. Right now the current animation on this image is rotating E of wibe and floating vibe icon.
Please help me regarding this issue. How can I use morph animation in this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
viewBox="0 0 1491.3333 803.33069"
version="1.1" style="
background-color: #000;
rdf:resource="" /></cc:Work></rdf:RDF></metadata><defs
d="M 0,602.498 H 1118.496 V 0 H 0 Z" /></clipPath></defs><g
d="m 0,0 h 26.962 c 13.938,0 23.293,3.023 28.064,9.077 4.763,6.046 7.149,12.378 7.149,18.979 0,6.235 -2.475,12.003 -7.427,17.33 C 49.789,50.705 40.72,53.36 27.517,53.36 23.481,53.36 18.8,53.262 13.481,53.083 8.17,52.902 3.676,52.625 0,52.265 Z m 0,-57.764 v -56.668 c 1.111,0 4.044,-0.18 8.807,-0.548 4.772,-0.367 11.193,-0.547 19.257,-0.547 15.409,0 26.407,2.566 33.001,7.696 6.609,5.139 9.91,12.296 9.91,21.456 0,3.675 -0.638,7.246 -1.921,10.727 -1.29,3.481 -3.578,6.512 -6.879,9.085 -3.301,2.565 -7.891,4.673 -13.758,6.316 -5.859,1.658 -13.563,2.483 -23.098,2.483 z m -91.859,165.587 c 7.337,1.095 15.769,2.108 25.303,3.023 9.535,0.923 19.25,1.74 29.152,2.483 9.911,0.728 19.535,1.276 28.882,1.643 9.355,0.368 17.509,0.548 24.486,0.548 45.843,0 80.134,-6.504 102.872,-19.527 22.738,-13.016 34.103,-33.278 34.103,-60.787 0,-13.931 -3.203,-25.761 -9.625,-35.483 -6.414,-9.715 -15.131,-18.057 -26.129,-25.034 15.402,-5.506 28.057,-13.383 37.959,-23.645 9.91,-10.278 14.854,-24.756 14.854,-43.473 0,-33.728 -12.468,-57.104 -37.411,-70.134 -24.937,-13.016 -61.793,-19.528 -110.569,-19.528 -12.836,0 -29.617,0.458 -50.337,1.373 -20.727,0.923 -41.898,2.851 -63.54,5.784 z m -25.049,-282.757 c -9.535,-1.47 -18.154,-2.573 -25.859,-3.3 -7.697,-0.743 -14.666,-1.111 -20.9,-1.111 -6.233,0 -13.21,0.368 -20.907,1.111 -7.704,0.727 -16.129,1.83 -25.296,3.3 v 283.852 c 8.057,1.838 16.031,3.121 23.923,3.848 7.892,0.743 15.491,1.111 22.828,1.111 6.969,0 14.494,-0.368 22.55,-1.111 8.072,-0.727 15.957,-2.01 23.661,-3.848 z m -237.89,119.924 34.102,163.928 c 2.941,0.735 8.62,1.463 17.06,2.206 8.439,0.727 17.426,1.095 26.961,1.095 12.1,0 22.828,-0.368 32.182,-1.095 9.348,-0.743 16.039,-1.471 20.076,-2.206 l -89.129,-283.304 c -6.234,-1.838 -13.016,-3.031 -20.345,-3.578 -7.344,-0.548 -14.674,-0.818 -22.003,-0.818 -7.344,0 -14.771,0.27 -22.287,0.818 -7.51,0.547 -15.304,1.74 -23.376,3.578 l -40.157,154.034 c -6.969,-24.576 -14.028,-50.427 -21.184,-77.569 -7.15,-27.141 -14.029,-52.625 -20.631,-76.465 -7.697,-1.838 -15.311,-3.031 -22.827,-3.578 -7.518,-0.548 -14.944,-0.818 -22.273,-0.818 -7.344,0 -14.674,0.27 -22.011,0.818 -7.336,0.547 -14.118,1.74 -20.352,3.578 l -86.368,283.304 c 4.029,0.735 11.095,1.463 21.178,2.206 10.083,0.727 21.177,1.095 33.278,1.095 9.535,0 18.799,-0.368 27.786,-1.095 8.987,-0.743 14.936,-1.471 17.877,-2.206 l 35.761,-168.332 39.609,168.332 c 6.234,1.838 13.113,3.031 20.63,3.586 7.509,0.54 14.936,0.825 22.273,0.825 7.336,0 14.763,-0.285 22.287,-0.825 7.517,-0.555 15.124,-1.748 22.821,-3.586 z" /></g><g
d="M 0,0 C 62.399,-4.247 111.294,-96.425 205.706,-86.576 172.84,-130.659 92.497,-208.532 24.911,-208.532 -117.925,-208.532 -130.651,8.887 0,0" /> <animateMotion
path="M10,50 q60,50 100,0 q60,-50 100,0"
begin="g10.mouseover" dur="10s" repeatCount="indefinite" end="g10.mouseout"
d="M 0,0 C -85.441,36.938 -117.17,22.297 -153.931,0 -105.978,83.683 -54.72,98.899 0,0" /> <animateMotion
path="M10,50 q60,50 100,0 q60,-50 100,0"
begin="g10.mouseover" dur="10s" repeatCount="indefinite" end="g10.mouseout"
d="M 0,0 C -13.413,-15.054 -31.372,-29.682 -73.072,-25.757 -16.196,-124.558 53.294,-118.125 91.542,-83.726 164.849,-17.787 68.09,76.417 0,0" /> <animateMotion
path="M10,50 q60,50 100,0 q60,-50 100,0"
begin="g10.mouseover" dur="10s" repeatCount="indefinite" end="g10.mouseout"
d="m 0,0 c 0,0 0,41.564 40.817,43.368 40.271,1.78 44.37,-43.33 44.37,-43.33 z M 81.95,103.607 C -68.673,133.163 -111.656,-7.91 -72.935,-117.879 c 0,0 48.014,-94.48 168.825,-63.503 l -1.549,75.894 c 0,0 -80.541,-21.684 -86.736,37.172 l 159.346,2.403 c 0,0 34.441,146.082 -85.001,169.52" /><animateTransform attributeType="xml" attributeName="transform" type="rotate" from="360 8.4 9.5" to="0 8.4 9.5" dur="0.5s" additive="sum" begin="g10.mouseover" repeatCount="1" end="g10.mouseout" /></g></g></g></g>
Years back, Dan Miller had the same problem, as I have now, as they wanted a function (JavaScript) to get SVG elements by class. Dan proposed a function, but users were unable to run it:
function getSvgElemByClass(svgRoot,classSearchStr) {
// modification of Dustin Diaz's find by class script -
function getSvgElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
var classElements = new Array();
if ( node == null )
node = document;
if ( tag == null )
tag = '*';
// SVG = XML, so we need the XML method:
// using 'magic' namespace variable provided by websvg (svgns)
var els = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns,tag);
var elsLen = els.length;
var pattern = new RegExp('(^|\\\\s)'+searchClass+'(\\\\s|$)');
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
// SVG specific helper
if(els[i].hasAttribute('class') &&
pattern.test(els[i].getAttribute('class')) ) {
classElements[j] = els[i];
} else if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
classElements[j] = els[i];
return classElements;
An .svg file could look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1"
id="svg1024" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="20" height="20">
<style id="style_css_sheet" type="text/css">
fill: #00ff00;
stroke-width: 0.2;
stroke: #e0e0e0;
.aa, .ab
fill: #ff0000;
<g class="land bg"
<path d="M 0,5 H 5 V 0 H 0 Z"
id="aa" class="land er bg"/>
<path d="m 10,5 h 5 V 0 h -5 z"
id="ab" class="land er bg"/>
<path d="m 5,5 h 5 V 0 H 5 Z"
id="ac" class="land tt bg"/>
<path d="M 0,10 H 5 v -5 H 0 Z"
id="ba" class="land er au"/>
<path d="m 10,10 h 5 v -5 h -5 z"
id="bb" class="land tt au"/>
<path d="m 5,10 h 5 v -5 H 5 Z"
id="bc" class="land er au"/>
<path d="M 0,15 H 5 V 10 H 0 Z"
id="ca" class="land tt bg"/>
<path d="m 10,15 h 5 V 10 h -5 z"
id="cb" class="land tt au"/>
<path d="m 5,15 h 5 V 10 H 5 Z"
id="cc" class="land er bg"/>
From html I would like to select by class, like select all class "tt", or select all class "au". Tried with the script of Dan Miller, tried to fix it, but could not do it.
I would like to override the values set in the svg. (change .land {fill: #00ff00;})
I use this script
So that I can draw by id. That works, if I remove the .land{...}:
var element = SVG.get('fi');
How could I select by class? What to do, so that I can leave default colouring (.land{...})?
Simply use jQuery to change the fill by class:
$('.land').css('fill', '#0000ff')
Working Codepen.
You mention jQuery in your title, but later just Javascript.
jQuery is not required. Modern browsers have the document.getElementsByClassName() method.
var tt = document.getElementsByClassName("tt");
Array.from(tt).forEach(function(item) { = "#0000ff";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1"
id="svg1024" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="20" height="20">
<style id="style_css_sheet" type="text/css">
fill: #00ff00;
stroke-width: 0.2;
stroke: #e0e0e0;
.aa, .ab
fill: #ff0000;
<g class="land bg"
<path d="M 0,5 H 5 V 0 H 0 Z"
id="aa" class="land er bg"/>
<path d="m 10,5 h 5 V 0 h -5 z"
id="ab" class="land er bg"/>
<path d="m 5,5 h 5 V 0 H 5 Z"
id="ac" class="land tt bg"/>
<path d="M 0,10 H 5 v -5 H 0 Z"
id="ba" class="land er au"/>
<path d="m 10,10 h 5 v -5 h -5 z"
id="bb" class="land tt au"/>
<path d="m 5,10 h 5 v -5 H 5 Z"
id="bc" class="land er au"/>
<path d="M 0,15 H 5 V 10 H 0 Z"
id="ca" class="land tt bg"/>
<path d="m 10,15 h 5 V 10 h -5 z"
id="cb" class="land tt au"/>
<path d="m 5,15 h 5 V 10 H 5 Z"
id="cc" class="land er bg"/>