Weird behavior on array map after state update - javascript

Hope you're all keeping well in the current climate!
I'm working with Firebase and ReactJS at the moment and have encountered an odd behavior with the state update in react and the array map functionality in JavaScript. The code below shows my logic for listening to updates from the firestore database:
listenForContentChanges = async () => {
let content = [];
await db.collection('clients').doc(this.props.client)
.collection('content').orderBy('created').onSnapshot(querySnapshot => {
querySnapshot.docChanges().forEach(async change => {
if (change.type === 'added') {
if (change.type === 'removed') {
content = content.filter(arrayItem => !==;
content: content,
addingContent: false
As you can see, an array is populated with 'content' information just the ID of the document and a field containing the time in seconds of when that document was created. This gives me an array back:
0: {id: "SZ4f0Z27rN2MKgXAlglhZVKDsNpKO6", uploaded: 1586323802}
I need this array sorted so the most recent document comes first and because Firebase doesn't offer this as a query parameter (you can only sortBy and not change the direction) I copy the array to a new array and then loop over that instead to get everything in the correct order:
const sortedArr = [...this.state.content];
/// IN THE RETURN: ///
{, index) => (
<Content key={index} />
This works okay with no issues. My problem is that now when a new element is added/one is taken from the state array this.state.content and the component is re-rendered, I am seeing a weird behavior where the last elements, instead of showing the new data, seem to duplicate themselves. Please see an example timeline below:
As you can see, when there is a new document added in firestore, the code shown above fires correctly, pushing a new array element onto the state and re-rendering the component. For those who are interested, yes the state is being correctly updated, this is what is being logged inside the render function after the state update:
0: {id: "x07yULTiB8MhR6egT7BW6ghmZ59AZY", uploaded: 1586323587}
1: {id: "SZ4f0Z27rN2MKgXAlglhZVKDsNpKO6", uploaded: 1586323802}
You can see there index 1 is new which is the document that has just been added. This is then, reversed and mapped in the return() function of the render() but causes the weird behavior shown in the image above. Any help on what may be causing this would be a great help, I've been banging my head against the wall for a while now!

Using array index as react key fails when the rendered array is mutated (i.e. unstable). React sees the new length, but the key for the first element is still the same so it bails on rerendering (even though it's the new element).
Try instead to always use unique keys within your dataset, like that id property.
{, index) => (
<Content key={} />


React setState, using array methods in callback function

I am currently following a React course on Scrimba on creating a web app for taking notes.
The problem requires me to bump a note to the top of the note list every time it's updated.
The notes are initialised through useState as follows:
const [notes, setNotes] = useState([])
The array consists of the individual notes as objects with an id and body
Every time an onChange is triggered, the following function is ran:
function updateNote(text) {
setNotes(oldNotes => {
let updated = => {
return === currentNoteId
? { ...oldNote, body: text }
: oldNote
const currNoteIndex = updated.findIndex(
note => === currentNoteId
updated.unshift(updated.splice(currNoteIndex, 1))
return updated
However, I keep getting an error as shown in the image.
It's very unclear to me where the problem lies, but I'm thinking it has to do with the array methods.
Any explanation for this issue would be greatly appreciated!
Credits to jsN00b for the answer:
array.splice returns an array, not the object.
Since that array is inserted to the start of the array containing the objects, there will be an error when updateNote() is called again.

How to change local state without changing global state

I am making a blog and I want to show a list of articles under each post so the user do not need to go back to the front page. But I do not want the article they are currently reading to be in the list.
I am using filter method and it's working, but only for a split second. As far as i understand it is happening because of the useContext. I do not want to change global state, only local.
const ArticleDetails = (props) => {
const {data} = useContext(ArticleContext); //data with all fetched articles from db
const article = props.location.state.article; //data for individual article
return (
//showing here data for individual post that i passed in props
{data.filter(item => {return item !== article})
.map(item => {return <ArticleList articleTitle={item.title} key={} />})}
It can be that the useContext hooh has been completed some modification to the data you use in return after the render.
By filter or map you actually are not changing any global state or local state at all.
After that above mentioned update, your data items might be changing. Also your filter function needs to filter with a never changing id or something like that so your filter results stays consistent across renders or state updates.
data.filter(item => {return !==})
Also using equality for the objects like that will not work for your filter criteria. You use not equal criteria and yes after a render your item will not be equal to article in a subsequent render even they are same reference in one render. That kind of equality is checked by that would be a specific need. But I think you just need an id check.

React 1000 checkboxes - clicking/re-render takes several seconds

So I am trying to learn React, and have a quite simple application I am trying to build.
So I have a backend API returning a list of say 1000 items, each item has a name and a code.
I want to put out all the names of this list into check boxes.
And then do X with all selected items - say print the name, with a selectable font to a pdf document.
With this I also want some easy features like "select all" and "deselect all".
So since I am trying to learn react I am investigating a few different options how to do this.
None seems good.
So I tried making a child component for each checkbox, felt clean and "react".
This seems to be really bad performance, like take 2-3 seconds for each onChange callback so I skipped that.
I tried making a Set in the class with excluded ones. This too seems to be really slow, and a bad solution since things like "select all" and "deselect all" will be really ugly to implement. Like looping through the original list and adding all of them to the excluded set.
Another solution I didn't get working is modifying the original data array. Like making the data model include a checked boolean to get a default value, and then modify that. But then the data needs to be a map instead of an array. But I have a feeling this solution will be really slow too whenever clicking the checkbox. I dont quite understand why it is so slow to just do a simple checkbox.
So please tell me how to approach this problem in react.
A few direction questions:
How do I modify an array when I fetch it, say add a checked: true variable to each item in the array?
async componentDidMount() {
const url = "randombackendapi";
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
this.setState({ data:, loading: false });
Why is this so extremely slow? (Like take 3 seconds each click and give me a [Violation] 'click' handler took 3547ms) warning. And my version of each item being a sub function with callback being equally slow. How can I make this faster? - Edit this is the only question that remains.
{, key) => (
onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, item.code)}
handleChange = (code, event) => {
? this.state.excludedSets.delete(code)
: this.state.excludedSets.add(code)
I guess I don't understand how to design my react components in a good way.
How do I modify an array when I fetch it, say add a checked: true variable to each item in the array?
Once you have the array you can use a map to add a checked key, which will just make the process much easier by utilizing map on the main array to check and an easier implementation for the select-deselect all feature
let data = [{code: 1},{code: 2},{code: 3}]
let modifiedData = => {
return {...item, checked: false}
//modifiedData = [ { code: 1, checked: false }, { code: 2, checked: false }, { code: 3, checked: false } ]
I would recommend to save the modified data inside the state instead of the data you fetched since you can always modify that array to send it back to the api in the desired format
now that you have the modified array with the new checked key you can use map to select and deselect like so
const handleChange = (code) => {
modifiedData = => item.code === code ? {...item, checked: !item.checked}: item)
And as of the deselect all | select all you can use another map method to do this like so
const selectAllHandler = () => {
modifiedData = => {
return {...item, checked: true}})
and vice-versa
const deselectAllHandler = () => {
modifiedData = => {
return {...item, checked: false}})
It's a common rendering issue React will have, you can use virtualize technique to reduce the amount of DOM elements to boost the re-rendering time.
There're several packages you can choose, like react-virtuoso, react-window etc.
The main concept is to only render the elements inside your viewport and display others when you're scrolling.
So I was unable to get the React checkbox component performant (each click taking 2-3 seconds), so I decided to just go with html checkboxes and pure javascript selectors for my needs, works great.

How do I filter a to do list in React?

everyone. New to asking questions here, although I use it to find answers pretty frequently. My issue is this:
I have a "to do list" application. I'm able to add, delete, and mark to do items complete. However, what I'm struggling with is the filter for viewing the different items (view all, only active, and only completed).
I have everything built around the buttons and the click event, but what I can't seem to figure out is how to actually display the desired to do items. Clicking the buttons returns an error that todo.filter is not a function, so I'm apparently off in left field somewhere with my current solution.
Here is the code I'm using to try to filter the array and show only the to do items with the boolean completed: true.
filComplete = id => {
todos: => {
let comTodo = todo.filter(todo => todo.completed = true);
return comTodo;
From my own understanding, I am mapping all of the todo items where completed is true to a new array for display, but I'm obviously not doing something right.
todo is each individual todo item.
todos is the array of todo items.
id is the key of
Thanks in advance.
let comTodo = todo.filter(todo => todo.completed = true);
Using a single = is an assignment, not a comparison. Instead, you can just use
let comTodo = todo.filter(todo => todo.completed);
if completed is a Boolean. You also don't need to combine map with filter if all you want is simple filtering, so the final production would look like
filComplete = id => {
todos: this.state.todos.filter(todo => todo.completed)
Don't bother with map - that just transforms an array to another of the same length. Just use filter to check the completed property and remove those incomplete todos:
todos: this.state.todos.filter(todo => todo.completed)
Although note that doing this means that, once you're only showing the completed todos, you can't recover the full list. You probably want the full list in your props, not state.
One other potential problem with this is that setState is asynchronous, and therefore doesn't always work correctly when you reference this.state inside it - as that won't always have the value you expect. Instead, pass in function which describes how to transform the old state to the new:
this.setState(state => ({
todos: state.todos.filter(todo => todo.completed)

Reactjs: how to write a method to handle component creation and unmount

So let's say there is acomponent which displays 2 child components: a document list and the selected document. By default the selected document component is not rendered, only when a document is selected from the list. And i also want this whole thing work when a new document is selected from the list.
There is a state which holds the document content and responsible for the selected document rendering, so i thought i'm going to set it to null in the method which handles the list item selection in order to unmount the previously created child component. Like this (excerpts from the parent class):
handleResultListItemClick(docname) {
if (this.state.sectioncontainer != null) this.setState({sectioncontainer: null},()=>{console.log("muhoo");});
var selected_doc = this.state.resultlist.filter((doc) => {
return docname ===;
this.setState({sectioncontainer: selected_doc[0].content.sections},()=>{console.log("boohoo");});
render() {
return (
{this.state.sectioncontainer != null && <SectionContainer listOfSections={this.state.sectioncontainer}/>}
The only problem is that state handling is not fast enough (or something) in react, because putting the state nullification and its new value setting in the same method results in no change in ReactDOM.
With the above code, the component will be created when the parent component first rendered, but after selecting a new doc in the list results in no change.
How should i implement this in way which works and also elegant?
I found this: ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(container) in the official react docs. Is this the only way? If yes, how could i get this container 'name'?
Based on the answers and thinking the problem a bit more through, i have to explain more of the context.
As kingdaro explained, i understand why there is no need to unmount a child component on a basic level, but maybe my problem is bit more sophisticated. So why did i want to unmount the child?
The documents consist of several subsections, hence the document object which is passed to the child component is an array of objects. And the document is generated dynamically based on this array the following way (excerpt from the SectionContainer class which is responsible to display the document):
buildSectionContainer() {
return, index) =>
if (section.type === 'editor') return (
else if (section.type === 'text') return (
<div key={index}>{section.value}</div>
render() {
return (
The SectionContainer gets the array of objects and generate the document from it according to the type of these sections. The problem is that these sections are not updated when a different doc is selected in the parent component. I see change only when a bigger length array is passed to the child component. Like the firstly selected doc had an array of 2 elements, and then the newly selected doc had 3 elements array of sections and this third section is added to the previously existing 2, but the first 2 sections remained as they were.
And that’s why i though it’s better to unmount the child component and create a new one.
Surely it can happen that i miss something fundamental here again. Maybe related to how react handles lists. I just dont know what.
Ok, figured out that there is a problem with how i use the QuillEditor component. I just dont know what. :) The document updates, only the content of QuillEditors doesnt.
The reason your current solution doesn't actually do anything is because React's state updates are batched, such that, when setState is called a bunch of times in one go, React "combines" the result of all of them. It's not as much of a problem with being "not fast enough" as it is React performing only the work that is necessary.
// this...
this.setState({ message: 'hello', secret: 123 })
this.setState({ message: 'world' })
// ...becomes this
this.setState({ message: 'world', secret: 123 })
This behavior doesn't really have much to do with the problem at hand, though. As long as your UI is a direct translation of state -> view, the UI should simply update in accordance to the state.
class Example extends React.Component {
state = {
documentList: [], // assuming this comes from the server
document: null,
// consider making this function accept a document object instead,
// then you could leave out the .find(...) call
handleDocumentSelection = documentName => {
const document = this.state.documentList.find(doc => === documentName)
this.setState({ document })
render() {
const { document } = this.state
return (
consider having this component accept the entire document
to make it a little cleaner
{document && <DocumentViewer document={document.content.sections} />}

