How do i add virtual try on make up feature in laravel - javascript

what kind of package or api or sdk can i use?
I am using laravel and i want to add that feature to my web app.
i have done nothing yet i just can't find any resource about that.
Thank you for your time.


Use Typescript and nodejs to create a app that is not web or api?

Is appropriate to use nodejs and typescript to make a service that is not an API or web application? Currently, I'm making a service who periodically read emails attachments and send the attachments to another app, save info about the emails in db etc.. It's working good, but i can't find in the internet examples of structure of a non-web app with typescript
What you think? I know it is possible because I have already done... But is appropriate? Do you have some examples where I can check? Cant find in GitHub either, I don't know how to call an app like this
Sounds like you have a CLI tool?
Maybe these repos could give you some help with structure/practices:
Typescript is an excellent choice for one-off scripting and CLI tools IMO.

Detailed explanation on how React Native softwares are updated

I am developing a React Native application. it's a framework to build mobile applications with JavaScript and deploy for Android & iOS with the same code base.
I read somewhere that RN applications are dynamically updated. It means, without releasing new versions to AppStore or GoogleStore, we can update it. It is awesome!
But my question is: how can we do so? I searched a bit and found out that it is possible with Codepush. If so, how? Is it a free tool or we should pay for it? If it's not free, Isn't there a free solution to this?
Also, by updating dynamically, are we limited to update only JS bundle or we are able to update external assets like new fonts, images, and etc?
I would be thankful if an expert guides me by details and workarounds.
Like it explains in CodePush website;
CodePush is a cloud service that enables Cordova and React Native
developers to deploy mobile app updates directly to their users’
devices. It works by acting as a central repository that developers
can publish certain updates to (e.g. JS, HTML, CSS and image changes),
and that apps can query for updates from (using our provided client
SDKs). This allows you to have a more deterministic and direct
engagement model with your end-users, while addressing bugs and/or
adding small features that don’t require you to re-build a binary
and/or re-distribute it through any public app stores.
This means you can update your Javascript code remotely without submitting your app through App Store or Google Play.
This service is currently completely free and you can use it in your app without paying any fees. There are also couple of more systems that are payed or free but I have never used them so I can't say anything about them.
This service does not let you change or update any of the native code so if you add any native code supported libraries or write one yourself or update any existing native libraries or codes, you need to publish the new version through the stores.
This types of services also help you to do A/B tests and alfa/beta tests.
You can find much more detailed information at CodePush website and Google.
Codepush is free and you can use react-native-code-push to use codepush service. You can use its document to have this service on your app.

Is there a way to run universal apps on Firebase Hosting?

I have recently deployed my Angular 2 application to Firebase hosting successfully and am really enjoying this set up so far, particularly on how easy it is to deploy using CI as well.
At the moment, I am looking at adding a universal server rendering support to my app, but I'm not sure if this is handled by Firebase Hosting, as it says it is static file only.
However, what made me think that this could be a potential feature that I am missing is that Firebase offers support for single page applications, hence I decided to ask.
If there isn't support for such apps, can we expect it in the future?
At the moment this is not possible. However since Angular 2, Google and Firebase go hand in hand I would say this it is just a matter of time.
In the meantime you can create a Node.js-based server, where you install Angular Universal, and have it connect to Firebase with the Firebase Node SDK.
Next, you simply communicate with that Node-backend from your Angular 2 application.
If you're using angularfire2, that will break universal either way. There's something in the package that calls "window" which doesn't exist on the server. Unless something changes with universal or angularfire this is a ways off
At the end of that video David East mentions that one can use Google Cloud Functions with Angular Universal and such:
The video itself is quite useful for firebase users. But the topic starts at approximately 23:30.
A different approach is to skip universal altogether and do something like this.
Rendertron is a headless chrome that can be launched. Similar to phantomjs. But universal gives speed.

GAS: How to allow other people to use your library without sharing the code

How can I create a library in google app script in which I can share just the library key and people can use it, without sharing the code properly? I am trying hard to find a solution, but I failed.
I don't want to share the library for the world. I just want to use the library in different google drives, without having to share the code, but just the library/project key.
I found this link on stackoverflow that the guy had basically the same question as me, but it didn't has a good answer: How to share Spreadsheet with reference to a custom (private) library
Thanks in advance!
it is currently imposible with you requirement to end up "sharing a library key."
you must give at least read access to the library file for this case of running the script functions directly from the spreadsheet.
Once a script uses the library, and the user has view permission on the container script, a curious user could use the apps script debugger to "step into" a library function and there it is, the library source code.
If you were to instead publish the script as a web app, you could hide the library but that option does not apply in your case as you are making copies of the spreadsheet, and services do not get copied, need to be re-published.
Another option, but which does not give the library key in your requirement, is to publish an apps script service that uses the library and implements an API, which the other scripts (inside each spreadsheet copy) use. This however will not scale as quotas will be deducted from the API service publisher, and not the users that call the API.

Microsoft EWS with Apache Cordova

I am trying to build an app using Apache Cordova that involves using Microsoft EWS to access my Outlook account.
I currently have a working app using MVC but I cannot add similar references to the Cordova project in order for me to make similar calls to EWS. Are there any javascript API's or anything that I can add to be able to gain access to the functions I need?
For your question about JavaScript api availability with EWS, the answer is NO, there is no official library available. I have published a port of official ews-managed-api from c# to JavaScript on npm named ews-javascript-api for nodejs community, it can be modified to used with cordova (MIT license).
If you can be more specific to what exactly you want to achieve in JavaScript, I can provide code sample.

