React setState, using array methods in callback function - javascript

I am currently following a React course on Scrimba on creating a web app for taking notes.
The problem requires me to bump a note to the top of the note list every time it's updated.
The notes are initialised through useState as follows:
const [notes, setNotes] = useState([])
The array consists of the individual notes as objects with an id and body
Every time an onChange is triggered, the following function is ran:
function updateNote(text) {
setNotes(oldNotes => {
let updated = => {
return === currentNoteId
? { ...oldNote, body: text }
: oldNote
const currNoteIndex = updated.findIndex(
note => === currentNoteId
updated.unshift(updated.splice(currNoteIndex, 1))
return updated
However, I keep getting an error as shown in the image.
It's very unclear to me where the problem lies, but I'm thinking it has to do with the array methods.
Any explanation for this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Credits to jsN00b for the answer:
array.splice returns an array, not the object.
Since that array is inserted to the start of the array containing the objects, there will be an error when updateNote() is called again.


React: setState called twice even after spreading previous state

So, i have faced similar issues in the past, but could always figure out where i am missing to spread or assign a new object, while trying to update previous state. But i can't seem to figure out what i am doing wrong this time.
I have a state, in a functional component, that looks like this:
formData = {name: '', features: []}
And trying to update the features array with the following snippet:
function handleUpdate(featureUID) {
console.log('Called parent')
setFormData(prev => {
const spread = Object.assign({}, prev)
let features = [...spread.features]
if (features.includes(featureUID)) {
features = features.filter(x => x !== featureUID)
} else {
features = [...features, featureUID]
console.log('Features:', features)
spread.features = [...features]
return spread
So as you can see, i am initially assigning a shallow-copied version of prev to spread and further down, i also create a shallow copy of the features array.
But seems like after the first invocation of this method, on all consequent calls triggers the setState twice.
What am i missing here?
Edit 1
Forgot to mention the function that holds the setFormData aka setState is only being called once, confirmed via console logging. The way i am calling it:
{otherList?.map(single => <Button key={single.uid} onClick={() => handleUpdate(single.uid)}/>)}
Edit 2
I am aware of the fact that StrictMode causes the twice calling of setState. But i also know why it's that way. So not willing to remove StrictMode
Edit 3
Tried this and seems to work:
setFormData(prev => ({
features: prev.features.includes(featureUID)
? prev.features.filter(x => x !== featureUID)
: [...prev.features, featureUID]
But what i don't understand is, Why ? What did i miss in my first approach?

React component is re-rendering items removed from state

This is a difficult one to explain so I will do my best!
My Goal
I have been learning React and decided to try build a Todo List App from scratch. I wanted to implement a "push notification" system, which when you say mark a todo as complete it will pop up in the bottom left corner saying for example "walk the dog has been updated". Then after a few seconds or so it will be removed from the UI.
Fairly simple Goal, and for the most part I have got it working... BUT... if you quickly mark a few todos as complete they will get removed from the UI and then get re-rendered back in!
I have tried as many different ways of removing items from state as I can think of and even changing where the component is pulled in etc.
This is probably a noobie question, but I am still learning!
Here is a link to a code sandbox, best way I could think of to show where I am at:
Alert Component State/Parent
Alert Component
Any help much appreciated!
When you call a set function to update state, it will update from the last rendered value. If you want it to update from the last set value, you need to pass the update function instead of just the new values.
For instance, you can change your setTodos in your markComplete function to something like this.
setTodos(todos => => {
if (id === {
todo = {
complete: !todo.complete,
return todo;
If asynchronous events are happening, the value in the scope of the executed event handler might be out of date.
When updating lists of values, use the updating method which receives the previous state, for example
setAlerts(previousAlerts => {
const newAlerts = (build new alerts from prev alerts);
return newAlerts;
instead of directly using the alerts you got from useState.
In the PageContainer.js, modify this function
const removeAlert = (id) => {
setAlerts(alerts.filter((alert) => !== id));
to this
const removeAlert = (id) => {
setAlerts(prev => prev.filter((alert) => !== id));
This will also fix the issue when unchecking completed todos at high speed

Array doesn't update after adding new item, using React Hooks

I have an array that shows a set of items attached to a user. The array checks it first if the current user is on the item's inventory and then displayed as 'user name' and 'date borrowed' on a table. The adding feature is done in a modal, and suppose to update the table.
The problem is everytime I add, delete or update, the table doesn't update at all. Also this table is an expandend component of another table (react-data-table-component)
Here is the useState, and useEffect of my table:
const InventoryTable= ({
}) => {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
let data= [];
data= items?.filter((item) =>
(user) => parseInt(user?.id) === parseInt(selectedUser?._id)
}, []);
Note: selectedUser, is the user from the main table that was selected and this current table is to show the itms attached to it.
If I add data on the setData(data); }, []); it crashes.
Adding data, selectedUser, and items on the dependency arrays loads it non-stop that causes to crash the page
useEffect method takes 2 parameters as input.
If the dependency is empty array it will be called in the similar way as Class Component with componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount lifecycle methods.
if dependency is present then the callback will be called after the UI in painted.
So clearly you have missed required dependency
I'm not sure that i understand the whole concepts of your code because it is just a small part of the code. But useEffect() will run accordingly if you want it to run as ComponenentDidMount you will use the code that you said above however in your case you want to update delete add it means you want to detect the change in data so you need to include data within the brackets like this
`useEffect(() => {
let data= [];
data= items?.filter((item) =>
(user) => parseInt(user?.id) === parseInt(selectedUser?._id)
}, [data,items,selectedUser]);`
Seems you forgot to pass items and selectedUser to effect dependency array.
Maybe I am wrong, but have you tried renaming data property inside useEffect? It should have problem, that you are setting state without set callback.
Try also set useState default value to [] instead of {} (object).

Weird behavior on array map after state update

Hope you're all keeping well in the current climate!
I'm working with Firebase and ReactJS at the moment and have encountered an odd behavior with the state update in react and the array map functionality in JavaScript. The code below shows my logic for listening to updates from the firestore database:
listenForContentChanges = async () => {
let content = [];
await db.collection('clients').doc(this.props.client)
.collection('content').orderBy('created').onSnapshot(querySnapshot => {
querySnapshot.docChanges().forEach(async change => {
if (change.type === 'added') {
if (change.type === 'removed') {
content = content.filter(arrayItem => !==;
content: content,
addingContent: false
As you can see, an array is populated with 'content' information just the ID of the document and a field containing the time in seconds of when that document was created. This gives me an array back:
0: {id: "SZ4f0Z27rN2MKgXAlglhZVKDsNpKO6", uploaded: 1586323802}
I need this array sorted so the most recent document comes first and because Firebase doesn't offer this as a query parameter (you can only sortBy and not change the direction) I copy the array to a new array and then loop over that instead to get everything in the correct order:
const sortedArr = [...this.state.content];
/// IN THE RETURN: ///
{, index) => (
<Content key={index} />
This works okay with no issues. My problem is that now when a new element is added/one is taken from the state array this.state.content and the component is re-rendered, I am seeing a weird behavior where the last elements, instead of showing the new data, seem to duplicate themselves. Please see an example timeline below:
As you can see, when there is a new document added in firestore, the code shown above fires correctly, pushing a new array element onto the state and re-rendering the component. For those who are interested, yes the state is being correctly updated, this is what is being logged inside the render function after the state update:
0: {id: "x07yULTiB8MhR6egT7BW6ghmZ59AZY", uploaded: 1586323587}
1: {id: "SZ4f0Z27rN2MKgXAlglhZVKDsNpKO6", uploaded: 1586323802}
You can see there index 1 is new which is the document that has just been added. This is then, reversed and mapped in the return() function of the render() but causes the weird behavior shown in the image above. Any help on what may be causing this would be a great help, I've been banging my head against the wall for a while now!
Using array index as react key fails when the rendered array is mutated (i.e. unstable). React sees the new length, but the key for the first element is still the same so it bails on rerendering (even though it's the new element).
Try instead to always use unique keys within your dataset, like that id property.
{, index) => (
<Content key={} />

How can I change the state of arrays using hooks?

I don't know exactly what it is, but I have run into countless problems in trying to do the simplest state updates on arrays using hooks.
The only thing that I have found to work is using the useReducer to perform a single update on the array with putting dispatch on onClick handlers. In my current project, I am trying to update array state in a for loop nested in a function that runs on a form submit. I have tried many different solutions, and this is just one of my attempts.
function sessionToState(session) {
let formattedArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < session.length; i++) {
formattedArray.push({ url: session[i] })
setLinksArray([...linksArray, formattedArray[i]])
// --------------------------------------------------------
return (
onSubmit={async e => {
const session = await getURLs({ populate: true })
await createGroup()
I was wondering if there are any big things that I am missing, or maybe some great tips and tricks on how to work with arrays using hooks. If any more information is needed don't hesitate to ask. Thanks.
I was wondering if there are any big things that I am missing
TLDR: setLinksArray does not update linksArray in the current render, but in the next render.
Assuming the variables are initialized as follows:
const [linksArray, setLinksArray] = useState([])
A hint is in the const keyword, linksArray is a constant within 1 render (and this fact wouldn't change with let, because it's just how useState works).
The idea of setLinksArray() is to make a different constant value in the next render.
So the for loop would be similar to:
setLinksArray([...[], session0])
setLinksArray([...[], session1])
setLinksArray([...[], session2])
and you would get linksArray = [session2] in the next render.
Best way to keep sane would be to call any setState function only once per state per render (you can have multiple states though), smallest change to your code:
function sessionToState(session) {
let formattedArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < session.length; i++) {
formattedArray.push({ url: session[i] })
Furthermore, if you need to perform a side effect (like an API call) after all setState functions do their jobs, i.e. after the NEXT render, you would need useEffect:
useEffect(() => { something with updated linksArray...
}, [linksArray])
For a deep dive, see
When invoking state setter from nested function calls you should use functional update form of setState. In your case it would be:
setLinksArray(linksArray => [...linksArray, formattedArray[i]])
It is not exactly clear what kind of problems you encounter, but the fix above will save you from unexpected state of linksArray.
Also this applies to any state, not only arrays.
Performance wise you shouldn't call setState every iteration. You should set state with final array.
const sessionToState = (session) => {
setLinksArray( => ({url: sessionItem}))
... or if you want to keep old items too you should do it with function inside setState ...
const sessionToState = (session) => {
setLinksArray(oldState => [
...oldState, => ({url: sessionItem}))

