Html: Left Side Menu Show hide - javascript

Just like the image I want to make, when Home is clicked, it is located in the navigation-aside-wrapper on the right.
Opening the navigation-aside-item page, I couldn't figure out how to do this. I would love it if you could help.
<div class="container">
<div class="navigation">
<div class="navigation-wrapper">
<div class="navigation-aside-item">
<div class="navigation-aside-item">
<div class="navigation-aside-wrapper">
<div class="navigation-aside-item">
Home Child
<div class="navigation-aside-item">
About Child

If you are wanting to show different page content when you click an menu item you can use Javascript to show the correct content for each button.
Here is a post that shows how to do this. show hide html code/content using nav menu


Make Bootstrap 4 dropdown have dynamic height

I am trying to make Bootstrap 4 dropdown have this style:
This is what I have by now:
Main code:
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown">
<div class="main-container">
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="menu-1">
<button class="button-1">arrow-1</button>
<div class="menu-2">
<button class="button-2">arrow-2</button>
<div class="submenu-container">
<div class="submenu-1"> <!-- submenu of .menu-1 -->
<div class="arrow-back">
<button class="button-back-1">Arrow back 1</button>
<span>Child 1</span>
<div class="submenu-2"> <!-- submenu of .menu-2 -->
<div class="arrow-back">
<button class="button-back-2">Arrow back 2</button>
<span>Child 2</span>
To make dropdown has slide effect:
I set two classes .submenu-1 and .submenu-2 to display: none, and when user click on arrow button, corresponding submenu will be shown and slide to it.
when user click on arrow back, it will slide back to main menu, and after finish sliding effect, it will hide submenu.
That is what I have for now. But I don't know how to resize dropdown's height to fit content inside it (dynamic height) like
Thank you so much.
Try using hide & code when you click.
you can simply do it by using jQuery
$("selector").hide() & $("selector").show()
when user clicks your custom buttons
I change height of dropdown using JS with .submenu-1 is the content I want dropdown to fit:
But it got one problem. At the first time I click on arrow button (it is the first time height of dropdown changed), the transition animation doesn't work. But after that, it work perfectly. So I add another line at global to make the first time that height is changed happen on page load. And now it work perfectly for me.

Mobile-friendly menu

The menu problem is on the mobile version, for the desktop it works fine.
In the mobile version the menu works, but when I go on one page and scroll down, anywhere I press on the left side redirects me to another page in the menu. Exactly where displays the menu page when it is open.
I mention that I have a menu with three lines and after entering a page click on X and the menu disappears, only that instead of pages if I click directs me to other pages on the site.
How to solve it?
<div class="center-container">
<div class="w3_agile_header">
<div class="w3_agileits_logo">
<div class="w3_menu">
<div class="agileits_w3layouts_banner_info">
<div class="mobile-nav-button">
<div class="mobile-nav-button__line"></div>
<div class="mobile-nav-button__line"></div>
<div class="mobile-nav-button__line"></div>
<nav class="mobile-menu">
<li><a href="" >Despre mine</a></li>
<div class="clearfix"></div>

Show hidden contents at a particular div?

I have a main menu. This main menu opens hidden divs that also contain inner menus that show and hide content.
You can see this in action here:
The user can select from the main menu and open up one of the hidden divs, and then explore the contents of the inner menu.
However when the user closes the hidden div and then opens a new one, then returns to the previous one again, instead of it displaying the contents from the beginning again it shows them exactly where they were when they left the hidden div previously. I want it to display the contents from the beginning again.
This is the code I have which shows the hidden divs from the main menu (I am using the same code for the inner menus as well):
$('#menu nav a').click(function() {
<div id="menu">
<h1>main header</h1>
<a id="about-link" href="#about">About</a>
<a id="news-link" href="#news">News</a>
<a id="foundation-link" href="#foundation">Foundation</a>
<a id="contact-link" href="#contact-info">Contact</a>
<div id="foundation" class="hidden draggable-scroll">
<div id="foundation-nav" class="box-text">
The Story so Far
What will the Foundation do?
The Manifesto
Who is the Foundation?
<div id="foundation-opening" class="box-text foundation-info">
<h2>header </h2>
<div id="the-story" class="box-text foundation-info hidden">
<h2>The Story so far: </h2>
And she’s not done yet,</p>
<div id="what" class="box-text foundation-info hidden">
The Ballad of </p>
<div id="manifesto" class="box-text foundation-info hidden">
<h2>The proposed Manifesto: </h2>
The reason for the foundation to exist: </p>
<div id="who" class="box-text foundation-info hidden">
<h2>Who is the Foundation?</h2>
<p> </p>
<div class="close-box">
Perhaps there is a way to target the starting content from the href of the main menu?
Or is there a way within the jQuery to re-hide the hidden content when the users selects from the main menu again?
A simple workaround,
The following code finds first/beginning Menu Item - a:first selector and trigger click on it.
$('#menu nav a').click(function() {
$(this.getAttribute('href')).show().find('nav a:first').click();
This would always open first <a> of <nav>.
It works with your site link. Tried out in console.

Disable section of HTML code when Javascript Disabled

I'm currently making a website for a university project where I'm using a piece of Javascript ( ) in order to generate a background that is a gallery of several images.
I'm trying to set the site so that it will display a single image as the background in the event of Javascript being turned off, but the navigation elements of this slideshow are generated using HTML code outside of the script tags and inside the body tag.
Is there a way I can set this HTML code so that it will only be included when Javascript is active, leaving the screen clear of the navigation controls when it isn't?
At request the code I'm trying to isolate is the Div tags being called below.
<!--Thumbnail Navigation-->
<div id="prevthumb"></div>
<div id="nextthumb"></div>
<!--Arrow Navigation-->
<!-- <a id="prevslide" class="load-item"></a>
<a id="nextslide" class="load-item"></a>
<div id="thumb-tray" class="load-item">
<div id="thumb-back"></div>
<div id="thumb-forward"></div>
<!--Time Bar-->
<!--<div id="progress-back" class="load-item">
<div id="progress-bar"></div>
<!--Control Bar-->
<div id="controls-wrapper" class="load-item">
<div id="controls">
<a id="play-button"><img id="pauseplay" src="img/pause.png"/></a>
<!--Slide counter-->
<div id="slidecounter">
<span class="slidenumber"></span> / <span class="totalslides"></span>
<!--Slide captions displayed here-->
<div id="slidecaption"></div>
<!--Thumb Tray button-->
<a id="tray-button"><img id="tray-arrow" src="img/button-tray-up.png"/></a>
<ul id="slide-list"></ul>
Like #jumpingcode mentioned, you would want to hide the controls in question with CSS, and show them with JavaScript.
Hide the div with CSS:
#controls-wrapper {
Then show it in your page with jQuery:
Or use .css() to have more control over what type of display property to use:
$('#controls-wrapper').css('display', 'block');

jQuery Mobile Panel does not close on click

I have a PhoneGap application wich uses a jQuery Mobile multipage layout. On every page (page A and page B) I have a navbar for switching between pages. No custom code involved. I also have a panel on every page which opens by clicking the 'new' button in the header.
Sometimes it happens that I hit the button (maybe to soft? or to fast?) to open to panel but the buttons just changes it state to "active" and the panel does not open. I cannot click the button anymore. When I change the page and go back (all by using the navbar) page A appears again and now the panel is opened. This is a strange behaviour but could be plausible. But trying to close it now is just impossible. Clicking one of the buttons in the panel is as inactive as clicking on the page itself. The whole thing seems to be froozen.
<div data-role="page" id="one">
<div data-role="header" data-transition="fixed">
<h1 class="header">myApp</h1>
<!-- Header -->
<div data-role="panel" id="panel_one">
<div data-role="collapsible-set" class="menu"></div>
<!-- Panel -->
<div data-role="content">
<div data-role="navbar">
<li><a href="#one" data-transition="none" class="ui-btn-active" >A</a></li>
<li><a href="#two" data-transition="none" >B</a></li>
<!-- Content -->
<!-- Page One-->
<div data-role="page" id="two">
<div data-role="header" data-transition="fixed">
<h1 class="header">myApp</h1>
<!-- Header -->
<div data-role="panel" id="panel_two">
<div data-role="collapsible-set" class="menu"></div>
<!-- Panel -->
<div data-role="content">
<div data-role="navbar">
<li><a href="#two" data-transition="none" class="ui-btn-active" >B</a></li>
<!-- Content -->
<!-- Page Two-->
menu() creates the content of the Menu which is not shown in the example. Another method (loadPanel()) is boud to the pageshow-event and will populate the sidebar with the buttons. every button will execute
var pageId = $.mobile.activePage.attr("id");
$("#panel_" + pageId).panel('close');
before anything else is executed. However, all of this works most of the time and I would just like to know if some observed a similar behaviour.
As per jQuery mobile documentation
A panel must be a sibling to the header, content and footer elements inside a jQuery Mobile page. You can add the panel markup either before or after these elements, but not in between.
Maybe you should move up your panel because it may be the cause of the strange behaviour

