Show hidden contents at a particular div? - javascript

I have a main menu. This main menu opens hidden divs that also contain inner menus that show and hide content.
You can see this in action here:
The user can select from the main menu and open up one of the hidden divs, and then explore the contents of the inner menu.
However when the user closes the hidden div and then opens a new one, then returns to the previous one again, instead of it displaying the contents from the beginning again it shows them exactly where they were when they left the hidden div previously. I want it to display the contents from the beginning again.
This is the code I have which shows the hidden divs from the main menu (I am using the same code for the inner menus as well):
$('#menu nav a').click(function() {
<div id="menu">
<h1>main header</h1>
<a id="about-link" href="#about">About</a>
<a id="news-link" href="#news">News</a>
<a id="foundation-link" href="#foundation">Foundation</a>
<a id="contact-link" href="#contact-info">Contact</a>
<div id="foundation" class="hidden draggable-scroll">
<div id="foundation-nav" class="box-text">
The Story so Far
What will the Foundation do?
The Manifesto
Who is the Foundation?
<div id="foundation-opening" class="box-text foundation-info">
<h2>header </h2>
<div id="the-story" class="box-text foundation-info hidden">
<h2>The Story so far: </h2>
And she’s not done yet,</p>
<div id="what" class="box-text foundation-info hidden">
The Ballad of </p>
<div id="manifesto" class="box-text foundation-info hidden">
<h2>The proposed Manifesto: </h2>
The reason for the foundation to exist: </p>
<div id="who" class="box-text foundation-info hidden">
<h2>Who is the Foundation?</h2>
<p> </p>
<div class="close-box">
Perhaps there is a way to target the starting content from the href of the main menu?
Or is there a way within the jQuery to re-hide the hidden content when the users selects from the main menu again?

A simple workaround,
The following code finds first/beginning Menu Item - a:first selector and trigger click on it.
$('#menu nav a').click(function() {
$(this.getAttribute('href')).show().find('nav a:first').click();
This would always open first <a> of <nav>.
It works with your site link. Tried out in console.


Html: Left Side Menu Show hide

Just like the image I want to make, when Home is clicked, it is located in the navigation-aside-wrapper on the right.
Opening the navigation-aside-item page, I couldn't figure out how to do this. I would love it if you could help.
<div class="container">
<div class="navigation">
<div class="navigation-wrapper">
<div class="navigation-aside-item">
<div class="navigation-aside-item">
<div class="navigation-aside-wrapper">
<div class="navigation-aside-item">
Home Child
<div class="navigation-aside-item">
About Child
If you are wanting to show different page content when you click an menu item you can use Javascript to show the correct content for each button.
Here is a post that shows how to do this. show hide html code/content using nav menu

Toggle Hamburger Dropdown: How to call ancestor with JQuery?

I'm having trouble toggling the hamburger drop-down menu. Basically I have the hamburger icon in a container, but the navigation list is in a great grandparent div, and I don't know how to toggle the display for the navigation list from inside a lower ancestor div using JQuery.
Edit: Forgot to specify that I want to display the navigation list with the container's myFunction(this) if possible
<div class="header">
<div class="header_content">
<div class="header_icon">
<span class="toggle">
<div class="container" onclick="myFunction(this)">
<div class="bar1"></div>
<div class="bar2"></div>
<div class="bar3"></div>
You could give the Ancestor element an id
like <ul id='menu'></ul>
And then use jQuery like $('#menu') to access this element via its ID and do whatever you like with it.
This works with every element in the DOM as long as the ID is unique, which it should be.
Edit (Link to jQuery Selector Docs):

how to set tab-pane to active dynamically or manually

I have recently started working with dynamic tabs and I hit a wall trying to play with them and their respective divs.
My code is the following and works this way:
<ul id="modalFormUlId" class="bootstrapWizard form-wizard">
<li class="active" data-target="#step1"> <span class="step">1</span><span class="title">Datos Generales</span>
<li data-target="#step2"> <span class="step">2</span> <span class="title">Detalles Financieros</span>
<li data-target="#step3"> <span class="step">3</span> <span class="title">Archivos</span>
<li data-target="#step4"> <span class="step">4</span> <span class="title">Historial Transacciones</span>
<li data-target="#step5"> <span class="step">5</span> <span class="title">Resguardante</span>
<li data-target="#step6"> <span class="step">6</span> <span class="title">Etiqueta</span>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane active" id="tab1">
<h3><strong></strong> Datos Generales</h3>
</div><!-- End tab1 -->
<div class="tab-pane" id="tab2">
<h3><strong></strong> Detalles Financieros</h3>
<div class="tab-pane" id="tab3">
<h3><strong></strong> Lista Archivos</h3>
<div class="tab-pane" id="tab4">
<h3><strong></strong> Historial de Transacciones</h3>
<div class="tab-pane" id="tab5">
<h3><strong></strong> Resguardante</h3>
<div class="tab-pane" id="tab6">
<h3 ><strong></strong> Etiqueta del Bien</h3>
When I click a button, a small window (div) appears which has the
code written above.
Clicking on any of the li elements, brings out its respective div
Bootstrap class makes it so the li elements show as circles that
paint green when set as active (default for first one, then changes
as I click on any of them)
As you can see, the first li element has its class set as active,
since when the window its first opened, its the default choice shown.
When I close my div and re-open it by clicking the button, it appears
again having the last li element clicked as active (So, if I clicked
li for #step3 element then close my window and opened it again, #tab3
div would still be showing).
My problem comes when trying to set a different li element as active after reopening my window, since #step1 keeps showing as the active one even when any other div is the one currently being displayed, I know I would have to get the current active div and set its li element to active or something like that, but I'm still inexperienced in jQuery (need to do it with jQuery) and can't seem to do it.
Any tips would be appreciated.
You just need to add a click listener to your button which you use to open the modal and trigger a click manually on first tab.
Here is the code:
$('#modal-btn').click(function () {
$("#modalFormUlId a:eq(0)").click();
// or
//$('#modalFormUlId a:first').tab('show');
Here is working example
Onclick of any li, store the active tab in localStorage and when you hit the button you can check if active tab has any localStorage value and make them active accordingly. Hope this will help you. Please let me know if you face any issues using this.
Try doing this:
set the localStorage based on your active tab, you can give on onclick event of any tab
localStorage.setItem("activeTab", "Archivos");
Use localStorage.getItem("activeTab"), based on that add active class to the tab

Design a single page website with jQuery

Below is my psuedo-code for a Single page website I am doing. I need to be able to make a single page website that is not scroll-based (which is the typical). The idea here is that my site have a nav where user selects a menu and depending on the selected menu the correct page div is rendered on the content div.
The page divs are also in the HTML and should not be displayed unless the correct menu is selected (or if a better approach is to place the pages in Javascript file):
<div id="content">
<!-- content will be from page divs below -->
<div id="page1"> <!-- for menu1 -->
<div>the content</div>
<div id="page2"> <!-- for menu2 -->
<div>the content</div>
How can achieve this with jQuery?
Here is what you looking for
Html :-
<li class="nav active" data-id="1">menu1</li>
<li class="nav" data-id="2">menu2</li>
<div id="content">
<!-- content will be from page divs below -->
<div id="page1" class="page">
<!-- for menu1 -->
<div>the content from page 1</div>
<div id="page2" class="hide page">
<!-- for menu2 -->
<div>the content from page2</div>
Jquery :-
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.nav').click(function () {
var clickedId = $(this).data('id');
$('#page' + clickedId).show();
Working Demo
To display preloaded contents in different containers you can use anchor tag with some CSS
<div id="page1" class="page"> this is page1 id</div>
<div id="page2" class="page"> this is page2 id</div>
<div id="page3" class="page"> this is page3 id</div>
#page1, #page2, #page3{
As another answer stated, you may want to take a look at AngularJS. Here is an excellent tutorial to get you started if you choose:
However, since your question stated jQuery, the best way will probably be to have all the pages separate html pages that are loaded in via AJAX and replace your current html.
The other approach is to have everything on the page at once and hide and show the content based on the menu item the user clicked. However, this may make the page REALLY sluggish if you have a lot of content all on the page at once.
If you want the content to be embedded in the page but hidden, use jQuery's .hide() and .show()
If you want to keep the content in separate pages, use jQuery's .load()
use this code , make sure your #page1 and #page2 divs hidden initially
var new_index = parseInt(jQuery(this).index())+1;
<div id="content">
<!-- content will be from page divs below -->
<div id="page1" style="display:none";> <!-- for menu1 -->
<div>the content 1</div>
<div id="page2" style="display:none";> <!-- for menu2 -->
<div>the content 2</div>
Try this link, it will help you. you are having navigation bar on your right hand site from where you can navigate through out your website.
Single page website

Display div only as per selection from menu list n hide rest of them

i have a Menu in which when user selects from menu list it displays that div and rest are hidden i have a huge menu list is there any function such that it displays only that div Can Anyone help please....
<li class="one">One</li>
<li class="two">Two</li>
<li class="three">Three</li>
<div id="one"> Div one </div>
<div id="two"> Div two </div>
<div id="three"> Div three</div>
div {
li {
$('div#' + $(this).attr('class')).show().siblings().hide();
This isn't a particularly well phrased question, but i'm thinking you want to give all your divs that can be shown a particular class, and give each ond an id:
<div class="revealPanel" id="panel1">
<!-- Content -->
<div class="revealPanel" id="panel2">
<!-- Content -->
<div class="revealPanel" id="panel3">
<!-- Content -->
<!-- etc. ... -->
You've tagged this query with jquery-ajax so I'm going to assume you know how to include jQuery in your page etc.. Define a javascript function to hide all divs and show a specified one:
function ShowPanel(panelId)
if (panelId != null)
And now just call that function from each of your menu links with the correct id, for instance:
<a href="javascript:ShowPanel('panel1');>Show Panel 1</a>
Of course I may have misinterpreted your question, and even if I haven't I encourage you to provide more detail in your questions — use code snippets to show how you've designed your menu etc.
Good luck!

