how to edit feathers generated services - javascript

I am quite new to the world of Nodejs, JS and featherjs. I have featherjs service created using the feathers generate service command. I want to edit and implement my own code logic, which it takes some input values then do some actions on them and save it the result and display on UI. So what can I do in order to achieve that?

The Feathers documentation has a thorough basics guide that shows how to get started without using the generator explaining all the basics concepts you need to know. It also explains how those things all fit together and how the generator sets them up.
If you are just starting out it is highly recommended to go through the basics guide and then the chat application guide.


React + Springboot or Springboot only for a project?

My partner and I are building a project for a class this semester. I am currently doing research on what technologies we want to use. So far Springboot for the server side and MySQL or Postgres for the database are strong contenders. I wanted to ask if we should use React or even Angular for our frontend or should we just develop multiple JSP pages for our frontend? So far in my research I have not seen many people combine React and Springboot for projects and it makes me think perhaps I am combining two things not really meant to be combined. Can anybody assist us in deciding the tech stack?
Don't ever write server-side rendered user interfaces. Create a REST api for your backend so that you can have multiple clients querying such api: today, a web app written in angular or react, tomorrow maybe a mobile version.
It depends on so many factors. Some of them are the speed at which you want to finish the project and the quality of the project.
It is a good idea to learn at least one framework and Spring is a good fit.
Regarding the front end, JSP is not a good idea. Both Angular and React are fine as long as you want to learn and develop yourselves. Something in the middle, which may be a bit easier to digest would be Vue.js. Any of these would require a lot of time investment. Since you are already planning to learn Spring and Java then you may use a template engine to make your life easier, something like Thymeleaf. This is a bit old school but it may help you achieve faster results with what you already have.
You also have the option to go on the Javascript or Python directions.
There is no really good answer here, it all depends on what you know, what you want to learn, what you hope to achieve and, of course, the end result.

Rally custom app creation using node.js step by step

I am very new to Rally.
I want to create a custom application using node.js toolkit.
In this application I want to retrieve iteration details like StartDate and EndDate and display them in HTML.
I was unable to find step-by-step guide to do this.
I was able to good example at, however I don't understand how to make custom application out of it(to use within Dashboard as custom HTML).
Please suggest how to achieve this or if this is not the right approach please suggest alternative to do this.
The node toolkit is great for writing integrations that live outside of Agile Central.
If you'd like to display something within a Custom HTML panel on a dashboard or custom page in Agile Central you'll need to write an app using the App SDK.
so I started on the a similar journey really and came across the
RallyCommunity/GettingStarted Guides..
Published on GH by David Thomas
This really helped me push through the learning curve and once you start pulling out the debugger it gets clearer and clearer especially if you tie that back to the documentation..
I'd also recommend hanging around the AC SDK & Sencha ExtJS 4 docs..
Feel free to pull this apart and have a look at a simple data store example
To push the output into HTML there are various ways to do this using fly if needed or direct into the xtype's HTML property...

Making real-time ordering dashboard with Firebase

I recently found out about Firebase and it looks like something i wanted for my project. I'm trying to make a real-time html dashboard for ordering, yet i'm very much beginner at javascript so i was hoping someone could help me out.
I'm trying to make real-time dashboard that is blank, and updates div container when specific table in database in updated.This is somewhat what i'm aiming for.
I'm thinking it would work something like:
If database != null then create/show that container. Done button would just delete selected table in database.
But i don't know how to implement that using javascript. Any help/tutorial would be great, i searched a lot and didn't quite find what i needed.
Thanks in advance!
They answer you're looking for is beyond the scope of a single question. There are a number of great resources out there for learning how to set up your first web app using Firebase.
Take a look at their quickstart guide:
Firebase Quickstart Guide
Firebase also offers a number of examples:
Firebase's Examples
In addition, there are also a number of frameworks such as Angular.js, which add another layer of technology to learn, but provide useful features such as routing and data binding. I'd recommend's guide for creating an angular.js/firebase web app:'s Angular and Firebase Tutorial

How to secure Node.js connect-rest REST API with OAuth?

I tried Googling around for some examples, or well anything, but couldn't find any results. I think partially because the name of the package "connect-rest" is so generic.
Anyway, here is what i'm looking to do. I am using the Node module "connect-rest" to build a server side API. It is mostly finished at this point, and i'm now looking to secure it. Now the module itself has a system of authentication with API Keys, which is well and fine, but not very secure for Javascript clients, since anyone could just browse the source and grab the key. And trying to secure a key -- well it just doesn't work without getting super complicated.
So instead i'd rather use a standard OAuth setup. I was hoping to use Passport in combination with connect-rest and wondering if anyone has done this before or point me to some examples?
I found exactly what I needed with OAuthorize: which is written by the same guy as Passport.
We used the following guide for our own learning when we started a similar process:
Also take a look at MeanJS. It has a built in authentication/user system.

Spoofing an API with SinonJS?

When developing an API (in my case an API that wraps around a websockets service), is there a good way of giving it's skeletal implementation to another developer so that he can work independent of me? If my API is still in the design phase for example, I'm thinking that I could give an outline of the methods that will be available and all the possible return types.
I realise that I could just give him a dummy object with all the methods inside but it would be great if that dummy object could be tied in with his unit tests and so on.
I've been looking at [SinonJs][1]: and in particular at the Stub functionality it provides. However I am not sure if what I've outlined here is an appropriate use of stubs.
Any advice appreciated!
I guess this question should of been:
'How to write unit tests using Jasmine, Sinon and a mock API'
It was a bit of a silly question because it turns out that Sinon actually has it's own 'fake server' which is very easy to use. In ignorance of this my first idea was to mock or spy on XHR stuff.
The code I ended up with is here:
See 'DummyViewSpec.js' for examples of the fake server stuff. Edits welcome!
If you are asking about an easy way to have a web app (or other REST) API up and running - might be a good option for you. It's full JS stack both on the server (node.js) and client. However, you can do an API mockups with any other routing library (search npm - there are A LOT of them).
I hope it helps.
There is a tool to mockup the whole APIs using schema and random data with types
I created and used it to inject dependance of api

