Integrate Google translate in a TYPO3 11 Website? - javascript

our customer would like to integrate Google Translate on his Website. (The Website is a TYPO3 installation).
Is there a comfortable way to integrate Google translation on the fly on a website like a dropdown/select fields?
Thank you in advance,
Axel Peltzer

I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for: For translating content in the backend you can use the extension Deepl Translate The extension provides option to translate content element, and tca record texts to Deepl and Google supported languages.


Implicitly select the language to translate page via Google Translate

I have seen those Google Translate options appear at many websites I visit, allowing to select the language and then the pages are automatically translated to that language.
Question in short:
How can I disable or choose languages from browser's in-built Google Tanslation tool?
Detailed Problem:
The Google Translate option selection dialog on mobile phones, it blocks some portion of my content from viewing to end user, . I have a web app (Next.js) project and I have some important buttons fixed at bottom of the screen. But whenever by site is visited, those button are getting covered with Google Translate leaving no clue that some content lies beneath it.
It's cool to allow selecting languages, but what if, instead of showing the Google Translate dialog box overlaying my content, I can add those language option on the navbar or somewhere in my web app itself, which can let users select the preferred language and translate my entire site accordingly?
I'm wondering if this is possible, via accessing any browser API or something? For example, my site is mainly based in India, so I need to have only 3 main languages as Marathi, Hindi and English. I can prompt users to select the language and then continue with same language on the entire website by telling the browser programmatically to select that language and translate all the pages, just like how Google Translate works but implicitly.
What I have looked for:
I have seen many questions on stackoverflow like these , which were asked almost 8 - 9 years ago, where in that period of time, there was a official tool provided by Google itself to translate sites. But, now it's discontinued because Google says:
We encourage users looking to translate webpages to use browsers that support translation natively.
But no additional information if a browser has Google Translation, we could access the translation tools via Browsers API or other methods.
you can add to your HTML code to disable that the browser translates automatically your application content:
If you want to suggest to your users different languages translation using buttons on your web app, then you can consider using google API Cloud Translation which will be triggered by a Cloud Function embedded with every button on your UI.

use of google script editor

Hey so currently working on my first personal project so bear with the questions!
Currently trying to create a Javascript program that will parse info from google forms to produce slides displaying the info. So far from my research the best way I've found to facilitate this process is googles app script editor. However, I was wondering if I can run this code by requesting it from a different javascript (or maybe even java) program that I will write code on webstorm. If I cant do this what is the best way to utilize the google apps script editor?
Google Apps Script is just javascript with extra built-in APIs (like SpreadsheetApp, FormApp, etc.).
It also has a UrlFetchApp API.
So you can run code like this:
// The code below logs the HTML code of the Google home page.
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("");
As such, if you want to provide JavaScript from elsewhere, you could fetch it and then eval it on the Google Apps Script side. (but we all know how tricky eval can get)
One other option is to have your own server side written using Google App Engine (or any other framework) and use Google's OAuth and authorize your app to fetch data from the Forms form
Slides and Google Apps Script
You might like to take a look at the addon "Slides Merge" by Bruce McPherson. I've never used it but it sounds like it might work for you. Here's what it's looks like in the addon store:
Getting information from Google Forms is a snap with google apps script since your can link the form right up to a spreadsheet. The Google Apps Script documentation is really quite good these days. Here's the documentation link. Google Apps Script is loosely based on Javascript 1.6. If your already a programmer my guess is that you'll have few problems learning to use it. In my experience the most difficult thing was dealing with the arrays of arrays produced by the getValues() method of ranges in google apps script and I made a short video that might be of some help to you.
I also have a script that I wrote in Google Apps Script that produces a sheet show that is a slide show inside of a spreadsheet.
I've found that using the Script Editor is pretty easy. There's some documentation in the support section of the documentation. It can be a bit buggy at times but overall I think it's a pretty good tool.

JS Google Drive SDK

Hi I am looking to create an application that creates a spreadsheet on the behalf of a user and edits the spreadsheet using javascript. Is this possible or would I have to use a different language. I noticed ZOHO sheet has done this. I just don't know what language they are using. I noticed that not all functionalities are javascript support. Please let me know on the links for where to get started on this with javascript. Thanks
If you want a separate app that edits the spreadsheet externally, you can use Javascript in conjunction with the Spreadsheet API at
Alternatively you can embed Javascript within your spreadsheet using Apps Script as described here
It really depends what you are trying to achieve.

Translate a div inside a webpage using Google translate

As i said in the title is it possible to translate just a div in my webpage using google translator API.?
use the javascript REST trick. See example here
Note: now Google translate api since v2 is a paid service and has limitation in terms of it's uses.

Get started to build a Widget

I own a football community website (with RESTful web services available) written in Grails and I would like to develop an embeddable widget to be distributed into other websites or blogs.
My requirements:
This widget (written in javascript/HTML rather than Flash since I don't know Flash) will display the latest articles of my website (easy...since I have RSS feeds available).
However, the most difficult part consists in having remote users to make predictions or give a rate to football games directly from the widget itself.
Two modes are supported : anonymous user or user-authenticated (user account located and managed on my website).
Statistics from user actions of the client website (i.e. the website embedding the widget) will also be reported inside the widget.
My solution:
Here you go! Where do I start? Do you advise me to go with online widget creation tools like Widgetbox, KickApps, Widgadget, Grazz or any other ones you like? If yes, which one is the easiest to use and enough flexible to fit my requirements ?
Or is there another simpler solution like a Grails plugin?
Thanks for your help.
For something similar I have used Google Gadgets, which are very simple to create because you can use javascript with the API Google provides.
I wrote this post in my blog on how to create a google gadget that displays the news from CNN, it is a little outdated since Google changed their APIs, however the logic is the same you would just need to change the google method calls to use the new ones.
The example in the post reads the RSS feeds from CNN news and displays as a list the title and description of each article, in your case you would need to add some more logic to add the extra functionality you need, but I think you can find what you need in the Google API for gadgets.

