Context value not accessible inside inner function of functional component - javascript

I am attempting to build a component that takes in an arbitrarily large list of items and displays a chunk of them at a time. As the user scrolls the window down, I want to automatically load more items if any exist.
The problem I am running into is that the my appState variable is not acting consistently. When I log it at the top of the component, it always reads the correct value out of the loaded context. However, when I read the value inside the onScroll function, it always returns the default uninitialized state. Where did my context go on the inner function?
Here's a stripped down version that illustrates my problem:
import { useContext } from 'react'
import { useLifecycles} from 'react-use'
import AppState from '../../models/AppState'
import { Context } from '../../store/create'
export default () => {
const appState:AppState = useContext(Context)
console.log('appState.items (root)=', appState.items.length) // Returns `100`, as it should
() => {
window.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll)
() => {
window.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll)
const onScroll = (evt:any) => {
console.log('appState.items (onScroll)', appState.items.length) // Returns `0` (the default uninitialized state).
return (
<div className='ItemList'>
<h1>Hello world</h1>
{/* The list of items goes here */}
import React from 'react'
import AppState, { getDefaultState } from '../models/AppState'
let state:AppState = getDefaultState()
export const Context:React.Context<AppState> = React.createContext<AppState>(state)
export const setAppState = (newState:AppState):void => {
_state = newState
export const getAppState = ():AppState => {
return _state
I've read the rule of hooks, and to my understanding I am not breaking anything. My useContext and useLifecycle calls are in a fixed order at the top; no conditionals, no loops.
What am I missing?

I am not aware of how useLifecycles work. But the problem I can see is that you are binding the event a function. That function has the state in it's closure and so it captures that value of state. Whenever state changes, your handler isn't aware of the state change and so it just keeps using the data that was previously captured. Now to solve it, you need to listen for state change and remove the listener that was previously attached, add the new listener that has new values in its closure. I think the useLifecycles should have a dependency option to achieve that. If not the other way could be to use useEffect hook.
I just checked the react-use docs and turns out what you really need is useEvent. Look at the example in docs. To make sure it works in your case, you should pass your dependency in useCallback.


React fast global redux-like variable

I'm making a front-end application using react/webgl and I need to be vary of performance improvements since almost everything must be rendered real-time and dynamically.
I need to render something on a canvas and need to use some variable's globally across many different components, but they need to be updated fast. Technically redux is what I need, however accessing dispatched variables takes time and causes crucial performance issues.
So instead I opted in to use useRef() which solves the “slow” issue but now I cannot update it’s value across different components. Using useRef() solves my issue but since it's not globally accessible it causes problems on other parts of the application.
Declaration of the variable looks like this:
import { useRef } from 'react';
const WebGLStarter = (props) => {
const myValue = useRef();
myValue.current = someCalculation();
function render(myValue.current){
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
Currently someCalculation() is on the same component as it's declaration. I want to use someCalculation() on a different file but I can't do it beacuse useRef() won't allow me to. And again, I can't use redux because it's slow.
TL;DR : I need something similar to redux but it needs to be fast enough to not cause performance issues on an infinite loop.
Create a context with the ref. Wrap your root with the provider, and use the hook to get access to the ref when you need to use/update it:
import { createContext, useRef, useContext } from 'react';
const defaultValue = /** default value **/;
const MyValueContext = createContext(defaultValue);
const MyValueContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
const myValueRef = useRef(defaultValue);
return (
<MyValueContext.Provider value={myValueRef}>
const useMyValue = () => useContext(MyValueContext);
To use in components call the useMyValue hook. This would give you direct access to the ref, and since you don't update any state (just change the ref's current property) it won't cause re-renders:
const WebGLStarter = (props) => {
const myValue = useMyValue();
myValue.current = someCalculation();

Calling useEffect in a functional component within a functional component causes this message: Rendered more hooks than during the previous render

first off - Happy Friday!
I just came on here to see if anyone had any input to an issue that I am seeing in my ReactJs application. So I have a functional component renderViews and in that functional component, there are multiple views to render. Then within the renderViews I have another functional component carDetailsView and I try to make a call to an api when that particular component appears(as a modal). requestCarsDetails() should only be called when that component appears so thats why I nested a useEffect hook in the carDetailsView. But that causes an issue:
Rendered more hooks than during the previous render
.Please see code below:
const renderViews = () = > {
useEffect(()=> {
.then((res) => {
}, []);
const carDetailsView = () => {
useEffect(() => {
.then((res) => {
}, []);
return (<div>carDetailsView</div>)
return (<div>{determineView()}</div>)
The useEffect that is being used at the top level works fine. The issue only appeared after I added the second useEffect which is in the carDetailsView. Any help or advice is appreciated. Thanks!
Its a rule of hooks.
Only Call Hooks at the Top Level
Don’t call Hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions. Instead, always use Hooks at the top level of your React function, before any early returns. By following this rule, you ensure that Hooks are called in the same order each time a component renders. That’s what allows React to correctly preserve the state of Hooks between multiple useState and useEffect calls.
React relies on the order in which Hooks are called.
As long as the order of the Hook calls is the same between renders, React can associate some local state with each of them.
if we put a Hook call inside a condition we can skip the Hook during rendering, the order of the Hook calls becomes different:
React wouldn’t know what to return for the second useState Hook call. React expected that the second Hook call in this component corresponds to the persistForm effect, just like during the previous render, but it doesn’t anymore. From that point, every next Hook call after the one we skipped would also shift by one, leading to bugs.
This is why Hooks must be called on the top level of our components. If we want to run an effect conditionally, we can put that condition inside our Hook:
use the lint
this is a caveat of using functional components, on each render everything inside the functional component gets kind of executed. so react needs to maintain the list of all hooks which have been defined when the component was created. think of it as an array.
on each render, useState will return the value for you. if you understand this, you will understand what stale state also means. ( stale state can happen, when closures occur within these components )
Something like that?
const CarDetailsView = () => {
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log("Running CarDetailsView useEffect...") ;
<div>I amCarDetailsView</div>
const Views = () => {
const [showCarDetails,setShowCarDetails] = React.useState(false);
const toggleCarDetails = () => setShowCarDetails(!showCarDetails);
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log("Running Views useEffect...") ;
<div>I am Views</div>
<button onClick={toggleCarDetails}>Toggle car details</button>
{showCarDetails && <CarDetailsView/>}
const App = () => {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"/>

How to give react components dynamic ids, when React runs code twice?

It's a known React behavior that code runs twice.
However, I'm creating a form builder in which I need to be able to give each form input a dynamic Id and use that Id for a lot of other purposes later. Here's a simple code of an input:
const Text = ({placeholder}) => {
const [id, setId] = useState(Math.random());
eventEmitter.on('global-event', () => {
var field = document.querySelector(`#${id}`); // here, id is changed
But since Math.random() is a side-effect, it's called twice and I can't create dynamic ids for my form fields.
The reason I'm using document.querySelector can be read here.
My question is, how can I create consistent dynamic ids for my inputs?
It seems you think that useState(Math.random()); is the side-effect causing you issue, but only functions passed to useState are double-invoked.
I think the issue you have is that the eventEmitter.on call is the unintentional side-effect since the function component body is also double invoked.
Strict mode can’t automatically detect side effects for you, but it
can help you spot them by making them a little more deterministic.
This is done by intentionally double-invoking the following functions:
Class component constructor, render, and shouldComponentUpdate methods
Class component static getDerivedStateFromProps method
Function component bodies <-- this
State updater functions (the first argument to setState)
Functions passed to useState, useMemo, or useReducer <-- not this
To remedy this I believe you should place the eventEmitter.on logic into an useEffect hook with a dependency on the id state. You should also probably use id values that are guaranteed a lot more uniqueness. Don't forget to return a cleanup function from the effect to remove any active event "listeners", either when id updates, or when the component unmounts. This is to help clear out any resource leaks (memory, sockets, etc...).
import { v4 as uuidV4 } from 'uuid';
const Text = ({placeholder}) => {
const [id, setId] = useState(uuidV4());
useEffect(() => {
const handler = () => {
let field = document.querySelector(`#${id}`);
eventEmitter.on('global-event', handler);
return () => {
eventEmitter.removeListener('global-event', handler);
}, [id]);

Triggering useEffect only certain conditions

I have basic understanding of useEffect. Without second parameter (dependency array) it runs on every render. With empty array, it runs on first render. With parameters in array, it runs whenever some of parameters changes.
Say I have useEffect with two dependencies (from GraphQL query): and result.loading. I want useEffect to run if changes, and result.loading is false. Purpose is for example to update Redux store:
useEffect(() => {
if (result.loading) return;
}, [, result.loading]);
But there's a catch: I have to include photos to list of dependencies. However, photos variable will be updated in other place, and it triggers this useEffect again.
How can I run useEffect only when those two variables changes?
I can of course use useState to store variable resultFetched, set it to true in useEffect and then dispatch only if it is false. But at some point I have to change it back to true, and useEffect runs again, since I can't manually change or result.loading.
I'm lost how to properly use useEffect in these situations when there is lots of variables to handle.
Currently I'm building infinite scrolling photo list, where list is loaded part by part via GraphQL. But when user opens some photo and eventually returns to photo list, it is restored from Redux to same state and scroll position as it was before opening the photo.
I have spent countless hours trying to get it work, but this useEffect-thing is spoiling my every attempt. :) They always gets triggered before I want them to trigger, because there is so many changing variables.
Also, sometimes I want to run a function within useEffect (function added to dependency array), and I use useCallback for that function to memoize it. But then I also have to add all variables that function uses to dependency array of that useCallback, so function gets regenerated when those variables changes. That means that useEffect suddenly runs again, because the function in dependency array changes.
Is there really no way to use functions/variables in useEffect, without them to trigger useEffect?
It all depends on how updatePhotos works. If that creates an action then the problem is you are creating the new state in the wrong place. The previous value of photos shouldn’t be used here because as you pointed out, that causes a dependency.
Instead your reducer will have the old value of photos you can use and you simply pass the new request data to your reducer.
Described in more detail here:
You can have two separate useEffect functions inside the same component and they will work independent one of another. use one for photos and one for data loading. I hope this example helps you to wrap your head around this.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const [count2, setCount2] = useState(0);
const [step, setStep] = useState(1);
useEffect(() => {
const id = setInterval(() => {
setCount((c) => c + step);
}, 1000);
return () => clearInterval(id);
}, [step]);
useEffect(() => {
const id = setInterval(() => {
setCount2((c) => c + step);
}, 1500);
return () => clearInterval(id);
}, [step]);
return (
<input value={step} onChange={(e) => setStep(Number(} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("container"));
Please refer to this example in sandbox

React useRef or module scope to store UI-independent state

Let's say there is a UI-independent state called currentSelected in React functional component. It stores the currently selected item and will be used at some time.
There are two ways to store the state, useRef hook or module scope out of component.
useRef hook:
function Example() {
const currentSelected = useRef()
useEffect(() => {
// access currentSelected state
function handleClick(item) {
currentSelected.current = item
return (
{ => <li onClick={() => handleClick(item)}></li>)}
module scope:
let currentSelected = null
function Example() {
useEffect(() => {
// access currentSelected state
function handleClick(item) {
currentSelected = item
return (
{ => <li onClick={() => handleClick(item)}></li>)}
Which method is more suitable for storing UI-independent state like currentSelected?
And what is the application scenario of useRef and module scope in storing state?
========= Update ===========
UI-independence means that you don't want to trigger re-render after updating the state. In contrast, UI related states do this.
The difference between useRef and a module-scope variable
Just for completeness sake, I'll throw in useState as well.
useState: immutable data that's tied to the component instance and triggers render on change through the setter function.
useRef: mutable data that's also tied to the component instance, but doesn't trigger any renders on change.
A module scope variable: mutable data that's tied to the module, which also doesn't trigger any renders on change since it's completely outside of React.
Use-case for useRef
If you're mounting a component more than once, e.g. using it on two pages, useRef will ensure that each component instance has its own mutable value.
// Here, the Example component could be used in multiple places
// and each instance would successfully keep its own state while
// not triggering renders on changes.
function Example() {
const currentSelected = useRef()
useEffect(() => { /* access currentSelected state */ })
return (
{ => (
<li onClick={() => { currentSelected.current = item }}>{}</li>
Use-case for a module scope variable
If you're looking for a singleton-like pattern or a static-like variable, e.g. for some kind of app-wide shared data, then a module scope variable will make this possible, like in any vanilla JS module.
// Here, the count value will be initialized once and then shared between every
// instances across the app, ever.
let count = 0;
function Example() {
// Won't trigger a render, so some Example instance could still show the old value.
count += 1;
return <span>Combined renders of all the Example components: {count}</span>;
Note that it won't trigger a render when count changes, so you shouldn't use it like that.
The caveats
If used only once in a place where the component is also only mounted once, both patterns will appear to behave similarly, but in the end, it's a matter of time until something triggers a remount and then you'll be facing a weird bug.
You could also encounter problems when unit testing a module with a module scope variable in it since it may not be properly reset in-between test cases. A quick workaround is to just export the variable and let the test cases change its value, but be careful not to change it anywhere else. Though this should be evaluated as a case-by-case basis.
First one
For myself choose the first one.Because its works as individual inside function.You could use multiple example component as same class/function .
function check(a){
let one = 'overwrite'+a;
check(2);//as individual inside only
Second one
Its overwrite currentSelected variable on each example component execute
let one = null
//second one
function check() {
one = 'overwrite';
console.log('Before =' + one)
console.log('After =' + one);
why not use the useState hook. it's perfect for this secnario.
const [currentItem, setCurrentItem] = useState();
{ => <li onClick={() => setCurrentItem(item)}></li>)}
another problem with your example is that when you change the ref current property in the handleClick it doesnt triggered render, so the useEffect in your function will not run so you cant access the ref.
Your "currentItem" may be UI-independent, but it would be component-dependent. right? If currentItem is related to this component, you should use the React.useState hook. This is just what the state is for.
Global variables(not constants) should be avoided in OOP programming. For example, there would be only one global variable in well-written OOP code, i.e. theApp.

