Microsoft EWS with Apache Cordova - javascript

I am trying to build an app using Apache Cordova that involves using Microsoft EWS to access my Outlook account.
I currently have a working app using MVC but I cannot add similar references to the Cordova project in order for me to make similar calls to EWS. Are there any javascript API's or anything that I can add to be able to gain access to the functions I need?

For your question about JavaScript api availability with EWS, the answer is NO, there is no official library available. I have published a port of official ews-managed-api from c# to JavaScript on npm named ews-javascript-api for nodejs community, it can be modified to used with cordova (MIT license).
If you can be more specific to what exactly you want to achieve in JavaScript, I can provide code sample.


Can we create CRUD web apps using next.js, mongodb and netlify?

I want to create a CRUD web app using next.js with a mongodb database which is then hosted on netlify.
Can we do that???
Or, if that's not possible, do the three things I mentioned (next.js, mongodb, netlify) have an alternative that will make it possible?
Or, if that doesn't work either, is there a solution for me to be able to create CRUD web apps using javascript which are then hosted on netlify?
I have tried looking through all the templates on netlify and found no template for building CRUD web apps using next.js and mongodb.
Maybe I missed.
Yes - You can. Please see this exhaustive tutorial from Mongodb.
It requires the use of netlify serverless functions.
Whilst this example does not include next.js, it provides html and javascript examples that can easily be adapted to any front end framework.

How do i add virtual try on make up feature in laravel

what kind of package or api or sdk can i use?
I am using laravel and i want to add that feature to my web app.
i have done nothing yet i just can't find any resource about that.
Thank you for your time.

Use Typescript and nodejs to create a app that is not web or api?

Is appropriate to use nodejs and typescript to make a service that is not an API or web application? Currently, I'm making a service who periodically read emails attachments and send the attachments to another app, save info about the emails in db etc.. It's working good, but i can't find in the internet examples of structure of a non-web app with typescript
What you think? I know it is possible because I have already done... But is appropriate? Do you have some examples where I can check? Cant find in GitHub either, I don't know how to call an app like this
Sounds like you have a CLI tool?
Maybe these repos could give you some help with structure/practices:
Typescript is an excellent choice for one-off scripting and CLI tools IMO.

adMod with phonegap cloud build

I have an HTML5&JavaScript application that I am building using PhoneGap's cloud build. I can't find a way to implement adMob into the app without using Java in some way.
I built the app using notpadd++, and and the PhoneGap cloud with github and i don't have a single line of Java. My research showed me that using AdSense on a mobile application is not allowed, so I'm in a bit of a pickle...
I'm on PhoneGap version 3.1.0.
There are some plugins that you can find through the docs at Phonegap Build but at present there is not an easy way to do this.
This is one of the things that many users have been asking for (including me). Please go to the PGB support community and add your voice to those who want this.

Do I need to learn Java to create an android app using phoneGap?

I am a web developer (PHP,javascript,html5) never created an android app with Java or any other language. My question is, do I need to learn Java to create apps for android and what should I know to create an awesome android app using phoneGap.
No unless you need at some step to code a native plugin.
But it would be useful for you to understand how phonegap works behind.
No. All you need to know are the basics of the language like including namespaces/imports, setting up some configuration files and some general familiarity with using IDEs.
You also won't need Java unless you are implementing some native functionality that is not provided by the PhoneGap API. For most simple apps a working knowledge of JavaScript, HTML and CSS will suffice.
you most probably won't need much of Java knowledge (if any), since PhoneGap applications are basically websites with (an optional) extra bit of JavaScript controlling the device
the only thing you might need Java for is when you upgrade your Cordova versions and you have some old plugins which need to update due to code deprecation

