Generating a Spectrogram/FFT using React JS library using Javascript - javascript

I have been going through many repositories but could not find anything to start with.
Currently in need of a javascript based ReactJS spectrogram/fft generator using computer microphone.
Will share a link for the spectrogram down below but using typescript.
Will share a link for the fft down below.
Any help getting this done in ReactJS javascript would be much appreciated.


Creating multiple components using ReactJS in Sharepoint online

as I'm new to developing Sharepoint online using ReactJS, I have been trying to look ways to use react components in Sharepoint online as the same as normal ReactJS websites. I mean, If I want to create another component that makes it easy to maintain instead of writing the whole logics, codes... inside just one file. So If there's anyone experienced in Sharepoint online with React please give me an example ^^ Thank you!

Is there a way to combine angular with existing php/js/html web project?

I'm working with an existing old web project, and want to start using angular 7 in the project from now on, mostly in order to not stay behind with old tech. The server side is php 7, and client is html + javascript (using jQuery). Server is Apache.
I want to continue using php for server side, and start using angular for client side.
I've tried to find information but couldn't find anything useful.
My question is: Is it possible to add angular to the code from now on, while the old pages continue working using their current code (regular js and html pages)? can I add angular to my project and work with it from now on, without making too big changes in the existing code? If so, how can I do that?
It will be very tough.
Angular is a complete full-fledged web framework that includes a bootstrapping process which makes it very difficult to integrate with an existing project.
You could consider using something like React instead. Because it is not a framework (just a view library) it is easier to integrate with existing code and has support for gradual adoption.
React has even included a small tutorial that adresses this issue

how to edit feathers generated services

I am quite new to the world of Nodejs, JS and featherjs. I have featherjs service created using the feathers generate service command. I want to edit and implement my own code logic, which it takes some input values then do some actions on them and save it the result and display on UI. So what can I do in order to achieve that?
The Feathers documentation has a thorough basics guide that shows how to get started without using the generator explaining all the basics concepts you need to know. It also explains how those things all fit together and how the generator sets them up.
If you are just starting out it is highly recommended to go through the basics guide and then the chat application guide.

webscraping using Reactjs

I am trying build a web scraping app using Reactjs.
I used nightmare.js in normal JS and I did get the desired output. But when I tried adding in a button and creating functions it did not work well.
I now thought of going straight with ReactJS because that is what I want to end up doing eventually.
Can someone give a tiny example code of using nightmare.js or Casper.js inside ReactJS in the jsx format or any TIPS or Pointers. I know this may sound silly or simple, appreciate any help. I basically want it to kick in when I run node server.js. I can later add in buttons , css , etc .
React tends to be used for more presentational purposes i.e. displaying the data you have scraped and not the actual scraping.
If you are going to use javascript for scraping I would suggest using your node backend to do this (assuming you are using node).
Create a route that your React app can call and let your backend code do the work. Take a look at this tutorial, it's a couple of years old but should point you in the right direction.

Webapp UI package

I'm creating a single page javascript webapp. If I want to make an app like this:
What is an ui package that could get me closest there?
Look into Ext-JS. It should be possible to desing the above webpage using it. Although its basically javascript but involves a not-ignorable learning curve. Though nowadays, they provide an awsesome documentation and you can get many basic examples on the web.

