Translate a div inside a webpage using Google translate - javascript

As i said in the title is it possible to translate just a div in my webpage using google translator API.?

use the javascript REST trick. See example here
Note: now Google translate api since v2 is a paid service and has limitation in terms of it's uses.


Integrate Google translate in a TYPO3 11 Website?

our customer would like to integrate Google Translate on his Website. (The Website is a TYPO3 installation).
Is there a comfortable way to integrate Google translation on the fly on a website like a dropdown/select fields?
Thank you in advance,
Axel Peltzer
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for: For translating content in the backend you can use the extension Deepl Translate The extension provides option to translate content element, and tca record texts to Deepl and Google supported languages.

Manually set Google Maps directions language

I am currently using the GMaps.JS, which displays directions based on the user's browser preference. Since I live in Latin America, where computers are usually setup in English, I was wondering if there is a way for me to forcibly make the Maps API use Spanish.
I was wondering if there is a way for me to forcibly make the Maps API
use Spanish.
If you wish to change the Maps API to ignore the browser's language setting and force it to display information in a particular language, you can add an optional language parameter to the tag when including the Maps API javascript code, specifying the language to use.
For example, to display a Maps API application in Japanese, add &language=ja to the tag as shown below:
<script type="text/javascript" src="">

How can I display Google maps inside flash using javascript api v3?

I know thereĀ“s an api for flash but it has been deprecated, how can i display google maps inside flash using javascript api v3
you can look to use an iFrame and run your map in there.
You can use another Map API like MapQuets or Umap. Those api's have
syntax similar to google API - it will be easy to migrate. Also I think there are no any tools to use "javascript api v3" in Flash, even with IFrame, but you can create some libs by yourself

where is the 'googleBar' in google maps api v3

I write this in api v2:
I want to using v3, but I can't find enableGoogleBar function,
Where is it?
Check out It approximates the search functionality of the GoogleBar in v2, but works in v3.
This project offers a couple of advantages over the previous suggestion:
It includes a custom wrapper for the LocalSearch API's RESTful side, allowing tighter integration with a v3 map than is possible with the regular AJAX APIs LocalSearch object
It also includes a custom SearchForm so that you don't have to load the Search API at all.
It should be noted, though, that it does NOT (yet?) support AdWords, like the original GoogleBar did.
The Google Bar does not currently exist in the Maps API v3. You can implement the functionality manually by performing a Local Search using the Google AJAX Search API's.

Show google maps on mobile website

Is it possible to add google maps on a site designed specifically for the iPhone? I have never integrated maps in my websites before, so this question really goes more because of my inexperience.
Using basic html and javascript at the moment.
The Google Maps API V3 is specifically designed to work efficiently on mobile devices. There are some great tutorials here and here.
Any link to a Google Maps URL will automatically open in the Maps application, which may be more useful than simply embedding a map view in the website itself.
For example, a link to will automatically open the Maps application and run a search for "cupertino".
I think, if you only need a google map with some simple function. The simplest way is use the MapKit.Framework, it's a part of iphone OS. You can find the document here.
If you need to load your own web site, you need to use UIWebView. you can find the document here(
I think these two ways can help you solve your problem.
And sorry about the link, because I'm not allowed to post more than one hyperlink.

